コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs all dictionaries used in the inflection program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbDicPath"></param>
        public VerbList(string verbDicPath)
            VerbPishvandiDic = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            VerbShapes       = new Dictionary <string, List <VerbInflection> >();
            CompoundVerbDic  = new Dictionary <Verb, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> > >();
            var verbs = new List <Verb>();

            string[] records = File.ReadAllText(verbDicPath).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var record in records)
                string[] fields = record.Split("\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int      vtype  = int.Parse(fields[0]);

                if (vtype == 1 || vtype == 2)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    if (vtype == 2)
                        verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    int trans        = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    var transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    Verb verb;
                    bool amrShodani = true;
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    string vowelEnd     = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel    = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);

                    if (verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI)
                        verbs.Add(new Verb("", "", "خواه", pishvand, "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive,
                                           VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI, false, "?", "@", "!"));
                        if (VerbPishvandiDic.ContainsKey(pishvand))
                            VerbPishvandiDic[pishvand].Add(verb.PastTenseRoot + "|" + verb.PresentTenseRoot);
                            var lst = new List <string>();
                            lst.Add(verb.PastTenseRoot + "|" + verb.PresentTenseRoot);
                            VerbPishvandiDic.Add(pishvand, lst);
                else if (vtype == 3)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb   verb;
                    bool   amrShodani       = true;
                    string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istran = true;
                    if (transitivity == VerbTransitivity.InTransitive)
                        istran = false;

                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", istran);
                else if (vtype == 4)
                    var verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb   verb;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    bool   amrShodani       = true;
                    string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istrans = true;
                    if (transitivity == VerbTransitivity.InTransitive)
                        istrans = false;
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", istrans);
                else if (vtype == 5 || vtype == 7)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb   verb;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    if (pishvand != "")
                        verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    bool   amrShodani       = true;
                    string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    string harfeEazafeh     = fields[6];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istrans = true;
                    if (transitivity == VerbTransitivity.InTransitive)
                        istrans = false;
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(harfeEazafeh))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add(harfeEazafeh, istrans);
            var verbtext          = new StringBuilder();
            var mitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                       TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);

            VerbShapes.Add("می‌توان", new List <VerbInflection>());
            var nemitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                         TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);

            VerbShapes.Add("نمی‌توان", new List <VerbInflection>());

            VerbShapes.Add("میتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());
            VerbShapes.Add("نمیتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());

            var betavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                       TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);

            VerbShapes.Add("بتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());

            var naitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                        TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);

            VerbShapes.Add("نتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());

            foreach (Verb verb in verbs)
                if (verb.Type == VerbType.SADEH || verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI || verb.Type == VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI)
                    foreach (TensePositivity positivity in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TensePositivity)))
                        foreach (PersonType shakhsType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PersonType)))
                            foreach (
                                TenseFormationType tenseFormationType in
                                foreach (
                                    AttachedPronounType zamirPeyvastehType in
                                    var inflection = new VerbInflection(verb, zamirPeyvastehType, "",
                                                                        tenseFormationType, positivity);
                                    if (inflection.IsValid())
                                        var output = InflectorAnalyzeSentencer.GetInflections(inflection);
                                        if (inflection.VerbRoot.PastTenseRoot == "بایست")
                                            if (output[0].Contains("بایست"))
                                                inflection.Person    = PersonType.PERSON_NONE;
                                                inflection.TenseForm = TenseFormationType.GOZASHTEH_SADEH;
                                                inflection.Person    = PersonType.PERSON_NONE;
                                                inflection.TenseForm = TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH;
                                        var output2 = new List <string>();
                                        foreach (string list in output)
                                            if (list.Contains("می‌"))
                                                var newshape = list.Replace("می‌", "می");
                                        foreach (string list in output2)
                                            if (!(VerbShapes.ContainsKey(list)))
                                                var verbInflections = new List <VerbInflection> {
                                                VerbShapes.Add(list, verbInflections);
                                                bool contains = false;
                                                foreach (VerbInflection inf in VerbShapes[list])
                                                    if (inflection.Equals(inf))
                                                        contains = true;
                                                if (!contains)
                                                    //This for zamir_peyvaste rule based disambiguation in which the inflections
                                                    //without zamir_peyvaste are rathered to remain
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < VerbShapes[list].Count; i++)
                                                        var verbInflection = VerbShapes[list][i];
                                                        if (verbInflection.ZamirPeyvasteh !=
コード例 #2
        public VerbList(string verbDicPath)
            if (VerbShapes == null)
                VerbPishvandiDic = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                VerbShapes       = new Dictionary <string, List <VerbInflection> >();
                CompoundVerbDic  = new Dictionary <Verb, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> > >();
                var      verbs   = new List <Verb>();
                string[] records = File.ReadAllText(verbDicPath).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var record in records)
                    string[] fields = record.Split("\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    int      vtype  = int.Parse(fields[0]);

                    if (vtype == 1 || vtype == 2)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        if (vtype == 2)
                            verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        int trans        = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        var transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        Verb verb;
                        bool amrShodani = true;
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        string vowelEnd     = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel    = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);

                        if (verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI)
                            verbs.Add(new Verb("", "", "خواه", pishvand, "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR,
                                               VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI, false, "?", "@", "!"));
                            if (VerbPishvandiDic.ContainsKey(pishvand))
                                VerbPishvandiDic[pishvand].Add(verb.HastehMazi + "|" + verb.HastehMozareh);
                                var lst = new List <string>();
                                lst.Add(verb.HastehMazi + "|" + verb.HastehMozareh);
                                VerbPishvandiDic.Add(pishvand, lst);
                    else if (vtype == 3)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb   verb;
                        bool   amrShodani       = true;
                        string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", amrShodani);
                    else if (vtype == 4)
                        var verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb   verb;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        bool   amrShodani       = true;
                        string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", amrShodani);
                    else if (vtype == 5 || vtype == 7)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        int trans    = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb   verb;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        if (pishvand != "")
                            verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        bool   amrShodani       = true;
                        string vowelEnd         = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel        = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel     = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        string harfeEazafeh     = fields[6];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary <string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(harfeEazafeh))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add(harfeEazafeh, amrShodani);
                var verbtext          = new StringBuilder();
                var mitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "می‌توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                           TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("می‌توان", new List <VerbInflection>());
                var nemitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "می‌توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                             TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("نمی‌توان", new List <VerbInflection>());

                var betavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "بتوان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                           TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("بتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());

                var naitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "نتوان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                            TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("نتوان", new List <VerbInflection>());

                foreach (Verb verb in verbs)
                    if (verb.Type == VerbType.SADEH || verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI || verb.Type == VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI)
                        foreach (TensePositivity positivity in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TensePositivity)))
                            foreach (ShakhsType shakhsType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ShakhsType)))
                                foreach (
                                    TenseFormationType tenseFormationType in
                                    foreach (
                                        ZamirPeyvastehType zamirPeyvastehType in
                                        var inflection = new VerbInflection(verb, zamirPeyvastehType, "",
                                                                            tenseFormationType, positivity);
                                        if (inflection.IsValid())
                                            var output = InflectorManager.GetInflections(inflection);
                                            foreach (string list in output)
                                                if (!(VerbShapes.ContainsKey(list)))
                                                    var verbInflections = new List <VerbInflection> {
                                                    VerbShapes.Add(list, verbInflections);
                                                    bool contains = false;
                                                    foreach (VerbInflection inf in VerbShapes[list])
                                                        if (inflection.Equals(inf))
                                                            contains = true;
                                                    if (!contains)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs all dictionaries used in the inflection program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbDicPath"></param>
        public VerbList(string verbDicPath)
            VerbPishvandiDic = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            VerbShapes = new Dictionary<string, List<VerbInflection>>();
            CompoundVerbDic = new Dictionary<Verb, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>>();
            var verbs = new List<Verb>();
            string[] records = File.ReadAllText(verbDicPath).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var record in records)
                string[] fields = record.Split("\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int vtype = int.Parse(fields[0]);

                if (vtype == 1 || vtype == 2)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    if (vtype == 2)
                        verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    var transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    Verb verb;
                    bool amrShodani = true;
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);

                    if (verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI)
                        verbs.Add(new Verb("", "", "خواه", pishvand, "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive,
                                           VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI, false, "?", "@", "!"));
                        if (VerbPishvandiDic.ContainsKey(pishvand))
                            VerbPishvandiDic[pishvand].Add(verb.PastTenseRoot + "|" + verb.PresentTenseRoot);
                            var lst = new List<string>();
                            lst.Add(verb.PastTenseRoot + "|" + verb.PresentTenseRoot);
                            VerbPishvandiDic.Add(pishvand, lst);
                else if (vtype == 3)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb verb;
                    bool amrShodani = true;
                    string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istran=true;

                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", istran);

                else if (vtype == 4)
                    var verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb verb;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    bool amrShodani = true;
                    string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istrans=true;
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", istrans);
                else if (vtype == 5 || vtype == 7)
                    var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                    int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                    VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.Transitive;
                    if (trans == 0)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.InTransitive;
                    else if (trans == 2)
                        transitivity = VerbTransitivity.BiTransitive;
                    Verb verb;
                    string pishvand = "";
                    if (fields[5] != "-")
                        pishvand = fields[5];
                    if (pishvand != "")
                        verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                    bool amrShodani = true;
                    string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                    string maziVowel = fields[9];
                    string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                    string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                    string harfeEazafeh = fields[6];
                    if (fields[3] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    else if (fields[2] == "-")
                        verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                        vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                    if (fields[7] == "*")
                        amrShodani = false;
                    var istrans=true;
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                        CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                        CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                    if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(harfeEazafeh))

                        CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add(harfeEazafeh, istrans);
            var verbtext = new StringBuilder();
            var mitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                                     TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
            VerbShapes.Add("می‌توان", new List<VerbInflection>());
            var nemitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                                     TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
            VerbShapes.Add("نمی‌توان", new List<VerbInflection>());

            VerbShapes.Add("میتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());
            VerbShapes.Add("نمیتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());

            var betavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                                   TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
            VerbShapes.Add("بتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());

            var naitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.InTransitive, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), AttachedPronounType.AttachedPronoun_NONE, "",
                                                                     TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
            VerbShapes.Add("نتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());

            foreach (Verb verb in verbs)
                if (verb.Type == VerbType.SADEH || verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI || verb.Type == VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI)
                    foreach (TensePositivity positivity in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TensePositivity)))
                        foreach (PersonType shakhsType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PersonType)))
                            foreach (
                                TenseFormationType tenseFormationType in
                                foreach (
                                    AttachedPronounType zamirPeyvastehType in

                                    var inflection = new VerbInflection(verb, zamirPeyvastehType, "",
                                                                        tenseFormationType, positivity);
                                    if (inflection.IsValid())
                                        var output = InflectorAnalyzeSentencer.GetInflections(inflection);
                                        if (inflection.VerbRoot.PastTenseRoot == "بایست")
                                            if (output[0].Contains("بایست"))
                                                inflection.Person = PersonType.PERSON_NONE;
                                                inflection.TenseForm = TenseFormationType.GOZASHTEH_SADEH;
                                                inflection.Person = PersonType.PERSON_NONE;
                                                inflection.TenseForm = TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH;
                                        var output2=new List<string>();
                                        foreach (string list in output)
                                            output2.Add (list);
                                            if (list.Contains("می‌")){
                                                var newshape=list.Replace("می‌","می");
                                                output2.Add (newshape);

                                        foreach (string list in output2)
                                            if (!(VerbShapes.ContainsKey(list)))
                                                var verbInflections = new List<VerbInflection> { inflection };
                                                VerbShapes.Add(list, verbInflections);
                                                bool contains = false;
                                                foreach (VerbInflection inf in VerbShapes[list])
                                                    if (inflection.Equals(inf))
                                                        contains = true;
                                                if (!contains)
                                                    //This for zamir_peyvaste rule based disambiguation in which the inflections
                                                    //without zamir_peyvaste are rathered to remain
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < VerbShapes[list].Count; i++)
                                                        var verbInflection = VerbShapes[list][i];
                                                        if (verbInflection.ZamirPeyvasteh !=

コード例 #4
        public VerbList(string verbDicPath)
            if (VerbShapes == null)
                VerbPishvandiDic = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                VerbShapes = new Dictionary<string, List<VerbInflection>>();
                CompoundVerbDic = new Dictionary<Verb, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>>();
                var verbs = new List<Verb>();
                string[] records = File.ReadAllText(verbDicPath).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var record in records)

                    string[] fields = record.Split("\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    int vtype = int.Parse(fields[0]);

                    if (vtype == 1 || vtype == 2)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        if (vtype == 2)
                            verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        var transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        Verb verb;
                        bool amrShodani = true;
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);

                        if (verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI)
                            verbs.Add(new Verb("", "", "خواه", pishvand, "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR,
                                               VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI, false, "?", "@", "!"));
                            if (VerbPishvandiDic.ContainsKey(pishvand))
                                VerbPishvandiDic[pishvand].Add(verb.HastehMazi + "|" + verb.HastehMozareh);
                                var lst = new List<string>();
                                lst.Add(verb.HastehMazi + "|" + verb.HastehMozareh);
                                VerbPishvandiDic.Add(pishvand, lst);
                    else if (vtype == 3)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb verb;
                        bool amrShodani = true;
                        string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], "", "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", amrShodani);

                    else if (vtype == 4)
                        var verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb verb;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        bool amrShodani = true;
                        string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(""))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add("", amrShodani);
                    else if (vtype == 5 || vtype == 7)
                        var verbType = VerbType.SADEH;
                        int trans = int.Parse(fields[1]);
                        VerbTransitivity transitivity = VerbTransitivity.GOZARA;
                        if (trans == 0)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR;
                        else if (trans == 2)
                            transitivity = VerbTransitivity.DOVAJHI;
                        Verb verb;
                        string pishvand = "";
                        if (fields[5] != "-")
                            pishvand = fields[5];
                        if (pishvand != "")
                            verbType = VerbType.PISHVANDI;
                        bool amrShodani = true;
                        string vowelEnd = fields[8];
                        string maziVowel = fields[9];
                        string mozarehVowel = fields[10];
                        string nonVerbalElemant = fields[4];
                        string harfeEazafeh = fields[6];
                        if (fields[3] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], "", pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        else if (fields[2] == "-")
                            verb = new Verb("", "", fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                            verb = new Verb("", fields[2], fields[3], pishvand, "", transitivity, verbType, amrShodani,
                                            vowelEnd, maziVowel, mozarehVowel);
                        if (fields[7] == "*")
                            amrShodani = false;
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic.ContainsKey(verb))
                            CompoundVerbDic.Add(verb, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, bool>>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb].ContainsKey(nonVerbalElemant))
                            CompoundVerbDic[verb].Add(nonVerbalElemant, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
                        if (!CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].ContainsKey(harfeEazafeh))

                            CompoundVerbDic[verb][nonVerbalElemant].Add(harfeEazafeh, amrShodani);
                var verbtext = new StringBuilder();
                var mitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "می‌توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                                         TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("می‌توان", new List<VerbInflection>());
                var nemitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "می‌توان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                                         TenseFormationType.HAAL_SAADEH, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("نمی‌توان", new List<VerbInflection>());

                var betavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "بتوان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                                       TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("بتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());

                var naitavanInflection = new VerbInflection(new Verb("", "", "نتوان", "", "", VerbTransitivity.NAGOZAR, VerbType.SADEH, false, "?", "@", "!"), ZamirPeyvastehType.ZamirPeyvasteh_NONE, "",
                                                                         TenseFormationType.HAAL_ELTEZAMI, TensePositivity.POSITIVE);
                VerbShapes.Add("نتوان", new List<VerbInflection>());

                foreach (Verb verb in verbs)
                    if (verb.Type == VerbType.SADEH || verb.Type == VerbType.PISHVANDI || verb.Type == VerbType.AYANDEH_PISHVANDI)
                        foreach (TensePositivity positivity in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TensePositivity)))
                            foreach (ShakhsType shakhsType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ShakhsType)))
                                foreach (
                                    TenseFormationType tenseFormationType in
                                    foreach (
                                        ZamirPeyvastehType zamirPeyvastehType in

                                        var inflection = new VerbInflection(verb, zamirPeyvastehType, "",
                                                                            tenseFormationType, positivity);
                                        if (inflection.IsValid())
                                            var output = InflectorManager.GetInflections(inflection);
                                            foreach (string list in output)
                                                if (!(VerbShapes.ContainsKey(list)))
                                                    var verbInflections = new List<VerbInflection> { inflection };
                                                    VerbShapes.Add(list, verbInflections);
                                                    bool contains = false;
                                                    foreach (VerbInflection inf in VerbShapes[list])
                                                        if (inflection.Equals(inf))
                                                            contains = true;
                                                    if (!contains)