public bool IsEnemyInRange() { foreach (KeyValuePair <uLink.NetworkPlayer, ComponentPlayer> pair in Player.Players) { AgentHuman h = pair.Value.Owner; if (h.IsAlive == false) { continue; } if (m_Owner.IsFriend(h) || m_Owner == h) { continue; } Vector3 targetPos = h.Position; Vector3 dirToTarget = targetPos - Transform.position; if (dirToTarget.y < -0.5f || dirToTarget.y > 2.5f) { continue; } if (dirToTarget.sqrMagnitude > CheckDistance) { continue; } return(true); } return(false); }
protected void AgentDetected(NetworkViewID senderID, NetworkViewID agentID, bool detected, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { uLink.NetworkView agentView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(agentID); if (!agentView) { return; } uLink.NetworkView senderView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(senderID); if (!senderView) { return; } AgentHuman agent = agentView.GetComponent <AgentHuman>(); AgentHuman sender = senderView.GetComponent <AgentHuman>(); #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (Owner.IsServer) { ServerAnticheat.ReportAgentDetected(Owner.NetworkView.owner, agent, sender, info); } #endif if (sender && sender.IsAlive && agent && agent.IsAlive && sender.IsFriend(agent) == false) { agent.BlackBoard.IsDetected = detected; // Debug.Log ("AgentDetected(), detected=" + detected + ", Owner=" + + ", sender=" + + ", agent=" +; } }
public override bool IsFriend(AgentHuman target) { if (m_Owner == null) { return(true); } if (target == m_Owner) { return(true); } return(m_Owner.IsFriend(target)); }
protected bool ValidateHitAgainstEnemy(RaycastHit hit) { #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (uLink.Network.isServer) { AgentHuman other = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentHuman>(); if ((other != null) && !other.IsFriend(Agent)) { return(ServerAnticheat.ValidateHit(Agent, this, hit)); } } #endif return(true); }
// public void OnProjectileHit(Projectile projectile) { if (!Owner && GameObj.transform.parent) { Owner = GameObj.transform.parent.gameObject.GetFirstComponentUpward <AgentHuman>(); } if ((Owner != null) && (Owner.IsFriend(projectile.Agent) == true)) { projectile.ignoreThisHit = true; return; } Vector3 impulse = (projectile.Transform.forward * (projectile.Impulse * 0.005f)) + (Vector3.up * (projectile.Impulse * 0.002f)); // Debug.Log ("HatObject, impulse=" + impulse.ToString("F5") + ", projectile.Impulse=" + projectile.Impulse.ToString("F5") + ", impulse.magnitude=" + impulse.magnitude); // Debug.DrawLine(GameObj.transform.position, GameObj.transform.position + impulse,, 5.0f); if (uLink.Network.isServer) { if (Owner) { //send impulse to clients Owner.NetworkView.RPC("ShotOffHat", uLink.RPCMode.Others, impulse, false); //shot off the hat on server Owner.ShotOffHat(impulse, true); } } else { //apply impulse to a hat which is already shot off if (null == GameObj.transform.parent) { GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true; GameObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(impulse, ForceMode.Impulse); } else { return; // on client and still on head --> do nothing } } DestroyTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + 20; //destroy hat after 20 seconds }
private float ComputeYaw(AgentHuman humanFrom, ref bool hasEnemy) { GameObject objFrom = humanFrom.gameObject; Vector3 from = objFrom.transform.position + Vector3.up * 1.0f; Vector3 direction = objFrom.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 right = objFrom.transform.rotation * Vector3.right; float hornRadius = 0.5f; float hornLength = 7.5f; float yawPower = 400.0f * Time.deltaTime; Vector3 hitPosition = from; Vector3 hitNormal = Vector3.up; float result = 0.0f; if (true == GetHornInfo(from, direction, hornRadius, hornLength, ref hitPosition, ref hitNormal)) // horn hit collision { hitNormal.y = 0; hitNormal.Normalize(); float distance01 = (from - hitPosition).magnitude / hornLength; float power01 = 0.5f * (1.0f - Vector3.Dot(hitNormal, direction)); result = yawPower * distance01 * power01; float dotRight = Vector3.Dot(hitNormal, right); if (dotRight < 0) { result *= -1; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <uLink.NetworkPlayer, ComponentPlayer> pair in Player.Players) { if (null == pair.Value) { continue; } AgentHuman human = pair.Value.Owner; if (null == human || human.IsFriend(humanFrom)) { continue; } Vector3 vectorTo = human.ChestPosition - humanFrom.ChestPosition; vectorTo.y = 0.0f; Vector3 dirTo = vectorTo.normalized; if (Vector3.Dot(humanFrom.Forward, dirTo) > 0.3f) { float dist = vectorTo.magnitude; if (dist < 10) { RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(humanFrom.ChestPosition, dirTo, out hit, dist, ObjectLayerMask.Default | ObjectLayerMask.PhysicsMetal)) { result = Vector3.Angle(humanFrom.Forward, vectorTo); if (Vector3.Cross(humanFrom.Forward, vectorTo).y < 0) { result *= -1; } hasEnemy = true; } } } } //hasEnemy = true; return(result); }
// --------- void UpdateRadarInternal(bool forced = false) { if (!Camera.main || !Player.LocalInstance) { return; } foreach (FlagInfo info in m_FlagData) { info.UpdateDistance(); } Transform playerTrans = Player.LocalInstance.transform; Vector3 playerPos = playerTrans.position; Vector3 playerDir = playerTrans.forward; playerDir.y = 0; // ---------- foreach (FlagInfo info in m_FlagData) { ShowRadarPos(info.RadarFlag.Widget, info.Pos, playerPos, playerDir); if (info.IsChanging) { if (!info.CoroutineActive) { info.RadarFlag.Widget.StopAllCoroutines(); info.CoroutineActive = true; info.RadarFlag.Widget.StartCoroutine(HighlightObject(info.RadarFlag.Widget, info)); } } else { if (info.CoroutineActive) { info.RadarFlag.Widget.StopAllCoroutines(); info.CoroutineActive = false; } info.RadarFlag.Widget.FadeAlpha = 1.0f; info.RadarFlag.Widget.Color = info.Color; } } PlayerPersistantInfo ppi = PPIManager.Instance.GetPPI(Player.LocalInstance.networkView.owner); E_Team playerTeam = (ppi != null) ? ppi.Team : E_Team.None; // ---------- //int indexFriend = 0; int indexEnemy = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <uLink.NetworkPlayer, ComponentPlayer> pair in Player.Players) { if (pair.Value == Player.LocalInstance) { continue; } AgentHuman a = pair.Value.Owner; if (a.IsAlive == false) { continue; } PlayerPersistantInfo ppi2 = PPIManager.Instance.GetPPI(pair.Key); if (ppi2 == null) { continue; } if (a.IsFriend(Player.LocalInstance.Owner)) { // ---------- RadarFriend free = null; bool found = false; foreach (RadarFriend friend in RadarFriends) { if (friend.m_Used && (friend.m_Agent == a)) { found = true; break; } else if (!friend.m_Used) { free = friend; } } if (!found && (free != null)) { free.SetAgent(a); } else { if (!found && (free == null)) { Debug.LogWarning("Free sprite for radar - friend not found!"); } } } else if (a.BlackBoard.IsDetected) { if (a.IsAlive == false) { continue; } if (a.GadgetsComponent.IsBoostActive(E_ItemBoosterBehaviour.Invisible) && Player.LocalInstance.Owner.GadgetsComponent.GetGadget(E_ItemID.EnemyDetectorII) == null) { continue; } if (!a.IsFriend(Player.LocalInstance.Owner)) { if (indexEnemy < RadarEnemies.Length) { E_Team enemyTeam = (playerTeam == E_Team.Bad) ? E_Team.Good : E_Team.Bad; ShowRadarPos(RadarEnemies[indexEnemy].Widget, a.Position, playerPos, playerDir); RadarEnemies[indexEnemy].Widget.Color = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[enemyTeam]; ++indexEnemy; } } } } // ---------- foreach (RadarFriend friend in RadarFriends) { friend.Refresh(forced); if (friend.m_Used) { ShowRadarPos(friend.m_MultiSprite.Widget, friend.m_Agent.Position, playerPos, playerDir); } } // ---------- for (; indexEnemy < RadarEnemies.Length; indexEnemy++) { if (RadarEnemies[indexEnemy].Widget.IsVisible() || forced) { RadarEnemies[indexEnemy].Widget.Show(false, false); } } }
// ----- void UpdateLabels() { if (!LocalPlayer) { return; } Vector3 origPos = m_Labels[0].Transform.position; int index = 0; int medkitsShown = 0; int ammokitsShown = 0; Camera Cam; Cam = Camera.main ? Camera.main : (Camera.current ? Camera.current : GameCamera.Instance.MainCamera); PlayerPersistantInfo ppi = PPIManager.Instance.GetPPI(LocalPlayer.networkView.owner); E_Team playerTeam = (ppi != null) ? ppi.Team : E_Team.None; if (Cam) { foreach (KeyValuePair <uLink.NetworkPlayer, ComponentPlayer> pair in Player.Players) { bool modified = false; if (pair.Value == LocalPlayer) { continue; } AgentHuman a = pair.Value.Owner; if (a.IsAlive == false) { continue; } if (LocalPlayer != null && !a.IsFriend(LocalPlayer.Owner)) { continue; } PlayerPersistantInfo ppi2 = PPIManager.Instance.GetPPI(pair.Key); if (ppi2 == null) { continue; } Vector3 pos = Cam.WorldToViewportPoint(a.Position + new Vector3(0, 2.2f, 0)); if (pos.z < 0) { continue; } pos.z = origPos.z; pos.y = (1 - pos.y) * Screen.height; pos.x *= Screen.width; /**/ modified |= m_Labels[index].Transform.position != pos; m_Labels[index].Transform.position = pos; bool modif = SetTextAndAdjustBackground(ppi2.NameForGui, m_Labels[index].Name, m_Labels[index].Base, m_Labels[index].OrigBaseWidth, m_Labels[index].OrigNameScale); /**/ modified |= modif; /**/ modified |= m_Labels[index].Base.Color != ZoneControlFlag.Colors[playerTeam]; m_Labels[index].Base.Color = ZoneControlFlag.Colors[playerTeam]; if (!m_Labels[index].Base.IsVisible()) { m_Labels[index].Base.Show(true, true); } bool insideCrosshairArea = Owner.Crosshair.WidgetInsideCrosshairArea(m_Labels[index].Base.GetWidth(), m_Labels[index].Base.GetHeight(), m_Labels[index].Transform, 3f); float alpha; if (insideCrosshairArea) { alpha = 0.4f; } else { alpha = 1.0f; } /**/ modified |= !Mathf.Approximately(m_Labels[index].Base.FadeAlpha, alpha); m_Labels[index].Base.FadeAlpha = alpha; /**/ modified |= !Mathf.Approximately(m_Labels[index].Name.Widget.FadeAlpha, alpha); m_Labels[index].Name.Widget.FadeAlpha = alpha; /**/ modified |= !Mathf.Approximately(m_Labels[index].Name.Widget.FadeAlpha, alpha); if (modified) { m_Labels[index].Base.SetModify(true); } //else // Debug.Log("Optimization!"); index++; if (index >= m_Labels.Count) { break; } } /* //------------ * if (!LocalPlayer.Owner.IsFullyHealed) * { * // sort list * Vector3 ownerPos = LocalPlayer.Owner.Position; * m_RegisteredMedkits.Sort(delegate(MedKit m1, MedKit m2) * { * return (ownerPos - m1.transform.position).sqrMagnitude.CompareTo((ownerPos - m2.transform.position).sqrMagnitude); * } * ); * * * origPos = m_Medkits[0].Transform.position; * foreach (MedKit medkit in m_RegisteredMedkits) * { * if ((ownerPos - medkit.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < HUD_INDICATOR_MAX_SQRT_DIST) * { * if (ShowHudIndicator(Cam, m_Medkits[medkitsShown], medkit.transform, origPos)) * { ++medkitsShown; * if (medkitsShown >= m_Medkits.Count) * break; * } * } * } * } * * //------------ * if (true) * { * // sort list * Vector3 ownerPos = LocalPlayer.Owner.Position; * m_RegisteredAmmokits.Sort(delegate(AmmoKit m1, AmmoKit m2) * { * return (ownerPos - m1.transform.position).sqrMagnitude.CompareTo((ownerPos - m2.transform.position).sqrMagnitude); * } * ); * * * origPos = m_Ammokits[0].Transform.position; * foreach (AmmoKit ammokit in m_RegisteredAmmokits) * { * if ((ownerPos - ammokit.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < HUD_INDICATOR_MAX_SQRT_DIST) * { * if (ShowHudIndicator(Cam, m_Ammokits[ammokitsShown], ammokit.transform, origPos)) * { ++ammokitsShown; * if (ammokitsShown >= m_Ammokits.Count) * break; * } * } * } * } * /**/ } // ----- for (int i = index; i < m_Labels.Count; i++) { if (m_Labels[i].Base.IsVisible()) { m_Labels[i].Base.Show(false, true); } } // ----- for (int i = medkitsShown; i < m_Medkits.Count; i++) { if (m_Medkits[i].Base.IsVisible()) { m_Medkits[i].Base.Show(false, true); } } // ----- for (int i = ammokitsShown; i < m_Ammokits.Count; i++) { if (m_Ammokits[i].Base.IsVisible()) { m_Ammokits[i].Base.Show(false, true); } } }
void InternalUpdate(float deltaTime) { if (!Rigidbody.isKinematic) { return; } bool MovementAllowed = true; bool CoverHit = false; Vector3 CurrentTheoreticalPosition = ComputeThrowPosition(StartPos, Velocity, FlightTime); Vector3 v = CurrentTheoreticalPosition - Transform.position; FlightTime += deltaTime; float sqrDistanceToOrigin = (StartPos - Transform.position).magnitude; if (!ThrowedFromCover || sqrDistanceToOrigin > 1.5f * 1.5f) { RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(Transform.position, v.normalized, v.magnitude, ~(ObjectLayerMask.IgnoreRayCast)); if (hits.Length > 0) { foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) { //skip friends when the projectile should explode near the player (this solves the unwanted suicide when a friend suddenly enters the area in front of me) AgentHuman hitAgent = hit.transform.gameObject.GetFirstComponentUpward <AgentHuman>(); if (hitAgent != null) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(Owner.Position, hitAgent.Position); // Debug.Log ("GHIT: hitAgent=" + + ", dist=" + dist); if (dist < 3) //ignore only if the projectile is still within X m radius { if (Owner.IsFriend(hitAgent)) { // Debug.Log ("GHIT: hitAgent=" + + ", dist=" + dist + " -- FRIENDS"); continue; } // else // { // Debug.Log ("GHIT: hitAgent=" + + ", dist=" + dist + " -- ENEMIES"); // } } } if (!hit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(Owner.transform)) { MovementAllowed = false; if (null != hit.collider.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Cover>()) { CoverHit = true; } break; } } } } if (MovementAllowed) { // movement Transform.position += v; Transform.Rotate(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), deltaTime * 6.0f * Mathf.Rad2Deg); } else { Rigidbody.isKinematic = false; if (CoverHit) { Rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic; } // slow down in case of thin cover - otherwise grenade will go through the wall //Rigidbody.velocity = CoverHit ? 0.1f*v/deltaTime : v/deltaTime; // 'Velocity' is not right, it should be 'v/deltaTime' - but current physics settings is based on this Rigidbody.velocity = CoverHit ? 0.1f * v / deltaTime : Velocity; //Rigidbody.velocity = Velocity; } }
bool IsAgentValid(AgentHuman agent) { return(agent != null && agent.IsAlive && Owner.IsFriend(agent) == false); }