예제 #1
 private void Start()
     text = GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
     al   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Almanac").GetComponent <Almanac>();
     win  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <WinCharacters>();
     foreach (Character c in win.survivors)
     text.text = "You sucessfully managed to escape the end of everything by going in a wormhole, but now everything is to rebuild..." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine;
     if (win.survivors.Count == 0)
         text.text += "Sadly there was nobody to help you on that task so you just ended up dying alone in a small hole, you pathetic piece of garbage. *cough* Anyway, you should try playing again by saving some people.";
     else if (win.survivors.Count == 1)
         text.text += win.survivors[0].ability;
     else if (win.survivors.Count >= 3 && win.survivors.All(x => x.sexe == Character.Sexe.Female))
         text.text += "You didn't managed to create a new world but at least you got a beautiful harem until your death, and as I male developer, I must say it: Congratulation!";
         text.text += "You managed to recreate a new civilization, life was hard on it but at least you managed to save the mankind to the end of everything.";
예제 #2
    public void loadAlmanac()
        SaveGame prev_save;

        if (SaveGameSystem.DoesSaveGameExist(savePath) && SaveGameSystem.LoadGame(savePath) != null)
            prev_save = SaveGameSystem.LoadGame(savePath);
            Debug.Log("found prev save. data: " + prev_save.data + "forestSize: " + prev_save.forest.Length);

            //get saved almanac
            if (prev_save.almanac != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < prev_save.almanac.Length; i++)
                    if (prev_save.almanac[i])
            Debug.Log("no prev save found");
예제 #3
    public override string ToString()
        String s = "pot number: " + potNum + "\nlayer counts: ";

        foreach (int layer in layerCount)
            s = s + layer + ", ";
        s  = s + "\nsize: " + sizeN + "/" + sizeD + "\n";
        s  = s + "volitility: " + generalVar + "\n";
        s += "Color: " + bobbleCol + " : " + MyColors.getColor(bobbleCol) + "\n";
        Species spec = Almanac.getSpecies(this);

        if (spec != null)
            s = s + spec.name;

예제 #4
 public void onMature()
예제 #5
    public void updateScreen2()
        double hinode_keido, hinoiri_keido, asayake, higure;
        int    hinoiriX = 0, hinodeX = 0;
        int    asayakeX = 0, higureX = 0;
        double x, y;
        double halfPI = Math.PI / 2.0;

        //double scrDist = (scrWidth / 2.0) / Math.Tan(scrAngle / 180.0 * Math.PI);

        //if (screen == null | screen2 == null) return;


        Color opaque = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < shadow.width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < shadow.height; j++)
                shadow.SetPixel(i, j, opaque);

        EquatorialCoordinate sun  = new EquatorialCoordinate();
        EquatorialCoordinate moon = new EquatorialCoordinate();

        double[] result   = new double[3];
        double[] result2  = new double[3];
        double[] location = new double[2];
        double   asc      = 0.0;
        double   dec      = 0.0;
        double   moonasc  = 0.0;
        double   moondec  = 0.0;

            SunAndMoon.getSunRightAscension(utc, result);
            asc = result[0]; //赤経
            dec = result[1]; //赤緯

            SunAndMoon.getMoonRightAscension(utc, result);
            moonasc = result[0];
            moondec = result[1];
        catch (Exception) { Debug.Log("Exception1 ");  return; }

        double phai0 = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(utc);//グリニッジ恒星時
        Material skybox = RenderSettings.skybox;

        skybox.SetFloat("_Rotation", (float)-phai0);//時角のマイナス方向に回転。skyboxのマテリアルは左右が逆

            double Theta = phai0 - asc;
            if (Theta < 0)
                Theta += 360.0;
            double DegToRad    = Math.PI / 180;
            double denominator = (Math.Sin(dec * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(90.0 * DegToRad) - Math.Cos(dec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(90.0 * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(Theta * DegToRad));
            double A           = Math.Atan((-Math.Cos(dec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(Theta * DegToRad)) / denominator);
            double h           = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(dec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(90.0 * DegToRad) + Math.Cos(dec * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(90.0 * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(Theta * DegToRad));
            A = A / DegToRad;
            h = h / DegToRad;
            if (denominator > 0)
                A += 180.0;
            Vector3 sunvector = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            sunvector = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)h) * sunvector;
            sunvector = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, (float)A, 0.0f) * sunvector;

            float ratio = 1500.0f / sunvector.magnitude;
            sunvector *= ratio;

            GameObject game = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");
            if (game != null)
                game.transform.position = sunvector;
                Vector3 forward = sunvector;
                game.transform.forward = -forward;

        double dist                 = sun.getDistance();
        double parallax             = SunAndMoon.getSunParallax(dist);//太陽視差
        double k                    = SunAndMoon.getSunriseAltitude(SunAndMoon.getSunDiameter(dist), 0.0, SunAndMoon.refraction, parallax);
        double celestialdeclination = sun.getCelestialDeclination();

        for (int i = -90; i < 90; i++)
            double latitude = i;//getLatitudeFromY(Yequator - i);

            double jikaku = SunAndMoon.getTimeAngle(k, celestialdeclination, latitude);

            if (!Double.IsNaN(jikaku))//時角がNaNでない
                hinode_keido  = SunAndMoon.reviseAngle(-jikaku + sun.getRightAscension() - phai0);
                hinoiri_keido = SunAndMoon.reviseAngle(jikaku + sun.getRightAscension() - phai0);
                //   hinodeX =(int)getXfromLongitude(hinode_keido);
                //   hinoiriX = (int)getXfromLongitude(hinoiri_keido);//昼側か調べる
                drawShadowTexture(hinode_keido, latitude, Color.white);
                drawShadowTexture(hinoiri_keido, latitude, Color.white);

        VesselElements ve = new VesselElements(sun, moon, utc);

        SolarEclipse.getCrossPoint(ve, result, result2);
        double maxQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result);
        double minQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result2);

        //Debug.Log("MaxQ = " + maxQ + " minQ = " + minQ);

            double Theta = phai0 - moonasc;
            if (Theta < 0)
                Theta += 360.0;
            double DegToRad    = Math.PI / 180;
            double denominator = (Math.Sin(moondec * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(90.0 * DegToRad) - Math.Cos(moondec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(90.0 * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(Theta * DegToRad));
            double A           = Math.Atan((-Math.Cos(moondec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(Theta * DegToRad)) / denominator);
            double h           = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(moondec * DegToRad) * Math.Sin(90.0 * DegToRad) + Math.Cos(moondec * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(90.0 * DegToRad) * Math.Cos(Theta * DegToRad));
            A = A / DegToRad;
            h = h / DegToRad;
            if (denominator > 0)
                A += 180.0;
            Vector3 sunvector = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            sunvector = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)h) * sunvector;
            sunvector = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, (float)A, 0.0f) * sunvector;
            float ratio = (float)(moon.getDistance() * Constants.AUde * 3.16f) / sunvector.magnitude;
            sunvector *= ratio;


            //      Debug.Log("moondist = " + moon.getDistance());
            GameObject game = GameObject.Find("Moon");
            if (game != null)
                game.transform.position = sunvector;

        /*  Vector3 moonPos = new Vector3((float)ve.getX0(), (float)ve.getY0(), (float)ve.getZ0());
         *  moonPos.Normalize();
         *  moonPos *= 20;
         *  GameObject moonobj = GameObject.Find("Moon");
         *  if (moonobj!= null)
         *   {
         *    moonobj.transform.position = moonPos;
         *   }
        if (Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && Double.IsNaN(minQ))
            double first_longitude = Double.NaN;
            double first_latitude  = Double.NaN;
            double last_longitude  = Double.NaN;
            double last_latitude   = Double.NaN;

            for (double i = 0.0; i <= 360.0; i += 0.2)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    continue;                                                                     //NaNが含まれていたらスキップする
                if (first_longitude == double.NaN | first_latitude == double.NaN)
                    first_longitude = result[0];
                    first_latitude  = result[1];
                last_longitude = result[0];
                last_latitude  = result[1];

                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
                drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.red);
            //Debug.Log(first_longitude + ":" + first_latitude + "::" + last_longitude + ":" + last_latitude);
        else if (!Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && !Double.IsNaN(minQ))
            double first_x = double.NaN;
            double first_y = double.NaN;
            double first_z = double.NaN;
            double last_x  = double.NaN;
            double last_y  = double.NaN;
            double last_z  = double.NaN;

            if ((maxQ - minQ) >= 0.0)
                maxQ -= 360.0;
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            //Debug.Log("MaxQ :" + location[0] + ":" + location[1]+ ":" + maxQ);
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            //Debug.Log("MinQ :" + location[0] + ":" + location[1] + ":" + minQ);

             *    //maxQが通常の計算でNaNとなる場合に備えて、強制的に描画する。
             *    SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ, result);
             *    result[2] = -0.01;//強制的に基準面に設定する
             *    Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
             *    drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.black);
            for (double i = maxQ /*Math.Ceiling(maxQ)*/; i < minQ; i += 0.2)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    continue;                                                                     //NaNが含まれていたらスキップする
                if (Double.IsNaN(first_x) | Double.IsNaN(first_y) | Double.IsNaN(first_z))
                    first_x = result[0];
                    first_y = result[1];
                    first_z = result[2];
                last_x = result[0];
                last_y = result[1];
                last_z = result[2];

                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);

                drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.red);
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
                if (!Double.IsNaN(result[0]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[1]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
                    last_x = result[0];
                    last_y = result[2];
                    last_z = result[1];
                    drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.red);
            //drawClosingLine2(ve, first_x, first_y, first_z, last_x, last_y, last_z);
            //Debug.Log(first_longitude + ":" + first_latitude + "::" + last_longitude + ":" + last_latitude);

             *    //minQが通常の計算でNaNとなる場合に備えて、強制的に描画する。
             *    SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
             *    result[2] = -0.01;//強制的に基準面に設定する
             *    Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
             *    drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.red);

        for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += 5)
            SolarEclipse.getUmbralOutline(ve, (double)i, result);
            if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                continue;                                                                       //NaNが含まれていたらスキップする
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.black);
        GameObject earthobj = GameObject.Find("perfectsphere");

        Material[] mats = earthobj.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials;
        Debug.Log("elements =" + mats.Length);
        mats[0].SetTexture("_MainTex", (Texture)shadow);
        //mats[1].SetTexture("_EmissionMap", shadow);
예제 #6
    public void drawLines()
        Color opaque = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < shadow.width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < shadow.height; j++)
                shadow.SetPixel(i, j, opaque);

        EquatorialCoordinate sun  = new EquatorialCoordinate();
        EquatorialCoordinate moon = new EquatorialCoordinate();

        double[] result   = new double[3];
        double[] result2  = new double[3];
        double[] location = new double[2];
        double   asc      = 0.0;
        double   dec      = 0.0;
        double   moonasc  = 0.0;
        double   moondec  = 0.0;

            SunAndMoon.getSunRightAscension(utc, result);
            asc = result[0]; //赤経
            dec = result[1]; //赤緯

            SunAndMoon.getMoonRightAscension(utc, result);
            moonasc = result[0];
            moondec = result[1];
        catch (Exception) { Debug.Log("Exception1 "); return; }

        double phai0 = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(utc);//グリニッジ恒星時

            Material skybox = RenderSettings.skybox;
            skybox.SetFloat("_Rotation", (float)-phai0);//時角のマイナス方向に回転。skyboxのマテリアルは左右が逆

            //float ramda = -(float)((-asc + phai0) * DegToRad);これを書き換えて下の式になる
            float ramda       = (float)((asc - phai0) * DegToRad);
            float psy         = (float)(dec * DegToRad);
            float sundistance = 400;
            float x           = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Cos(ramda) * sundistance;
            float y           = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Sin(ramda) * sundistance;
            float z           = Mathf.Sin(psy) * sundistance;

            GameObject light  = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");
            Vector3    sunpos = light.transform.position;
            sunpos.Set(x, z, y);
            light.transform.position = sunpos;
            sunpos *= -1;
            light.transform.forward = sunpos;

         *  //日の出・日の入りの同時線を描く
         *   {
         *    double dist = sun.getDistance();
         *    double parallax = SunAndMoon.getSunParallax(dist);//太陽視差
         *    double k = SunAndMoon.getSunriseAltitude(SunAndMoon.getSunDiameter(dist), 0.0, SunAndMoon.refraction, parallax);
         *    double celestialdeclination = sun.getCelestialDeclination();
         *    for (int i = -90; i < 90; i++)
         *     {
         *      //緯度を取得
         *      double latitude = i;//getLatitudeFromY(Yequator - i);
         *      //緯度を元に時角を計算する
         *      double jikaku = SunAndMoon.getTimeAngle(k, celestialdeclination, latitude);
         *      if (!Double.IsNaN(jikaku))//時角がNaNでない
         *       {
         *        double hinode_keido = SunAndMoon.reviseAngle(-jikaku + sun.getRightAscension() - phai0);
         *        double hinoiri_keido = SunAndMoon.reviseAngle(jikaku + sun.getRightAscension() - phai0);
         *        //   hinodeX =(int)getXfromLongitude(hinode_keido);
         *        //   hinoiriX = (int)getXfromLongitude(hinoiri_keido);//昼側か調べる
         *        drawShadowTexture(hinode_keido, latitude, Color.white);
         *        drawShadowTexture(hinoiri_keido, latitude, Color.white);
         *       }
         *     }
         *   }
        VesselElements ve = new VesselElements(sun, moon, utc);

        SolarEclipse.getCrossPoint(ve, result, result2);
        double maxQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result);
        double minQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result2);

        //Debug.Log("MaxQ = " + maxQ + " minQ = " + minQ);

        if (Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && Double.IsNaN(minQ))

            double first_longitude = Double.NaN;
            double first_latitude  = Double.NaN;
            double last_longitude;
            double last_latitude;
            Color  gray = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);

            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, 0.0, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            last_longitude = location[0];
            last_latitude  = location[1];
            bool fill = true;
            for (double i = 1.0; i <= 360.0; i += 1.0)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result2);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result2[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result2[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result2[2]))
                    fill = false;
                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result2, location);
//         drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], gray);
                //Debug.Log("i=" + i + ":" +location[0] + ":" + location[1]);
                drawOutline(last_longitude, last_latitude, location[0], location[1], Color.red);
                last_longitude = location[0];
                last_latitude  = location[1];

            if (fill)
                fillShadow(last_longitude - 2, last_latitude, shadow, gray);

             *   byte[] pngData = shadow.EncodeToPNG();   // pngのバイト情報を取得.
             *   // ファイルダイアログの表示.
             *   string filePath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Texture", "", shadow.name + ".png", "png");
             *   if (filePath.Length > 0)
             *    {
             *     // pngファイル保存.
             *     File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, pngData);
             *     }
            //Debug.Log(first_longitude + ":" + first_latitude + "::" + last_longitude + ":" + last_latitude);
        else if (!Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && !Double.IsNaN(minQ))//交点が存在する
            double first_x = double.NaN;
            double first_y = double.NaN;
            double first_z = double.NaN;
            double last_x  = double.NaN;
            double last_y  = double.NaN;
            double last_z  = double.NaN;
            Color  gray    = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
            if ((maxQ - minQ) >= 0.0)
                maxQ -= 360.0;
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            //Debug.Log("MaxQ :" + location[0] + ":" + location[1]+ ":" + maxQ);
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            //Debug.Log("MinQ :" + location[0] + ":" + location[1] + ":" + minQ);

             *    //maxQが通常の計算でNaNとなる場合に備えて、強制的に描画する。
             *    SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ, result);
             *    result[2] = -0.01;//強制的に基準面に設定する
             *    Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
             *    drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.black);
            for (double i = maxQ /*Math.Ceiling(maxQ)*/; i < minQ; i += 0.2)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    continue;                                                                     //NaNが含まれていたらスキップする
                if (Double.IsNaN(first_x) | Double.IsNaN(first_y) | Double.IsNaN(first_z))
                    first_x = result[0];
                    first_y = result[1];
                    first_z = result[2];
                last_x = result[0];
                last_y = result[1];
                last_z = result[2];

                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
                drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], gray);

                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
                if (!Double.IsNaN(result[0]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[1]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
                    last_x = result[0];
                    last_y = result[2];
                    last_z = result[1];

                    drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], gray);

        for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += 5)
            SolarEclipse.getUmbralOutline(ve, (double)i, result);
            if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                continue;                                                                       //NaNが含まれていたらスキップする
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            drawShadowTexture(location[0], location[1], Color.black);
예제 #7
     * //球体版のカメラの変換行列を設定する。
     * private void initCameraVector(double longitude, double latitude)
     * {
     *  viewpoint = new double[3];
     *  double[] xaxis = new double[3];
     *  double[] position = new double[3];
     *  double phai = longitude / 180.0 * Math.PI;
     *  double rho = latitude / 180.0 * Math.PI;
     *  //緯度に基づいて回転させる
     *  position[0] = Altitude * Math.Cos(rho);
     *  position[1] = 0.0;
     *  position[2] = Altitude * Math.Sin(rho);
     *  //Z軸に基づいて回転させる。
     *  double[][] Zrevolve = new double[][] { { Math.Cos(phai), Math.Sin(phai), 0.0 }, { -Math.Sin(phai), Math.Cos(phai), 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } };
     *  Matrix.multiplication31type2(Zrevolve, position, viewpoint);
     *  //接線ベクトルを計算する
     *  position[0] = 0.0;
     *  position[1] = 1.0;
     *  position[2] = 0.0;
     *  //    double[][] Xrevolve = new double[][]{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, Math.cos(rho), -Math.sin(rho) }, {0.0 Math.sin(rho), Math. cos(rho) }};
     *  Matrix.multiplication31type2(Zrevolve, position, xaxis);
     *  double norm = Math.Sqrt(viewpoint[0] * viewpoint[0] + viewpoint[1] * viewpoint[1] + viewpoint[2] * viewpoint[2]);
     *  double[] yaxis = new double[] { -(viewpoint[0] / norm), -(viewpoint[1] / norm), -(viewpoint[2] / norm) };
     *  double[] zaxis = new double[3];
     *  Matrix.getOuterProduct(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);
     *  norm = Math.Sqrt(zaxis[0] * zaxis[0] + zaxis[1] * zaxis[1] + zaxis[2] * zaxis[2]);
     *  zaxis[0] /= norm;
     *  zaxis[1] /= norm;
     *  zaxis[2] /= norm;
     *  camvec = new double[][] { xaxis, yaxis, zaxis };
     *  InverseCam = new double[3][3];
     *  Matrix.getInverseMatrixType2(camvec, InverseCam);
     * }


     * private void createScreen2()
     * {
     *  double hinode_keido, hinoiri_keido, asayake, higure;
     *  int hinoiriX = 0, hinodeX = 0;
     *  int asayakeX = 0, higureX = 0;
     *  //    if (screen2 == null | earth == null) return;
     *  //イメージを初期化
     *  Color opaque = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < shadow.width; i++)
     *   {
     *    for (int j = 0; j < shadow.height; j++)
     *     {
     *      shadow.SetPixel(i, j, opaque);
     *     }
     *   }
     *  double scrDist = (scrWidth / 2.0) / Math.Tan(scrAngle / 180.0 * Math.PI);
     *  double[] vector = new double[3];
     *  double[] result = new double[3];
     *  double[] center = new double[] { viewpoint[0], viewpoint[1], viewpoint[2] }; //地球中心へ向かうベクトル
     *  double norm = Math.Sqrt(center[0] * center[0] + center[1] * center[1] + center[2] * center[2]);
     *  center[0] /= norm;
     *  center[1] /= norm;
     *  center[2] /= norm;
     *  double altitude = Math.Sqrt(viewpoint[0] * viewpoint[0] + viewpoint[1] * viewpoint[1] + viewpoint[2] * viewpoint[2]);
     *  for (int i = 0; i < scrWidth; i++)
     *  {
     *    double x = i - (scrWidth / 2);
     *    double y = scrDist;
     *    for (int j = 0; j < scrHeight; j++)
     *    {
     *      vector[0] = x;
     *      vector[1] = y;
     *      vector[2] = -(j - (scrHeight / 2));
     *      norm = Math.Sqrt(vector[0] * vector[0] + vector[1] * vector[1] + vector[2] * vector[2]);
     *      vector[0] /= norm;
     *      vector[1] /= norm;
     *      vector[2] /= norm;
     *      Matrix.multiplication31type2(camvec, vector, result);
     *      double theta = Math.Acos(-center[0] * result[0] - center[1] * result[1] - center[2] * result[2]);
     *      double b2 = 2.0 * altitude * Math.Cos(theta); //コサインを変換する必要ないのでは?
     *      double D = b2 * b2 - 4.0 * (altitude * altitude - Constants.de * Constants.de);
     *      if (D >= 0)
     *      {
     *        double root = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(D);
     *        double distance = altitude * Math.Cos(theta) - root;
     *        if (distance < 0) {  System.out.println("負の実数解"); return; }
     *        //x1は交点までの距離。方向ベクトルに距離を掛けると位置が出る
     *        double pointX = viewpoint[0] + result[0] * distance;
     *        double pointY = viewpoint[1] + result[1] * distance;
     *        double pointZ = viewpoint[2] + result[2] * distance;
     *        double latitude = Math.Asin(pointZ / Constants.de) / Math.PI * 180.0;
     *        double longitude = Math.Acos(pointX / Math.Sqrt(pointX * pointX + pointY * pointY)) / Math.PI * 180.0;
     *        if (pointY < 0) longitude = -longitude; //象限を考慮する
     *        double xOnMap = longitude - longitudeleft;
     *        if (xOnMap < 0.0) xOnMap += 360.0;
     *        int x1 = (int)(xOnMap * (imageWidth / 360.0));
     *        double yOnMap = (imageHeight / 180.0) * latitude;
     *        int y1 = Yequator - (int)yOnMap;
     *        if (x1 < earth.getWidth() & y1 < earth.getHeight()) screen2.setRGB(i, j, earth.getRGB(x1, y1));
     *      }
     *    }
     *  }
     * }

    private void updateSunAndMoonPosition()
          EquatorialCoordinate sun  = new EquatorialCoordinate();
        EquatorialCoordinate   moon = new EquatorialCoordinate();

        double asc     = 0.0;
        double dec     = 0.0;
        double moonasc = 0.0;
        double moondec = 0.0;

            double[] result = new double[2];
            SunAndMoon.getSunRightAscension(utc, result);
            asc = result[0]; //赤経
            dec = result[1]; //赤緯

            SunAndMoon.getMoonRightAscension(utc, result);
            moonasc = result[0];
            moondec = result[1];
        catch (Exception) { Debug.Log("Exception1 "); return; }

        double phai0 = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(utc); //グリニッジ恒星時
        Material skybox = RenderSettings.skybox;

        skybox.SetFloat("_Rotation", (float)-phai0);//時角のマイナス方向に回転。skyboxのマテリアルは左右が逆
            //float ramda = -(float)((-asc + phai0) * DegToRad);これを書き換えて下の式になる
            float ramda       = (float)((asc - phai0) * DegToRad);
            float psy         = (float)(dec * DegToRad);
            float sundistance = 400;
            float x           = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Cos(ramda) * sundistance;
            float y           = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Sin(ramda) * sundistance;
            float z           = Mathf.Sin(psy) * sundistance;

            GameObject light = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");

            Vector3 sunpos = light.transform.position;
            sunpos.Set(x, z, y);
            light.transform.position = sunpos;
            sunpos *= -1;
            light.transform.forward = sunpos;
            float ramda = (float)((moonasc - phai0) * DegToRad);
            float psy   = (float)(moondec * DegToRad);
            float x     = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Cos(ramda) * distanceToMoon;
            float y     = Mathf.Cos(psy) * Mathf.Sin(ramda) * distanceToMoon;
            float z     = Mathf.Sin(psy) * distanceToMoon;

            GameObject light = GameObject.Find("Moon");

            Vector3 moonpos = light.transform.position;
            moonpos.Set(x, z, y);
            light.transform.position = moonpos;
예제 #8
 void Start()
     Al = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Almanac").GetComponent <Almanac>();
     gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Your final score: <b>" + Al.score.ToString() + "</b>" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text;
예제 #9
 private void Start()
     index = 0;
     pc    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerController>();
     Al    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Almanac").GetComponent <Almanac>();
예제 #10
 private void Start()
     al = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Almanac").GetComponent <Almanac>();
예제 #11
    public void drawLines(DateTime utc)
        EquatorialCoordinate sun  = new EquatorialCoordinate();
        EquatorialCoordinate moon = new EquatorialCoordinate();

        double[] result   = new double[3];
        double[] result2  = new double[3];
        double[] dataset  = new double[7];
        double[] location = new double[2];
        double   asc      = 0.0;
        double   dec      = 0.0;
        double   moonasc  = 0.0;
        double   moondec  = 0.0;
        double   phai0;

        if (mode == PLAYMODE)
            dataholder.getPositions(utc, dataset);
            asc = dataset[0];
            dec = dataset[1];

            moonasc = dataset[3];
            moondec = dataset[4];
            phai0   = dataset[6];
        else if (mode == RECORDMODE)
                SunAndMoon.getSunRightAscension(utc, result);
                asc = result[0];
                dec = result[1];

                SunAndMoon.getMoonRightAscension(utc, result);
                moonasc = result[0];
                moondec = result[1];
            catch (Exception) { /* Debug.Log("Exception1 ");*/ return; }
            phai0 = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(utc);//グリニッジ恒星時
            dataholder.setPositions(asc, dec, sun.getDistance(), moonasc, moondec, moon.getDistance(), phai0, utc);

        VesselElements ve = new VesselElements(sun, moon, utc);

        // SolarEclipse.getD(ve, 143.009267, 42.7396185, 0);
        SolarEclipse.getCrossPoint(ve, result, result2);
        double maxQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result);
        double minQ = SolarEclipse.getPenumbralQ(ve, result2);

        //Debug.Log("MaxQ = " + maxQ + " minQ = " + minQ);

        if (Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && Double.IsNaN(minQ))
            double last_longitude;
            double last_latitude;
            Color  gray = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);

            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, 0.0, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            last_longitude = location[0];
            last_latitude  = location[1];
            double max_lat = -90, min_lat = 90;
            double east_lon = location[0];
            double west_lon = double.NaN;

            for (double i = 1.0; i <= 360.0; i += 1.0)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result2);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result2, location);

                if (double.IsNaN(location[0]) | double.IsNaN(location[1]))
                    drawOutline(last_longitude, last_latitude, location[0], location[1], shadow, sunoutline);
                catch (Exception ex) { continue; }

                last_longitude = location[0];
                last_latitude  = location[1];
                if (i == 180.0)
                    west_lon = location[0];
                if (max_lat < last_latitude)
                    max_lat = last_latitude;
                if (min_lat > last_latitude)
                    min_lat = last_latitude;

            if (!double.IsNaN(west_lon) & !double.IsNaN(east_lon))
                if (west_lon > east_lon)
                    east_lon += 360.0;

                Point paintpoint = getScreenPoint((east_lon + west_lon) / 2, (max_lat + min_lat) / 2);
                fillShadowEx(paintpoint.x, paintpoint.y, shadow, shadowcolor);
                // Debug.Log("west= " + west_lon + " east=" +east_lon) ;
        else if (!Double.IsNaN(maxQ) && !Double.IsNaN(minQ))//交点が存在する
            double first_longitude;
            double first_latitude;
            double last_longitude;
            double last_latitude;

            Color gray = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
            if ((maxQ - minQ) >= 0.0)
                maxQ -= 360.0;
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            //Debug.Log("MaxQ :" + location[0] + ":" + location[1]+ ":" + maxQ);
            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);

            double delta = 0.0;
            while (true)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, maxQ + delta, result);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                    delta += 0.1;
                if (delta > 5.0)

            Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
            first_longitude = last_longitude = location[0];
            first_latitude  = last_latitude = location[1];
            // double max_lon = 0, max_lat = -90, min_lon = 360, min_lat = 90;

            for (double i = maxQ + delta + 0.5; i < minQ; i += 0.5)
                SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, i, result2);
                if (Double.IsNaN(result2[0]) | Double.IsNaN(result2[1]) | Double.IsNaN(result2[2]))
                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result2, location);

                if (double.IsNaN(location[0]) | double.IsNaN(location[1]))
                    drawOutline(last_longitude, last_latitude, location[0], location[1], shadow, sunoutline);
                catch (Exception e) { continue; }

                last_longitude = location[0];
                last_latitude  = location[1];

            SolarEclipse.getPenumbralOutline(ve, minQ, result);
            if (!Double.IsNaN(result[0]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[1]) & !Double.IsNaN(result[2]))
                Coordinate.transformICRStoGCS(ve, result, location);
                if (!double.IsNaN(location[0]) & !double.IsNaN(location[1]))
                    drawOutline(last_longitude, last_latitude, location[0], location[1], shadow, sunoutline);
                    last_longitude = location[0];
                    last_latitude  = location[1];

                int alllength = getSunLine(sun, phai0);

                Point  pnt           = getScreenPoint(last_longitude, last_latitude);
                double leastdistance = double.MaxValue;
                int    finishindex   = -1; //終点と最も近い点のインデックス
                if (pnt.x < 0)
                    pnt.x += shadow.width;
                else if (pnt.x >= shadow.width)
                    pnt.x -= shadow.width;
                if (pnt.y < 0)
                    pnt.y = 0;
                else if (pnt.y >= shadow.width)
                    pnt.y = shadow.width;

                for (int i = 0; i < alllength; i++)
                    double xdiff = Math.Abs(pnt.x - sunline[i * 2]);
                    if (xdiff > shadow.width / 2)
                        xdiff = shadow.width - xdiff;
                    double ydiff  = pnt.y - sunline[i * 2 + 1];
                    double length = Math.Sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
                    if (length < leastdistance)
                        leastdistance = length; finishindex = i;
                if (finishindex != -1 & leastdistance != double.MaxValue)
                    if (!double.IsNaN(last_longitude) & !double.IsNaN(last_latitude))
                        drawScreenOutline(pnt.x, pnt.y, sunline[finishindex * 2], sunline[finishindex * 2 + 1], sunoutline);

                pnt           = getScreenPoint(first_longitude, first_latitude);
                leastdistance = double.MaxValue;
                int startindex = -1; //始点と最も近い点のインデックス
                if (pnt.x < 0)
                    pnt.x += shadow.width;
                else if (pnt.x >= shadow.width)
                    pnt.x -= shadow.width;
                if (pnt.y < 0)
                    pnt.y = 0;
                else if (pnt.y >= shadow.width)
                    pnt.y = shadow.width;

                for (int i = 0; i < alllength; i++)
                    double xdiff = Math.Abs(pnt.x - sunline[i * 2]);
                    if (xdiff > shadow.width / 2)
                        xdiff = shadow.width - xdiff;
                    double ydiff  = pnt.y - sunline[i * 2 + 1];
                    double length = Math.Sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
                    if (length < leastdistance)
                        leastdistance = length; startindex = i;
                if (startindex != -1 & leastdistance != double.MaxValue)
                    if (!double.IsNaN(last_longitude) & !double.IsNaN(last_latitude))
                        drawScreenOutline(pnt.x, pnt.y, sunline[startindex * 2], sunline[startindex * 2 + 1], sunoutline);
                for (int i = 0; i < alllength; i++)
                    drawScreenPixel(sunline[i * 2], sunline[i * 2 + 1], boundscolor);

                int middlepoint = -1;
                if (Math.Abs(finishindex - startindex) > (alllength / 2))
                    middlepoint = (finishindex + startindex + alllength) / 2;
                    if (middlepoint >= alllength)
                        middlepoint -= alllength;
                    else if (middlepoint < 0)
                        middlepoint += alllength;
                    middlepoint = (finishindex + startindex) / 2;
                getInnerPoint(sunline[middlepoint * 2], sunline[middlepoint * 2 + 1], shadow);//塗の指示
        } //半影の描画の終わり
        else if (!Double.IsNaN(maxQ) | !Double.IsNaN(minQ)) /*Debug.Log("minQ or maxQ is NaN");*/ } {
예제 #12
    private double siderealtime; //グリニッジ恒星時。角度。

    public VesselElements(EquatorialCoordinate possun, EquatorialCoordinate posmoon, DateTime cal)
        double alphasun  = possun.getRightAscension() / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        double alphamoon = posmoon.getRightAscension() / 180.0 * Math.PI;

        double gammasun  = possun.getCelestialDeclination() / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        double gammamoon = posmoon.getCelestialDeclination() / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        //Debug.Log("asc= " + alphasun + " dec =" + gammasun + " dist = " + possun.getDistance());

        double Xs = possun.getDistance() * Math.Cos(alphasun) * Math.Cos(gammasun);
        double Ys = possun.getDistance() * Math.Sin(alphasun) * Math.Cos(gammasun);
        double Zs = possun.getDistance() * Math.Sin(gammasun);

        double Xm = posmoon.getDistance() * Math.Cos(alphamoon) * Math.Cos(gammamoon);
        double Ym = posmoon.getDistance() * Math.Sin(alphamoon) * Math.Cos(gammamoon);
        double Zm = posmoon.getDistance() * Math.Sin(gammamoon);

        double Gx = Xs - Xm;
        double Gy = Ys - Ym;
        double Gz = Zs - Zm;

        double tana = Gy / Gx;
        double tand = Gz / Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy);

        ascension   = Math.Atan2(Gy, Gx);
        declination = Math.Atan2(Gz, Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy));
        g           = Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy + Gz * Gz) * Constants.AUde;

        Xm *= Constants.AUde;
        Ym *= Constants.AUde;
        Zm *= Constants.AUde;

        double[][] transmatrix = new double[][] { new double[3], new double[3], new double[3] };

        double[] coordinate1 = new double[] { Xm, Ym, Zm };
        double[] coordinate2 = new double[3];

        double angle = ascension + (Math.PI / 2.0);

        transmatrix[0][0] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrix[0][1] = -Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrix[0][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[1][0] = Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrix[1][1] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrix[1][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[2][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[2][1] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[2][2] = 1.0;
        Matrix.multiplication31type2(transmatrix, coordinate1, coordinate2);

        angle             = (Math.PI / 2.0) - declination;
        transmatrix[0][0] = 1.0;
        transmatrix[0][1] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[0][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[1][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[1][1] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrix[1][2] = -Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrix[2][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrix[2][1] = Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrix[2][2] = Math.Cos(angle);
        Matrix.multiplication31type2(transmatrix, coordinate2, coordinate1);

        x0 = coordinate1[0];
        y0 = coordinate1[1];
        z0 = coordinate1[2];

        double d = Constants.Dsun + Constants.Dmoon;

        tanf1 = d / Math.Sqrt(g * g - d * d);
        c1    = z0 + (g * Constants.Dmoon) / d;

        d     = Constants.Dsun - Constants.Dmoon;
        tanf2 = d / Math.Sqrt(g * g - d * d);
        c2    = z0 - (g * Constants.Dmoon) / d;

        l1 = c1 * tanf1;
        l2 = c2 * tanf2;

        siderealtime = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(cal);
예제 #13
    public VesselElements(double sunasc, double sundec, double sundist, double moonasc, double moondec, double moondist, DateTime cal)
        double alphasun  = sunasc / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        double alphamoon = moonasc / 180.0 * Math.PI;

        double gammasun  = sundec / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        double gammamoon = moondec / 180.0 * Math.PI;

        double Xs = sundist * Math.Cos(alphasun) * Math.Cos(gammasun);
        double Ys = sundist * Math.Sin(alphasun) * Math.Cos(gammasun);
        double Zs = sundist * Math.Sin(gammasun);

        double Xm = moondist * Math.Cos(alphamoon) * Math.Cos(gammamoon);
        double Ym = moondist * Math.Sin(alphamoon) * Math.Cos(gammamoon);
        double Zm = moondist * Math.Sin(gammamoon);

        double Gx = Xs - Xm;
        double Gy = Ys - Ym;
        double Gz = Zs - Zm;

        double tana = Gy / Gx;
        double tand = Gz / Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy);

        ascension   = Math.Atan2(Gy, Gx);
        declination = Math.Atan2(Gz, Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy));
        g           = Math.Sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy + Gz * Gz) * Constants.AUde;

        Xm *= Constants.AUde;
        Ym *= Constants.AUde;
        Zm *= Constants.AUde;
        // Debug.Log("Xm= " + Xm + " Ym =" + Ym + " Zm = " + Zm);

 * Xm = -54.2301442;
 * Ym = 19.0903743;
 * Zm = 8.6214459;
 * ascension = 160.9966357;
 * declination = 8.0321669;
        double[][]   transmatrixR1 = new double[][] { new double[3], new double[3], new double[3] };
          double[][] transmatrixR2 = new double[][] { new double[3], new double[3], new double[3] };

        double[][] matrix33 = new double[][] { new double[3], new double[3], new double[3] };

        double[] coordinate1 = new double[] { Xm, Ym, Zm };
        double[] coordinate2 = new double[3];

        double angle = ascension + (Math.PI / 2.0);

        transmatrixR1[0][0] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrixR1[0][1] = -Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrixR1[0][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR1[1][0] = Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrixR1[1][1] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrixR1[1][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR1[2][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR1[2][1] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR1[2][2] = 1.0;
        Matrix.multiplication31type2(transmatrixR1, coordinate1, coordinate2);

        angle = (Math.PI / 2.0) - declination;
        transmatrixR2[0][0] = 1.0;
        transmatrixR2[0][1] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR2[0][2] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR2[1][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR2[1][1] = Math.Cos(angle);
        transmatrixR2[1][2] = -Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrixR2[2][0] = 0.0;
        transmatrixR2[2][1] = Math.Sin(angle);
        transmatrixR2[2][2] = Math.Cos(angle);

        Matrix.multiplication31type2(transmatrixR2, coordinate2, coordinate1);
        x0 = coordinate1[0];
        y0 = coordinate1[1];
        z0 = coordinate1[2];
        //Debug.Log("x0=" + x0 + " y0=" + y0 + " z0=" + z0);

        double d = Constants.Dsun + Constants.Dmoon;

        tanf1 = d / Math.Sqrt(g * g - d * d);
        c1    = z0 + (g * Constants.Dmoon) / d;

        d     = Constants.Dsun - Constants.Dmoon;
        tanf2 = d / Math.Sqrt(g * g - d * d);
        c2    = z0 - (g * Constants.Dmoon) / d;

        l1 = c1 * tanf1;
        l2 = c2 * tanf2;

        siderealtime = Almanac.getGreenidgeSiderealTime(cal) / 180.0 * Math.PI;
        myu = siderealtime - ascension;