public Bot(int xPos, int yPos, List<FlxObject> Bullets, FlxEmitter Gibs, Player ThePlayer) : base(xPos,yPos) { ImgBot = FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/bot"); ImgJet = FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/jetsmoke"); loadGraphic(ImgBot,false); _player = ThePlayer; _b = Bullets; _gibs = Gibs; width = 12; height = 12; offset.X = 2; offset.Y = 2; maxAngular = 120; angularDrag = 400; maxThrust = 100; drag.X = 80; drag.Y = 80; //Jet effect that shoots out from behind the bot _jets = new FlxEmitter(); _jets.setRotation(); _jets.gravity = 0; _jets.createSprites(ImgJet,15,false); reset(x,y); }
public override void create() { base.create(); ImgGibs=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/spawner_gibs"); _timer = 0; _fading = false; FlxG.flash.start(new Color(0xd8, 0xeb, 0xa2)); //Gibs emitted upon death FlxEmitter gibs = new FlxEmitter(0,-50); gibs.setSize(FlxG.width,0); gibs.setXSpeed(); gibs.setYSpeed(0,100); gibs.setRotation(-360,360); gibs.gravity = 80; gibs.createSprites(ImgGibs,800); add(gibs); gibs.start(false,0.005f); add((new FlxText(0,FlxG.height/3,FlxG.width,"VICTORY\nSCORE: "+FlxG.score)).setFormat(null,3,new Color(0xd8, 0xeb, 0xa2), FlxJustification.Center, Color.Black)); }
public override void create() { base.create(); ImgTech=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/tech_tiles"); ImgDirtTop=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/dirt_top"); ImgDirt=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/dirt"); ImgNotch=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/notch"); ImgGibs=FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/gibs"); ImgSpawnerGibs = FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Mode/spawner_gibs"); FlxG.mouse.hide(); reload = false; //get the gibs set up and out of the way _littleGibs = new FlxEmitter(); _littleGibs.delay = 3; _littleGibs.setXSpeed(-150,150); _littleGibs.setYSpeed(-200,0); _littleGibs.setRotation(-720,-720); _littleGibs.createSprites(ImgGibs,100,true,0.5f,0.65f); _bigGibs = new FlxEmitter(); _bigGibs.setXSpeed(-200,200); _bigGibs.setYSpeed(-300,0); _bigGibs.setRotation(-720,-720); _bigGibs.createSprites(ImgSpawnerGibs,50,true,0.5f,0.35f); //level generation needs to know about the spawners (and thusly the bots, players, etc) _blocks = new FlxGroup(); _decorations = new FlxGroup(); _bullets = new FlxGroup(); _player = new Player(316,300,_bullets.members,_littleGibs); _bots = new FlxGroup(); _botBullets = new FlxGroup(); _spawners = new FlxGroup(); //simple procedural level generation int i; int r = 160; FlxTileblock b; b = new FlxTileblock(0,0,640,16); b.loadGraphic(ImgTech); _blocks.add(b); b = new FlxTileblock(0,16,16,640-16); b.loadGraphic(ImgTech); _blocks.add(b); b = new FlxTileblock(640-16,16,16,640-16); b.loadGraphic(ImgTech); _blocks.add(b); b = new FlxTileblock(16,640-24,640-32,8); b.loadGraphic(ImgDirtTop); _blocks.add(b); b = new FlxTileblock(16,640-16,640-32,16); b.loadGraphic(ImgDirt); _blocks.add(b); buildRoom(r * 0, r * 0, true); buildRoom(r*1,r*0); buildRoom(r*2,r*0); buildRoom(r * 3, r * 0, true); buildRoom(r * 0, r * 1, true); buildRoom(r*1,r*1); buildRoom(r*2,r*1); buildRoom(r * 3, r * 1, true); buildRoom(r*0,r*2); buildRoom(r*1,r*2); buildRoom(r*2,r*2); buildRoom(r*3,r*2); buildRoom(r*0,r*3,true); buildRoom(r*1,r*3); buildRoom(r*2,r*3); buildRoom(r*3,r*3,true); //Add bots and spawners after we add blocks to the state, // so that they're drawn on top of the level, and so that // the bots are drawn on top of both the blocks + the spawners. add(_spawners); add(_littleGibs); add(_bigGibs); add(_blocks); add(_decorations); add(_bots); //actually create the bullets now for(i = 0; i < 50; i++) _botBullets.add(new BotBullet()); for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) _bullets.add(new Bullet()); //add player and set up scrolling camera add(_player); FlxG.follow(_player,2.5f); FlxG.followAdjust(0.5f,0.0f); FlxG.followBounds(0,0,640,640); //add gibs + bullets to scene here, so they're drawn on top of pretty much everything add(_botBullets); add(_bullets); //finally we are going to sort things into a couple of helper groups. //we don't add these to the state, we just use them for collisions later! _enemies = new FlxGroup(); _enemies.add(_botBullets); _enemies.add(_spawners); _enemies.add(_bots); _objects = new FlxGroup(); _objects.add(_botBullets); _objects.add(_bullets); _objects.add(_bots); _objects.add(_player); _objects.add(_littleGibs); _objects.add(_bigGibs); //HUD - score Vector2 ssf = new Vector2(0,0); _score = new FlxText(0,0,FlxG.width); _score.color = new Color (0xd8, 0xeb, 0xa2); _score.scale = 2; _score.alignment = FlxJustification.Center; _score.scrollFactor = ssf; _score.shadow = new Color(0x13, 0x1c, 0x1b); add(_score); if (FlxG.scores.Count < 2) { FlxG.scores.Add(0); FlxG.scores.Add(0); } //HUD - highest and last scores _score2 = new FlxText(FlxG.width/2,0,FlxG.width/2); _score2.color = new Color(0xd8, 0xeb, 0xa2); _score2.alignment = FlxJustification.Right; _score2.scrollFactor = ssf; _score2.shadow = _score.shadow; add(_score2); if (FlxG.score > FlxG.scores[0]) FlxG.scores[0] = FlxG.score; if (FlxG.scores[0] != 0) _score2.text = "HIGHEST: " + FlxG.scores[0] + "\nLAST: " + FlxG.score; FlxG.score = 0; _scoreTimer = 0; //HUD - the "number of spawns left" icons _notches = new List<FlxSprite>(); FlxSprite tmp; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tmp = new FlxSprite(4+i*10,4); tmp.loadGraphic(ImgNotch,true); tmp.scrollFactor.X = tmp.scrollFactor.Y = 0; tmp.addAnimation("on", new int[] {0}); tmp.addAnimation("off",new int[] {1}); tmp.moves = false; tmp.solid = false;"on"); _notches.Add((FlxSprite)this.add(tmp)); } //HUD - the "gun jammed" notification _jamBar = this.add((new FlxSprite(0,FlxG.height-22)).createGraphic(FlxG.width,24, new Color(0x13, 0x1c, 0x1b))) as FlxSprite; _jamBar.scrollFactor.X = _jamBar.scrollFactor.Y = 0; _jamBar.visible = false; _jamText = new FlxText(0,FlxG.height-22,FlxG.width,"GUN IS JAMMED"); _jamText.color = new Color(0xd8, 0xeb, 0xa2); _jamText.scale = 2; _jamText.alignment = FlxJustification.Center; _jamText.scrollFactor = ssf; _jamText.visible = false; add(_jamText); FlxG.playMusic(SndMode); FlxG.flash.start(new Color(0x13, 0x1c, 0x1b), 0.5f, null, false); _fading = false; }