private void cbAccountSubscription_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbAccountSubscription.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { try { if (_currentAccount != null) { _accountBalanceSubscription = new AccountBalanceSubscription(this); if (_igStreamApiClient != null) { _accountsStk = _igStreamApiClient.subscribeToAccountDetailsKey(_currentAccount, _accountBalanceSubscription); AppendActivityMessage("AccountDetails : Successfully Subscribed"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppendStreamingDataMessage(ex.Message); } } else { if ((_accountsStk != null) && (_igStreamApiClient != null)) { _igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_accountsStk); AppendActivityMessage("AccountDetails : Unsubscribe"); } } }
public DemoDotNetClientForm() { InitializeComponent(); _accountIds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); _accountsStk = new SubscribedTableKey(); EnableCommandButtons(false); _watchlists = new List <Watchlist>(); _watchlistMarkets = new List <WatchlistMarket>(); _orders = new List <WorkingOrder>(); _positions = new List <OpenPosition>(); cbPositions.Enabled = false; cbOrders.Enabled = false; cbWatchlistItems.Enabled = false; _igRestApiClient = new IgRestApiClient(); _igStreamApiClient = new IGStreamingApiClient(); _APIKey = "8d341413c2eae2c35bb5b47a594ef08ae18cb3b7"; // *** TODO ENTER YOUR API KEY HERE *** passwordTextbox.Text = "Kotik0483"; // *** TODO Enter your password here *** identifierTextbox.Text = "ksbitlsoftdemo"; // *** TODO Enter your user name here *** }
// <Summary> // Lightstreamer Subscribe to L1 Prices... // </Summary> private void SubscribeToCharts(string[] chartEpics) { try { if (igStreamApiClient != null) { ChartMarketData.Clear(); foreach (var epic in chartEpics) { IgPublicApiData.ChartModel ccd = new IgPublicApiData.ChartModel(); ccd.ChartEpic = epic; ChartMarketData.Add(ccd); AddStatusMessage("Subscribing to Chart Data (CandleStick ): " + ccd.ChartEpic); } _chartSubscribedTableKey = igStreamApiClient.SubscribeToChartCandleData(chartEpics, ChartScale.OneMinute, _chartSubscription); } } catch (Exception ex) { AddStatusMessage("Exception when trying to subscribe to Chart Candle Data: " + ex.Message); } }
private void cbTradeSubscription_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (_igStreamApiClient != null) { if (cbTradeSubscription.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { _tradeConfirmsSubscription = new TradeConfirmsSubscription(this); _tradeSubscriptionStk = _igStreamApiClient.subscribeToTradeSubscription(_currentAccount, _tradeConfirmsSubscription); AppendActivityMessage("TradeSubscription : Subscribe"); } else { if (_tradeSubscriptionStk != null) { _igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_tradeSubscriptionStk); AppendActivityMessage("TradeSubscription : Unsubscribe"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppendStreamingDataMessage(ex.Message); } }
public void Unsubscribe() { if (NotificaionTableRef != null) { m_lsClient.UnsubscribeTable(NotificaionTableRef); NotificaionTableRef = null; } }
void IStreamingListener.Start(int phase) { var text = _groupOrItemName.ToUpper(); if (_listener != null) { _listener.MessageReceived -= ListenerMessageReceived; ((IStreamingListener)this).Stop(); } var fieldList = _messageConverter.GetFieldList(); var text2 = _channel.ToUpper(); _listener = new TableListener <TDto>(_logger, _adapterSet.ToUpper(), text2, text, phase, _serializer); _listener.MessageReceived += ListenerMessageReceived; _logger.Debug(string.Format("Subscribing to group:{0}, schema {1}, dataAdapter {2}, mode {3}, snapshot {4}", text, fieldList, text2, _mode.ToUpper(), _snapshot)); var schema = fieldList; var mode = _mode.ToUpper(); var snapshot = _snapshot; var simpleTableInfo = new SimpleTableInfo(text, mode, schema, snapshot) { DataAdapter = text2 }; var gate = new ManualResetEvent(false); Exception ex = null; new Thread(delegate() { try { _subscribedTableKey = _lightstreamer.SubscribeTable(simpleTableInfo, _listener, false); _logger.Debug(string.Format("Subscribed to table with key: {0}", _subscribedTableKey)); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } gate.Set(); }).Start(); if (ex != null) { _logger.Error(ex); throw ex; } if (!gate.WaitOne(Settings.DefaultTimeoutMs + 1000)) { _logger.Error(string.Format("Listener taking longer than {0}ms to start: {1}.", Settings.DefaultTimeoutMs, base.GetType().Name)); } }
public void Stop() { if (tableKey != null) { this.client.UnsubscribeTable(tableKey); } tableKey = null; this.client.CloseConnection(); }
private void UnsubscribeFromOrders() { if ((igStreamApiClient != null) && (_orderPricesSubscriptionTableKey != null) && (LoggedIn)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_orderPricesSubscriptionTableKey); _orderPricesSubscriptionTableKey = null; UpdateOrdersMessage("Unsubscribed from OrderPrices"); } }
public void UnsubscribeFromBrowsePrices() { if ((igStreamApiClient != null) && (_browseSubscriptionTableKey != null) && (LoggedIn)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_browseSubscriptionTableKey); _browseSubscriptionTableKey = null; AddStatusMessage("Unsubscribed from Browse Node Prices"); } }
public void Stop(SubscribedTableKey tableKey) { if (tableKey != null) { client.UnsubscribeTable(tableKey); } tableKey = null; client.CloseConnection(); }
public void Unsubscribe() { if (_tradeSubscriptionStk != null) { _igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTradeSubscription(_tradeSubscriptionStk); _tradeSubscriptionStk = null; Log.Instance.WriteEntry("TradeSubscription : Unsubscribe"); } }
private void UnsubscribefromTradeSubscription() { if ((_tradeSubscriptionStk != null) && (igStreamApiClient != null)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_tradeSubscriptionStk); _tradeSubscriptionStk = null; UpdateDebugMessage("Successfully unsubscribed from Trade Subscription"); } }
public async Task Subscribe() { try { if (_igStreamApiClient != null) { if (_tradeSubscriptionStk == null) { _tradeSubscriptionStk = _igStreamApiClient.SubscribeToPositions(this); Log.Instance.WriteEntry("TradeSubscription : Subscribe"); } if (Config.ReplayEnabled) { await Task.Delay(0); return; } var response = await _igRestApiClient.getOTCOpenPositionsV2(); foreach (var pos in response.Response.positions) { var ptfPos = GetPosition(; if (ptfPos != null) { var trade = new Trade(DateTime.Parse(,, pos.position.direction == "BUY" ? SIGNAL_CODE.BUY : SIGNAL_CODE.SELL, (int)pos.position.size.Value, pos.position.direction == "BUY" ? :; trade.Id = pos.position.dealId; trade.Reference = "RECOVER_" + pos.position.dealId; trade.ConfirmationTime = trade.TradingTime; ReplayPositionUpdateInfo updateInfo = new ReplayPositionUpdateInfo(DateTime.Parse(,, pos.position.dealId, trade.Reference, "OPEN", "ACCEPTED", (int)pos.position.size.Value, pos.position.direction == "BUY" ? :, pos.position.direction == "BUY" ? SIGNAL_CODE.BUY : SIGNAL_CODE.SELL); _trades.Add(trade); ptfPos.AddIncomingTrade(trade); ptfPos.OnUpdate(updateInfo); } else { Log.Instance.WriteEntry("Trade subscription error: mktdata: " + + ", direction: " + pos.position.direction + ", size: " + pos.position.size.Value + ", dealid:" + pos.position.dealId, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Instance.WriteEntry("Portfolio subscription error: " + ex.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); if (Portfolio.Instance.ShutDownFunc != null) { Log.Instance.WriteEntry("Terminating...", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); Portfolio.Instance.ShutDownFunc(); } } }
private void UnsubscribeFromAccountDetailsSubscription() { if ((_accountBalanceStk != null) && (igStreamApiClient != null)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_accountBalanceStk); _accountBalanceStk = null; UpdateDebugMessage("Successfully unsubscribed from Account Balance Subscription"); } }
private void UnsubscribeFromCharts() { if ((igStreamApiClient != null) && (_chartSubscribedTableKey != null) && (LoggedIn)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_chartSubscribedTableKey); _chartSubscribedTableKey = null; AddStatusMessage("WatchlistsViewModel : Unsubscribing from candle data from charts"); } }
public void AddSubcribe(string[] items, string[] fields) { SimpleTableInfo tableInfo = new ExtendedTableInfo( items, "MERGE", fields, true); tableInfo.DataAdapter = this.adapter_name; tableKey = client.SubscribeTable(tableInfo, new StocklistHandyTableListener(listener), false); }
private void UnsubscribeFromWatchlistInstruments() { if ((igStreamApiClient != null) && (_watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey != null) && (LoggedIn)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey); _watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey = null; UpdateWatchlistsMessage("WatchlistsViewModel : Unsubscribing from L1 Prices for Watchlists"); } }
private void UnsubscribeFromPositions() { if ((igStreamApiClient != null) && (_l1PositionPricesTableKey != null) && (LoggedIn)) { igStreamApiClient.UnsubscribeTableKey(_l1PositionPricesTableKey); _l1PositionPricesTableKey = null; UpdatePositionMessage("PositionViewModel : Unsubscribing from Positions"); } }
/// <summary> /// account details subscription /// </summary> /// <param name="accountId"></param> /// <param name="tableListener"></param> public void subscribeToAccountDetails(string accountId, IHandyTableListener tableListener, string[] fields) { ExtendedTableInfo extTableInfo = new ExtendedTableInfo( new string[] { "ACCOUNT:" + accountId }, "MERGE", fields, true ); SubscribedTableKey tableKey = lsClient.SubscribeTable(extTableInfo, tableListener, false); }
public static void Stop(SubscribedTableKey tableKey) { lock (mutex) { if (client != null) { client.Stop(tableKey); } client = null; } }
void IStreamingListener.Start(int phase) { string groupOrItemName = _groupOrItemName.ToUpper(); if (_listener != null) { _listener.MessageReceived -= ListenerMessageReceived; ((IStreamingListener)this).Stop(); } string schema = _messageConverter.GetFieldList(); string channel = _channel.ToUpper(); _listener = new TableListener <TDto>(_adapterSet.ToUpper(), channel, groupOrItemName, phase, _serializer); _listener.MessageReceived += ListenerMessageReceived; Logger.Debug(string.Format("Subscribing to group:{0}, schema {1}, dataAdapter {2}, mode {3}, snapshot {4}", groupOrItemName, schema, channel, _mode.ToUpper(), _snapshot)); var simpleTableInfo = new SimpleTableInfo( groupOrItemName, schema: schema, mode: _mode.ToUpper(), snap: _snapshot) { DataAdapter = channel }; var gate = new ManualResetEvent(false); Exception ex = null; new Thread(() => { try { _subscribedTableKey = _lsClient.SubscribeTable(simpleTableInfo, _listener, false); Logger.Debug(string.Format("Subscribed to table with key: {0}", _subscribedTableKey)); } catch (Exception exInner) { ex = exInner; } gate.Set(); }).Start(); if (ex != null) { Logger.Error(ex); throw ex; } if (!gate.WaitOne(LightstreamerDefaults.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS + 1000)) { Logger.Error(string.Format("Listener taking longer than {0}ms to start: {1}.", LightstreamerDefaults.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS, GetType().Name)); } }
public void UnsubscribeTableKey(SubscribedTableKey stk) { try { if (lsClient != null) { lsClient.UnsubscribeTable(stk); } } catch (Exception) { } }
public void SubscribeToBrowsePrices(string[] epics) { try { // Subscribe to L1 price updates for the instruments contained in this browse node... _browseSubscriptionTableKey = igStreamApiClient.SubscribeToMarketDetails(epics, _l1BrowsePricesSubscription); AddStatusMessage("Subscribed Successfully to instruments contained within this browse node."); } catch (Exception ex) { AddStatusMessage("Could not subscribe to browse instruments : " + ex.Message); } }
public static SubscribedTableKey Startup(ILightstreamerListener listener, string[] items) { lock (mutex) { if (client == null) { Debug.Log("Loading Lightstreamer Singleton"); client = new LightstreamerClient(); client.Start(pushServerHost); } SubscribedTableKey tableKey = client.AppendListener(listener, items, fields); return(tableKey); } }
public void SubscribeToTradeSubscription() { try { if (CurrentAccountId != null) { _tradeSubscriptionStk = igStreamApiClient.SubscribeToTradeSubscription(CurrentAccountId, _tradeSubscription); UpdateDebugMessage("Lightstreamer - Subscribing to CONFIRMS, Working order updates and open position updates"); } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateDebugMessage("ApplicationViewModel - SubscribeToTradeSubscription" + ex.Message); } }
public void SubscribeToAccountDetails() { try { if (CurrentAccountId != null) { _accountBalanceStk = igStreamApiClient.SubscribeToAccountDetails(CurrentAccountId, _accountBalanceSubscription); UpdateDebugMessage("Lightstreamer - Subscribing to Account Details"); } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateDebugMessage("ApplicationViewModel - SubscribeToAccountDetails" + ex.Message); } }
public void SubscribeToL1PositionPrices(string[] positionSubs) { try { if (igStreamApiClient != null) { _l1PositionPricesTableKey = igStreamApiClient.subscribeToMarketDetails(positionSubs, _l1PricesSubscription); UpdatePositionMessage("Successfully subscribed to positions"); } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdatePositionMessage("Problem subscribing to positions: " + ex.Message); } }
// <Summary> // Lightstreamer Subscribe to L1 Prices... // </Summary> private void SubscribeL1WatchlistPrices(string[] watchlistItems) { try { if (igStreamApiClient != null) { _watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey = igStreamApiClient.subscribeToMarketDetails(watchlistItems, _l1PricesSubscription); UpdateWatchlistsMessage("Successfully subscribed to Watchlist : " + Watchlists[WatchlistIndex].WatchlistName); } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateWatchlistsMessage("Exception when trying to subscribe to Watchlist l1 prices: " + ex.Message); } }
public PositionsViewModel() { InitialiseViewModel(); _positions = new ObservableCollection <IgPublicApiData.PositionModel>(); // Initialise LS subscriptions _l1PricesSubscription = new L1PricesSubscription(this); // initialise the LS SubscriptionTableKeys _l1PositionPricesTableKey = new SubscribedTableKey(); // Important to initialise to null. _l1PositionPricesTableKey = null; }
public WatchlistsViewModel() { _watchlists = new ObservableCollection <IgPublicApiData.WatchlistModel>(); _watchlistMarkets = new ObservableCollection <IgPublicApiData.WatchlistMarketModel>(); // Initialise to first index in datagrid. WatchlistIndex = 0; WatchlistMarketIndex = 0; WireCommands(); _l1PricesSubscription = new L1PricesSubscription(this); _watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey = new SubscribedTableKey(); _watchlistL1PricesSubscribedTableKey = null; }
/// <summary> /// Opens a connection, performs a table subscription and unsubscription /// and closes the connection after some time. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Should specify the host name of the Server, the port number /// and optionally the "extended", "multiple" and "command" flags. /// </param> /// <throws>Exception Thrown in case of any error.</throws> public static void Main(string[] args) { LSClient.SetLoggerProvider(new Log4NetLoggerProviderWrapper()); string pushServerHost = args[0]; int pushServerPort = Int32.Parse(args[1]); ArrayList opts = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++) { opts.Add(args[i]); } bool extended = opts.Contains("extended"); bool multiple = opts.Contains("multiple"); bool command = opts.Contains("command"); Thread.Sleep(2000); ConnectionInfo connInfo= new ConnectionInfo(); connInfo.PushServerUrl= "http://" + pushServerHost + ":" + pushServerPort; connInfo.Adapter= "DEMO"; LSClient myClient = new LSClient(); myClient.OpenConnection(connInfo, new TestConnectionListener()); Thread.Sleep(5000); ArrayList refs = new ArrayList(); SubscribedTableKey[] tableRefs; if (!command) { if (extended) { ExtendedTableInfo tableInfo= new ExtendedTableInfo( new string[] { "item1", "item2", "item3" }, "MERGE", new string[] { "last_price", "time", "pct_change" }, true ); tableInfo.DataAdapter = "QUOTE_ADAPTER"; SubscribedTableKey tableRef = myClient.SubscribeTable( tableInfo, new TestTableListenerForExtended(), false ); tableRefs = new SubscribedTableKey[] { tableRef }; } else if (multiple) { ExtendedTableInfo tableInfo= new ExtendedTableInfo( new string[] { "item1", "item2", "item3" }, "MERGE", new string[] { "last_price", "time", "pct_change" }, true ); tableInfo.DataAdapter = "QUOTE_ADAPTER"; tableRefs = myClient.SubscribeItems( tableInfo, new TestTableListenerForMultiple() ); } else { // Group and Schema names have to be manageable by // the LiteralBasedProvider used for the StockListDemo string groupName = "item1 item2 item3"; string schemaName = "last_price time pct_change"; SimpleTableInfo tableInfo= new SimpleTableInfo( groupName, "MERGE", schemaName, true ); tableInfo.DataAdapter = "QUOTE_ADAPTER"; SubscribedTableKey tableRef = myClient.SubscribeTable( tableInfo, new TestTableListenerForSimple(), false ); tableRefs = new SubscribedTableKey[] { tableRef }; } } else { if (extended) { ExtendedTableInfo tableInfo = new ExtendedTableInfo( new String[] { "portfolio1" }, "COMMAND", new String[] { "key", "command", "qty" }, true ); tableInfo.DataAdapter = "PORTFOLIO_ADAPTER"; SubscribedTableKey tableRef = myClient.SubscribeTable( tableInfo, new TestPortfolioListenerForExtended(), true ); tableRefs = new SubscribedTableKey[] { tableRef }; } else { // Group and Schema names have to be manageable by // the LiteralBasedProvider used for the StockListDemo String groupName = "portfolio1"; String schemaName = "key command qty"; SimpleTableInfo tableInfo = new SimpleTableInfo( groupName, "COMMAND", schemaName, true ); tableInfo.DataAdapter = "PORTFOLIO_ADAPTER"; SubscribedTableKey tableRef = myClient.SubscribeTable( tableInfo, new TestPortfolioListenerForSimple(), true ); tableRefs = new SubscribedTableKey[] { tableRef }; } } for (int j = 0; j < tableRefs.Length; j++) { refs.Add(tableRefs[j]); } Thread.Sleep(20000); SubscribedTableKey[] allTableRefs = new SubscribedTableKey[refs.Count]; for (int i= 0; i < refs.Count; i++) allTableRefs[i]= (SubscribedTableKey) refs[i]; myClient.UnsubscribeTables(allTableRefs); Thread.Sleep(5000); myClient.CloseConnection(); Thread.Sleep(2000); Environment.Exit(0); }