static void RetriggerEffectsForArea(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 origin, float radius, LayerMask mask, bool checkLOSOnRadiusCast, bool isCast) { HashSet <DynamicObject> handledObjects = new HashSet <DynamicObject>(); Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(origin, radius, mask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); foreach (Collider c in colliders) { DynamicObject obj = c.GetComponentInParent <DynamicObject>(); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (handledObjects.Contains(obj)) { continue; } if (!RaycastToCollider(checkLOSOnRadiusCast, c, origin, radius, mask, out Vector3 pos)) { continue; } handledObjects.Add(obj); TriggerEffects(effects, caster, pos, obj, isCast, true); } }
// only workds for radius public static void TriggerEffectsAtPosition(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos) { if (effects.cast.radius <= 0) { Debug.LogError( + " effects collection cant be triggered at position wihtout a target, radius <= 0"); return; } TriggerEffects(effects, caster, pos, null, true); }
string GetDescription(GameEffectCollection effects) { string d = effects.description + ":\n"; List <GEUpdater> updaterList = updaters[effects]; for (int i = 0; i < updaterList.Count; i++) { string description = updaterList[i].GetDescription(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { d += "\t" + updaterList[i].GetDescription() + "\n"; } } return(d); }
public void AddEffectsToList(GameEffectCollection collection, DynamicObject caster, List <GameEffect> effects, List <float> magnitudes, List <float> durations) { if (updaters.ContainsKey(collection)) { Debug.LogWarning(name + " is already being affected by effect colleciton " +; return; } List <GEUpdater> u = new List <GEUpdater>(); for (int i = 0; i < effects.Count; i++) { u.Add(new GEUpdater(caster, effects[i], magnitudes[i], durations[i])); } updaters[collection] = u; }
public bool IsAffectedBy(GameEffectCollection collection) { return(updaters.ContainsKey(collection)); }
public static void TriggerEffectsOnObject(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos, DynamicObject obj) { TriggerEffects(effects, caster, pos, obj, true); }
public static void TriggerEffectsOnObject(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj) { TriggerEffectsOnObject(effects, caster, obj.GetPosition(), obj); }
public static void TriggerEffectsOnSelf(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos) { TriggerEffectsOnObject(effects, caster, pos, caster); }
public static void TriggerEffectsOnSelf(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster) { TriggerEffectsOnSelf(effects, caster, caster.transform.position); }
public static void TriggerEffects(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos, DynamicObject obj, bool isCast, bool isFromRadiusRecast = false) { ModifierEntryPoints casterEntryPoints = null; if (caster != null) { casterEntryPoints = caster.GetObjectScript <ModifierEntryPoints>(); } EffectContext context = isCast ? effects.cast : effects.dispell; float radius = context.radius; if (!isFromRadiusRecast && radius > 0) { if (casterEntryPoints != null) { radius = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectRadius", radius, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Caster", caster }, { "EffectCollection", effects } }); } RetriggerEffectsForArea(effects, caster, pos, radius, context.mask, context.checkLOSOnRadiusCast, isCast); return; } if (obj == null) { return; } GameEffectsHandler targetEffectsHandler = obj.GetObjectScript <GameEffectsHandler>(); if (targetEffectsHandler != null && targetEffectsHandler.IsAffectedBy(effects)) { return; } Dictionary <string, object> epRunSubjects = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Caster", caster }, { "AffectedObject", obj }, { "EffectCollection", effects }, { "Effect", null } }; Dictionary <string, object> runSubjects = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Caster", caster }, { "AffectedObject", obj } }; List <GameEffect> effectsToHold = new List <GameEffect>(); List <float> magnitudes = new List <float>(); List <float> durations = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < context.effects.Length; i++) { GameEffectItem effectItem = context.effects[i]; GameEffect effect = effectItem.effect; if (effect.PlayerOnly() && !obj.isPlayer) { continue; } bool needsToBeAdded = effect.AddToEffectsList(); if (needsToBeAdded) { if (isCast) { if (targetEffectsHandler == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'" + + "' Doesnt have a GameEffectsHandler, and game effect '" + + " Needs To Be Kept In An Effect Handler List"); continue; } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Game effect '" + + " Needs To Be Kept In An Effect Handler List, So It Cant Be Used As a Dispell Effect...."); continue; } } if (!effect.EffectValid(caster, obj)) { continue; } if (!Conditions.ConditionsMet(effectItem.conditions, runSubjects)) { continue; } if (!Conditions.ConditionsMet(effect.conditions, runSubjects)) { continue; } float magnitude = effectItem.magnitude; float duration = effectItem.duration; if (casterEntryPoints != null) { epRunSubjects["Effect"] = effectItem.effect; magnitude = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectMagnitude", magnitude, epRunSubjects); if (duration > 0) { duration = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectDuration", duration, epRunSubjects); } } /* * TODO: figure out garbage created by create copy */ // if dispell we should already be out by now if needsToBeAdded... if (needsToBeAdded && effect.CreateCopy()) { effect = Object.Instantiate(effect); } // in case there was a problem with the effect start // return out before we add the effect possibly if (!effect.OnEffectStart(caster, obj, magnitude, duration)) { continue; } if (needsToBeAdded) { effectsToHold.Add(effect); magnitudes.Add(magnitude); durations.Add(duration); } } if (effectsToHold.Count > 0) { targetEffectsHandler.AddEffectsToList(effects, caster, effectsToHold, magnitudes, durations); } // TODO: choose scheme for msg... if (obj.isPlayer) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.message)) { UIEvents.ShowMessage(0, context.message, false, UIColorScheme.Normal, false); } } }