private void Parse(BSPParser bspParser, VPKParser vpkParser) { if (vpkParser != null) { string mdlPath = modelPath + ".mdl"; string vvdPath = modelPath + ".vvd"; string vtxPath = modelPath + ".vtx"; if ((bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(mdlPath)) || (vpkParser != null && vpkParser.FileExists(mdlPath))) { if ((bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vvdPath)) || (vpkParser != null && vpkParser.FileExists(vvdPath))) { if ((bspParser == null || !bspParser.HasPakFile(vtxPath)) && (vpkParser == null || !vpkParser.FileExists(vtxPath))) { vtxPath = modelPath + ".dx90.vtx"; } if ((bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vtxPath)) || (vpkParser != null && vpkParser.FileExists(vtxPath))) { using (MDLParser mdl = new MDLParser()) using (VVDParser vvd = new VVDParser()) using (VTXParser vtx = new VTXParser()) { try { if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(mdlPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(mdlPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { mdl.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(mdlPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { mdl.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vvdPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(vvdPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vvd.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(vvdPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vvd.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } int mdlChecksum = mdl.header1.checkSum; int vvdChecksum = (int)vvd.header.checksum; if (mdlChecksum == vvdChecksum) { if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vtxPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(vtxPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vtx.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(vtxPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vtx.ParseHeader(stream, origOffset); }); } int vtxChecksum = vtx.header.checkSum; if (mdlChecksum == vtxChecksum) { if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(mdlPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(mdlPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { mdl.Parse(stream, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(mdlPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { mdl.Parse(stream, origOffset); }); } if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vvdPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(vvdPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vvd.Parse(stream, mdl.header1.rootLod, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(vvdPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vvd.Parse(stream, mdl.header1.rootLod, origOffset); }); } if (bspParser != null && bspParser.HasPakFile(vtxPath)) { bspParser.LoadPakFileAsStream(vtxPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vtx.Parse(stream, origOffset); }); } else { vpkParser.LoadFileAsStream(vtxPath, (stream, origOffset, byteCount) => { vtx.Parse(stream, origOffset); }); } version = mdl.header1.version; id =; if (mdl.bodyParts != null) { ReadFaceMeshes(mdl, vvd, vtx, bspParser, vpkParser); } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Could not find body parts of " + modelPath); } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: MDL and VTX checksums don't match (" + mdlChecksum + " != " + vtxChecksum + ") vtxver(" + vtx.header.version + ") for " + modelPath); } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: MDL and VVD checksums don't match (" + mdlChecksum + " != " + vvdChecksum + ") for " + modelPath); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: " + e.ToString()); } } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Could not find vtx file (" + vtxPath + ")"); } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Could not find vvd file (" + vvdPath + ")"); } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Could not find mdl file (" + mdlPath + ")"); } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: VPK parser is null"); } }
private void ReadFaceMeshes(MDLParser mdl, VVDParser vvd, VTXParser vtx, BSPParser bspParser, VPKParser vpkParser) { int textureIndex = 0; if (mdl.bodyParts.Length == vtx.bodyParts.Length) { for (int bodyPartIndex = 0; bodyPartIndex < mdl.bodyParts.Length; bodyPartIndex++) { for (int modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models.Length; modelIndex++) { //int currentPosition = 0; for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes.Length; meshIndex++) { int rootLodIndex = mdl.header1.rootLod; //int rootLodIndex = 0; //int rootLodCount = 1; //if (mdl.header1.numAllowedRootLods == 0) // rootLodCount = vtx.header.numLODs; FaceMesh currentFace = new FaceMesh(); int verticesStartIndex = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexIndexStart; int vertexCount = 0; //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexCount; //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[rootLodIndex]; //int vertexCount = 0; //for (int i = 0; i <= rootLodIndex; i++) // vertexCount += mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[i]; int trianglesCount = 0; for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++) { var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex]; for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++) { var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex]; if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0) { trianglesCount += currentStrip.indexCount; } } } //List<int> triangles = new List<int>(); int[] triangles = new int[trianglesCount]; int trianglesIndex = 0; //for (int countUpLodIndex = 0; countUpLodIndex <= rootLodIndex; countUpLodIndex++) //{ for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++) { //var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[0]; var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex]; //int trianglesCount = currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices.Length; //int[] triangles = new int[trianglesCount]; for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++) { var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex]; if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0) { for (int indexIndex = 0; indexIndex < currentStrip.indexCount; indexIndex += 3) { int vertexIndexA = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex]].originalMeshVertexIndex; int vertexIndexB = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 2]].originalMeshVertexIndex; int vertexIndexC = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 1]].originalMeshVertexIndex; vertexCount = Mathf.Max(vertexCount, vertexIndexA, vertexIndexB, vertexIndexC); //if (vertexIndexA < vertices.Length && vertexIndexB < vertices.Length && vertexIndexC < vertices.Length) //{ triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexA; triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexB; triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexC; //triangles.Add(vertexIndexA); //triangles.Add(vertexIndexB); //triangles.Add(vertexIndexC); //} } } } } //} vertexCount += 1; //vertexCount = vvd.vertices.Length; //vertexCount = vvd.header.numLODVertices[rootLodIndex]; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount]; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertexCount]; for (int verticesIndex = 0; verticesIndex < vertices.Length; verticesIndex++) { vertices[verticesIndex] = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecPosition; normals[verticesIndex] = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecNormal; uv[verticesIndex] = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecTexCoord; } Debug.Assert(triangles.Length % 3 == 0, "SourceModel: Triangles not a multiple of three for " + modelPath); if (mdl.header1.includemodel_count > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: Include model count greater than zero (" + mdl.header1.includemodel_count + ", " + mdl.header1.includemodel_index + ") for " + modelPath); } if (vvd.header.numFixups > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: " + vvd.header.numFixups + " fixups found for " + modelPath); } MeshHelpers.MeshData meshData; //var outcome = MeshHelpers.GenerateConvexHull(vertices, out meshData, 0.2); //if (outcome != MIConvexHull.ConvexHullCreationResultOutcome.Success) // Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Convex hull error " + outcome + " for " + modelPath); if (decimationPercent > 0) { meshData = MeshHelpers.DecimateByTriangleCount(vertices, triangles, normals, 1 - decimationPercent); meshData.uv = new Vector2[meshData.vertices.Length]; System.Array.Copy(uv, meshData.uv, meshData.vertices.Length); } else { meshData = new MeshHelpers.MeshData(); meshData.vertices = vertices; meshData.triangles = triangles; meshData.normals = normals; meshData.uv = uv; } currentFace.meshData = meshData; string textureName = ""; string texturePath = mdl.texturePaths[0].Replace("\\", "/").ToLower(); if (textureIndex < mdl.textures.Length) { textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower(); } //textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower(); if (textureName.IndexOf(texturePath) > -1) { texturePath = ""; } string textureLocation = texturePath + textureName; //if (modelTextures != null && textureIndex < modelTextures.Length) //Should not have this line // textureLocation = modelTextures[textureIndex]?.location; currentFace.faceName = textureLocation; currentFace.material = VMTData.GrabVMT(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation); //if (!excludeTextures) // currentFace.texture = SourceTexture.GrabTexture(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation); faces.Add(currentFace); textureIndex++; } } } } else { Debug.LogError("SourceModel: MDL and VTX body part count doesn't match (" + modelPath + ")"); } }