void Window2() { if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 5, 40, 10), "is Installed App", style)) { print("is Installed App (Youtube): " + AndroidNativeFunctions.isInstalledApp("com.google.android.youtube")); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 20, 40, 10), "Open Google Play", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.OpenGooglePlay("com.google.android.youtube"); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 35, 40, 10), "is Rooted", style)) { print("is Device Rooted: " + AndroidNativeFunctions.isDeviceRooted()); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 50, 40, 10), "is TV Device", style)) { print("is TV Device: " + AndroidNativeFunctions.isTVDevice()); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 65, 40, 10), "is Wired Headset", style)) { print("is Wired Headset: " + AndroidNativeFunctions.isWiredHeadset()); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 80, 40, 10), "<<", style)) { window = 1; } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 5, 40, 10), "Has Vibrate", style)) { print("Has Vibrate: " + AndroidNativeFunctions.hasVibrator()); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 20, 40, 10), "Vibrate 3 sec", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.Vibrate(3000); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 35, 40, 10), "Vibrate with pattern", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.Vibrate(new long[] { 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 }, -1); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 50, 40, 10), "Vibrate with pattern (loop)", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.Vibrate(new long[] { 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 }, 0); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 65, 40, 10), "Vibrate Cancel", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.VibrateCancel(); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 80, 40, 10), ">>", style)) { window = 3; } }