예제 #1
        public TextButton(Position position, Gamestate gamestate, Vector2f margins, int fontSize, TextPosition horizontalPosition, TextPosition verticalPosition, string text) : base(position, gamestate)
            if (text.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Text cannot be empty", "text");

            ButtonRectangle = new RenderRoundedRectangle(new Position(), this, Color.White, new Color(120, 160, 255), CalculateScreenSpaceHeight(5), CalculateScreenSpaceHeight(20));
            ButtonText      = new AlignedRenderText(new Position(), margins, 0, horizontalPosition, verticalPosition, this, Color.Black, text);
            FontSize        = fontSize;
예제 #2
        public TextInput(Position position, Gamestate gamestate, Vector2f margins, int fontSize, TextPosition horizontalPosition, TextPosition verticalPosition, string text, Action <TextInput, TextEventArgs> action, int id) : base(position, gamestate, id)
            MessageBus.Instance.Register(MessageType.LoseFocus, OnLostFocus);
            MessageBus.Instance.Register(MessageType.Input, OnInput);
            Action   = action;
            FontSize = fontSize;
            Text     = text;

            InputRectangle = new RenderRoundedRectangle(new Position(), this, Color.White, new Color(120, 160, 255), CalculateScreenSpaceHeight(5), CalculateScreenSpaceHeight(20));
            InputText      = new AlignedRenderText(new Position(), margins, 0, horizontalPosition, verticalPosition, this, Color.Black, Text);

예제 #3
        public Text(Position position, Gamestate gamestate, Vector2f margins, int fontSize, TextPosition horizontalPosition, TextPosition verticalPosition, string text) : base(position, gamestate)
            if (text.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Text cannot be empty", "text");

            FontSize = fontSize;

            TextText = new AlignedRenderText(new Position(), margins, 0, horizontalPosition, verticalPosition, this, Color.Black, text);

예제 #4
        public RangeInput(Position position, Gamestate gamestate, PlayersManager playersManager, int startValue, int minValue, int maxValue, Color color, Action <RangeInput, int> action, int id) : base(position, gamestate, id)
            PlayersManager = playersManager;
            Value          = startValue;
            MinValue       = minValue;
            MaxValue       = maxValue;
            Action         = action;

            LeftOffset = CalculateLeftOffset();

            CollisionBox = new RenderRectangle(CalculateScreenSpacePosition(new Position(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Width, Position.Height)), this, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            Bar          = new RenderRectangle(CalculateScreenSpacePosition(new Position(Position.X, Position.Y + Position.Height / 3, Position.Width, Position.Height / 3)), this, color);
            Circle       = new RenderCircle(CalculateScreenSpacePosition(new Position(Position.X + LeftOffset, Position.Y, 0, Position.Height / 2)), this, Color.White, color, Position.Height / 16);
            Text         = new AlignedRenderText(CalculateScreenSpacePosition(new Position(Position.X + LeftOffset, Position.Y, Position.Height, Position.Height)), new Vector2f(0, 0), CalculateScreenSpaceHeight((int)(Position.Height * 0.4F)), TextPosition.Middle, TextPosition.Middle, this, Color.Black, Value.ToString());