public override void InitializeScene() { base.InitializeScene(); var texture = Texture.Get("sprite_main_menu_buttons"); double x_center = (ViewWidth) * 0.5; double y_center = (ViewHeight) * 0.5; new SpriteBase(HUD, x_center, y_center + 128, Texture.Get("sprite_android_now")).CenterShift(); ((UIButton) new UIButton(this, x_center, y_center, new SpriteBase.SpriteFrame(texture, 4), new SpriteBase.SpriteFrame(texture, 2), UIGroup).CenterShift()).Action += (sender, e) => { _Game.CurrentScene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes[(string)Configuration.Get("SceneBeginning")]; }; ((UIButton) new UIButton(this, x_center, y_center - 48, new SpriteBase.SpriteFrame(texture, 5), new SpriteBase.SpriteFrame(texture, 3), UIGroup).CenterShift()).Action += (sender, e) => { _Game.CurrentScene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneCredits"]; }; new SpriteBase(HUD, x_center, y_center - 128, Texture.Get("sprite_infogfx_start")).CenterShift(); var looper = new MusicLooper_LessHackish(this); stuff_one = new StuffOne(Background, 0.5 * ViewWidth, 0, -100, (int)ViewWidth / 20 + 1, (int)ViewHeight / 30 + 1); stuff_two = new StuffTwo(Background, 0.5 * ViewWidth, 0, -200, (int)ViewWidth / 20 + 1, (int)ViewHeight / 30 + 1); SceneEntry += (sender, e) => { _ViewPosition = Vector3d.Zero; //stuff_one.StuffTimer.Restart(); //stuff_two.StuffTimer.Restart(); }; }
public BasicBullet(Scene scene, double x, double y, double vx, double vy) : base(scene.Stage, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_first_bullet")) { _Velocity.X = vx; _Velocity.Y = vy; InitPhysicsLate(); }
// Main constructor: public BooleanIndicator(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, 1.0, 1.0, null, Texture.Get("sprite_indicator")) { State = false; _Color = new Color4(Color.SkyBlue); _NextLayer = new LayeredSprite(render_set, x, y, 1.0, 1.0, null, Texture.Get("sprite_indicator_gloss")); }
public RaindropRippleEffect(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_ripples")) { //PlayAnimation(_AnimationDefault = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 100, true, false, "f0", "f1")); Lifespan = 2.0; _Color = new Color4(255, 24, 127, 255); _Color2 = new Color4(0.0f, (float)ColorRandy.NextDouble() * 0.5f + 0.5f, (float)ColorRandy.NextDouble() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0.0f); Timer.Restart(); }
public Spidey(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_spidey_0")) { if (Body != null) { Body.OnCollision += HandleOnCollision; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic; } JumpTimer.Start(); }
public BaddieRobotCrawlerShooter(Scene scene, double x, double y) : base(scene.Stage, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_robot_1")) { AnimationIdle = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 200, true, false, new string[] { "stationary" }); AnimationCrawl = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 200, true, false, new string[] { "crawl_0", "crawl_1", "crawl_2", "crawl_3" }); AnimationArm = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 200, false, false, new string[] { "arm_0", "arm_1", "arm_2" }); AnimationArmed = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 200, true, false, new string[] { "armed" }); AnimationDisarm = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 200, false, false, new string[] { "disarm_0", "disarm_1", "disarm_2" }); AnimationFiring = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 75, true, false, new string[] { "firing_0", "firing_1", "firing_2", "firing_3", "firing_4" }); StartAnimation(AnimationFiring); }
public FoodItem(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, int variant = 0) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_food_single")) { Variant = variant % Texture.Regions.Length; PlayAnimation(_AnimationDefault = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, true, false, Variant)); if (Body != null) { Body.OnCollision += HandleOnCollision; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; } }
public Dialog(RenderSet render_set, string title, List <DialogStanza> stanzas) : base(null) { _Title = title; Stanzas = stanzas; _RenderSet = render_set; _Shown = false; ScaleX = _RenderSet.Scene.ViewSize.X; ScaleY = (int)(_RenderSet.Scene.ViewSize.Y * 0.25); FadeUp = Texture.Get("sprite_dialog_fade_up"); SpeakerWriter = new PTextWriter(_RenderSet.Scene.Game, new Size((int)ScaleX, 24)); SpeechWriter = new PTextWriter(_RenderSet.Scene.Game, new Size((int)ScaleX, (int)ScaleY)); }
public PolarBear(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_polarbear")) { Texture texture = Texture.Get("sprite_polarbear"); AnimationWalk = new SpriteAnimation(texture, 100, true, false, "stand", "walk1", "walk2", "walk3", "walk4", "walk5", "walk6", "walk7"); AnimationSwipe = new SpriteAnimation(texture, 100, true, false, "swipe1", "swipe2", "swipe3", "swipe4"); PlayAnimation(AnimationWalk); if (Body != null) { Body.OnCollision += HandleOnCollision; Body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic; } JumpTimer.Start(); AttackTimer.Start(); }
protected ExtenderPlatform(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, SharedState <bool> sync_state) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_extender_platform")) { Extend = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 50, false, false, new[] { "collapsed", "t1", "t2", "extended" }); Collapse = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 50, false, false, new[] { "extended", "t2", "t1", "collapsed" }); _State = sync_state; RenderSetEntry += (sender, e) => { PlayAnimation(_AnimationDefault = new SpriteAnimation(false, false, _State ? Collapse.Frames[0] : Extend.Frames[0])); }; _State.SharedStateChanged += (sender, e) => { PlayAnimation(e.CurrentState ? Extend : Collapse); Body.Enabled = (Set.Scene == Set.Scene.Game.CurrentScene) && e.CurrentState; }; if (Body != null) { Body.OnCollision += HandleOnCollision; } }
public BulletCollisionParticle(Scene scene, double x, double y) : base(scene.Stage, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_bullet_collision_particle")) { Hit = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 10, false, "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"); Hit.Sound = Sound.Get("sfx_bullet_impact"); WeakReference game_wr = new WeakReference(Set.Scene.Game); WeakReference render_set_wr = new WeakReference(Set); _AnimationNext = new Lazy <SpriteAnimation>(() => { ((PositronGame)game_wr.Target).AddUpdateEventHandler(this, (sender, e) => { ((RenderSet)render_set_wr.Target).Remove(this); this.Dispose(); return(true); }); return(null); }); PlayAnimation(Hit); }
public SceneryCar(Scene scene, double x, double y) : this(scene, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_car_side")) { }
public BunkerFloor2(Scene scene, double x, double y) : base(scene, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_bunker_floor_2")) { }
public BunkerWall(Scene scene, double x, double y) : base(scene.Stage, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_bunker_wall")) { _Variant = Variance.Next(Texture.Regions.Length); PlayAnimation(new SpriteAnimation(Texture, _Variant)); }
public HeadquartersBuilding(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_headquarters_building")) { _AnimationDefault = new SpriteAnimation(this.Texture, true, "f1", "f2", "f3"); PlayAnimation(_AnimationDefault); }
public override void InitializeScene() { // Assign base class variables here, before calling the base class initializer PerimeterOffsetX = 126; PerimeterOffsetY = -92; PerimeterX = 30; PerimeterY = 20; double x0 = PerimeterOffsetX * TileSize; double y0 = PerimeterOffsetY * TileSize; // Setup background tiles var BackgroundTiles = new TileMap(Background, 48, 24, Texture.Get("sprite_tile_bg2_atlas")); BackgroundTiles.PositionX = (PerimeterOffsetX - 24) * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.PositionY = (PerimeterOffsetY + 4) * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.Parallax = 1.0; BackgroundTiles.RandomMap(); BackgroundTiles.Build(); // Set up previous door: Scene prev_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes ["SceneSeven"]; _DoorToPreviousScene.Destination = prev_scene.DoorToNextScene; // Store width and height in local variables for easy access int w_i = (int)ViewWidth; int h_i = (int)ViewHeight; // X and Y positioner variables double xp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetX; double yp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetY; xp = x0 + TileSize * 0; yp = y0 + TileSize * 0; var i = 0; for (i = 1; i < PerimeterY - 4; i++) { new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (0), yp + TileSize * i, true); } for (i = 2; i < 17; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * (3.5)); } new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (18), yp + TileSize * (3.5)); ExtenderPlatform ep_save = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (17), yp + TileSize * 1, false); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (17), yp + TileSize * 2, ep_save); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (17), yp + TileSize * 3, ep_save); for (i = 21; i < 24; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * (3.5)); } for (i = 26; i < PerimeterX; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * (3.5)); } for (i = 4; i < 15; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (1), yp + TileSize * (i)); } new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (1), yp + TileSize * (16)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (2), yp + TileSize * (16)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (3), yp + TileSize * (16)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (5), yp + TileSize * (16)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (6), yp + TileSize * (16)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (6), yp + TileSize * (17)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (6), yp + TileSize * (18)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (5), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (5), yp + TileSize * (14)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (4), yp + TileSize * (13.5)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (3), yp + TileSize * (13.5)); for (i = 2; i < 15; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * (11)); } ExtenderPlatform ep0 = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (7), yp + TileSize * 12, false); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (9), yp + TileSize * 13, ep0); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (11), yp + TileSize * 14, ep0); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (13), yp + TileSize * 15, ep0); var fs0 = new PressureSwitch(Front, xp + TileSize * (2), yp + TileSize * (12), (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep0.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep0)); }, 5.0); for (i = 11; i < 16; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (15), yp + TileSize * (i)); } new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (16), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (17), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (18), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (21), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (22), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (23), yp + TileSize * (15)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (26), yp + TileSize * (12.5)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (27), yp + TileSize * (12.5)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (28), yp + TileSize * (12.5)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (29), yp + TileSize * (12.5)); ExtenderPlatform ep1 = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (24), yp + TileSize * 14, false); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (25), yp + TileSize * 13, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (18), yp + TileSize * 8.5, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (19), yp + TileSize * 8.5, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (20), yp + TileSize * 8.5, ep1); var gw1 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 16, yp + TileSize * (9.75), true); ProjectileSwitch ps0 = new ProjectileSwitch(Front, x0 + TileSize * 15.6, yp + TileSize * 14, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep1)); gw1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw1)); }, 8.0); ps0.Theta += MathHelper.Pi; for (i = 9; i < 18; i++) { new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * (8.5), true); } var gw2 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 18, yp + TileSize * (4.5), true); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (18), yp + TileSize * (7.5)); for (i = 7; i < 14; i++) { for (var j = 21; j <= 23; j++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (j), yp + TileSize * (i + 0.25)); } } i = 5; ExtenderPlatform ep2 = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (i), yp + TileSize * 5.0, false); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (i + 3), yp + TileSize * 5.5, ep2); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (i + 6), yp + TileSize * 5.5, ep2); new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp + TileSize * (i + 9), yp + TileSize * 5.5, ep2); var fs1 = new PressureSwitch(Front, xp + TileSize * (3), yp + TileSize * (4.5), (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep2.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep2)); }, 4.0); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (15), yp + TileSize * (4.5)); new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (15), yp + TileSize * (5.5)); var gw3 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 21, yp + TileSize * (4.5), true); var gw4 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 23, yp + TileSize * (4.5), true); for (i = 7; i < 12; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * (26), yp + TileSize * (i + 0.5)); } var gw5 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 26, yp + TileSize * (4.5), true); var fs2 = new PressureSwitch(Front, xp + TileSize * (16), yp + TileSize * (4.5), (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep_save.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep_save)); gw2.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw2)); gw3.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw3)); gw4.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw4)); gw5.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw5)); }, 15.0); var ft_door = new FloorTile(Rear, xp + TileSize * 28, yp + 4 * TileSize); _DoorToNextScene.PositionX = ft_door.PositionX; _DoorToNextScene.CornerY = ft_door.CornerY + ft_door.SizeY; _DoorToNextScene.NextScene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneWin"]; // DEBUGGING: //_DoorToPreviousScene.Corner = _DoorToNextScene.Corner; //_DoorToPreviousScene.CornerX -= _DoorToPreviousScene.SizeX; // _DoorToNextScene.Action += (sender, e) => { // Program.MainGame.AddUpdateEventHandler(this, (sender1, e1) => // { // lock(Program.MainUpdateLock) // { // Scene.InstantiateScenes(ref Program.MainGame, typeof(ISceneGameplay), typeof(SceneFirstMenu)); // } // return true; // }); // }; // Call the base class initializer base.InitializeScene(); }
public Door(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_doorway")) { }
public RadioProp(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_radio")) { PlayAnimation(new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 250, true, "f1", "f2")); }
public StuffOne(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, double z, int wide, int high) : this(render_set, x, y, z, wide, high, Texture.Get("sprite_small_disc")) { }
public override void InitializeScene() { // Basic perimeter: double x0 = PerimeterOffsetX * TileSize; double y0 = PerimeterOffsetY * TileSize; double recess_switch = -4.0; int chute_right = 3; Gateway gw_chute = null, gw_lower1 = null; PressureSwitch fs_chute, bs_lower1 = null, bs_lower2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < PerimeterX; i++) { if (i == PerimeterX - chute_right) { double x = x0 + TileSize * i; fs_chute = new PressureSwitch(Front, x - 2.0 * TileSize, y0 + TileSize + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; gw_chute.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw_chute)); }, 2.0); gw_chute = new SmallGateway(Front, x, y0 + TileSize, false); gw_chute.CenterShift(); gw_chute.PositionX += 0.5 * TileSize; gw_chute.PositionY -= 0.5 * (TileSize - 0.5 * gw_chute.SizeY); gw_chute.Theta = -0.5 * Math.PI; continue; } BunkerFloor block = new BunkerFloor2(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y0); block.PositionY -= block.SizeY; block = new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y0); } for (int i = 0; i <= PerimeterY; i++) { var block = new BunkerWall(this, x0 + TileSize * PerimeterX, y0 + TileSize * i); block.TileX = -1.0; block = new BunkerWall(this, x0 - 0.5 * TileSize, y0 + TileSize * (PerimeterY - i)); } for (int i = 0; i < PerimeterX; i++) { var block = new FloorTile(Stage, x0 + TileSize * (PerimeterX - i - 1), y0 + TileSize * PerimeterY); } // Setup background tiles var BackgroundTiles = new TileMap(Background, Perimeter2X, 6, Texture.Get("sprite_dark_rubble_atlas")); BackgroundTiles.CornerX = x0 - 2 * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.CornerY = y0; BackgroundTiles.Parallax = 1.0; BackgroundTiles.RandomMap(); BackgroundTiles.Build(); // Store width and height in local variables for easy access int w_i = (int)ViewWidth; int h_i = (int)ViewHeight; // X and Y positioner variables double xp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetX; double yp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetY; yp += TileSize; xp += (PerimeterX / 2) * TileSize; // Set up doors: Scene prev_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes ["SceneTwo"]; _DoorToPreviousScene.Destination = prev_scene.DoorToNextScene; // Scene next_scene = (Scene)Scene.Scenes["SceneThree"]; // _DoorToNextScene.Destination = next_scene.DoorToPreviousScene; // _DoorToNextScene.Destination.Position = _DoorToNextScene.Position; var pipe_texture = Texture.Get("sprite_bg_pipes"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var bg_pipes = new SpriteBase(Background, x0 + pipe_texture.Width * i - TileSize, y0 - pipe_texture.Height + TileSize - 6, pipe_texture); bg_pipes.Parallax = 0.5; } double y1 = y0 - (Perimeter2Y + 1) * TileSize; for (int i = 0; i < Perimeter2X; i++) { BunkerFloor block = new BunkerFloor2(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1); block.PositionY -= block.SizeY; if (i > PerimeterX) { var roof = new BunkerWall(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + TileSize * (Perimeter2Y + 1)); roof.Theta = -MathHelper.PiOver2; } if (i > 53 && i < 60) { continue; } block = new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1); } for (int i = 0; i <= Perimeter2Y; i++) { var block = new BunkerWall(this, x0 + TileSize * Perimeter2X, y1 + TileSize * i); block.TileX = -1.0; block = new BunkerWall(this, x0 - 0.5 * TileSize, y1 + TileSize * (Perimeter2Y - i)); } // Lower area stuff for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + TileSize); } for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + 2 * TileSize); } for (int i = 20; i < 38; i++) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + TileSize); } for (int i = 22; i < 34; i++) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + 2 * TileSize); } new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 31, y1 + 3.5 * TileSize); for (int i = 28; i < 32; i++) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + 3 * TileSize); } for (int i = 42; i < 50; i++) { int j; for (j = Perimeter2Y; j > 4; j--) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + (j + 0.5) * TileSize); } var block = new BunkerFloor2(this, x0 + TileSize * i, y1 + (j + 1.5) * TileSize); block.PositionY -= block.SizeY; } { int j; for (j = Perimeter2Y; j > 3; j--) { new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 55, y1 + (j + 0.5) * TileSize); } var block = new BunkerFloor2(this, x0 + TileSize * 55, y1 + (j + 1.5) * TileSize); block.PositionY -= block.SizeY; gw_lower1 = new SmallGateway(Front, x0 + TileSize * 55.5, y1, false); bs_lower1 = new ProjectileSwitch(Front, x0 + TileSize * 55, y1 + (j + 0.5) * TileSize, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; bool bstate_bs_lower_2 = bs_lower2.State != SwitchState.Open; gw_lower1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate || bstate_bs_lower_2, gw_lower1)); }, 5.0); var ep1 = new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 57, y1 + 0.5 * TileSize, false); new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 58, y1 + 2.0 * TileSize, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 60, y1 + 3.5 * TileSize, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 62, y1 + 2.5 * TileSize, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 63, y1 + 1.5 * TileSize, ep1); new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 65, y1 + 1.5 * TileSize, ep1); bs_lower2 = new ProjectileSwitch(Front, x0 + TileSize * 56, y1 + (j - 0.5) * TileSize, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep1)); bool bstate_bs_lower_1 = bs_lower1.State != SwitchState.Open; gw_lower1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate || bstate_bs_lower_1, gw_lower1)); }, 5.0); bs_lower1.CenterShift(); bs_lower2.CenterShift(); bs_lower2.Theta = MathHelper.Pi; } for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) { if (j == 2) { continue; } new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 61, y1 + j * TileSize); } new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 62, y1 + 1 * TileSize); yp = y1 + 2.5 * TileSize; //new BunkerFloor (this, x0 + TileSize * 65, y1 + 1 * TileSize); //new BunkerFloor (this, x0 + TileSize * 66, y1 + 1 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 66, yp); //new BunkerFloor (this, x0 + TileSize * 67, y1 + 1 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 67, yp); new BunkerFloor(this, x0 + TileSize * 67, yp + TileSize); yp += 0.5 * TileSize; ExtenderPlatform ep_walkway1_first = new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 67, yp, false); ExtenderPlatform ep_walkway1_last = null; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { ep_walkway1_last = new ExtenderPlatform(Rear, ep_walkway1_first.CornerX + TileSize * i, ep_walkway1_first.CornerY, ep_walkway1_first); } new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + TileSize, y1 + 1 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + TileSize, y1 + 2 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + TileSize, y1 + 3 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + 2 * TileSize, y1 + 1 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + 2 * TileSize, y1 + 2 * TileSize); new BunkerFloor(this, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX + 3 * TileSize, y1 + 1 * TileSize); var bs_lower3 = new ProjectileSwitch(Front, ep_walkway1_last.CornerX, y1 + 1.0 * TileSize, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; ep_walkway1_first.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, ep_walkway1_first)); }, 2.0); bs_lower3.CenterShift(); bs_lower3.Theta = -MathHelper.PiOver2; Scene next_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneFour"]; _DoorToNextScene = new Door(Rear, x0 + TileSize * 76, y1 + TileSize, next_scene.DoorToPreviousScene); _DoorToNextScene.Destination.Corner += _DoorToNextScene.Corner; // Call the base class initializer base.InitializeScene(); }
public HealthMeter(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, Player player) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_health_meter_atlas")) { _Player = player; player.HealthChanged += OnHealthChanged; }
public override void InitializeScene() { // Set up doors: //Scene prev_scene = (Scene)Scene.Scenes["SceneOne"]; //_DoorToPreviousScene.Destination = prev_scene.DoorToNextScene; Scene next_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneTwo"]; //_DoorToNextScene.Destination = next_scene.DoorToPreviousScene; //_DoorToNextScene.Destination.Position = _DoorToNextScene.Position; var headquarters = new HeadquartersBuilding(Rear, 0.0, 0.0); // Setup background // Setup background tiles var BackgroundTiles = new TileMap(Background, 24, 1, Texture.Get("sprite_blue_sky")); BackgroundTiles.PositionX = -9 * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.PositionY = 0.0; BackgroundTiles.Parallax = 100; BackgroundTiles.RandomMap(); BackgroundTiles.Build(); double far_x = 0.0; var BackgroundBuildings = new List <BoringBuilding>(); { double x_o = headquarters.CornerX + headquarters.SizeX; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var b = new BoringBuilding(this, x_o, 0.0); BackgroundBuildings.Add(b); x_o += b.SizeX; } far_x = x_o; } { double x_o = -128; while (x_o < far_x) { var b = new SideWalkTile(Stage, x_o, -TileSize); x_o += b.SizeX; if (FirstTile == null) { FirstTile = b; } } } // Control key indicators (info graphics) var infogfx_texture = Texture.Get("sprite_infogfx_cabinet_buttons"); var a_infogfx = new SpriteBase(Rear, 4 * TileSize, 2 * TileSize, infogfx_texture).SetRegion("left"); var d_infogfx = new SpriteBase(Rear, a_infogfx.CornerX + TileSize, a_infogfx.CornerY, infogfx_texture).SetRegion("right"); //var w_infogfx = new SpriteBase(Rear, _DoorToNextScene.PositionX, _DoorToNextScene.CornerY + _DoorToNextScene.SizeY + 4, infogfx_texture).SetRegion("do_action"); int[,] map = new int[, ] { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; // Tiles int width = map.GetLength(1); int height = map.Length / width; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { switch (map [y, x]) { case 1: new FloorTile(Stage, x * TileSize, -1 * y * TileSize + height * TileSize - 16); break; case 2: new PolarBear(Stage, x * TileSize, -1 * y * TileSize + height * TileSize); break; case 3: new Hydrant(Stage, x * TileSize, -1 * y * TileSize + height * TileSize); break; case 4: new FoodItem(Stage, x * TileSize, -1 * y * TileSize + height * TileSize, x + y); break; } } } // Call the base class initializer base.InitializeScene(); }
public SideWalkTile(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_sidewalk")) { _Variant = Variance.Next(Texture.Regions.Length); PlayAnimation(new SpriteAnimation(Texture, _Variant)); }
protected PressureSwitch(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, ActionEventHandler state_changed, SharedState <SwitchState> state, SharedState <double> latch_expiration, Stopwatch latch_timer, double latch_time) : this(render_set, x, y, state_changed, state, latch_expiration, latch_timer, latch_time, Texture.Get("sprite_floor_switch")) { }
public BunkerFloor(Scene scene, double x, double y) : this(scene, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_bunker_floor")) { }
public override void InitializeScene() { // Assign base class variables here, before calling the base class initializer PerimeterOffsetX = -2; PerimeterOffsetY = 0; PerimeterX = 32; PerimeterY = 12; // Store width and height in local variables for easy access int w_i = (int)ViewWidth; int h_i = (int)ViewHeight; // X and Y positioner variables double xp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetX; double yp = TileSize * PerimeterOffsetY; xp += TileSize * PerimeterX * 0.5; yp += TileSize; // Set up previous door: Scene prev_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneOne"]; _DoorToPreviousScene.Destination = prev_scene.DoorToNextScene; // Setup background tiles var BackgroundTiles = new TileMap(Background, 48, 24, Texture.Get("sprite_tile_bg2_atlas")); BackgroundTiles.PositionX = (PerimeterOffsetX - 9) * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.PositionY = (PerimeterOffsetY - 4) * TileSize; BackgroundTiles.Parallax = 1.0; BackgroundTiles.RandomMap(); BackgroundTiles.Build(); // Control key indicators (info graphics) var infogfx_texture = Texture.Get("sprite_infogfx_cabinet_buttons"); var f_infogfx = new SpriteBase(Rear, xp - 2 * TileSize, yp, infogfx_texture).SetRegion("use_equipped_item"); // Get cross-scene variables Scene previous_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneOne"]; double recess_switch = -4.0; double recess_gw = -2.0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var spidey = new Spidey(Stage, xp - (5 + 0.25 * i) * TileSize, yp); } // Gateways var gw1 = new Gateway(Front, xp - TileSize * 3, yp + recess_gw, false); var gw2 = new Gateway(Front, xp + TileSize * 3, yp + recess_gw, false); // Walls above gateways for (int i = 2; i < PerimeterY - 1; i++) { new FloorTile(Rear, gw1.CornerX, gw1.CornerY + (i) * TileSize + 8); new FloorTile(Rear, gw2.CornerX, gw2.CornerY + (i) * TileSize + 8); } var fs10 = new PressureSwitch(Front, gw1.CornerX + TileSize, yp + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; gw1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw1)); }); var fs11 = new PressureSwitch(Front, gw1.CornerX - TileSize, yp + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; gw1.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw1)); }, fs10); var fs20 = new PressureSwitch(Front, gw2.CornerX - TileSize, yp + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; gw2.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw2)); }); var fs21 = new PressureSwitch(Front, gw2.CornerX + TileSize, yp + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; gw2.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, gw2)); }, fs20); xp = fs21.CornerX + 2 * TileSize; var ft_room_r = new FloorTile(Stage, xp, yp); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { new FloorTile(Stage, xp + i * TileSize, yp); } yp += TileSize; xp += TileSize; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { new FloorTile(Stage, xp + (i + 1) * TileSize, yp); } //yp += 2 * TileSize; xp += 4 * TileSize; ExtenderPlatform last_platform_0 = null; ExtenderPlatform last_platform_1 = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { last_platform_0 = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp += TileSize, yp += TileSize, last_platform_0); } xp -= 2 * TileSize; yp += TileSize; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { last_platform_1 = new ExtenderPlatform(Stage, xp -= TileSize, yp, true); } // Set up next door: Scene next_scene = (Scene)_Game.Scenes["SceneThree"]; _DoorToNextScene.Destination = next_scene.DoorToPreviousScene; _DoorToNextScene.PositionX = last_platform_1.PositionX; _DoorToNextScene.CornerY = yp += last_platform_1.SizeY; // Update next scene's door position relative to its -initial- position (set with constructor/instantiation) _DoorToNextScene.Destination.Corner += _DoorToNextScene.Corner; var fs30 = new PressureSwitch(Front, ft_room_r.CornerX + TileSize, ft_room_r.CornerY + TileSize + recess_switch, (sender, e) => { bool bstate = (SwitchState)e.Info != SwitchState.Open; last_platform_0.OnAction(e.Self, new ActionEventArgs(bstate, last_platform_0)); }, 5.0); // Call the base class initializer base.InitializeScene(); }
public BoringBuilding(Scene scene, double x, double y) : this(scene, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_buildings")) { //_AnimationDefault = new SpriteAnimation(this.Texture, true, "f1", "f2"); }
public override void InitializeScene() { WinThing = new SpriteBase(HUD, ViewWidth / 2.0, ViewHeight / 2.0, Texture.Get("sprite_win")).CenterShift(); //WinThing.AnimationDefault.Sound = Sound.Get("win"); base.InitializeScene(); }
protected Gateway(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y, SharedState <bool> sync_state) : this(render_set, x, y, sync_state, Texture.Get("sprite_gateway")) { Open = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 50, new int [] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); Close = new SpriteAnimation(Texture, 50, new int [] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }); }
public FloorTile(RenderSet render_set, double x, double y) : base(render_set, x, y, Texture.Get("sprite_tile_floor_atlas")) { _Variant = Variance.Next(Texture.Regions.Length); PlayAnimation(new SpriteAnimation(Texture, _Variant)); }