Helper functions for Scene View style 3D GUI.
private static void PickAllHandlesNonAlloc(HashSet <GameObject> results, Vector2 position, int limit = DefaultLimit) { if (!canPickHandles) { // HandleUtility.PickGameObject is not supported in those contexts Debug.LogWarning($"Cannot pick game objects in the current event: {e?.ToString() ?? "null"}"); return; } GameObject result = null; var count = 0; do { var ignored = results.ToArray(); result = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(position, false, ignored); // Ignored doesn't seem very reliable. Sometimes, an item included // in ignored will still be returned. That's a sign we should stop. if (results.Contains(result)) { result = null; } if (result != null) { results.Add(result); } } while (result != null && count++ < limit); }
private static Vector3 DefaultPoint(SceneView sceneView, Vector2 guiPosition) { var screenPosition = (Vector3)HandleUtility.GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate(guiPosition); screenPosition.z = sceneView.cameraDistance; return(; }
internal static GameObject Internal_PickClosestGO(Camera cam, int layers, Vector2 position, GameObject[] ignore, GameObject[] filter, out int materialIndex) { return(HandleUtility.INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_PickClosestGO(cam, layers, ref position, ignore, filter, out materialIndex)); }
private static void PickProBuilderElementsNonAlloc(List <ProbeHit> hits, List <ProBuilderMesh> meshes, SceneView sceneView, Vector2 guiPosition) { var screenPosition = HandleUtility.GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate(guiPosition); var worldPosition =; var pickRadius = PeekPlugin.Configuration.probeProBuilderRadius; var pickerOptions = PickerOptions.Default; pickerOptions.depthTest = PeekPlugin.Configuration.probeProBuilderDepthTest; var pickRect = new Rect ( guiPosition.x - pickRadius, guiPosition.y - pickRadius, 2 * pickRadius, 2 * pickRadius ); var verticesByMeshes = SelectionPicker.PickVerticesInRect(, pickRect, meshes, pickerOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); var edgesByMeshes = SelectionPicker.PickEdgesInRect(, pickRect, meshes, pickerOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); var facesByMeshes = SelectionPicker.PickFacesInRect(, pickRect, meshes, pickerOptions, EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint); foreach (var verticesByMesh in verticesByMeshes) { var mesh = verticesByMesh.Key; var gameObject = mesh.gameObject; var vertices = verticesByMesh.Value; var meshVertices = mesh.GetVertices(); var sharedVertices = mesh.sharedVertices; foreach (var vertexIndex in vertices) { var hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); var vertex = meshVertices[vertexIndex]; var sharedVertex = sharedVertices[vertexIndex]; var sharedVertexIndex = sharedVertex[0]; hit.point = vertex.position; hit.distance = Vector3.Distance(vertex.position, worldPosition); hit.label = $"{}: Vertex {vertexIndex}"; hit.icon = PeekProBuilderIntegration.Icons.vertex; hit.groupOrder = 1; hit.selectHandler = (add) => { Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject; ProBuilderEditor.selectMode = SelectMode.Vertex; Undo.RecordObject(mesh, "Selection Change"); if (add) { mesh.SetSelectedVertices(mesh.selectedVertices.Concat(sharedVertex)); } else { mesh.SetSelectedVertices(sharedVertex); } PeekProBuilderIntegration.UpdateSelection(); }; hit.focusHandler = () => ProBuilderHighlight(new SceneSelection(mesh, sharedVertexIndex)); hit.lostFocusHandler = ClearProBuilderHighlight; hits.Add(hit); } } foreach (var edgesByMesh in edgesByMeshes) { var mesh = edgesByMesh.Key; var gameObject = mesh.gameObject; var edges = edgesByMesh.Value; var meshVertices = mesh.GetVertices(); var sharedVertices = mesh.sharedVertices; var visited = HashSetPool <(int, int)> .New(); foreach (var edge in edges) { var hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); var vertexA = meshVertices[edge.a]; var vertexB = meshVertices[edge.b]; var center = (vertexA.position + vertexB.position) / 2; var sharedVertexIndexA = -1; var sharedVertexIndexB = -1; for (var currentSharedIndex = 0; currentSharedIndex < sharedVertices.Count; currentSharedIndex++) { var sharedVertex = sharedVertices[currentSharedIndex]; if (sharedVertex.Contains(edge.a)) { sharedVertexIndexA = currentSharedIndex; } if (sharedVertex.Contains(edge.b)) { sharedVertexIndexB = currentSharedIndex; } } var sharedVertexIndexMin = Mathf.Min(sharedVertexIndexA, sharedVertexIndexB); var sharedVertexIndexMax = Mathf.Max(sharedVertexIndexA, sharedVertexIndexB); if (visited.Contains((sharedVertexIndexMin, sharedVertexIndexMax))) { continue; } hit.point = center; hit.distance = Vector3.Distance(center, worldPosition); hit.label = $"{}: Edge [{sharedVertexIndexMin}, {sharedVertexIndexMax}]"; hit.icon = PeekProBuilderIntegration.Icons.edge; hit.groupOrder = 2; hit.selectHandler = (add) => { Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject; ProBuilderEditor.selectMode = SelectMode.Edge; Undo.RecordObject(mesh, "Selection Change"); if (add) { mesh.SetSelectedEdges(mesh.selectedEdges.Append(edge)); } else { mesh.SetSelectedEdges(edge.Yield()); } PeekProBuilderIntegration.UpdateSelection(); }; hit.focusHandler = () => ProBuilderHighlight(new SceneSelection(mesh, edge)); hit.lostFocusHandler = ClearProBuilderHighlight; hits.Add(hit); visited.Add((sharedVertexIndexMin, sharedVertexIndexMax)); } visited.Free(); } foreach (var facesByMesh in facesByMeshes) { var mesh = facesByMesh.Key; var gameObject = mesh.gameObject; var faces = facesByMesh.Value; var meshVertices = mesh.GetVertices(); var meshFaces = mesh.faces; foreach (var face in faces) { var faceIndex = meshFaces.IndexOf(face); var hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); var center =; foreach (var vertexIndex in face.distinctIndexes) { var vertex = meshVertices[vertexIndex]; center += vertex.position; } center /= face.distinctIndexes.Count; hit.point = center; hit.distance = Vector3.Distance(center, worldPosition); hit.label = $"{}: Face {faceIndex}"; hit.icon = PeekProBuilderIntegration.Icons.face; hit.groupOrder = 3; hit.selectHandler = (add) => { Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject; ProBuilderEditor.selectMode = SelectMode.Face; Undo.RecordObject(mesh, "Selection Change"); if (add) { mesh.SetSelectedFaces(mesh.GetSelectedFaces().Append(face)); } else { mesh.SetSelectedFaces(null); mesh.SetSelectedFaces(face.Yield()); } PeekProBuilderIntegration.UpdateSelection(); }; hit.focusHandler = () => ProBuilderHighlight(new SceneSelection(mesh, face)); hit.lostFocusHandler = ClearProBuilderHighlight; hits.Add(hit); } } }
private static Vector3 MoveHandlesGUI(Rect rect, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(RectTool.s_MoveHandleHash, FocusType.Passive); Vector3 vector = pivot; float num = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pivot) * 0.2f; float num2 = 1f - GUI.color.a; Vector3[] array = new Vector3[] { rotation *new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y) + pivot, rotation *new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y) + pivot, rotation *new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax) + pivot, rotation *new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax) + pivot }; VertexSnapping.HandleKeyAndMouseMove(controlID); bool flag = Selection.transforms.Length == 1 && InternalEditorUtility.SupportsRectLayout(Selection.activeTransform) && Selection.activeTransform.parent.rotation == rotation; Event current = Event.current; EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(controlID); Plane plane = new Plane(array[0], array[1], array[2]); switch (typeForControl) { case EventType.MouseDown: { bool flag2 = Tools.vertexDragging || (current.button == 0 && current.modifiers == EventModifiers.None && RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(current.mousePosition, plane, out RectTool.s_StartMouseWorldPos) && (RectTool.SceneViewDistanceToRectangle(array, current.mousePosition) == 0f || (num2 > 0f && RectTool.SceneViewDistanceToDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, num, current.mousePosition) == 0f))); if (flag2) { RectTool.s_StartPosition = pivot; RectTool.s_StartMousePos = (RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos = current.mousePosition); RectTool.s_Moving = false; RectTool.s_LockAxis = -1; int num3 = controlID; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = num3; GUIUtility.hotControl = num3; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(1); HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null; current.Use(); if (flag) { Transform activeTransform = Selection.activeTransform; RectTransform component = activeTransform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Transform parent = activeTransform.parent; RectTransform component2 = parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); RectTool.s_StartRectPosition = component.anchoredPosition; RectTransformSnapping.CalculatePositionSnapValues(parent, activeTransform, component2, component); } } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { if (!RectTool.s_Moving) { Selection.activeGameObject = SceneViewPicking.PickGameObject(current.mousePosition); } GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null; current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos +=; if (!RectTool.s_Moving && (RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos - RectTool.s_StartMousePos).magnitude > 3f) { RectTool.s_Moving = true; RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos, plane, out RectTool.s_StartMouseWorldPos); } if (RectTool.s_Moving) { if (Tools.vertexDragging) { if (HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects == null) { Handles.SetupIgnoreRaySnapObjects(); } Vector3 vector2; if (HandleUtility.FindNearestVertex(RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos, null, out vector2)) { vector = vector2; GUI.changed = true; } ManipulationToolUtility.minDragDifference =; } else { ManipulationToolUtility.SetMinDragDifferenceForPos(pivot); Vector3 a; if (RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(RectTool.s_CurrentMousePos, plane, out a)) { Vector3 vector3 = a - RectTool.s_StartMouseWorldPos; if (current.shift) { vector3 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * vector3; if (RectTool.s_LockAxis == -1) { RectTool.s_LockAxis = ((Mathf.Abs(vector3.x) <= Mathf.Abs(vector3.y)) ? 1 : 0); } vector3[1 - RectTool.s_LockAxis] = 0f; vector3 = rotation * vector3; } else { RectTool.s_LockAxis = -1; } if (flag) { Transform parent2 = Selection.activeTransform.parent; Vector3 vector4 = RectTool.s_StartRectPosition + parent2.InverseTransformVector(vector3); vector4.z = 0f; Quaternion rotation2 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation); Vector2 snapDistance = * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(vector) * 0.05f; snapDistance.x /= (rotation2 * parent2.TransformVector(Vector3.right)).x; snapDistance.y /= (rotation2 * parent2.TransformVector(Vector3.up)).y; Vector3 vector5 = RectTransformSnapping.SnapToGuides(vector4, snapDistance); ManipulationToolUtility.DisableMinDragDifferenceBasedOnSnapping(vector4, vector5); vector3 = parent2.TransformVector(vector5 - RectTool.s_StartRectPosition); } vector = RectTool.s_StartPosition + vector3; GUI.changed = true; } } } current.Use(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: if (Tools.vertexDragging) { RectHandles.RectScalingHandleCap(controlID, pivot, rotation, 1f, EventType.Repaint); } else { Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1.5f * num2); Handles.CircleHandleCap(controlID, pivot, rotation, num, EventType.Repaint); Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f * num2); Handles.DrawSolidDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, num); } break; } ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingPosX", typeForControl); ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingLeft", typeForControl); ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingRight", typeForControl); ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingPosY", typeForControl); ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingTop", typeForControl); ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingBottom", typeForControl); return(vector); }
public static void SetMinDragDifferenceForPos(Vector3 position) { minDragDifference = (Vector3)( * (HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position) / 80f)); }
public static bool SelectPoints(IEditablePoint points, Transform cloudTransform, ref List <int> selection, bool firstSelect) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); if (Event.current.alt && Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return(false); } bool result = false; Event current = Event.current; switch (current.GetTypeForControl(controlID)) { case EventType.MouseDown: if ((HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID || firstSelect) && current.button == 0) { if (!current.shift && !EditorGUI.actionKey) { selection.Clear(); result = true; } PointEditor.s_SelectionStart = new List <int>(selection); GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition = current.mousePosition; PointEditor.s_StartDragSelection = new List <int>(selection); current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && current.button == 0) { if (!PointEditor.s_DidDrag) { int num = PointEditor.FindNearest(PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition, cloudTransform, points); if (num != -1) { if (!current.shift && !EditorGUI.actionKey) { selection.Add(num); } else { int num2 = selection.IndexOf(num); if (num2 != -1) { selection.RemoveAt(num2); } else { selection.Add(num); } } } GUI.changed = true; result = true; } PointEditor.s_StartDragSelection = null; PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition =; PointEditor.s_DidDrag = false; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && current.button == 0) { PointEditor.s_DidDrag = true; selection.Clear(); selection.AddRange(PointEditor.s_StartDragSelection); Rect rect = PointEditor.FromToRect(PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition, current.mousePosition); Matrix4x4 matrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = cloudTransform.localToWorldMatrix; for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { Vector2 point = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(points.GetPosition(i)); if (rect.Contains(point)) { if (EditorGUI.actionKey) { if (PointEditor.s_SelectionStart.Contains(i)) { selection.Remove(i); } } else if (!PointEditor.s_SelectionStart.Contains(i)) { selection.Add(i); } } } Handles.matrix = matrix; GUI.changed = true; current.Use(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && current.mousePosition != PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition) { GUIStyle gUIStyle = "SelectionRect"; Handles.BeginGUI(); gUIStyle.Draw(PointEditor.FromToRect(PointEditor.s_StartMouseDragPosition, current.mousePosition), false, false, false, false); Handles.EndGUI(); } break; case EventType.Layout: HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(controlID); break; } selection = selection.Distinct <int>().ToList <int>(); return(result); }
public static GameObject PickGameObject(Vector2 mousePosition) { s_RetainHashes = true; var enumerator = GetAllOverlapping(mousePosition).GetEnumerator(); if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { return(null); } var topmost = enumerator.Current; var selectionBase = HandleUtility.FindSelectionBase(topmost); var first = (selectionBase == null ? topmost : selectionBase); int topmostHash = topmost.GetHashCode(); int prefixHash = topmostHash; if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) { // Nothing selected // Return selection base if it exists, otherwise topmost game object s_PreviousTopmostHash = topmostHash; s_PreviousPrefixHash = prefixHash; return(first); } if (topmostHash != s_PreviousTopmostHash) { // Topmost game object changed // Return selection base if exists and is not already selected, otherwise topmost game object s_PreviousTopmostHash = topmostHash; s_PreviousPrefixHash = prefixHash; return(Selection.activeGameObject == selectionBase ? topmost : first); } s_PreviousTopmostHash = topmostHash; // Pick potential selection base before topmost game object if (Selection.activeGameObject == selectionBase) { if (prefixHash == s_PreviousPrefixHash) { return(topmost); } else { s_PreviousPrefixHash = prefixHash; return(selectionBase); } } // Check if active game object will appear in selection stack var picked = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(mousePosition, false, null, new GameObject[] { Selection.activeGameObject }); if (picked == Selection.activeGameObject) { // Advance enumerator to active game object while (enumerator.Current != Selection.activeGameObject) { if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { s_PreviousPrefixHash = topmostHash; return(first); // Should not occur } UpdateHash(ref prefixHash, enumerator.Current); } } if (prefixHash != s_PreviousPrefixHash) { // Prefix hash changed, start over s_PreviousPrefixHash = topmostHash; return(first); } // Move on to next game object if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { s_PreviousPrefixHash = topmostHash; return(first); // End reached, start over } UpdateHash(ref prefixHash, enumerator.Current); if (enumerator.Current == selectionBase) { // Skip selection base if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { s_PreviousPrefixHash = topmostHash; return(first); // End reached, start over } UpdateHash(ref prefixHash, enumerator.Current); } s_PreviousPrefixHash = prefixHash; return(enumerator.Current); }
private Vector3 EdgeHandle(Vector3 handlePos, Vector3 handleDir, Vector3 slideDir1, Vector3 slideDir2, Matrix4x4 transform) { Color color = Handles.color; bool flag = true; if (Camera.current) { Vector3 b = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(Camera.current.transform.position); Vector3 normalized = (handlePos - b).normalized; Vector3 lhs = Vector3.Cross(slideDir1, slideDir2); float f = Vector3.Dot(lhs, normalized); if (Mathf.Acos(Mathf.Abs(f)) > 1.51843643f) { flag = false; } } float num = (!flag) ? 0f : 1f; this.AdjustEdgeHandleColor(handlePos, slideDir1, slideDir2, transform, num); int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(this.m_ControlIdHint, FocusType.Keyboard); if (num > 0f) { handlePos = Slider2D.Do(controlID, handlePos, handleDir, slideDir1, slideDir2, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(handlePos) * 0.03f, new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Handles.DotCap), SnapSettings.scale, true); } Handles.color = color; return(handlePos); }
private static float DefaultMidpointGetSizeFunc(Vector3 localPos) { return(HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(localPos) * 0.03f); }
internal static Quaternion DoRotationHandle(RotationHandleIds ids, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, RotationHandleParam param) { var evt = Event.current; var camForward = Handles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyVector(Camera.current.transform.forward); var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position); var temp = color; var isStatic = (!Tools.s_Hidden && EditorApplication.isPlaying && GameObjectUtility.ContainsStatic(Selection.gameObjects)); var isHot = ids.Has(GUIUtility.hotControl); // Draw freerotation first to give it the lowest priority if (!isStatic && param.ShouldShow(RotationHandleParam.Handle.XYZ) && (isHot && == GUIUtility.hotControl || !isHot)) { color = centerColor; rotation = UnityEditorInternal.FreeRotate.Do(, rotation, position, size * param.xyzSize, param.displayXYZCircle); } var radiusOfAxesHandles = -1f; for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (!param.ShouldShow(i)) { continue; } var axisColor = GetColorByAxis(i); color = isStatic ? Color.Lerp(axisColor, staticColor, staticBlend) : axisColor; color = ToActiveColorSpace(color); var axisDir = GetAxisVector(i); var radius = size * param.axisSize[i]; radiusOfAxesHandles = Mathf.Max(radius, radiusOfAxesHandles); rotation = UnityEditorInternal.Disc.Do(ids[i], rotation, position, rotation * axisDir, radius, true, SnapSettings.rotation, param.enableRayDrag, true, k_RotationPieColor); } if (radiusOfAxesHandles > 0 && evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { Handles.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.2f); Handles.DrawWireDisc(position, camForward, radiusOfAxesHandles); } if (isHot && evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { color = ToActiveColorSpace(s_DisabledHandleColor); Handles.DrawWireDisc(position, camForward, size * param.axisSize[0]); } if (!isStatic && param.ShouldShow(RotationHandleParam.Handle.CameraAxis) && (isHot && ids.cameraAxis == GUIUtility.hotControl || !isHot)) { color = ToActiveColorSpace(centerColor); rotation = UnityEditorInternal.Disc.Do(ids.cameraAxis, rotation, position, camForward, size * param.cameraAxisSize, false, 0, param.enableRayDrag, true, k_RotationPieColor); } color = temp; return(rotation); }
// Ensure all controlIDs used in this OnGUI are permanent controlIDs so this method can be called // in different places for handling input early and rendering late. internal void OnGUI(SceneView view) { Rect cameraGUIRect = view.cameraRect; float screenSize = Mathf.Min(cameraGUIRect.width, cameraGUIRect.height); if (screenSize < kRotationSize) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneView.AxisSelector"); } HandleContextClick(view); // This is a pretty weird way of doing things, but it works, so... Camera cam =; HandleUtility.PushCamera(cam); if (cam.orthographic) { cam.orthographicSize = .5f; } cam.cullingMask = 0; cam.transform.position = cam.transform.rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, -5); cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; cam.nearClipPlane = .1f; cam.farClipPlane = 10; cam.fieldOfView = view.m_Ortho.Fade(70, 0); SceneView.AddCursorRect(new Rect(cameraGUIRect.width - kRotationSize + kRotationMenuInset, kRotationMenuInset, kRotationSize - 2 * kRotationMenuInset, kRotationSize + 24 - kRotationMenuInset), MouseCursor.Arrow); Handles.SetCamera(new Rect(cameraGUIRect.width - kRotationSize, 0, kRotationSize, kRotationSize), cam); Handles.BeginGUI(); DrawRotationLock(view); DrawLabels(view); Handles.EndGUI(); // animate visibility of three axis widgets for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vector3 direction = kDirectionRotations[i] * Vector3.forward; dirVisible[i].target = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, direction)) < 0.9f; } float size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize( * .2f; // Do axes behind the center one AxisSelectors(view, cam, size, -1.0f, styles.viewAxisLabelStyle); // Do center handle Color centerColor = Handles.centerColor; centerColor = Color.Lerp(centerColor, Color.gray, faded2Dgray); centerColor.a *= fadedVisibility; if (centerColor.a <= 0.1f || view.isRotationLocked) { GUI.enabled = false; } Handles.color = centerColor; if (Handles.Button(m_CenterButtonControlID,, Quaternion.identity, size * 0.8f, size, Handles.CubeHandleCap) && !view.in2DMode && !view.isRotationLocked) { if (Event.current.clickCount == 2) { view.FrameSelected(); } else { // If middle-click or shift-click, choose a perspective view from a nice angle, // similar to in Unity 3.5. if (Event.current.shift || Event.current.button == 2) { ViewFromNiceAngle(view, true); } // Else, toggle perspective else { ViewSetOrtho(view, !view.orthographic); } } } // Do axes in front of the center one AxisSelectors(view, cam, size, 1.0f, styles.viewAxisLabelStyle); GUI.enabled = true; if (!view.in2DMode && !view.isRotationLocked) { // Swipe handling if (Event.current.type == EditorGUIUtility.swipeGestureEventType) { // Get swipe dir as Vector3 Event evt = Event.current; Vector3 swipeDir; if ( > 0) { swipeDir = Vector3.up; } else if ( < 0) { swipeDir = -Vector3.up; } else if ( < 0) // delta x inverted for some reason { swipeDir = Vector3.right; } else { swipeDir = -Vector3.right; } // Inverse swipe dir, so swiping down will go to top view etc. // This is consistent with how we do orbiting, where moving the mouse down sees the object more from above etc. // Also, make swipe dir point almost 45 degrees in towards the camera. // This means the swipe will pick the closest axis in the swiped direction, // instead of picking the one closest to being 90 degrees away. Vector3 goalVector = -swipeDir - Vector3.forward * 0.9f; // Transform swipe dir by camera transform, so up is camera's local up, etc. goalVector =; // Get global axis that's closest to the swipe dir vector float bestDotProduct = 0; int dir = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Note that kDirectionRotations are not the forward direction of each dir; // it's the back direction *towards* the camera. float dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(kDirectionRotations[i] * -Vector3.forward, goalVector); if (dotProduct > bestDotProduct) { bestDotProduct = dotProduct; dir = i; } } // Look along chosen axis ViewAxisDirection(view, dir); Event.current.Use(); } } HandleUtility.PopCamera(cam); Handles.SetCamera(cam); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Profiler.EndSample(); } }
public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect r, GUIStyle background) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { background.Draw(r, false, false, false, false); } // show texture Texture t = target as Texture; if (t == null) // texture might be gone by now, in case this code is used for floating texture preview { return; } // Render target must be created before we can display it (case 491797) RenderTexture rt = t as RenderTexture; if (rt != null) { if (!SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(rt.graphicsFormat, FormatUsage.Render)) { return; // can't do this RT format } rt.Create(); } if (IsCubemap()) { m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewGUI(t, r, background); return; } // target can report zero sizes in some cases just after a parameter change; // guard against that. int texWidth = Mathf.Max(t.width, 1); int texHeight = Mathf.Max(t.height, 1); float mipLevel = GetMipLevelForRendering(); float zoomLevel = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(r.width / texWidth, r.height / texHeight), 1); Rect wantedRect = new Rect(r.x, r.y, texWidth * zoomLevel, texHeight * zoomLevel); PreviewGUI.BeginScrollView(r, m_Pos, wantedRect, "PreHorizontalScrollbar", "PreHorizontalScrollbarThumb"); FilterMode oldFilter = t.filterMode; TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(t, FilterMode.Point); Texture2D t2d = t as Texture2D; ColorWriteMask colorWriteMask = ColorWriteMask.All; switch (m_PreviewMode) { case PreviewMode.R: colorWriteMask = ColorWriteMask.Red | ColorWriteMask.Alpha; break; case PreviewMode.G: colorWriteMask = ColorWriteMask.Green | ColorWriteMask.Alpha; break; case PreviewMode.B: colorWriteMask = ColorWriteMask.Blue | ColorWriteMask.Alpha; break; } if (m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.A) { EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(wantedRect, t, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel); } else { if (t2d != null && t2d.alphaIsTransparency) { EditorGUI.DrawTextureTransparent(wantedRect, t, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel, colorWriteMask); } else { EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(wantedRect, t, null, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel, colorWriteMask); } } // TODO: Less hacky way to prevent sprite rects to not appear in smaller previews like icons. if ((wantedRect.width > 32 && wantedRect.height > 32) && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(t); TextureImporter textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; SpriteMetaData[] spritesheet = textureImporter != null ? textureImporter.spritesheet : null; if (spritesheet != null && textureImporter.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Multiple) { Rect screenRect = new Rect(); Rect sourceRect = new Rect(); GUI.CalculateScaledTextureRects(wantedRect, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, (float)t.width / (float)t.height, ref screenRect, ref sourceRect); int origWidth = t.width; int origHeight = t.height; textureImporter.GetWidthAndHeight(ref origWidth, ref origHeight); float definitionScale = (float)t.width / (float)origWidth; HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(Handles.matrix); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); GL.Color(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); foreach (SpriteMetaData sprite in spritesheet) { Rect spriteRect = sprite.rect; Rect spriteScreenRect = new Rect(); spriteScreenRect.xMin = screenRect.xMin + screenRect.width * (spriteRect.xMin / t.width * definitionScale); spriteScreenRect.xMax = screenRect.xMin + screenRect.width * (spriteRect.xMax / t.width * definitionScale); spriteScreenRect.yMin = screenRect.yMin + screenRect.height * (1f - spriteRect.yMin / t.height * definitionScale); spriteScreenRect.yMax = screenRect.yMin + screenRect.height * (1f - spriteRect.yMax / t.height * definitionScale); DrawRect(spriteScreenRect); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } } TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(t, oldFilter); m_Pos = PreviewGUI.EndScrollView(); if (mipLevel != 0) { EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(r.x, r.y, r.width, 20), "Mip " + mipLevel); } }
protected static float GetAngularLimitHandleSize(Vector3 position) { return(HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position)); }
internal static void ApplyDottedWireMaterial() { CompareFunction zTest = CompareFunction.Always; HandleUtility.ApplyDottedWireMaterial(zTest); }
public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect r, GUIStyle background) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { background.Draw(r, false, false, false, false); } Texture texture = as Texture; if (!(texture == null)) { RenderTexture renderTexture = texture as RenderTexture; if (renderTexture != null) { if (!SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(renderTexture.format)) { return; } renderTexture.Create(); } if (this.IsCubemap()) { this.m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewGUI(texture, r, background); } else { int num = Mathf.Max(texture.width, 1); int num2 = Mathf.Max(texture.height, 1); float mipLevelForRendering = this.GetMipLevelForRendering(); float num3 = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(r.width / (float)num, r.height / (float)num2), 1f); Rect rect = new Rect(r.x, r.y, (float)num * num3, (float)num2 * num3); PreviewGUI.BeginScrollView(r, this.m_Pos, rect, "PreHorizontalScrollbar", "PreHorizontalScrollbarThumb"); FilterMode filterMode = texture.filterMode; TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(texture, FilterMode.Point); Texture2D texture2D = texture as Texture2D; if (this.m_ShowAlpha) { EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(rect, texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0f, mipLevelForRendering); } else if (texture2D != null && texture2D.alphaIsTransparency) { EditorGUI.DrawTextureTransparent(rect, texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0f, mipLevelForRendering); } else { EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(rect, texture, null, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0f, mipLevelForRendering); } if (rect.width > 32f && rect.height > 32f) { string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture); TextureImporter textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TextureImporter; SpriteMetaData[] array = (!(textureImporter != null)) ? null : textureImporter.spritesheet; if (array != null && textureImporter.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Multiple) { Rect rect2 = default(Rect); Rect rect3 = default(Rect); GUI.CalculateScaledTextureRects(rect, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, (float)texture.width / (float)texture.height, ref rect2, ref rect3); int width = texture.width; int height = texture.height; textureImporter.GetWidthAndHeight(ref width, ref height); float num4 = (float)texture.width / (float)width; HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(Handles.matrix); GL.Begin(1); GL.Color(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); SpriteMetaData[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { SpriteMetaData spriteMetaData = array2[i]; Rect rect4 = spriteMetaData.rect; this.DrawRect(new Rect { xMin = rect2.xMin + rect2.width * (rect4.xMin / (float)texture.width * num4), xMax = rect2.xMin + rect2.width * (rect4.xMax / (float)texture.width * num4), yMin = rect2.yMin + rect2.height * (1f - rect4.yMin / (float)texture.height * num4), yMax = rect2.yMin + rect2.height * (1f - rect4.yMax / (float)texture.height * num4) }); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } } TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(texture, filterMode); this.m_Pos = PreviewGUI.EndScrollView(); if (mipLevelForRendering != 0f) { EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(r.x, r.y, r.width, 20f), "Mip " + mipLevelForRendering); } } } }
public void TimeRuler(Rect position, float frameRate, bool labels, bool useEntireHeight, float alpha, TimeFormat timeFormat) { Color backupCol = GUI.color; GUI.BeginGroup(position); InitStyles(); HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); Color tempBackgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; SetTickMarkerRanges(); hTicks.SetTickStrengths(kTickRulerDistMin, kTickRulerDistFull, true); Color baseColor = timeAreaStyles.timelineTick.normal.textColor; baseColor.a = 0.75f * alpha; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); } else { GL.Begin(GL.LINES); } // Draw tick markers of various sizes Rect cachedShowArea = shownArea; for (int l = 0; l < hTicks.tickLevels; l++) { float strength = hTicks.GetStrengthOfLevel(l) * .9f; m_TickCache.Clear(); hTicks.GetTicksAtLevel(l, true, m_TickCache); for (int i = 0; i < m_TickCache.Count; i++) { if (m_TickCache[i] < hRangeMin || m_TickCache[i] > hRangeMax) { continue; } int frame = Mathf.RoundToInt(m_TickCache[i] * frameRate); float height = useEntireHeight ? position.height : position.height * Mathf.Min(1, strength) * kTickRulerHeightMax; float x = FrameToPixel(frame, frameRate, position, cachedShowArea); // Draw line DrawVerticalLineFast(x, position.height - height + 0.5f, position.height - 0.5f, new Color(1, 1, 1, strength / kTickRulerFatThreshold) * baseColor); } } GL.End(); } if (labels) { // Draw tick labels int labelLevel = hTicks.GetLevelWithMinSeparation(kTickRulerDistLabel); m_TickCache.Clear(); hTicks.GetTicksAtLevel(labelLevel, false, m_TickCache); for (int i = 0; i < m_TickCache.Count; i++) { if (m_TickCache[i] < hRangeMin || m_TickCache[i] > hRangeMax) { continue; } int frame = Mathf.RoundToInt(m_TickCache[i] * frameRate); // Important to take floor of positions of GUI stuff to get pixel correct alignment of // stuff drawn with both GUI and Handles/GL. Otherwise things are off by one pixel half the time. float labelpos = Mathf.Floor(FrameToPixel(frame, frameRate, position)); string label = FormatTickTime(m_TickCache[i], frameRate, timeFormat); GUI.Label(new Rect(labelpos + 3, -3, 40, 20), label, timeAreaStyles.timelineTick); } } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.backgroundColor = tempBackgroundColor; GUI.color = backupCol; }
public static void OnSceneDrag(SceneView sceneView) { Event current1 = Event.current; if (current1.type != EventType.DragUpdated && current1.type != EventType.DragPerform && current1.type != EventType.DragExited) { return; } if (!sceneView.in2DMode) { GameObject gameObject = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(Event.current.mousePosition, true); if ((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object)null && DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1 && ((UnityEngine.Object)(DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0] as Texture) != (UnityEngine.Object)null && (UnityEngine.Object)gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>() != (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { return; } } switch (current1.type) { case EventType.DragUpdated: SpriteUtility.DragType dragType = !current1.alt ? SpriteUtility.DragType.SpriteAnimation : SpriteUtility.DragType.CreateMultiple; if (SpriteUtility.s_DragType != dragType || SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects == null) { Sprite[] draggedPathsOrObjects = SpriteUtility.GetSpriteFromDraggedPathsOrObjects(); if (draggedPathsOrObjects == null || draggedPathsOrObjects.Length == 0 || (UnityEngine.Object)draggedPathsOrObjects[0] == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { break; } if (SpriteUtility.s_DragType != SpriteUtility.DragType.NotInitialized) { SpriteUtility.CleanUp(); } SpriteUtility.s_DragType = dragType; SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>(); if (SpriteUtility.s_DragType == SpriteUtility.DragType.CreateMultiple) { foreach (Sprite frame in draggedPathsOrObjects) { SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.Add((UnityEngine.Object)SpriteUtility.CreateDragGO(frame,; } } else { SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.Add((UnityEngine.Object)SpriteUtility.CreateDragGO(draggedPathsOrObjects[0],; } List <Transform> transformList = new List <Transform>(); using (List <UnityEngine.Object> .Enumerator enumerator = SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { GameObject current2 = (GameObject)enumerator.Current; transformList.AddRange((IEnumerable <Transform>)current2.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>()); current2.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; } } HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = transformList.ToArray(); } Vector3 zero =; Vector3 point = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(current1.mousePosition).GetPoint(10f); if (sceneView.in2DMode) { point.z = 0.0f; } else { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; object obj = HandleUtility.RaySnap(HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(current1.mousePosition)); if (obj != null) { point = ((RaycastHit)obj).point; } } using (List <UnityEngine.Object> .Enumerator enumerator = SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ((GameObject)enumerator.Current).transform.position = point; } } DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; current1.Use(); break; case EventType.DragPerform: Sprite[] draggedPathsOrObjects1 = SpriteUtility.GetSpriteFromDraggedPathsOrObjects(); if (draggedPathsOrObjects1 == null || SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects == null) { break; } if (SpriteUtility.s_DragType == SpriteUtility.DragType.SpriteAnimation) { SpriteUtility.AddAnimationToGO((GameObject)SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects[0], draggedPathsOrObjects1); } using (List <UnityEngine.Object> .Enumerator enumerator = SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { GameObject current2 = (GameObject)enumerator.Current; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo((UnityEngine.Object)current2, "Create Sprite"); current2.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; } } Selection.objects = SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.ToArray(); SpriteUtility.CleanUp(); current1.Use(); break; case EventType.DragExited: if (SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects == null || SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects == null) { break; } using (List <UnityEngine.Object> .Enumerator enumerator = SpriteUtility.s_SceneDragObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(enumerator.Current, false); } } SpriteUtility.CleanUp(); current1.Use(); break; } }
static void OnEndContainer(IMGUIContainer c) { HandleUtility.EndHandles(); }
private void CollisionPlanesSceneGUI() { if (m_ScenePlanes.Count == 0) { return; } Event evt = Event.current; Color origCol = Handles.color; Color col = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5F); for (int i = 0; i < m_ScenePlanes.Count; ++i) { if (m_ScenePlanes[i] == null) { continue; } Transform transform = m_ScenePlanes[i]; Vector3 position = transform.position; Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation; Vector3 right = rotation * Vector3.right; Vector3 up = rotation * Vector3.up; Vector3 forward = rotation * Vector3.forward; bool isPlayingAndStatic = EditorApplication.isPlaying && transform.gameObject.isStatic; if (editingPlanes) { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(s_SelectedTransform, transform)) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newPosition = transform.position; var newRotation = transform.rotation; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(isPlayingAndStatic)) { if (isPlayingAndStatic) { Handles.ShowStaticLabel(position); } if (EditMode.editMode == EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.ParticleSystemCollisionModulePlanesMove) { newPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(position, rotation); } else if (EditMode.editMode == EditMode.SceneViewEditMode.ParticleSystemCollisionModulePlanesRotate) { newRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(rotation, position); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(transform, "Modified Collision Plane Transform"); transform.position = newPosition; transform.rotation = newRotation; ParticleSystemEditorUtils.PerformCompleteResimulation(); } } else { float handleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position) * 0.6f; EventType oldEventType = evt.type; // we want ignored mouse up events to check for dragging off of scene view if (evt.type == EventType.Ignore && evt.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) { oldEventType = evt.rawType; } Handles.FreeMoveHandle(position, Quaternion.identity, handleSize,, Handles.RectangleHandleCap); // Detect selected plane (similar to TreeEditor) if (oldEventType == EventType.MouseDown && evt.type == EventType.Used) { s_SelectedTransform = transform; oldEventType = EventType.Used; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; // Reset hot control or the FreeMoveHandle will prevent input to the new Handles. (case 873514) } } } Handles.color = col; Color color = Handles.s_ColliderHandleColor * 0.9f; if (isPlayingAndStatic) { color.a *= 0.2f; } if (m_PlaneVisualizationType == PlaneVizType.Grid) { DrawGrid(position, right, forward, up, color); } else { DrawSolidPlane(position, rotation, color, Color.yellow); } } Handles.color = origCol; }
public static void HandleSpriteSceneDrag(SceneView sceneView, IEvent evt, Object[] objectReferences, string[] paths, ShowFileDialogDelegate saveFileDialog) { if (evt.type != EventType.DragUpdated && evt.type != EventType.DragPerform && evt.type != EventType.DragExited) { return; } // Return if any of the dragged objects are null, e.g. a MonoBehaviour without a managed instance if (objectReferences.Any(obj => obj == null)) { return; } // Regardless of EditorBehaviorMode or SceneView mode we don't handle if texture is dragged over a GO with renderer if (objectReferences.Length == 1 && objectReferences[0] as UnityTexture2D != null) { GameObject go = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(evt.mousePosition, true); if (go != null) { var renderer = go.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (renderer != null && !(renderer is SpriteRenderer)) { // There is an object where the cursor is // and we are dragging a texture. Most likely user wants to // assign texture to the GO // Case 730444: Proceed only if the go has a renderer CleanUp(true); return; } } } switch (evt.type) { case (EventType.DragUpdated): DragType newDragType = evt.alt ? DragType.CreateMultiple : DragType.SpriteAnimation; if (s_DragType != newDragType || s_SceneDragObjects == null) // Either this is first time we are here OR evt.alt changed during drag { if (!ExistingAssets(objectReferences) && PathsAreValidTextures(paths)) // External drag with images that are not in the project { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; s_SceneDragObjects = new List <Object>(); s_DragType = newDragType; } else // Internal drag with assets from project { List <Sprite> assets = GetSpriteFromPathsOrObjects(objectReferences, paths, evt.type); if (assets.Count == 0) { return; } if (s_DragType != DragType.NotInitialized) // evt.alt changed during drag, so we need to cleanup and start over { CleanUp(true); } s_DragType = newDragType; CreateSceneDragObjects(assets); IgnoreForRaycasts(s_SceneDragObjects); } } PositionSceneDragObjects(s_SceneDragObjects, sceneView, evt.mousePosition); DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; evt.Use(); break; case (EventType.DragPerform): List <Sprite> sprites = GetSpriteFromPathsOrObjects(objectReferences, paths, evt.type); if (sprites.Count > 0 && s_SceneDragObjects != null) { // Store current undoIndex to undo all operations done if any part of sprite creation fails int undoIndex = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); // For external drags, we have delayed all creation to DragPerform because only now we have the imported sprite assets if (s_SceneDragObjects.Count == 0) { CreateSceneDragObjects(sprites); PositionSceneDragObjects(s_SceneDragObjects, sceneView, evt.mousePosition); } foreach (GameObject dragGO in s_SceneDragObjects) { dragGO.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(dragGO, "Create Sprite"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(dragGO); } bool createGameObject = true; if (s_DragType == DragType.SpriteAnimation && sprites.Count > 1) { UsabilityAnalytics.Event("Sprite Drag and Drop", "Drop multiple sprites to scene", "null", 1); createGameObject = AddAnimationToGO((GameObject)s_SceneDragObjects[0], sprites.ToArray(), saveFileDialog); } else { UsabilityAnalytics.Event("Sprite Drag and Drop", "Drop single sprite to scene", "null", 1); } if (createGameObject) { Selection.objects = s_SceneDragObjects.ToArray(); } else { // Revert all Create Sprite actions if animation failed to be created or was cancelled Undo.RevertAllDownToGroup(undoIndex); } CleanUp(!createGameObject); evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.DragExited: if (s_SceneDragObjects != null) { CleanUp(true); evt.Use(); } break; } }
private static void DrawGrid(Vector3 pos, Vector3 axis1, Vector3 axis2, Vector3 normal, Color color) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return; } HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); if (color.a > 0) { GL.Begin(GL.LINES); float lineLength = 10f; int numLines = 11; lineLength *= m_ScaleGrid; numLines = (int)lineLength; numLines = Mathf.Clamp(numLines, 10, 40); if (numLines % 2 == 0) { numLines++; } float halfLength = lineLength * 0.5f; float distBetweenLines = lineLength / (numLines - 1); Vector3 v1 = axis1 * lineLength; Vector3 v2 = axis2 * lineLength; Vector3 dist1 = axis1 * distBetweenLines; Vector3 dist2 = axis2 * distBetweenLines; Vector3 startPos = pos - axis1 * halfLength - axis2 * halfLength; for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { GL.Color(color * 0.7f); } else { GL.Color(color); } // Axis1 GL.Vertex(startPos + i * dist1); GL.Vertex(startPos + i * dist1 + v2); // Axis2 GL.Vertex(startPos + i * dist2); GL.Vertex(startPos + i * dist2 + v1); } GL.Color(color); GL.Vertex(pos); GL.Vertex(pos + normal); GL.End(); } }
private static Vector3 ResizeHandlesGUI(Rect rect, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scalePivot) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { RectTool.s_StartRect = rect; } scalePivot = pivot; Vector3 result =; Quaternion rotation2 = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation); for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++) { if (i != 1 || j != 1) { Vector3 rectPointInWorld = RectTool.GetRectPointInWorld(RectTool.s_StartRect, pivot, rotation, i, j); Vector3 rectPointInWorld2 = RectTool.GetRectPointInWorld(rect, pivot, rotation, i, j); float num = 0.05f * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(rectPointInWorld2); int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(RectTool.s_ResizeHandlesHash, FocusType.Passive); if (GUI.color.a > 0f || GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EventType type = Event.current.type; Vector3 vector; if (i == 1 || j == 1) { Vector3 sideVector = (i != 1) ? (rotation * Vector3.up * rect.height) : (rotation * Vector3.right * rect.width); Vector3 direction = (i != 1) ? (rotation * Vector3.right) : (rotation * Vector3.up); vector = RectHandles.SideSlider(controlID, rectPointInWorld2, sideVector, direction, num, null, 0f); } else { Vector3 vector2 = rotation * Vector3.right * (float)(i - 1); Vector3 vector3 = rotation * Vector3.up * (float)(j - 1); int arg_1AB_0 = controlID; Vector3 arg_1AB_1 = rectPointInWorld2; Vector3 arg_1AB_2 = rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 arg_1AB_3 = vector2; Vector3 arg_1AB_4 = vector3; float arg_1AB_5 = num; if (RectTool.< > f__mg$cache0 == null) { RectTool.< > f__mg$cache0 = new Handles.CapFunction(RectHandles.RectScalingHandleCap); } vector = RectHandles.CornerSlider(arg_1AB_0, arg_1AB_1, arg_1AB_2, arg_1AB_3, arg_1AB_4, arg_1AB_5, RectTool.< > f__mg$cache0,; } bool flag = Selection.transforms.Length == 1 && InternalEditorUtility.SupportsRectLayout(Selection.activeTransform) && Selection.activeTransform.parent.rotation == rotation; if (flag) { Transform activeTransform = Selection.activeTransform; RectTransform component = activeTransform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Transform parent = activeTransform.parent; RectTransform component2 = parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.type != EventType.MouseDown) { RectTransformSnapping.CalculateOffsetSnapValues(parent, activeTransform, component2, component, i, j); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { ManipulationToolUtility.SetMinDragDifferenceForPos(rectPointInWorld2, 0.1f); if (flag) { Transform parent2 = Selection.activeTransform.parent; RectTransform component3 = parent2.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Vector2 snapDistance = * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(vector) * 0.05f; snapDistance.x /= (rotation2 * parent2.TransformVector(Vector3.right)).x; snapDistance.y /= (rotation2 * parent2.TransformVector(Vector3.up)).y; Vector3 vector4 = parent2.InverseTransformPoint(vector) - component3.rect.min; Vector3 vector5 = RectTransformSnapping.SnapToGuides(vector4, snapDistance) + Vector3.forward * vector4.z; ManipulationToolUtility.DisableMinDragDifferenceBasedOnSnapping(vector4, vector5); vector = parent2.TransformPoint(vector5 + component3.rect.min); } bool alt = Event.current.alt; bool actionKey = EditorGUI.actionKey; bool flag2 = Event.current.shift && !actionKey; if (!alt) { scalePivot = RectTool.GetRectPointInWorld(RectTool.s_StartRect, pivot, rotation, 2 - i, 2 - j); } if (flag2) { vector = Vector3.Project(vector - scalePivot, rectPointInWorld - scalePivot) + scalePivot; } Vector3 vector6 = rotation2 * (rectPointInWorld - scalePivot); Vector3 vector7 = rotation2 * (vector - scalePivot); if (i != 1) { result.x = vector7.x / vector6.x; } if (j != 1) { result.y = vector7.y / vector6.y; } if (flag2) { float d = (i != 1) ? result.x : result.y; result = * d; } if (actionKey && i == 1) { if (Event.current.shift) { result.x = (result.z = 1f / Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(result.y, 0.0001f))); } else { result.x = 1f / Mathf.Max(result.y, 0.0001f); } } if (flag2) { float d2 = (i != 1) ? result.x : result.y; result = * d2; } if (actionKey && i == 1) { if (Event.current.shift) { result.x = (result.z = 1f / Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(result.y, 0.0001f))); } else { result.x = 1f / Mathf.Max(result.y, 0.0001f); } } if (actionKey && j == 1) { if (Event.current.shift) { result.y = (result.z = 1f / Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(result.x, 0.0001f))); } else { result.y = 1f / Mathf.Max(result.x, 0.0001f); } } } if (i == 0) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingLeft", type); } if (i == 2) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingRight", type); } if (i != 1) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingWidth", type); } if (j == 0) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingBottom", type); } if (j == 2) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingTop", type); } if (j != 1) { ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp("ChangingHeight", type); } } } } } return(result); }
public void TimeRuler(Rect position, float frameRate, bool labels, bool useEntireHeight, float alpha, bool showTimeAsFrames) { Color color = GUI.color; GUI.BeginGroup(position); TimeArea.InitStyles(); HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); Color backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; this.SetTickMarkerRanges(); this.hTicks.SetTickStrengths(3f, 80f, true); Color textColor = TimeArea.styles.TimelineTick.normal.textColor; textColor.a = 0.75f * alpha; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { GL.Begin(7); } else { GL.Begin(1); } Rect shownArea = base.shownArea; for (int i = 0; i < this.hTicks.tickLevels; i++) { float num = this.hTicks.GetStrengthOfLevel(i) * 0.9f; float[] ticksAtLevel = this.hTicks.GetTicksAtLevel(i, true); for (int j = 0; j < ticksAtLevel.Length; j++) { if (ticksAtLevel[j] >= base.hRangeMin && ticksAtLevel[j] <= base.hRangeMax) { int num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(ticksAtLevel[j] * frameRate); float num3 = (!useEntireHeight) ? (position.height * Mathf.Min(1f, num) * 0.7f) : position.height; float x = this.FrameToPixel((float)num2, frameRate, position, shownArea); TimeArea.DrawVerticalLineFast(x, position.height - num3 + 0.5f, position.height - 0.5f, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, num / 0.5f) * textColor); } } } GL.End(); } if (labels) { int levelWithMinSeparation = this.hTicks.GetLevelWithMinSeparation(40f); float[] ticksAtLevel2 = this.hTicks.GetTicksAtLevel(levelWithMinSeparation, false); for (int k = 0; k < ticksAtLevel2.Length; k++) { if (ticksAtLevel2[k] >= base.hRangeMin && ticksAtLevel2[k] <= base.hRangeMax) { int num4 = Mathf.RoundToInt(ticksAtLevel2[k] * frameRate); float num5 = Mathf.Floor(this.FrameToPixel((float)num4, frameRate, position)); string text = (!showTimeAsFrames) ? this.FormatFrame(num4, frameRate) : num4.ToString(); GUI.Label(new Rect(num5 + 3f, -3f, 40f, 20f), text, TimeArea.styles.TimelineTick); } } } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; GUI.color = color; }
public override void ToolGUI(SceneView view, Vector3 handlePosition, bool isStatic) { Rect handleRect = Tools.handleRect; Quaternion handleRectRotation = Tools.handleRectRotation; Vector3[] array = new Vector3[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Vector3 point = RectTool.GetLocalRectPoint(handleRect, i); array[i] = handleRectRotation * point + handlePosition; } RectHandles.RenderRectWithShadow(false, array); Color color = GUI.color; if (Camera.current) { Vector3 planeNormal = (!Camera.current.orthographic) ? (handlePosition + handleRectRotation * - Camera.current.transform.position) : Camera.current.transform.forward; Vector3 vector = handleRectRotation * Vector3.right * handleRect.width; Vector3 vector2 = handleRectRotation * Vector3.up * handleRect.height; float num = Mathf.Sqrt(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vector, planeNormal), Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vector2, planeNormal)).magnitude); num /= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(handlePosition); float num2 = Mathf.Clamp01((num - 0.2f) / 0.2f * 2f); Color color2 = color; color2.a *= num2; GUI.color = color2; } Vector3 handlePosition2 = Tools.GetHandlePosition(); if (!Tools.vertexDragging) { RectTransform component = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); bool flag = Selection.transforms.Length > 1; bool flag2 = !flag && Tools.pivotMode == PivotMode.Pivot && component != null; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!flag && !flag2)) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 a = RectTool.PivotHandleGUI(handleRect, handlePosition2, handleRectRotation); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && !isStatic) { if (flag) { Tools.localHandleOffset += Quaternion.Inverse(Tools.handleRotation) * (a - handlePosition2); } else if (flag2) { Transform activeTransform = Selection.activeTransform; Undo.RecordObject(component, "Move Rectangle Pivot"); Transform transform = (!Tools.rectBlueprintMode || !InternalEditorUtility.SupportsRectLayout(activeTransform)) ? activeTransform : activeTransform.parent; Vector2 b = transform.InverseTransformVector(a - handlePosition2); b.x /= component.rect.width; b.y /= component.rect.height; Vector2 vector3 = component.pivot + b; RectTransformEditor.SetPivotSmart(component, vector3.x, 0, true, transform != component.transform); RectTransformEditor.SetPivotSmart(component, vector3.y, 1, true, transform != component.transform); } } } } TransformManipulator.BeginManipulationHandling(true); if (!Tools.vertexDragging) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 pivotPosition = handlePosition; Vector3 scaleDelta = RectTool.ResizeHandlesGUI(handleRect, handlePosition, handleRectRotation, out pivotPosition); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && !isStatic) { TransformManipulator.SetResizeDelta(scaleDelta, pivotPosition, handleRectRotation); } bool flag3 = true; if (Tools.rectBlueprintMode) { Transform[] transforms = Selection.transforms; for (int j = 0; j < transforms.Length; j++) { Transform transform2 = transforms[j]; if (transform2.GetComponent <RectTransform>() != null) { flag3 = false; } } } if (flag3) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Quaternion rhs = RectTool.RotationHandlesGUI(handleRect, handlePosition, handleRectRotation); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && !isStatic) { float angle; Vector3 vector4; (Quaternion.Inverse(handleRectRotation) * rhs).ToAngleAxis(out angle, out vector4); vector4 = handleRectRotation * vector4; Undo.RecordObjects(Selection.transforms, "Rotate"); Transform[] transforms2 = Selection.transforms; for (int k = 0; k < transforms2.Length; k++) { Transform transform3 = transforms2[k]; transform3.RotateAround(handlePosition, vector4, angle); transform3.SetLocalEulerHint(transform3.GetLocalEulerAngles(transform3.rotationOrder)); if (transform3.parent != null) { transform3.SendTransformChangedScale(); } } Tools.handleRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, vector4) * Tools.handleRotation; } } } TransformManipulator.EndManipulationHandling(); TransformManipulator.BeginManipulationHandling(false); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 a2 = RectTool.MoveHandlesGUI(handleRect, handlePosition, handleRectRotation); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && !isStatic) { Vector3 positionDelta = a2 - TransformManipulator.mouseDownHandlePosition; TransformManipulator.SetPositionDelta(positionDelta); } TransformManipulator.EndManipulationHandling(); GUI.color = color; }
static bool CurveDisplay(IAudioEffectPlugin plugin, Rect r0, ref float threshold, ref float ratio, ref float makeupGain, ref float attackTime, ref float releaseTime, ref float knee, float sidechainLevel, float outputLevel, float blend) { Event evt = Event.current; int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); Rect r = AudioCurveRendering.BeginCurveFrame(r0); const float thresholdActiveWidth = 10f; float vuWidth = 10f; float minThreshold, maxThreshold, defThreshold; plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo(kThresholdName, out minThreshold, out maxThreshold, out defThreshold); float minRatio, maxRatio, defRatio; plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo(kRatioName, out minRatio, out maxRatio, out defRatio); float minMakeupGain, maxMakeupGain, defMakeupGain; plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo(kMakeupGainName, out minMakeupGain, out maxMakeupGain, out defMakeupGain); float minKnee, maxKnee, defKnee; plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo(kKneeName, out minKnee, out maxKnee, out defKnee); float dbRange = 100.0f, dbMin = -80.0f; float thresholdPosX = r.width * (threshold - dbMin) / dbRange; bool modifiedValue = false; switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(controlID)) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && evt.button == 0) { dragtype = DragType.None; GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(1); evt.Use(); // Ensure visible state change on mousedown to make it clear that interaction is possible if ((Mathf.Abs(r.x + thresholdPosX - evt.mousePosition.x) >= thresholdActiveWidth)) { dragtype = (evt.mousePosition.x < r.x + thresholdPosX) ? DragType.MakeupGain : DragType.Ratio; } else { dragtype = DragType.ThresholdAndKnee; } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && evt.button == 0) { dragtype = DragType.None; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { float dragAcceleration = evt.alt ? .25f : 1f; if (dragtype == DragType.ThresholdAndKnee) { bool dragKnee = Mathf.Abs( < Mathf.Abs(; if (dragKnee) { knee = Mathf.Clamp(knee + * 0.5f * dragAcceleration, minKnee, maxKnee); } else { threshold = Mathf.Clamp(threshold + * 0.1f * dragAcceleration, minThreshold, maxThreshold); } } else if (dragtype == DragType.Ratio) { ratio = Mathf.Clamp(ratio + * (ratio > 1.0f ? 0.05f : 0.003f) * dragAcceleration, minRatio, maxRatio); } else if (dragtype == DragType.MakeupGain) { makeupGain = Mathf.Clamp(makeupGain - * 0.5f * dragAcceleration, minMakeupGain, maxMakeupGain); } else { Debug.LogError("Drag: Unhandled enum"); } modifiedValue = true; evt.Use(); } break; } if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { // Curve HandleUtility.ApplyWireMaterial(); //float sidechainPosX = r.width * (sidechainLevel - dbMin) / dbRange; float thresholdPosY = r.height * (1.0f - ((threshold - dbMin + makeupGain) / dbRange)); Color thresholdColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); Color sidechainColor =; float duckGradient = 1.0f / ratio; float duckThreshold = threshold; float duckSidechainLevel = sidechainLevel; float duckMakeupGain = makeupGain; float duckKnee = knee; float duckKneeC1 = (knee > 0.0f) ? ((duckGradient - 1.0f) / (4.0f * knee)) : 0.0f; float duckKneeC2 = duckThreshold - knee; // Main filled curve AudioCurveRendering.DrawFilledCurve( r, delegate(float x, out Color col) { float level = x * dbRange + dbMin; float gain = level; float t = level - duckThreshold; col = ScaleAlpha(duckSidechainLevel > level ? AudioCurveRendering.kAudioOrange : Color.grey, blend); if (t > -duckKnee && t < duckKnee) { t += duckKnee; gain = t * (duckKneeC1 * t + 1.0f) + duckKneeC2; if (dragtype == DragType.ThresholdAndKnee) { const float mult = 1.2f; col = new Color(col.r * mult, col.g * mult, col.b * mult); } } else if (t > 0.0f) { gain = duckThreshold + duckGradient * t; } return((2.0f * (gain + duckMakeupGain - dbMin) / dbRange) - 1.0f); } ); // Curve shown when modifying MakeupGain if (dragtype == DragType.MakeupGain) { AudioCurveRendering.DrawCurve( r, delegate(float x) { float level = x * dbRange + dbMin; float gain = level; float t = level - duckThreshold; if (t > -duckKnee && t < duckKnee) { t += duckKnee; gain = t * (duckKneeC1 * t + 1.0f) + duckKneeC2; } else if (t > 0.0f) { gain = duckThreshold + duckGradient * t; } return((2.0f * (gain + duckMakeupGain - dbMin) / dbRange) - 1.0f); }, Color.white ); } // Threshold text and line textStyle10.normal.textColor = ScaleAlpha(thresholdColor, blend); EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.x + thresholdPosX, r.y, 1, r.height), textStyle10.normal.textColor); DrawText(r.x + thresholdPosX + 4, r.y + 6, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat, "Threshold: {0:F1} dB", threshold)); // Sidechain text and line textStyle10.normal.textColor = ScaleAlpha(sidechainColor, blend); DrawText(r.x + 4, r.y + r.height - 10, sidechainLevel < -80 ? "Input: None" : string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat, "Input: {0:F1} dB", sidechainLevel)); if (dragtype == DragType.Ratio) { float aspect = (float)r.height / (float)r.width; Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(2.0f, new Color[] {, }, new Vector3[] { new Vector3(r.x + thresholdPosX + r.width, r.y + thresholdPosY - aspect * r.width, 0.0f), new Vector3(r.x + thresholdPosX - r.width, r.y + thresholdPosY + aspect * r.width, 0.0f) }); Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(3.0f, new Color[] { Color.white, Color.white }, new Vector3[] { new Vector3(r.x + thresholdPosX + r.width, r.y + thresholdPosY - aspect * duckGradient * r.width, 0.0f), new Vector3(r.x + thresholdPosX - r.width, r.y + thresholdPosY + aspect * duckGradient * r.width, 0.0f) }); } else if (dragtype == DragType.ThresholdAndKnee) { // Knee min and max lines float normalizedKnee1 = (threshold - knee - dbMin) / dbRange; float normalizedKnee2 = (threshold + knee - dbMin) / dbRange; float y1 = EvaluateDuckingVolume(normalizedKnee1, ratio, threshold, makeupGain, knee, dbRange, dbMin); float y2 = EvaluateDuckingVolume(normalizedKnee2, ratio, threshold, makeupGain, knee, dbRange, dbMin); float knee1PosY = r.yMax - (y1 + 1f) * 0.5f * r.height; float knee2PosY = r.yMax - (y2 + 1f) * 0.5f * r.height; EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.x + normalizedKnee1 * r.width, knee1PosY, 1, r.height - knee1PosY), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.x + normalizedKnee2 * r.width - 1, knee2PosY, 1, r.height - knee2PosY), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Enhanced threshold EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.x + thresholdPosX - 1, r.y, 3, r.height), Color.white); } outputLevel = (Mathf.Clamp(outputLevel - makeupGain, dbMin, dbMin + dbRange) - dbMin) / dbRange; if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { const int margin = 2; Rect vuRect = new Rect(r.x + r.width - vuWidth + margin, r.y + margin, vuWidth - 2 * margin, r.height - 2 * margin); DrawVU(vuRect, outputLevel, blend, true); } } AudioCurveRendering.EndCurveFrame(); return(modifiedValue); }
public void OnGUI(Rect position) { if (GradientEditor.s_Styles == null) { GradientEditor.s_Styles = new GradientEditor.Styles(); } float num = 16f; float num2 = 30f; float num3 = position.height - 2f * num - num2; position.height = num; this.ShowSwatchArray(position, this.m_AlphaSwatches, true); position.y += num; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { position.height = num3; if (this.m_TextureDirty) { this.BuildTexture(); } GradientEditor.DrawGradientWithBackground(position, this.m_PreviewTex); } position.y += num3; position.height = num; this.ShowSwatchArray(position, this.m_RGBSwatches, false); if (this.m_SelectedSwatch != null) { position.y += num; position.height = num2; position.y += 10f; float num4 = 45f; float num5 = 60f; float num6 = 20f; float labelWidth = 50f; float num7 = num5 + num6 + num5 + num4; Rect position2 = position; position2.height = 18f; position2.x += 17f; position2.width -= num7; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth; if (this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_IsAlpha) { EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 30f; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float num8 = (float)EditorGUI.IntSlider(position2, GradientEditor.s_Styles.alphaText, (int)(this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value.r * 255f), 0, 255) / 255f; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { num8 = Mathf.Clamp01(num8); this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value.r = (this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value.g = (this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value.b = num8)); this.AssignBack(); HandleUtility.Repaint(); } } else { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value = EditorGUI.ColorField(position2, GradientEditor.s_Styles.colorText, this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value, true, false); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { this.AssignBack(); HandleUtility.Repaint(); } } position2.x += position2.width + num6; position2.width = num4 + num5; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = num5; string kFloatFieldFormatString = EditorGUI.kFloatFieldFormatString; EditorGUI.kFloatFieldFormatString = "f1"; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float value = EditorGUI.FloatField(position2, GradientEditor.s_Styles.locationText, this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Time * 100f) / 100f; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Time = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0f, 1f); this.AssignBack(); } EditorGUI.kFloatFieldFormatString = kFloatFieldFormatString; position2.x += position2.width; position2.width = 20f; GUI.Label(position2, GradientEditor.s_Styles.percentText); } }
private void ShowSwatchArray(Rect position, List <GradientEditor.Swatch> swatches, bool isAlpha) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(652347689, FocusType.Passive); Event current = Event.current; float time = this.GetTime((Event.current.mousePosition.x - position.x) / position.width); Vector2 point = new Vector3(position.x + time * position.width, Event.current.mousePosition.y); EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(controlID); switch (typeForControl) { case EventType.MouseDown: { Rect rect = position; rect.xMin -= 10f; rect.xMax += 10f; if (rect.Contains(current.mousePosition)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; current.Use(); if (swatches.Contains(this.m_SelectedSwatch) && !this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_IsAlpha && this.CalcSwatchRect(position, this.m_SelectedSwatch).Contains(current.mousePosition)) { if (current.clickCount == 2) { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = controlID; ColorPicker.Show(GUIView.current, this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value, false, false, null); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } else { bool flag = false; foreach (GradientEditor.Swatch current2 in swatches) { if (this.CalcSwatchRect(position, current2).Contains(point)) { flag = true; this.m_SelectedSwatch = current2; break; } } if (!flag) { if (swatches.Count < 8) { Color value = this.m_Gradient.Evaluate(time); if (isAlpha) { value = new Color(value.a, value.a, value.a, 1f); } else { value.a = 1f; } this.m_SelectedSwatch = new GradientEditor.Swatch(time, value, isAlpha); swatches.Add(this.m_SelectedSwatch); this.AssignBack(); } else { Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(new object[] { "Max ", 8, " color keys and ", 8, " alpha keys are allowed in a gradient." })); } } } } return; } case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); if (!swatches.Contains(this.m_SelectedSwatch)) { this.m_SelectedSwatch = null; } this.RemoveDuplicateOverlappingSwatches(); } return; case EventType.MouseMove: case EventType.KeyUp: case EventType.ScrollWheel: IL_9B: if (typeForControl == EventType.ValidateCommand) { if (current.commandName == "Delete") { Event.current.Use(); } return; } if (typeForControl != EventType.ExecuteCommand) { return; } if (current.commandName == "ColorPickerChanged") { GUI.changed = true; this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Value = ColorPicker.color; this.AssignBack(); HandleUtility.Repaint(); } else if (current.commandName == "Delete" && swatches.Count > 1) { swatches.Remove(this.m_SelectedSwatch); this.AssignBack(); HandleUtility.Repaint(); } return; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && this.m_SelectedSwatch != null) { current.Use(); if (current.mousePosition.y + 5f < position.y || current.mousePosition.y - 5f > position.yMax) { if (swatches.Count > 1) { swatches.Remove(this.m_SelectedSwatch); this.AssignBack(); return; } } else if (!swatches.Contains(this.m_SelectedSwatch)) { swatches.Add(this.m_SelectedSwatch); } this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_Time = time; this.AssignBack(); } return; case EventType.KeyDown: if (current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete) { if (this.m_SelectedSwatch != null) { List <GradientEditor.Swatch> list; if (this.m_SelectedSwatch.m_IsAlpha) { list = this.m_AlphaSwatches; } else { list = this.m_RGBSwatches; } if (list.Count > 1) { list.Remove(this.m_SelectedSwatch); this.AssignBack(); HandleUtility.Repaint(); } } current.Use(); } return; case EventType.Repaint: { bool flag2 = false; foreach (GradientEditor.Swatch current3 in swatches) { if (this.m_SelectedSwatch == current3) { flag2 = true; } else { this.DrawSwatch(position, current3, !isAlpha); } } if (flag2 && this.m_SelectedSwatch != null) { this.DrawSwatch(position, this.m_SelectedSwatch, !isAlpha); } return; } } goto IL_9B; }
public static void PickAllNonAlloc(List <ProbeHit> hits, ProbeFilter filter, SceneView sceneView, Vector2 guiPosition, int limit = DefaultLimit) { var screenPosition = HandleUtility.GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate(guiPosition); var ray3D = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(guiPosition); var worldPosition =; var layerMask = PeekPlugin.Configuration.probeLayerMask; var raycastHits = ArrayPool <RaycastHit> .New(limit); var overlapHits = ArrayPool <Collider2D> .New(limit); var handleHits = HashSetPool <GameObject> .New(); var ancestorHits = HashSetPool <ProbeHit> .New(); #if PROBUILDER_4_OR_NEWER var proBuilderHits = ListPool <ProbeHit> .New(); #endif var gameObjectHits = DictionaryPool <GameObject, ProbeHit> .New(); try { // Raycast (3D) if (filter.raycast) { var raycastHitCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray3D, raycastHits, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask); for (var i = 0; i < raycastHitCount; i++) { var raycastHit = raycastHits[i]; #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER if (SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsHidden(raycastHit.transform.gameObject)) { continue; } #endif var gameObject = raycastHit.transform.gameObject; if (!gameObjectHits.TryGetValue(gameObject, out var hit)) { hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); } hit.point = raycastHit.point; hit.distance = raycastHit.distance; gameObjectHits[gameObject] = hit; } } // Overlap (2D) if (filter.overlap) { var overlapHitCount = Physics2D.OverlapPointNonAlloc(worldPosition, overlapHits, layerMask); for (var i = 0; i < overlapHitCount; i++) { var overlapHit = overlapHits[i]; #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER if (SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsHidden(overlapHit.transform.gameObject)) { continue; } #endif var gameObject = overlapHit.transform.gameObject; if (!gameObjectHits.TryGetValue(gameObject, out var hit)) { hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); } hit.distance = hit.distance ?? Vector3.Distance(overlapHit.transform.position, worldPosition); gameObjectHits[gameObject] = hit; } } // Handles (Editor Default) if (filter.handles && canPickHandles) { PickAllHandlesNonAlloc(handleHits, guiPosition, limit); foreach (var handleHit in handleHits) { var gameObject = handleHit; if (!gameObjectHits.TryGetValue(gameObject, out var hit)) { hit = new ProbeHit(gameObject); } hit.distance = hit.distance ?? Vector3.Distance(handleHit.transform.position, worldPosition); gameObjectHits[gameObject] = hit; } } // Ancestors foreach (var gameObjectHit in gameObjectHits) { var gameObject = gameObjectHit.Key; var hit = gameObjectHit.Value; var parent = gameObject.transform.parent; int depth = 0; while (parent != null) { var parentGameObject = parent.gameObject; var parentHit = new ProbeHit(parentGameObject); parentHit.groupGameObject = gameObject; parentHit.distance = hit.distance ?? Vector3.Distance(parentHit.transform.position, worldPosition); parentHit.groupOrder = 1000 + depth; ancestorHits.Add(parentHit); parent = parent.parent; depth++; } } #if PROBUILDER_4_OR_NEWER // ProBuilder if (filter.proBuilder && ProBuilderEditor.instance != null) { var proBuilderMeshes = ListPool <ProBuilderMesh> .New(); try { foreach (var gameObjectHit in gameObjectHits.Values) { var proBuilderMesh = gameObjectHit.gameObject.GetComponent <ProBuilderMesh>(); if (proBuilderMesh != null) { proBuilderMeshes.Add(proBuilderMesh); } } PickProBuilderElementsNonAlloc(proBuilderHits, proBuilderMeshes, sceneView, guiPosition); } finally { proBuilderMeshes.Free(); } } #endif // Prepare final hits hits.Clear(); // Add hits foreach (var gameObjectHit in gameObjectHits.Values) { hits.Add(gameObjectHit); } foreach (var ancestorHit in ancestorHits) { hits.Add(ancestorHit); } #if PROBUILDER_4_OR_NEWER foreach (var proBuilderHit in proBuilderHits) { hits.Add(proBuilderHit); } #endif // Sort by distance hits.Sort(compareHits); } finally { raycastHits.Free(); overlapHits.Free(); handleHits.Free(); ancestorHits.Free(); #if PROBUILDER_4_OR_NEWER proBuilderHits.Free(); #endif gameObjectHits.Free(); } }
public static GameObject PickGameObject(Vector2 position, bool selectPrefabRoot, GameObject[] ignore) { return(HandleUtility.PickGameObject(position, selectPrefabRoot, ignore, null)); }