コード例 #1
        private void LoadPlaceList(GeolocationResult result)
            Func<int> func = delegate {
                PlaceList lPlaceList = new PlaceList ();

                if (result.Position != null)
                    lPlaceList = new PlaceList (
                        Engine.Instance.PlaceLocator.GetNearbyPlaces (
                        (float)result.Position.Latitude, (float)result.Position.Longitude));

                this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                    if (lPlaceList.Count > 0)
                        PlaceList = lPlaceList;

                        TableView.ReloadData ();
                        BusyView.Busy = false;
                        ShowLocatinError (lPlaceList, result);

                return 0;

            func.BeginInvoke (null, null);
コード例 #2
        public GeolocationResult GetLocation()
            ManualResetEvent waitToComplete = new ManualResetEvent (false);

            GeolocationResult result = null;

            // Not getting the right results if not on main thread
            MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject obj = new MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject ();
            obj.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {

                Task<Position> task =  GetTask ();

                task.ContinueWith (t =>
                    result = new GeolocationResult (_geolocator, t);
                    waitToComplete.Set ();

                }, _scheduler);

            waitToComplete.WaitOne ();

            return result;
コード例 #3
        protected void ShowLocatinError(PlaceList placeList, GeolocationResult result)
            string message;

            if (result.Canceled)
                message = "The location request timed out.";
            else if (result.GeolocationNotAvailable)
                message = "Location services are not available on this device.";
            else if (result.GeolocationDisabled)
                message = "Location services are not enabled for the Evolve application.";
                message = "Did not find any places near your location.";

            BusyView.Busy = false;

            UIAlertView alertNew = new UIAlertView ("Error", message, null, "Close", null);
            alertNew.Show ();