예제 #1
        public void Setup()
            // Get references to the components.
            m_Movement         = m_Instance.GetComponent <TankMovement> ();
            m_Shooting         = m_Instance.GetComponent <TankShooting> ();
            m_Controller       = m_Instance.GetComponent <Tank>();
            m_CanvasGameObject = m_Instance.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas> ().gameObject;
            m_AgentGOAP = m_Instance.GetComponent <AgentGOAP>();
            // Set the player numbers to be consistent across the scripts.

            //m_Movement.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;
            m_Shooting.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;

            // Create a string using the correct color that says 'PLAYER 1' etc based on the tank's color and the player's number.
            m_ColoredPlayerText = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(m_PlayerColor) + ">PLAYER " + m_PlayerNumber + "</color>";

            // Get all of the renderers of the tank.
            MeshRenderer[] renderers = m_Instance.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer> ();

            // Go through all the renderers...
            for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
                // ... set their material color to the color specific to this tank.
                renderers[i].material.color = m_PlayerColor;
예제 #2
    public override bool perform(GameObject agent)
        Tank      currentA    = agent.GetComponent <Tank>();
        AgentGOAP currentGOAP = agent.GetComponent <AgentGOAP>();


        //Find a node if we don't have one and get the path to it
        if (targetNode == null)
            //Finding a node in circle around the enemy tank
            var radius    = 3;
            var vector2   = Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * radius;
            var targetPos = currentA.EnemyTank.transform.position + new Vector3(vector2.x, 0, vector2.y);
            targetNode = currentA.CalculatePath(targetPos);


            //If you can't see the enemy and we know his last position, search in the area around last know pos
        else if (currentA.knownEnemyPosition != null && !currentA.canSeeEnemy && currentA.findNodeCloseToPosition(transform.position) == targetNode)
            Debug.Log("Last position");
            float randomX = Random.Range(-10, 10);
            float randomZ = Random.Range(-10, 10);

            Vector3 targetPos = currentA.knownEnemyPosition + new Vector3(randomX, 0, randomZ);
            targetNode = currentA.CalculatePath(targetPos);
            //If we don't have the last positon and can't see the enemy abort plan
        else if (currentA.knownEnemyPosition == Vector3.zero && !currentA.canSeeEnemy)

        else if (currentA.findNodeCloseToPosition(transform.position) == targetNode)
            reachedNode = true;

        //If we have searched 5 locations abort plan
        if (searchCount > 5)

        //If health is under accepted level abort plan (bad variable name)