コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to search any of the Bevarage properties for the data specified by the user
        /// and then delete those items if the user specifed deletion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchFor">string</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">string</param>
        /// <param name="delete">bool</param>
        /// <returns>string</returns>
        public string SearchByAndPossiblyDelete(string searchFor, string propertyName, bool delete)
                //Open the database
                BeverageJMartinEntities beveageEntities = new BeverageJMartinEntities();
                //Create an empty list to hold the Beverages
                List <Beverage> queryBeverages = null;

                //Bool of if anything is found in the search starts out as false
                bool found = false;
                //Create the string to hold the found list
                string listString = "*************************************************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine;
                //From the property name create a search to be done
                switch (propertyName)
                case nameof(Beverage.id):
                    queryBeverages = beveageEntities.Beverages.Where(
                        bev => bev.id.ToLower() == searchFor.ToLower()

                case nameof(Beverage.name):
                    queryBeverages = beveageEntities.Beverages.Where(
                        bev => bev.name.ToLower().Contains(searchFor.ToLower())

                case nameof(Beverage.pack):
                    queryBeverages = beveageEntities.Beverages.Where(
                        bev => bev.pack.ToLower().Contains(searchFor.ToLower())

                case nameof(Beverage.price):
                    decimal searchForDec = 0;
                    //create a decimal value from the string value for the search
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(searchFor, out searchForDec))
                        queryBeverages = beveageEntities.Beverages.Where(
                            bev => bev.price == searchForDec

                case nameof(Beverage.active):
                    bool tempBool;
                    //Create a bool value from the string value to be used for the search
                    if (searchFor == "True")
                        tempBool = true;
                        tempBool = false;
                    queryBeverages = beveageEntities.Beverages.Where(
                        bev => bev.active == tempBool

                //Find out if anything was found in the search
                if (queryBeverages != null)
                    //As something was found, return the formated beverage information for each beverage found
                    //and make the found bool true.
                    foreach (Beverage beverage in queryBeverages)
                        listString += FormatBeverageSting(beverage) + Environment.NewLine;
                        found       = true;
                if (!found)
                    //As nothing was found return searched for term was not found.
                    listString += searchFor + " was not found." + Environment.NewLine;
                    //if somthing was found and you want to delete the items ask to confirm than
                    //delete the items.
                    if (delete)
                        //Make an instance of UserInterface
                        UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
                        //Output to the user the list of items found
                        //Find out if the user is sure to delete the list of items found.
                        if (ui.AreYouSure())
                            //Call the method to delete the list an inform the user if it was deleted or not.
                            if (DeleteItem(queryBeverages))
                                listString += Environment.NewLine + "The list was deleted" + Environment.NewLine;
                                listString += Environment.NewLine + "The list was NOT deleted do to an error with the database!" + Environment.NewLine;
                            //As the user does not want to delete the items exit out and return a blank list.
                            listString = "Not deleted";
                    listString += "*************************************************************************************************" + Environment.NewLine;
            catch (Exception e)
                UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
                ui.OutputAString(e.ToString() + " " + e.StackTrace);