public void JoinGame() { RoomInfo[] rooms = PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList(); if (rooms.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("Room dos not exist"); } else { foreach (RoomInfo room in rooms) { if (JoinedRoomName.text.Equals(room.Name)) { if (room.PlayerCount < room.MaxPlayers) { Debug.Log(room.PlayerCount); currentroom.gameObject.SetActive(true); menufindagame.gameObject.SetActive(false); backbtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(room.Name); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Room in max players !"); Debug.Log("Room in max players: " + room.PlayerCount); } } else { Debug.Log("Room dos not exist"); } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (buffer) { Application.Quit(); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Press again to exit"); buffer = true; StartCoroutine(bufferTime()); } } if (Input.touches.Length > 1) { Globals.paused = false; pauseBtn.image.overrideSprite = null; } if (Globals.paused) { pauseBtn.image.overrideSprite = resumeSprite; } else { pauseBtn.image.overrideSprite = null; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("kill") == 1) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("You Lost ! Please remove your headset"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("kill", 0); } }
private void FailCapturePhoto(string msg) { #if PLATFORM_ANDROID AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast(msg); #endif uiToBeHidden.SetActive(true); uiToBeHidden2.SetActive(true); uiToBeHidden3.SetActive(true); uiToBeShown.SetActive(false); }
private void SuccessCapturePhoto(string msg) { #if PLATFORM_ANDROID AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Photo Saved to Gallery"); #endif uiToBeHidden.SetActive(true); uiToBeHidden2.SetActive(true); uiToBeHidden3.SetActive(true); uiToBeShown.SetActive(false); }
public void ShowInterstitial() { if (this.interstitial.IsLoaded()) { this.interstitial.Show(); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Interstitial is not ready yet"); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && exit == true) { Application.Quit(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && exit == false) { exit = true; AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Press back button again to exit"); StartCoroutine(cancelExit()); } }
public void FindInternetMatch() { if (matchNameJoinInput.text.Equals("")) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Please enter name of room"); print("matchNameJoinInput + faragh"); } else { lobbyManager.StartMatchMaker(); lobbyManager.matchMaker.ListMatches(0, 10, matchNameJoinInput.text, true, 0, 0, lobbyManager.OnMatchList); } }
void MovePlayer(Vector2 pos) { if (focus) { UnFocus(); } StopCoroutine(StopMovement()); StopCoroutine(Slash()); StopCoroutine(Dash()); // StopAllCoroutines(); if (Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().EnoughStamina()) { Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().Slash(); bool tempIsRight = false; tempIsRight = (pos.x > Player.transform.position.x)?true:false; if (tempIsRight != isRight) { FlipPlayer(); } DrawSlash(Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().PointSword.position, endPoint); Player.transform.position = endPoint; Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().CheckGroundManual(); if (!Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().isGround) { StartCoroutine(StopMovement()); } else { Rigidbody2D Rigid = Player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); Player.GetComponent <PlayerAttribute>().gravityable = true; Rigid.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeRotation; } if (enemy) { StartCoroutine(Slash()); } else { StartCoroutine(Dash()); } } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Not Enough Stamina"); } }
public void OnClickCreateMatchmakingGame() { Debug.Log("Size selected" + roomSizeDropDown.value); switch (roomSizeDropDown.value) { case 0: roomSize = 8; break; case 1: roomSize = 10; break; case 2: roomSize = 12; break; case 3: roomSize = 14; break; } if (matchNameInput.text.Equals("")) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Please select Room Name"); print("matchNameInput + faragh"); } else { MenuFindAGame.SetActive(false); Debug.Log("CLICKED" + matchNameInput.text); Debug.Log("CLICKED" + roomSize); lobbyManager.StartMatchMaker(); lobbyManager.matchMaker.CreateMatch( matchNameInput.text, (uint)roomSize, true, "", "", "", 0, 0, lobbyManager.OnMatchCreate); lobbyManager.backDelegate = lobbyManager.StopHost; lobbyManager._isMatchmaking = true; lobbyManager.DisplayIsConnecting(); lobbyManager.SetServerInfo("Matchmaker Host", lobbyManager.matchHost); //NetManager.roomName = matchNameInput.text; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (buffer) { Application.Quit(); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Press again to exit"); buffer = true; StartCoroutine(bufferTime()); } } }
public void Upgrade() { int poin = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("poin"); if (poin > 0) { int level = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, level + 1); levelPoin.DecreesePoin(); ShowLevel(); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Not enough level poin"); } }
public void ClickPlay() { if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable) { Debug.Log("Error. Check internet connection!"); AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Please check your Internet connection!", false); //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Check internet connection!", "Ok"); } else { menuplay.SetActive(true); bond.SetActive(true); play.SetActive(false); panel.SetActive(true); leaderboard.SetActive(false); options.SetActive(false); } }
private void Update() { if (timeToCloseApp > (Time.time - 1.2f)) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } } else { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { timeToCloseApp = Time.time; AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("double tab to exit app . . .", true); } } }
public void OnClick_SelectBook() { if (TextButtonSelectBook.text.Equals("Delete this book")) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowAlert("This action will delete your book information and orther people can't acess it", "Remove book from SwapBook", "Sure", "Cancel", "", action => { if (action == DialogInterface.Positive) { StartCoroutine(DeleteBookAPI(currentBookID.ToString(), callback => { var TemList = new List <Transform>(); int x = MarketPage.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { TemList.Add(MyBookPage.GetChild(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { Destroy(TemList[i].gameObject); } TemList.Clear(); x = MyBookSelectPage.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { TemList.Add(MyBookSelectPage.GetChild(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { Destroy(TemList[i].gameObject); } LoadBook(); UIManager.HideBookDetail(); })); } }); return; } if (int.Parse(MyBookNumber.text) > 0) { UIManager.OnClick_Offer(); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Your don't have any book to swap !"); } }
//PlayerName public void ChangeName() { if (PlayerName.text.Equals("")) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Name is required"); } else if (PlayerName.text.Length < 4) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Name is too Short"); } else { foreach (var item in l) { if (item.Equals(PlayerName.text)) { ok = false; break; } else { ok = true; } } if (!ok) { Debug.Log("Name already exist"); AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Name already exist"); } else { PhotonNetwork.playerName = PlayerName.text; nameplayer = PlayerName.text; GameObject lobbyCanvasObj = MainCanvasManager.Instance.CurrentRoomCanvas.gameObject; if (lobbyCanvasObj == null) { return; } CurrentRoomCanvas lobbyCanvas = lobbyCanvasObj.GetComponent <CurrentRoomCanvas>(); lobbyCanvas.OnReadyButton(); } } }
public override void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List <MatchInfoSnapshot> matches) { base.OnMatchList(success, extendedInfo, matches); if (success) { if (matches.Count != 0) { //Debug.Log("A list of matches was returned"); //join the last server (just in case there are two...) MenuFindAGame.SetActive(false); LobbyManager.singleton.matchMaker.JoinMatch(matches[matches.Count - 1].networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0, OnMatchJoined); } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("No matches in requested room!"); Debug.Log("No matches in requested room!"); } } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't connect to match maker"); } }
public void HandleAdLeftApplication(object sender, EventArgs args) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("HandleAdLeftApplication event received"); }
public void HandleAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("HandleAdClosed event received"); }
public void HandleAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("HandleFailedToReceiveAd event received with message: " + args.Message); }
void ShowAlertAction(DialogInterface w) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast(w.ToString()); }
public void OnDone() { testdone = true; if (mainchamp == 3) { int x = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("c1"); if (x == 0) { testdone = false; } } if (mainchamp == 4) { int xx = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("c2"); if (xx == 0) { testdone = false; } } if (testdone) { Done.gameObject.SetActive(false); LobbyPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); ChampionSelect.gameObject.SetActive(false); switch (mainchamp) { case 1: male_04.SetActive(true); female_03.SetActive(false); female_01.SetActive(false); male_03.SetActive(false); male_06.SetActive(false); break; case 0: male_04.SetActive(false); female_03.SetActive(false); female_01.SetActive(false); male_03.SetActive(true); male_06.SetActive(false); break; case 2: male_04.SetActive(false); female_03.SetActive(true); female_01.SetActive(false); male_03.SetActive(false); male_06.SetActive(false); break; case 3: male_04.SetActive(false); female_03.SetActive(false); female_01.SetActive(false); male_03.SetActive(false); male_06.SetActive(true); break; case 4: male_04.SetActive(false); female_03.SetActive(false); female_01.SetActive(true); male_03.SetActive(false); male_06.SetActive(false); break; } } else { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("You don't own this skin"); } }
void Window1() { if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 5, 40, 10), "Start App", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.StartApp("", false); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 20, 40, 10), "Get Installed Apps", style)) { List <PackageInfo> packageInfo = AndroidNativeFunctions.GetInstalledApps(); for (int i = 0; i < packageInfo.Count; i++) { print("firstInstallTime:" + packageInfo[i].firstInstallTime + " , lastUpdateTime: " + packageInfo[i].lastUpdateTime + " , packageName: " + packageInfo[i].packageName + " , versionCode: " + packageInfo[i].versionCode + " , versionName: " + packageInfo[i].versionName); } } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 35, 40, 10), "Get App Info", style)) { PackageInfo packageInfo = AndroidNativeFunctions.GetAppInfo(); //PackageInfo packageInfo = AndroidNativeFunctions.GetAppInfo(""); print("firstInstallTime:" + packageInfo.firstInstallTime + " , lastUpdateTime: " + packageInfo.lastUpdateTime + " , packageName: " + packageInfo.packageName + " , versionCode: " + packageInfo.versionCode + " , versionName: " + packageInfo.versionName); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 50, 40, 10), "Get Device Info", style)) { DeviceInfo deviceInfo = AndroidNativeFunctions.GetDeviceInfo(); print(" CODENAME: " + deviceInfo.CODENAME + " , INCREMENTAL: " + deviceInfo.INCREMENTAL + " , RELEASE: " + deviceInfo.RELEASE + " , SDK: " + deviceInfo.SDK); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 65, 40, 10), "Get Android ID", style)) { print("Android ID: " + AndroidNativeFunctions.GetAndroidID()); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 5, 40, 10), "Share Text", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShareText("Hello World", "Subject", "Share Text"); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 20, 40, 10), "Share Image", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShareImage("Hello World", "Subject", "Share Text", shareTexture); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 35, 40, 10), "Show Progress Dialog", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowProgressDialog("Wait 2 seconds please"); Invoke("HideProgressDialog", 2); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 50, 40, 10), "Show Toast", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Hello World", false); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 65, 40, 10), "Immersive Mode", style)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ImmersiveMode(); } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(5, 80, 40, 10), "<<", style)) { window = 3; } if (GUI.Button(NewRect(55, 80, 40, 10), ">>", style)) { window = 2; } }
void ShowAlertListAction(string selectList) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast(selectList.ToString()); }
void ShowAlertInputAction(DialogInterface w, string t) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast(w.ToString() + " " + t); }
public void OnClick_CreateRoom() { Debug.Log("Size selected" + roomSizeDropDown.value); switch (roomSizeDropDown.value) { case 0: roomSize = 8; break; case 1: roomSize = 10; break; case 2: roomSize = 12; break; case 3: roomSize = 14; break; } //MaxPlayers = (byte)roomSize RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions() { IsVisible = true, IsOpen = true, MaxPlayers = 3 }; RoomInfo[] rooms = PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList(); if (RoomName.text.Equals("")) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("Please select Room Name"); print("matchNameInput + faragh"); } else { if (rooms.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("Room dos not exist"); if (PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(RoomName.text, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default)) { print("create room successfully sent."); currentroom.gameObject.SetActive(true); menufindagame.gameObject.SetActive(false); backbtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { print("create room failed to send"); } } else { foreach (RoomInfo room in rooms) { if (RoomName.text.Equals(room.Name)) { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast("This room exists !"); Debug.Log("This room exists !"); break; } else { if (PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(RoomName.text, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default)) { print("create room successfully sent."); currentroom.gameObject.SetActive(true); menufindagame.gameObject.SetActive(false); backbtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { print("create room failed to send"); } } } } } }
// This is not my code, warpped in a try catch incase something fails void ShowAlertAction(DialogInterface w) { try { AndroidNativeFunctions.ShowToast(w.ToString()); } catch (System.Exception) { } }