protected virtual Vector3 ProjectDownBeam(Vector3 jointPosition) { Vector3 downPosition =; Ray projectedBeamDownRaycast = new Ray(jointPosition, Vector3.down); RaycastHit collidedWith; #pragma warning disable 0618 bool downRayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, projectedBeamDownRaycast, out collidedWith, layersToIgnore, maximumLength.y); #pragma warning restore 0618 if (!downRayHit || (destinationHit.collider && destinationHit.collider != collidedWith.collider)) { if (destinationHit.collider != null) { PointerExit(destinationHit); } destinationHit = new RaycastHit(); downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(0f); } if (downRayHit) { downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(collidedWith.distance); PointerEnter(collidedWith); destinationHit = collidedWith; } return(downPosition); }
protected virtual void CalculateLean(Vector3 startPosition, float forwardLength, float originalRayDistance) { //Cast the new down ray based on the position of the end of the forward ray but still at a flat plane of the headset forward (i.e. no headset rotation) Vector3 rayDownStartPosition = startPosition + (headset.forward * forwardLength); rayDownStartPosition = new Vector3(rayDownStartPosition.x, startPosition.y, rayDownStartPosition.z); Ray downRay = new Ray(rayDownStartPosition, -playArea.up); RaycastHit downRayCollision; //Cast a ray down from the end of the forward ray position #pragma warning disable 0618 if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, downRay, out downRayCollision, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity)) #pragma warning restore 0618 { //Determine the difference between the original down ray and the projected forward a bit downray float rayDownDelta = VRTK_SharedMethods.RoundFloat(originalRayDistance - downRayCollision.distance, decimalPrecision); //Determine the difference between the current play area position and the last play area position float playAreaPositionDelta = VRTK_SharedMethods.RoundFloat(Vector3.Distance(playArea.transform.position, lastPlayAreaPosition), decimalPrecision); //If the play area is not moving and the delta between the down rays is greater than 0 then you're probably walking forward over something you can stand on isMoving = (onGround && playAreaPositionDelta <= playAreaPositionThreshold && rayDownDelta > 0f ? true : isMoving); //If the item your standing over is too high to walk on top of then allow leaning over it. isLeaning = (onGround && rayDownDelta > leanYThreshold ? true : false); } }
protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); if (origin == null) { return(0); } Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, defaultIgnoreLayer, maximumLength); CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }
protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, maximumLength); OnGround(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); // SETTING WAYPOINT MarkGroundPoint(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); SelectDrone(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); lineSelected = SelectedLine(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); // SETTING WAYPOINT //LogHeight(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }
protected virtual Vector3 ProjectDownBeam(Vector3 jointPosition) { Vector3 downPosition =; Ray projectedBeamDownRaycast = new Ray(jointPosition, Vector3.down); RaycastHit collidedWith; bool downRayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, projectedBeamDownRaycast, out collidedWith, layersToIgnore, float.PositiveInfinity); if (!downRayHit || (destinationHit.collider && destinationHit.collider != collidedWith.collider)) { if (destinationHit.collider != null) { PointerExit(destinationHit); } destinationHit = new RaycastHit(); downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(0f); } if (downRayHit) { downPosition = projectedBeamDownRaycast.GetPoint(collidedWith.distance); PointerEnter(collidedWith); destinationHit = collidedWith; } return(downPosition); }
protected virtual void CheckLean() { //Cast a ray down from the current standing position Vector3 standingDownRayStartPosition = (headset ? new Vector3(currentStandingPosition.x, headset.position.y, currentStandingPosition.y) :; Vector3 rayDirection = (playArea ? -playArea.up :; Ray standingDownRay = new Ray(standingDownRayStartPosition, rayDirection); RaycastHit standingDownRayCollision; bool standingDownRayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, standingDownRay, out standingDownRayCollision, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity); if (standingDownRayHit) { currentValidFloorObject = standingDownRayCollision.collider.gameObject; } //Don't bother checking for lean if body collisions are disabled if (!headset || !playArea || !enableBodyCollisions) { return; } //reset the headset x rotation so the forward ray is always horizontal regardless of the headset rotation Quaternion storedRotation = headset.rotation; headset.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, headset.rotation.y, headset.rotation.z, headset.rotation.w); float forwardLengthAddition = 0.05f; float forwardLength = bodyCollider.radius + forwardLengthAddition; Ray forwardRay = new Ray(headset.position, headset.forward); RaycastHit forwardRayCollision; // Cast a ray forward just outside the body collider radius to see if anything is blocking your path if (!VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, forwardRay, out forwardRayCollision, layersToIgnore, forwardLength)) { if (standingDownRayHit) { Vector3 rayDownStartPosition = headset.position + headset.forward * forwardLength; Ray downRay = new Ray(rayDownStartPosition, -playArea.up); RaycastHit downRayCollision; //Cast a ray down from the end of the forward ray position if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, downRay, out downRayCollision, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity)) { float distancePrecision = 1000f; float rayDownDelta = (Mathf.Round((standingDownRayCollision.distance - downRayCollision.distance) * distancePrecision) / distancePrecision); float playAreaPositionDelta = Mathf.Round(Vector3.Distance(playArea.transform.position, lastPlayAreaPosition) * distancePrecision) / distancePrecision; //If the play area is not moving and the delta between the down rays is greater than 0 then you're probably walking forward over something you can stand on isMoving = (onGround && playAreaPositionDelta <= 0.002f && rayDownDelta > 0f ? true : isMoving); //If the item your standing over is too high to walk on top of then allow leaning over it. isLeaning = (onGround && rayDownDelta > leanYThreshold ? true : false); } } } //put the headset rotation back headset.rotation = storedRotation; }
protected virtual float ControllerHeightCheck(GameObject controllerObj) { Ray ray = new Ray(controllerObj.transform.position, -playArea.up); RaycastHit rayCollidedWith; VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, ray, out rayCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity); return(controllerObj.transform.position.y - rayCollidedWith.distance); }
protected override float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, defaultIgnoreLayer, maximumLength); CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } //当たってる対象がAnimationWindowならマウス操作 if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.collider.tag == "AnimationWindow") { var mousePosInEditorWindow = animationWindowController.GetMousePosInEditorWindowFromUV(pointerCollidedWith.textureCoord); if (mousePosInEditorWindow != null && editorWindowCapture != null) { //pointer.position = desktopPos.Value; pointerPos = mousePosInEditorWindow.Value; if (state == TouchState.Release) { //GetPointer(); //pointer.Hover(); state = TouchState.Hover; editorWindowCapture.SendEvent(pointerPos, EventType.MouseMove); } else { editorWindowCapture.SendEvent(pointerPos, EventType.MouseDrag); } } GetComponent <VRTK.VRTK_Pointer>().Toggle(true); } //UIに当たってればUI操作 else if (uiPointer.pointerEventData.pointerEnter) { GetComponent <VRTK.VRTK_Pointer>().Toggle(true); } //AnimationWindowにもUIにも当たっていない else { state = TouchState.Release; GetComponent <VRTK.VRTK_Pointer>().Toggle(false); GetComponent <VRTK.VRTK_Pointer>().pointerRenderer.Toggle(false, false); } return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }
protected virtual void AdjustForEarlyCollisions(Vector3 jointPosition, Vector3 downPosition) { Vector3 newDownPosition = downPosition; Vector3 newJointPosition = jointPosition; // Debug.Log("Exit1"); if (collisionCheckFrequency > 0 && actualTracer != null) { collisionCheckFrequency = Mathf.Clamp(collisionCheckFrequency, 0, tracerDensity); Vector3[] beamPoints = new Vector3[] { GetOrigin().position, jointPosition + new Vector3(0f, curveOffset, 0f), downPosition, downPosition, }; Vector3[] checkPoints = actualTracer.GetPoints(beamPoints); int checkFrequency = tracerDensity / collisionCheckFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < tracerDensity - checkFrequency; i += checkFrequency) { Vector3 currentPoint = checkPoints[i]; Vector3 nextPoint = (i + checkFrequency < checkPoints.Length ? checkPoints[i + checkFrequency] : checkPoints[checkPoints.Length - 1]); Vector3 nextPointDirection = (nextPoint - currentPoint).normalized; float nextPointDistance = Vector3.Distance(currentPoint, nextPoint); Ray checkCollisionRay = new Ray(currentPoint, nextPointDirection); RaycastHit checkCollisionHit; #pragma warning disable 0618 if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, checkCollisionRay, out checkCollisionHit, layersToIgnore, nextPointDistance)) #pragma warning restore 0618 { Vector3 collisionPoint = checkCollisionRay.GetPoint(checkCollisionHit.distance); Ray downwardCheckRay = new Ray(collisionPoint + (Vector3.up * 0.01f), Vector3.down); RaycastHit downwardCheckHit; #pragma warning disable 0618 if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, downwardCheckRay, out downwardCheckHit, layersToIgnore, float.PositiveInfinity)) #pragma warning restore 0618 { destinationHit = downwardCheckHit; newDownPosition = downwardCheckRay.GetPoint(downwardCheckHit.distance);; newJointPosition = (newDownPosition.y < jointPosition.y ? new Vector3(newDownPosition.x, jointPosition.y, newDownPosition.z) : jointPosition); break; } } } } DisplayCurvedBeam(newJointPosition, newDownPosition); SetPointerCursor(); }
protected virtual void AdjustForParentOffset() { if (snapToNearestFloor && applyPlayareaParentOffset && playArea != null && playArea.parent != null) { Ray ray = new Ray(playArea.parent.position, -playArea.up); RaycastHit rayCollidedWith; if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, ray, out rayCollidedWith, Physics.IgnoreRaycastLayer, Mathf.Infinity, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { playArea.position = new Vector3(playArea.position.x, playArea.position.y + rayCollidedWith.point.y, playArea.position.z); } } }
protected virtual Vector3 ProjectForwardBeam() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); float attachedRotation = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, origin.forward.normalized); float calculatedLength = maximumLength.x; Vector3 useForward = origin.forward; if ((attachedRotation * 100f) > heightLimitAngle) { useForward = new Vector3(useForward.x, fixedForwardBeamForward.y, useForward.z); float controllerRotationOffset = 1f - (attachedRotation - (heightLimitAngle / 100f)); calculatedLength = (maximumLength.x * controllerRotationOffset) * controllerRotationOffset; } else { fixedForwardBeamForward = origin.forward; } float actualLength = calculatedLength; Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, useForward); RaycastHit collidedWith; #pragma warning disable 0618 bool hasRayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out collidedWith, layersToIgnore, calculatedLength); #pragma warning restore 0618 float contactDistance = 0f; //reset if beam not hitting or hitting new target if (!hasRayHit || (destinationHit.collider && destinationHit.collider != collidedWith.collider)) { contactDistance = 0f; } //check if beam has hit a new target if (hasRayHit) { contactDistance = collidedWith.distance; } //adjust beam length if something is blocking it if (hasRayHit && contactDistance < calculatedLength) { actualLength = contactDistance; } //Use BEAM_ADJUST_OFFSET to move point back and up a bit to prevent beam clipping at collision point return(pointerRaycast.GetPoint(actualLength - BEAM_ADJUST_OFFSET) + (Vector3.up * BEAM_ADJUST_OFFSET)); }
protected virtual float GetTeleportY(Transform target, Vector3 tipPosition) { float newY = playArea.position.y; float heightOffset = 0.1f; //Check to see if the tip is on top of an object Vector3 rayStartPositionOffset = Vector3.up * heightOffset; Ray ray = new Ray(tipPosition + rayStartPositionOffset, -playArea.up); RaycastHit rayCollidedWith; if (target && VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, ray, out rayCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity)) { newY = (tipPosition.y - rayCollidedWith.distance) + heightOffset; } return(newY); }
// Token: 0x060018C5 RID: 6341 RVA: 0x000840CC File Offset: 0x000822CC protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = base.GetOrigin(true); Ray ray = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; bool flag = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray, out pointerCollidedWith, this.layersToIgnore, this.maximumLength, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal); this.CheckRayMiss(flag, pointerCollidedWith); this.CheckRayHit(flag, pointerCollidedWith); float distance = this.maximumLength; if (flag && pointerCollidedWith.distance < this.maximumLength) { distance = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } return(this.OverrideBeamLength(distance)); }
// Token: 0x060017DA RID: 6106 RVA: 0x0007F1DC File Offset: 0x0007D3DC protected virtual float GetTeleportY(Transform target, Vector3 tipPosition) { if (!this.snapToNearestFloor || !this.ValidRigObjects()) { return(tipPosition.y); } float result = this.playArea.position.y; float num = 0.1f; Vector3 b = Vector3.up * num; Ray ray = new Ray(tipPosition + b, -this.playArea.up); RaycastHit raycastHit; if (target != null && VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray, out raycastHit, this.layersToIgnore, float.PositiveInfinity, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { result = tipPosition.y - raycastHit.distance + num; } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060018B4 RID: 6324 RVA: 0x000837DC File Offset: 0x000819DC protected virtual void AdjustForEarlyCollisions(Vector3 jointPosition, Vector3 downPosition) { Vector3 vector = downPosition; Vector3 jointPosition2 = jointPosition; if (this.collisionCheckFrequency > 0 && this.actualTracer != null) { this.collisionCheckFrequency = Mathf.Clamp(this.collisionCheckFrequency, 0, this.tracerDensity); Vector3[] controlPoints = new Vector3[] { base.GetOrigin(true).position, jointPosition + new Vector3(0f, this.curveOffset, 0f), downPosition, downPosition }; Vector3[] points = this.actualTracer.GetPoints(controlPoints); int num = this.tracerDensity / this.collisionCheckFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < this.tracerDensity - num; i += num) { Vector3 vector2 = points[i]; Vector3 vector3 = (i + num < points.Length) ? points[i + num] : points[points.Length - 1]; Vector3 normalized = (vector3 - vector2).normalized; float length = Vector3.Distance(vector2, vector3); Ray ray = new Ray(vector2, normalized); RaycastHit raycastHit; if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray, out raycastHit, this.layersToIgnore, length, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal)) { Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(raycastHit.distance); Ray ray2 = new Ray(point + Vector3.up * 0.01f, Vector3.down); RaycastHit destinationHit; if (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray2, out destinationHit, this.layersToIgnore, float.PositiveInfinity, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal)) { this.destinationHit = destinationHit; vector = ray2.GetPoint(destinationHit.distance); jointPosition2 = ((vector.y < jointPosition.y) ? new Vector3(vector.x, jointPosition.y, vector.z) : jointPosition); break; } } } } this.DisplayCurvedBeam(jointPosition2, vector); this.SetPointerCursor(); }
protected virtual void SnapToNearestFloor() { if (!preventSnapToFloor && (enableBodyCollisions || enableTeleport) && headset && headset.transform.position.y > playArea.position.y) { Ray ray = new Ray(headset.transform.position, -playArea.up); RaycastHit rayCollidedWith; bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, ray, out rayCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity); hitFloorYDelta = playArea.position.y - rayCollidedWith.point.y; if (initialFloorDrop && (ValidDrop(rayHit, rayCollidedWith, rayCollidedWith.point.y) || retogglePhysicsOnCanFall)) { storedCurrentPhysics = ArePhysicsEnabled(); resetPhysicsAfterTeleport = false; TogglePhysics(false); HandleFall(rayCollidedWith.point.y, rayCollidedWith); } initialFloorDrop = true; lastFrameFloorY = rayCollidedWith.point.y; } }
protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; #pragma warning disable 0618 bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, maximumLength); #pragma warning restore 0618 CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }
protected virtual void CheckLean() { //Cast a ray down from the current standing position Vector3 standingDownRayStartPosition = (headset != null ? new Vector3(currentStandingPosition.x, headset.position.y, currentStandingPosition.y) :; Vector3 rayDirection = (playArea != null ? -playArea.up :; Ray standingDownRay = new Ray(standingDownRayStartPosition, rayDirection); RaycastHit standingDownRayCollision; //Determine the current valid floor that the user is standing over #pragma warning disable 0618 currentValidFloorObject = (VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, standingDownRay, out standingDownRayCollision, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity) ? standingDownRayCollision.collider.gameObject : null); #pragma warning restore 0618 //Don't bother checking for lean if body collisions are disabled if (headset == null || playArea == null || !enableBodyCollisions) { return; } //reset the headset x rotation so the forward ray is always horizontal regardless of the headset rotation Quaternion storedRotation = headset.rotation; headset.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, headset.rotation.y, headset.rotation.z, headset.rotation.w); Ray forwardRay = new Ray(headset.position, headset.forward); RaycastHit forwardRayCollision; //Determine the maximum forward distance to cast the forward ray float forwardLength = bodyCollider.radius + leanForwardLengthAddition; // Cast a ray forward just outside the body collider radius to see if anything is blocking your path // If nothing is blocking your path and you're currently standing over a valid floor #pragma warning disable 0618 if (!VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, forwardRay, out forwardRayCollision, layersToIgnore, forwardLength) && currentValidFloorObject != null) #pragma warning restore 0618 { CalculateLean(standingDownRayStartPosition, forwardLength, standingDownRayCollision.distance); } //put the headset rotation back headset.rotation = storedRotation; }
protected virtual float GetTeleportY(Transform target, Vector3 tipPosition) { if (!snapToNearestFloor || !ValidRigObjects()) { return(tipPosition.y); } float newY = playArea.position.y; float heightOffset = 0.1f; //Check to see if the tip is on top of an object Vector3 rayStartPositionOffset = Vector3.up * heightOffset; Ray ray = new Ray(tipPosition + rayStartPositionOffset, -playArea.up); RaycastHit rayCollidedWith; #pragma warning disable 0618 if (target != null && VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, ray, out rayCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, Mathf.Infinity, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) #pragma warning restore 0618 { newY = (tipPosition.y - rayCollidedWith.distance) + heightOffset; } return(newY); }
// Token: 0x060018B2 RID: 6322 RVA: 0x000835D0 File Offset: 0x000817D0 protected virtual Vector3 ProjectForwardBeam() { Transform origin = base.GetOrigin(true); float num = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, origin.forward.normalized); float num2 = this.maximumLength.x; Vector3 forward = origin.forward; if (num * 100f > this.heightLimitAngle) { forward = new Vector3(forward.x, this.fixedForwardBeamForward.y, forward.z); float num3 = 1f - (num - this.heightLimitAngle / 100f); num2 = this.maximumLength.x * num3 * num3; } else { this.fixedForwardBeamForward = origin.forward; } float num4 = num2; Ray ray = new Ray(origin.position, forward); RaycastHit raycastHit; bool flag = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray, out raycastHit, this.layersToIgnore, num2, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal); float num5 = 0f; if (!flag || (this.destinationHit.collider && this.destinationHit.collider != raycastHit.collider)) { num5 = 0f; } if (flag) { num5 = raycastHit.distance; } if (flag && num5 < num2) { num4 = num5; } return(ray.GetPoint(num4 - 0.0001f) + Vector3.up * 0.0001f); }
// Token: 0x060018B3 RID: 6323 RVA: 0x00083714 File Offset: 0x00081914 protected virtual Vector3 ProjectDownBeam(Vector3 jointPosition) { Vector3 result =; Ray ray = new Ray(jointPosition, Vector3.down); RaycastHit raycastHit; bool flag = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(this.customRaycast, ray, out raycastHit, this.layersToIgnore, this.maximumLength.y, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal); if (!flag || (this.destinationHit.collider && this.destinationHit.collider != raycastHit.collider)) { if (this.destinationHit.collider != null) { this.PointerExit(this.destinationHit); } this.destinationHit = default(RaycastHit); result = ray.GetPoint(0f); } if (flag) { result = ray.GetPoint(raycastHit.distance); this.PointerEnter(raycastHit); this.destinationHit = raycastHit; } return(result); }
protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; //Debug.Log(origin.position); // Debug.Log(origin.forward); #pragma warning disable 0618 bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, maximumLength); #pragma warning restore 0618 CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } /* GameObject volumesum = GameObject.Find("model/default"); * MeshCalculator vol = volumesum.GetComponent<MeshCalculator>(); * float volume = vol.sum; * float surface = vol.sum1; * areaLine = GetComponent<LineRenderer>(); * areaLine.SetColors(Color.yellow, Color.yellow); * areaLine.SetWidth(0.01f, 0.01f); * Button disButton = distenceButton.GetComponent<Button>(); * disButton.onClick.AddListener(distenceButtonClicked); * Button areaButtonFinish = areaButton.GetComponent<Button>(); * areaButtonFinish.onClick.AddListener(areaButtonClicked); * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) * { * test1 = true; * test2 = false; * } * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) * { * test2 = true; * test1 = false; * } * if (distenceButtonClick == true||test1==true) * { * * if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) * { * * if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith)) * { * position = pointerCollidedWith.point; * LengthOfLineRenderer++; * // if (LengthOfLineRenderer <= 6) * // { * areaLine.SetVertexCount(LengthOfLineRenderer); * areaLine.SetPosition(LengthOfLineRenderer - 1, position); * // areaLine.positionCount = dis.Length; * dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * // dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer >= 2) * distance = distance + Vector3.Distance(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 2], dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1]); * else * distance = 0; * // } * } * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) * { * LengthOfLineRenderer = 0; * distance = 0; * areaNumber = 0; * volume = 0; * surface = 0; * } * distenceN1.text = "distence:" + distance * m; * } * * } * if (areaButtonClick == true||test2==true) * { * * if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) * { * * if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith)) * { * position = pointerCollidedWith.point; * LengthOfLineRenderer++; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer <= 6) * { * areaLine.SetVertexCount(LengthOfLineRenderer); * areaLine.SetPosition(LengthOfLineRenderer - 1, position); * * dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 3) * { * areaLine.loop = true; * //Debug.Log(dis[0]); * // side[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].x - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].x, 2) * // + System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].y - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].y, 2) * // + System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].z - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].z, 2)); * side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + + if (side[0] + side[1] <= side[2] || side[0] + side[2] <= side[1] || side[1] + side[2] <= side[0]) + { + areaNumber = 0; + } + else + { + double p = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + //Debug.Log(p); + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p * (p - side[0]) * (p - side[1]) * (p - side[2])); + } + //Debug.Log(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].x); + //Debug.Log(side[0]); + // Debug.Log(areaNumber); + } + if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 4) + { + areaLine.loop = true; + side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[3] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[3].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[4] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + double p1 = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + double p2 = (side[2] + side[3] + side[4]) / 2; + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p1 * (p1 - side[0]) * (p1 - side[1]) * (p1 - side[2])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p2 * (p2 - side[2]) * (p2 - side[3]) * (p2 - side[4])); + } + if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 5) + { + areaLine.loop = true; + side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[3] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[3].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[4] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + side[5] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[4].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[4].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[4].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + side[6] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[4].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[4].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[4].z, 2)); + + double p1 = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + double p2 = (side[2] + side[3] + side[4]) / 2; + double p3 = (side[4] + side[5] + side[6]) / 2; + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p1 * (p1 - side[0]) * (p1 - side[1]) * (p1 - side[2])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p2 * (p2 - side[2]) * (p2 - side[3]) * (p2 - side[4])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p3 * (p3 - side[4]) * (p3 - side[5]) * (p3 - side[6])); + } + + } + } + if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) + { + LengthOfLineRenderer = 0; + areaNumber = 0; + volume = 0; + surface = 0; + } + + areaN1.text = "area:" + areaNumber * m; + } + + } + + if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) + { + + if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith) && pointerCollidedWith.transform.tag == "model") + { + if (pointerCollidedWith.transform.tag == "model") + { + volumeText.text = "Volume= " + Mathf.Abs(volume); + surfaceText.text = "Surface area = " + surface; + //Debug.Log("Volume= " + Mathf.Abs(volume)); + // Debug.Log("Area = " + surface); + } + } + if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) + { + LengthOfLineRenderer = 0; + areaNumber = 0; + volume = 0; + surface = 0; + } + + } + + // GameObject.Find("model/default").SendMessage("MeshCalculator", "sum"); */ return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }
protected virtual float CastRayForward() { Transform origin = GetOrigin(); Ray pointerRaycast = new Ray(origin.position, origin.forward); RaycastHit pointerCollidedWith; #pragma warning disable 0618 bool rayHit = VRTK_CustomRaycast.Raycast(customRaycast, pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith, layersToIgnore, maximumLength); #pragma warning restore 0618 CheckRayMiss(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); CheckRayHit(rayHit, pointerCollidedWith); float actualLength = maximumLength; if (rayHit && pointerCollidedWith.distance < maximumLength) { actualLength = pointerCollidedWith.distance; } /* * areaLine = GetComponent<LineRenderer>(); * areaLine.SetColors(Color.yellow, Color.yellow); * areaLine.SetWidth(0.01f, 0.01f); * Button disButton = distenceButton.GetComponent<Button>(); * disButton.onClick.AddListener(distenceButtonClicked); * Button areaButtonFinish = areaButton.GetComponent<Button>(); * areaButtonFinish.onClick.AddListener(areaButtonClicked); * * if (distenceButtonClick == true) * { * * if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) * { * * if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith)) * { * position = pointerCollidedWith.point; * LengthOfLineRenderer++; * // if (LengthOfLineRenderer <= 6) * // { * areaLine.SetVertexCount(LengthOfLineRenderer); * areaLine.SetPosition(LengthOfLineRenderer - 1, position); * // areaLine.positionCount = dis.Length; * dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * // dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer >= 2) * distance = distance + Vector3.Distance(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 2], dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1]); * else * distance = 0; * // } * } * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) * { * LengthOfLineRenderer = 0; * distance = 0; * } * distenceN1.text = "distence:" + distance * m; * } * * } * if (areaButtonClick == true) * { * * if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) * { * * if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRaycast, out pointerCollidedWith)) * { * position = pointerCollidedWith.point; * LengthOfLineRenderer++; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer <= 6) * { * areaLine.SetVertexCount(LengthOfLineRenderer); * areaLine.SetPosition(LengthOfLineRenderer - 1, position); * * dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = position; * if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 3) * { * areaLine.loop = true; * //Debug.Log(dis[0]); * // side[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].x - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].x, 2) * // + System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].y - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].y, 2) * // + System.Math.Pow(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].z - dis[LengthOfLineRenderer - 1].z, 2)); * side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + + if (side[0] + side[1] <= side[2] || side[0] + side[2] <= side[1] || side[1] + side[2] <= side[0]) + { + areaNumber = 0; + } + else + { + double p = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + //Debug.Log(p); + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p * (p - side[0]) * (p - side[1]) * (p - side[2])); + } + //Debug.Log(dis[LengthOfLineRenderer].x); + //Debug.Log(side[0]); + // Debug.Log(areaNumber); + } + if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 4) + { + areaLine.loop = true; + side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[3] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[3].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[4] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + double p1 = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + double p2 = (side[2] + side[3] + side[4]) / 2; + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p1 * (p1 - side[0]) * (p1 - side[1]) * (p1 - side[2])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p2 * (p2 - side[2]) * (p2 - side[3]) * (p2 - side[4])); + } + if (LengthOfLineRenderer == 5) + { + areaLine.loop = true; + side[0] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[1].x - dis[0].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].y - dis[0].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[1].z - dis[0].z, 2)); + side[1] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[2].x - dis[1].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].y - dis[1].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[2].z - dis[1].z, 2)); + side[2] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[3] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[3].x - dis[2].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].y - dis[2].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[3].z - dis[2].z, 2)); + side[4] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + side[5] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[4].x - dis[3].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[4].y - dis[3].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[4].z - dis[3].z, 2)); + side[6] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(dis[0].x - dis[4].x, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].y - dis[4].y, 2) + System.Math.Pow(dis[0].z - dis[4].z, 2)); + + double p1 = (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]) / 2; + double p2 = (side[2] + side[3] + side[4]) / 2; + double p3 = (side[4] + side[5] + side[6]) / 2; + areaNumber = System.Math.Sqrt(p1 * (p1 - side[0]) * (p1 - side[1]) * (p1 - side[2])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p2 * (p2 - side[2]) * (p2 - side[3]) * (p2 - side[4])) + System.Math.Sqrt(p3 * (p3 - side[4]) * (p3 - side[5]) * (p3 - side[6])); + } + } + } + } + } */ return(OverrideBeamLength(actualLength)); }