예제 #1
        public void AddKey_Success()
            Exception    exception      = null;
            Locker       locker         = null;
            string       lockerFilePath = Path.Combine(TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, "lockerforadding.bin");
            AddArguments arguments      = new AddArguments
                LockerPath = lockerFilePath,
                Password   = "******",
                Key        = "somekey",
                Value      = "somevalue"

                locker = Program.GetLocker(arguments);
            catch (Exception e)
                exception = e;

            Assert.IsNull(exception, $"Was not expecting an exception [{exception}]");

            Assert.IsNotNull(locker, "Was expecting to have a locker");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, locker.Keys.Count, "Was expecting to have 1 key");
            Assert.AreEqual("somekey", locker.Keys.First().Key, "key name mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual("somevalue", locker.Keys.First().Value, "value name mismatch");
        protected async Task <IActionResult> AddAsync(AddArguments <TEntity> arguments)
            var entry = await this.context.AddAsync(arguments.Entity);

            await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(await arguments.GetAction(entry.Entity.Id));
예제 #3
        public async Task AddAsyncAddsBookToDataStoreAndReturnsId()
            var context = Substitute.For <BookContext>(new DbContextOptions <BookContext>());

            context.Books = Enumerable.Empty <BookEntity>().AsQueryable().BuildMockDbSet();

            var service   = GetBookService(context);
            var arguments = new AddArguments(new BookDetail("title", "author", "series"),
                                             new BookInformation(Rating.FourStars, "description", new Image("type", new byte[] { 1 })));

            context.Books.AddAsync(Arg.Any <BookEntity>())
            .ReturnsForAnyArgs((EntityEntry <BookEntity>) default)
예제 #4
            public void Add(AddArguments arguments)
                configuration.Upsert(arguments.ToEntryName(), arguments.ToModel());

                if (arguments.Use)

                    log.WriteLine("> App added and selected.");
                    log.WriteLine("> App added.");
예제 #5
        private async Task <object> ParseAddArguments(string[] arguments, Message message)
            var    args      = new AddArguments();
            var    optionSet = new OptionSet();
            var    help      = false;
            string error     = null;

            optionSet.Add("?", "help", h => help = h != null);
            args.Items = optionSet.Parse(arguments).Select(s => s.ToSentenceCase()).ToList();

            // Checking if at least one item is supplied
            if (!args.Items.Any())
                error = "At least one item id or name must be given.";

            // Showing help
            if (help || error != null)
                string m = "```";

                // Adding error
                if (error != null)
                    m += $"Error:\n{error}\n\n";

                m += "Usage:\n" +
                     "!item add <item-id | item-name>```";

                await message.Channel.SendMessage(m);


예제 #6
        private async Task AddItem(AddArguments args, Message m)
            using (Database db = new Database())
                item item;
                var  message = "";

                // Removing item already in the DB
                for (var i = args.Items.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    string itemReadable = args.Items.ElementAt(i);
                    int    temp;

                    // Checking if the string is an int
                    if (int.TryParse(itemReadable, out temp))
                        item = await db.items.FindAsync(temp);
                        item = await db.items.FirstOrDefaultAsync(it => it.Name == itemReadable);

                    // Checking if item is in DB
                    if (item != null)
                        message += $"**{item.Name}** already exists in the database.\n";

                var tasks = new Task <item> [args.Items.Count];

                // Fetching item data
                for (var i = 0; i < args.Items.Count; i++)
                    tasks[i] = RSUtil.GetItemForDynamic(args.Items.ElementAt(i));

                // Waiting for all items to complete
                await Task.Run(() => { try { Task.WaitAll(tasks); } catch (Exception) { } });

                // Adding items
                foreach (var t in tasks)
                    // Skipping if task errored
                    if (t.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)

                    item = t.Result;
                    message += $"**{item.Name}** has added to the database.\n";

                    // Removing completed from array

                // Outputting message for those that errors
                foreach (var s in args.Items)
                    message += $"**{s}** could not be added to the database.\n";

                // Saving
                if (await db.SaveChangesAsync() < 0)
                    message += "There was an error saving the items to the database.\n";

                await m.Channel.SendMessage(message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1));
예제 #7
            public void Add(AddArguments arguments)
                Configuration.Upsert(arguments.ToEntryName(), arguments.ToModel());

                Console.WriteLine("> App added.");
예제 #8
        private async Task AddRecipe(AddArguments a, Message message)
            using (var db = new Database())
                // Checking user autorization
                if (message.User.Id != 136856172203474944 && await db.users.FindAsync(message.User.Id) == null)
                    await message.Channel.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use that command.");


                // Getting items
                foreach (var stack in a.Inputs)
                    await stack.GetItemFromDb(db);

                var snowflake = TimeUtil.GenerateSnowflake(0, (ushort)(message.User.Id % 4095));

                // Doing the stuff, the good stuff
                await db.Database.Transaction(async() =>
                    var recipe   = new recipe();
                    var itemVoid = new item {
                        Id = 0

                    // Putting in dummy for inputs and putputs
                    if (!a.Inputs.Any())
                        a.Inputs.Add(new AddArguments.Stack {
                            Item = itemVoid, Quantity = 0
                    if (!a.Outputs.Any())
                        a.Outputs.Add(new AddArguments.Stack {
                            Item = itemVoid, Quantity = 0

                    foreach (var i in a.Inputs)
                        recipe.inputs.Add(new input {
                            ItemId = i.Item.Id, recipe = recipe, Quantity = i.Quantity

                    foreach (var o in a.Outputs)
                        recipe.outputs.Add(new output {
                            ItemId = o.Item.Id, recipe = recipe, Quantity = o.Quantity

                    recipe.Id     = snowflake;
                    recipe.UserId = message.User.Id;
                    recipe.Name   = a.Name;
                    recipe.Exp    = a.Exp;
                    recipe.Units  = a.Units;
                    recipe.Level  = a.Level;
                    recipe.Skill  = (sbyte)a.Type;
                    recipe.Extra  = a.Extra;

                    if (await db.SaveChangesAsync() <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("Recipe could not be saved.");

                await message.Channel.SendMessage($"Recipe **{a.Name}** has been successfully added.");
예제 #9
        private async Task <object> ParseAddArguments(string[] args, Message message)
            AddArguments a = new AddArguments {
                Inputs = new List <AddArguments.Stack>(), Outputs = new List <AddArguments.Stack>()
            FluentCommandLineParser parser = new FluentCommandLineParser();
            bool helpCalled = false;
            Action <string, string> transformer = (type, s) =>
                // Checking if input is formatted correctly
                if (!s.Contains(":"))
                    throw new FormatException($"{type} not formatted correctly <itemName|itemId>:<quantity>");

                // Parsing input
                string[] t    = s.Split(':');
                int      qty  = int.Parse(t[1]);
                string   item = t[0].ToSentenceCase();

                if (qty < 1)
                    throw new Exception("Quantity must be greater than 0.");

                a.Inputs.Add(new AddArguments.Stack
                    Id       = item,
                    Quantity = qty

            parser.Setup <string>('n', "name")
            .Callback(n =>
                // Validating
                if (n.Trim().Length < 4)
                    throw new Exception("Name must have at more than 4 characters");

                a.Name = n;

            parser.Setup <double>('e', "exp")
            .Callback(e =>
                // Validating
                if (e < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Exp must be greater than 0.");

                a.Exp = e;

            parser.Setup <double>('u', "units")
            .Callback(u =>
                // Validating
                if (u < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Units must be greater than 0.");

                a.Units = u;

            parser.Setup <int>('l', "level")
            .Callback(l =>
                // Validating
                if (l < 1 || l > 120)
                    throw new Exception("Level must be between 1 and 120.");

                a.Level = (sbyte)l;

            parser.Setup <AddArguments.Skill>('s', "skill")
            .Callback(s => a.Type = s);

            parser.Setup <int>('E', "extra")
            .Callback(c =>
                // Validating
                if (c < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Extra must be greater than -1.");

                a.Extra = c;

            parser.Setup <List <string> >('i', "input")
            .Callback(i => i.ForEach(input => transformer("Input", input)));

            parser.Setup <List <string> >('o', "output")
            .Callback(i => i.ForEach(output => transformer("Output", output)));

            parser.Setup <bool>('?', "help")
            .Callback(h => helpCalled = h);

            var r = parser.Parse(args);

            if (r.HasErrors || helpCalled)
                if (!helpCalled)
                    await message.Channel.SendMessage($"**Error:**```{r.ErrorText}```");


                var m = "";

                m += "**Usage:**" +
                     "```!recipe add <-n|name> <-e|exp> <-l|level> <-u|units> <-s|skill> [-E|extra] [-i|input] [-o|output]```\n" +
                     "**Options:**\n" +
                     "`-n`, `--name` **REQUIRED** [string]\n" +
                     "The name of the training method. Usually named after the output.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-e`, `--exp` **REQUIRED** [double (> 0)]" +
                     "The amount of exp this recipe produces.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-l`, `--level` **REQUIRED** [int (1-120)]\n" +
                     "The level required to do this recipe.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-u`, `--units` **REQUIRED** [double (> 0)]\n" +
                     "The about of times this recipe can be done in one hour. Fractions are allowed.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-s`, `--skill` **REQUIRED** [enum]\n" +
                     "The skill the recipe is for.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-E`, `--extra` *OPTIONAL* [int (> -1)]\n" +
                     "Any extra cost the recipe might have from items that are not tradable but buyable from a shop\n" +
                     "like cleansing crystals.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-i`, `--input` *OPTIONAL* [custom]\n" +
                     "A list of inputs for the recipe if there are any. Format: <itemName|itemId>:<quantity>\n" +
                     "\tEg. --input \"Oak logs:1\" \"Yew logs:2\" would make the recipe required 1 oak log and 2 yew logs.\n" +
                     "\n" +
                     "`-o`, `--output` *OPTIONAL* [custom]\n" +
                     "A list of outputs for the recipe if there are any. Format <itemName|itemId>:<quantity>\n" +
                     "\tEg. --output \"Oak logs:1\" \"Yew logs:2\" would make the recipe output 1 oak log and 2 yew logs.\n";

                await message.Channel.SendMessage(m);

