コード例 #1
 private static void ConstructMetadata(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceAttributeName)
     if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
         desc.Name = serviceAttributeName;
     desc.TargetNamespace = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceNamespace;
     desc.Documentation   = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class, which is later
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"/> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"/>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the file to the output stream.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"/> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
                                          string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            // delegate the wsdl data construction to another method
            string wsdlData = GenerateWsdlData(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation);

            // return the file name into which the wsdl data is persisted
            return(PersistWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation, wsdlData));
コード例 #3
        private static void ConstructSchemaImports(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            XmlSchema typesSchema = null;

            // Are we round-tripping? Then we have to access the existing types
            // section.
            // Otherwise we just initialize a new XmlSchema for types.
            if (isRoundTrip)
                typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[desc.TargetNamespace];
                // if we don't have a types section belonging to the same namespace as service description
                // we take the first types section available.
                if (typesSchema == null)
                    typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[0];
                // Remove the includes. We gonna re-add them later in this operation.
                typesSchema = new XmlSchema();

            // Add imports to the types section resolved above.
            foreach (SchemaImport import in serviceInterfaceContract.Imports)
                XmlSchemaExternal importedSchema = null;
                if (import.SchemaNamespace == null || import.SchemaNamespace == "")
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaInclude();
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaImport();
                    ((XmlSchemaImport)importedSchema).Namespace = import.SchemaNamespace;
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.UseAlternateLocationForImports)
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.AlternateLocation;
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // If we are not round-tripping we have to link the types schema we just created to
            // the service description.
            if (!isRoundTrip)
                // Finally add the type schema to the ServiceDescription.Types.Schemas collection.
コード例 #4
        private static void InitializeDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = new System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription();

            // Create the default names.
            serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            bindingName          = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            portTypeName         = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Interface";
            serviceName          = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"></see> class, which is later
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"></see> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the WSDL to the output string.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"></see> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdlData(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc = null;

            string serviceAttributeName = "";
            string bindingName          = "";
            string serviceName          = "";
            string portTypeName         = "";
            bool   isRoundtrip          = false;

            if (currWsdlLocation != null)
                isRoundtrip = true;

            // Load the existing WSDL if one specified.
            // TODO:(SB): Shouldn't we be using the existing WsdlLoader class here?
            if (isRoundtrip)
                ResetDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, currWsdlLocation, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);
                InitializeDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);

            ConstructMetadata(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, serviceAttributeName);
            ConstructSchemaImports(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc);
            ConstructMessages(serviceInterfaceContract, desc);
            PortType portType = ConstructPortTypes(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName);
            List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = ConstructBindings(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName, portType);

            ConstructServiceElement(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc, serviceName, portTypeName, endpoints);

            //Now write the initial wsdl
            string wsdlData = WriteInitialWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, desc);

            //Update the Wsdl with Policy Information
            // TODO: How do we know that policy information is required? Should it be an option?
            wsdlData = PolicyWriter.UpdateWsdlWithPolicyInfo(wsdlData, endpoints, portTypeName);

            // Now return the fully written Wsdl
コード例 #6
        private static void ConstructServiceElement(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceName, string portTypeName, List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints)
            // Generate <service> element optionally - sometimes necessary for interop reasons
            if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                Service defaultService = null;
                if (isRoundTrip || desc.Services.Count == 0)
                    // Create a new service element.
                    defaultService      = new Service();
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
                    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                        if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap11)
                            Port defaultPort = new Port();
                            defaultPort.Name    = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
                            defaultPort.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            SoapAddressBinding defaultSoapAddressBinding = new SoapAddressBinding();
                            defaultSoapAddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);
                        else if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap12)
                            Port soap12Port = new Port();
                            soap12Port.Name    = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "SOAP12Port";
                            soap12Port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            Soap12AddressBinding soap12AddressBinding = new Soap12AddressBinding();
                            soap12AddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);

                    defaultService      = desc.Services[0];
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
コード例 #7
        private static void ConstructMessages(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MessageCollection msgs = desc.Messages;

            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                foreach (Message msg in op.MessagesCollection)
                    FxMessage tempMsg = new FxMessage();
                    tempMsg.Name          = msg.Name;
                    tempMsg.Documentation = msg.Documentation;

                    MessagePart msgPart = new MessagePart();
                    msgPart.Name    = Constants.DefaultMessagePartName;
                    msgPart.Element = new XmlQualifiedName(msg.Element.ElementName,

コード例 #8
        private static PortType ConstructPortTypes(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName)
            PortTypeCollection portTypes = desc.PortTypes;
            PortType           portType  = new PortType();

            portType.Name          = portTypeName;
            portType.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;

            // Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the WSDL Port Type.
            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                FxOperation tempOperation = new FxOperation();
                tempOperation.Name          = op.Name;
                tempOperation.Documentation = op.Documentation;
                int i = 0;

                OperationInput operationInput = new OperationInput();
                operationInput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);


                if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                    OperationOutput operationOutput = new OperationOutput();
                    operationOutput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i + 1].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);



        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated 
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class, which is later 
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"/> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"/>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the file to the output stream.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"/> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
            string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            // delegate the wsdl data construction to another method
            string wsdlData = GenerateWsdlData(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation);

            // return the file name into which the wsdl data is persisted
            return PersistWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation, wsdlData);
        private static void InitializeDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = new System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription();

            // Create the default names.
            serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            portTypeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Interface";
            serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
 private static void ConstructMetadata(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceAttributeName)
     if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
         desc.Name = serviceAttributeName;
     desc.TargetNamespace = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceNamespace;
     desc.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;
        private static void ConstructSchemaImports(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            XmlSchema typesSchema = null;

            // Are we round-tripping? Then we have to access the existing types 
            // section.
            // Otherwise we just initialize a new XmlSchema for types.
            if (isRoundTrip)
                typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[desc.TargetNamespace];
                // if we don't have a types section belonging to the same namespace as service description
                // we take the first types section available.                
                if (typesSchema == null)
                    typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[0];
                // Remove the includes. We gonna re-add them later in this operation.
                typesSchema = new XmlSchema();

            // Add imports to the types section resolved above.
            foreach (SchemaImport import in serviceInterfaceContract.Imports)
                XmlSchemaExternal importedSchema = null;
                if (import.SchemaNamespace == null || import.SchemaNamespace == "")
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaInclude();
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaImport();
                    ((XmlSchemaImport)importedSchema).Namespace = import.SchemaNamespace;
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.UseAlternateLocationForImports)
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.AlternateLocation;
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // If we are not round-tripping we have to link the types schema we just created to 
            // the service description.
            if (!isRoundTrip)
                // Finally add the type schema to the ServiceDescription.Types.Schemas collection.
コード例 #13
        private static void ResetDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string currWsdlLocation, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Read(currWsdlLocation);

            // Read the existing name values.
            serviceAttributeName = desc.Name;
            bindingName          = desc.Bindings[0].Name;
            portTypeName         = desc.PortTypes[0].Name;

            // Check whether we have a service element and save it's name for the
            // future use.
            if (desc.Services.Count > 0)
                serviceName = desc.Services[0].Name;
                serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";;

            // Check for the place which has the Service name and assign the new value
            // appropriatly.
            if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
                serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (serviceName != null && serviceName != "")
                // If the user has selected to remove the service element,
                // use the service name in the attribute by default.
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                    serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
                    serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (bindingName != null && bindingName != "")
                bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;

            // Clear the service description. But do not clear the types definitions.
            desc.Documentation = "";
            desc.RetrievalUrl = "";

            if (desc.ServiceDescriptions != null)

            if (!serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
        private static void ConstructMessages(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MessageCollection msgs = desc.Messages;

            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                foreach (Message msg in op.MessagesCollection)
                    FxMessage tempMsg = new FxMessage();
                    tempMsg.Name = msg.Name;
                    tempMsg.Documentation = msg.Documentation;

                    MessagePart msgPart = new MessagePart();
                    msgPart.Name = Constants.DefaultMessagePartName;
                    msgPart.Element = new XmlQualifiedName(msg.Element.ElementName,

コード例 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of WsdlWizardForm class with the specified values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wsdlLocation">Location of the WSDL file to modify.</param>
		/// <param name="roundTripping">
		/// Value indicating that the round tripping is required.
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The roundTripping parameter must be set to true in order to use the round tripping feature.
		/// </remarks>
		public WsdlWizardForm(string wsdlLocation, bool roundTripping)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
			// Import the interface contract from the selected WSDL file.
				this.importedContract = 
				this.wsdlFile = wsdlLocation;
			catch(WsdlModifiedException ex)
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"Could not import the specified WSDL file for round-triping.\nThis file is not compatible for round-tripping.", ex);
			catch(WsdlNotCompatibleForRoundTrippingException ex)
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"Could not import the specified WSDL file for round-triping.\nThis file is not compatible for round-tripping.", ex);
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"System could not import the specified WSDL file for round triping.\nThis file is either modified or not a valid WSDL file created using WSCF.exe.");

			serviceInterfaceContract = new InterfaceContract();
			serviceInterfaceContract.SchemaNamespace = schemaLocation;
			this.roundtripMode = roundTripping;
        private static void ResetDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string currWsdlLocation, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Read(currWsdlLocation);

            // Read the existing name values.
            serviceAttributeName = desc.Name;
            bindingName = desc.Bindings[0].Name;
            portTypeName = desc.PortTypes[0].Name;

            // Check whether we have a service element and save it's name for the 
            // future use.
            if (desc.Services.Count > 0)
                serviceName = desc.Services[0].Name;
                serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port"; ;

            // Check for the place which has the Service name and assign the new value 
            // appropriatly.			
            if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
                serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (serviceName != null && serviceName != "")
                // If the user has selected to remove the service element, 
                // use the service name in the attribute by default.
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                    serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
                    serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (bindingName != null && bindingName != "")
                bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;

            // Clear the service description. But do not clear the types definitions.
            desc.Documentation = "";
            desc.RetrievalUrl = "";

            if (desc.ServiceDescriptions != null)

            if (!serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
コード例 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the WSDL file for specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
 /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
 /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
 /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
 public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
                                   string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment)
     return(GenerateWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, null));
        private static PortType ConstructPortTypes(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName)
            PortTypeCollection portTypes = desc.PortTypes;
            PortType portType = new PortType();
            portType.Name = portTypeName;
            portType.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;

            // Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the WSDL Port Type.
            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                FxOperation tempOperation = new FxOperation();
                tempOperation.Name = op.Name;
                tempOperation.Documentation = op.Documentation;
                int i = 0;

                OperationInput operationInput = new OperationInput();
                operationInput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);


                if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                    OperationOutput operationOutput = new OperationOutput();
                    operationOutput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i + 1].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);



            return portType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the WSDL file for specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
 /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
 /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
 /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
 public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
     string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment)
     return GenerateWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, null);
        private static string WriteInitialWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment,System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MemoryStream outputStream  = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter(outputStream);
                XmlTextWriter writer11 = new XmlTextWriter(writer1);

                writer11.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                writer11.Indentation = 2;
                // BDS: Added a new comment line with the date time of WSDL file.
                CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                writer11.WriteComment(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd", ci) + ", " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy - hh:mm tt", ci));

                XmlSerializer serializer1 = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Serializer;
                XmlSerializerNamespaces nsSer = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                nsSer.Add("soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/");
                nsSer.Add("soap12", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/");
                nsSer.Add("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
                nsSer.Add("tns", desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Add the imported namespaces to the WSDL <description> element.
                for (int importIndex = 0; importIndex < serviceInterfaceContract.Imports.Count;
                    if (serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != null &&
                        serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != "")
                        nsSer.Add("import" + importIndex.ToString(),

                // Finally write the file to the output stram.
                serializer1.Serialize(writer11, desc, nsSer);

                // Close the stream 

                // Now write the stream into a string
                outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(outputStream);
                string wsdlData = sr.ReadToEnd();

                return wsdlData;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    message += ex.InnerException.Message;
                throw new WsdlGenerationException(message, ex);

        private static void ConstructServiceElement(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceName, string portTypeName, List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints)
            // Generate <service> element optionally - sometimes necessary for interop reasons
            if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                Service defaultService = null;
                if (isRoundTrip || desc.Services.Count == 0)
                    // Create a new service element.
                    defaultService = new Service();
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
                    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                        if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap11)
                            Port defaultPort = new Port();
                            defaultPort.Name = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
                            defaultPort.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            SoapAddressBinding defaultSoapAddressBinding = new SoapAddressBinding();
                            defaultSoapAddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);
                        else if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap12)
                            Port soap12Port = new Port();
                            soap12Port.Name = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "SOAP12Port";
                            soap12Port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            Soap12AddressBinding soap12AddressBinding = new Soap12AddressBinding();
                            soap12AddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);

                    defaultService = desc.Services[0];
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
        private static List<ServiceEndpoint> ConstructBindings(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName, PortType portType)
            // Here we have a list of WCF endpoints.
            // Currently we populate this list with only two endpoints that has default
            // BasicHttpBinding and default NetTcpBinding.
            List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = new List<ServiceEndpoint>();

            BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

            // BDS (10/22/2007): Commented out the TCP binding generation as we are not going to support this feature
            // in this version.
            //NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();

            // Now, for each endpoint we have to create a binding in our service description.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                // Create a WSDL BindingCollection.
                BindingCollection bindings = desc.Bindings;
                System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding = new System.Web.Services.Description.Binding();
                binding.Name = endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName);
                binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Create Operation binding for each operation and add it the the BindingCollection.
                foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                    // SOAP 1.1 Operation bindings.
                    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = new OperationBinding();
                    operationBinding1.Name = op.Name;

                    InputBinding inputBinding1 = new InputBinding();
                    object bodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                    if (bodyBindingExtension != null)
                    operationBinding1.Input = inputBinding1;

                    // Input message.
                    // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                    foreach (MessageHeader inHeader in op.MessagesCollection[0].HeadersCollection)
                        object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, inHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                        if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                        // Output message.
                        OutputBinding outputBinding1 = new OutputBinding();
                        object responseBodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                        if (responseBodyBindingExtension != null)
                        operationBinding1.Output = outputBinding1;

                        // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding. 
                        foreach (MessageHeader outHeader in op.MessagesCollection[1].HeadersCollection)
                            object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, outHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                            if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    string action = desc.TargetNamespace + ":" + op.Input.Name;
                    object operationBindingExtension = GetSoapOperationBinding(endpoint.Binding, action);
                    if (operationBindingExtension != null)

                    // End of SOAP 1.1 operation bindings.                    

                object soapBindingExtension = GetSoapBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                if (soapBindingExtension != null)
            return endpoints;
コード例 #23
        private static List <ServiceEndpoint> ConstructBindings(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName, PortType portType)
            // Here we have a list of WCF endpoints.
            // Currently we populate this list with only two endpoints that has default
            // BasicHttpBinding and default NetTcpBinding.
            List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = new List <ServiceEndpoint>();

            BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

            endpoints.Add(ServiceEndpointFactory <IDummyContract> .CreateServiceEndpoint(basicHttpBinding));

            // BDS (10/22/2007): Commented out the TCP binding generation as we are not going to support this feature
            // in this version.
            //NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();

            // Now, for each endpoint we have to create a binding in our service description.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                // Create a WSDL BindingCollection.
                BindingCollection bindings = desc.Bindings;
                System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding = new System.Web.Services.Description.Binding();
                binding.Name = endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName);
                binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Create Operation binding for each operation and add it the the BindingCollection.
                foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                    // SOAP 1.1 Operation bindings.
                    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = new OperationBinding();
                    operationBinding1.Name = op.Name;

                    InputBinding inputBinding1        = new InputBinding();
                    object       bodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                    if (bodyBindingExtension != null)
                    operationBinding1.Input = inputBinding1;

                    // Input message.
                    // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                    foreach (MessageHeader inHeader in op.MessagesCollection[0].HeadersCollection)
                        object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, inHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                        if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                        // Output message.
                        OutputBinding outputBinding1 = new OutputBinding();
                        object        responseBodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                        if (responseBodyBindingExtension != null)
                        operationBinding1.Output = outputBinding1;

                        // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                        foreach (MessageHeader outHeader in op.MessagesCollection[1].HeadersCollection)
                            object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, outHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                            if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    string action = desc.TargetNamespace + ":" + op.Input.Name;
                    object operationBindingExtension = GetSoapOperationBinding(endpoint.Binding, action);
                    if (operationBindingExtension != null)

                    // End of SOAP 1.1 operation bindings.

                object soapBindingExtension = GetSoapBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                if (soapBindingExtension != null)
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> object by loading the contents in a specified 
        /// WSDL file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wsdlFileName">Path of the WSDL file to load the information from.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> with the information loaded from the WSDL file.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method first loads the content of the WSDL file to an instance of 
        /// <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class. Then it creates an 
        /// instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> class by loading the data from that.
        /// This method throws <see cref="WsdlLoadException"/> in case of a failure to load the WSDL file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static InterfaceContract GetInterfaceContract(string wsdlFileName)
            // Try to load the service description from the specified file.

            // Validate the WSDL before proceeding.

            // Start building the simplified InterfaceContract object from the 
            // .Net Fx ServiceDescription we created.
            InterfaceContract simpleContract = new InterfaceContract();

            // Initialize the basic meta data.
            simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Name;
            simpleContract.ServiceNamespace = srvDesc.TargetNamespace;
            simpleContract.ServiceDocumentation = srvDesc.Documentation;
            // Try to get the service namespace from the service description.

            // If it was not found in the service description. Then try to get it from the 
            // service. If it is not found their either, then try to get it from binding.	
            if (simpleContract.ServiceName == null || simpleContract.ServiceName == "")
                if (srvDesc.Services.Count > 0 && srvDesc.Services[0].Name != null &&
                    srvDesc.Services[0].Name != "")
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Services[0].Name;
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Bindings[0].Name;

            // Set the http binding property.
            simpleContract.IsHttpBinding = isHttpBinding;

            // Initialize the imports.
            foreach (XmlSchema typeSchema in srvDesc.Types.Schemas)
                foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in typeSchema.Includes)
                    XmlSchemaImport import = schemaObject as XmlSchemaImport;

                    if (import != null)
                        SchemaImport simpleImport = new SchemaImport();
                        simpleImport.SchemaNamespace = import.Namespace;
                        simpleImport.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // Initialize the types embedded to the WSDL.
            simpleContract.SetTypes(GetSchemaElements(srvDesc.Types.Schemas, srvDesc.TargetNamespace));

            // Initialize the operations and in/out messages.
            PortType ptype = srvDesc.PortTypes[0];
            if (ptype != null)
                foreach (FxOperation op in ptype.Operations)
                    // Create the Operation.
                    Operation simpleOp = new Operation();
                    simpleOp.Name = op.Name;
                    simpleOp.Documentation = op.Documentation;

                    if (op.Messages.Input != null)
                        FxMessage inMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Input.Message.Name];

                        if (inMessage == null)
                            // WSDL modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = inMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the input message.
                            Message simpleInMessage = new Message();
                            simpleInMessage.Name = inMessage.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleInMessage.Documentation = inMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Input = simpleInMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified. 
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                    if (op.Messages.Output != null)
                        FxMessage outMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Output.Message.Name];

                        if (outMessage == null)
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = outMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the output message.
                            Message simpleOutMessage = new Message();
                            simpleOutMessage.Name = outMessage.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleOutMessage.Documentation = outMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Output = simpleOutMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified. 
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                        // Set the message direction.
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.RequestResponse;
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.OneWay;

                    // Finally add the Operation to Operations collection.
                // WSDL is modified.
                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the portType");

            // Initialize the message headers and header messages.
            System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding1 = srvDesc.Bindings[0];
            if (binding1 != null)
                // Find the corresponding Operation in the InterfaceContract, for each OperationBinding 
                // in the binding1.Operations collection. 
                foreach (OperationBinding opBinding in binding1.Operations)
                    foreach (Operation simpleOp in simpleContract.Operations)
                        if (simpleOp.Name == opBinding.Name)
                            if (opBinding.Input != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the input message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Input.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding inHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (inHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleInHeader = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage inHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[inHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (inHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleInHeader.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleInHeader.Message = inHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the in header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = inHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleInHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

                            if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse && opBinding.Output != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the output message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Output.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding outHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (outHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleOutHeader = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage outHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[outHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (outHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleOutHeader.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleOutHeader.Message = outHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the out header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = outHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleOutHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                            else if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

            // Check for the "Generate service tags" option.
            if (srvDesc.Services.Count == 1)
                simpleContract.NeedsServiceElement = true;

            // Turn on the SOAP 1.2 binding if available.
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding in srvDesc.Bindings)
                if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null)
                    simpleContract.Bindings |= InterfaceContract.SoapBindings.Soap12;

            return simpleContract;
コード例 #25
        private static string WriteInitialWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter writer1      = new StreamWriter(outputStream);

                XmlTextWriter writer11 = new XmlTextWriter(writer1);

                writer11.Formatting  = Formatting.Indented;
                writer11.Indentation = 2;
                // BDS: Added a new comment line with the date time of WSDL file.
                CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                writer11.WriteComment(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd", ci) + ", " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy - hh:mm tt", ci));

                XmlSerializer           serializer1 = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Serializer;
                XmlSerializerNamespaces nsSer       = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                nsSer.Add("soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/");
                nsSer.Add("soap12", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/");
                nsSer.Add("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
                nsSer.Add("tns", desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Add the imported namespaces to the WSDL <description> element.
                for (int importIndex = 0; importIndex < serviceInterfaceContract.Imports.Count;
                    if (serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != null &&
                        serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != "")
                        nsSer.Add("import" + importIndex.ToString(),

                // Finally write the file to the output stram.
                serializer1.Serialize(writer11, desc, nsSer);

                // Close the stream

                // Now write the stream into a string
                outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader sr       = new StreamReader(outputStream);
                string       wsdlData = sr.ReadToEnd();

            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    message += ex.InnerException.Message;
                throw new WsdlGenerationException(message, ex);
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> object by loading the contents in a specified
        /// WSDL file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wsdlFileName">Path of the WSDL file to load the information from.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> with the information loaded from the WSDL file.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method first loads the content of the WSDL file to an instance of
        /// <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class. Then it creates an
        /// instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> class by loading the data from that.
        /// This method throws <see cref="WsdlLoadException"/> in case of a failure to load the WSDL file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static InterfaceContract GetInterfaceContract(string wsdlFileName)
            // Try to load the service description from the specified file.

            // Validate the WSDL before proceeding.

            // Start building the simplified InterfaceContract object from the
            // .Net Fx ServiceDescription we created.
            InterfaceContract simpleContract = new InterfaceContract();

            // Initialize the basic meta data.
            simpleContract.ServiceName          = srvDesc.Name;
            simpleContract.ServiceNamespace     = srvDesc.TargetNamespace;
            simpleContract.ServiceDocumentation = srvDesc.Documentation;
            // Try to get the service namespace from the service description.

            // If it was not found in the service description. Then try to get it from the
            // service. If it is not found their either, then try to get it from binding.
            if (simpleContract.ServiceName == null || simpleContract.ServiceName == "")
                if (srvDesc.Services.Count > 0 && srvDesc.Services[0].Name != null &&
                    srvDesc.Services[0].Name != "")
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Services[0].Name;
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Bindings[0].Name;

            // Set the http binding property.
            simpleContract.IsHttpBinding = isHttpBinding;

            // Initialize the imports.
            foreach (XmlSchema typeSchema in srvDesc.Types.Schemas)
                foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in typeSchema.Includes)
                    XmlSchemaImport import = schemaObject as XmlSchemaImport;

                    if (import != null)
                        SchemaImport simpleImport = new SchemaImport();
                        simpleImport.SchemaNamespace = import.Namespace;
                        simpleImport.SchemaLocation  = import.SchemaLocation;

            // Initialize the types embedded to the WSDL.
            simpleContract.SetTypes(GetSchemaElements(srvDesc.Types.Schemas, srvDesc.TargetNamespace));

            // Initialize the operations and in/out messages.
            PortType ptype = srvDesc.PortTypes[0];

            if (ptype != null)
                foreach (FxOperation op in ptype.Operations)
                    // Create the Operation.
                    Operation simpleOp = new Operation();
                    simpleOp.Name          = op.Name;
                    simpleOp.Documentation = op.Documentation;

                    if (op.Messages.Input != null)
                        FxMessage inMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Input.Message.Name];

                        if (inMessage == null)
                            // WSDL modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = inMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the input message.
                            Message simpleInMessage = new Message();
                            simpleInMessage.Name = inMessage.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleInMessage.Documentation            = inMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Input = simpleInMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                    if (op.Messages.Output != null)
                        FxMessage outMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Output.Message.Name];

                        if (outMessage == null)
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = outMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the output message.
                            Message simpleOutMessage = new Message();
                            simpleOutMessage.Name = outMessage.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleOutMessage.Documentation            = outMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Output = simpleOutMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                        // Set the message direction.
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.RequestResponse;
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.OneWay;

                    // Finally add the Operation to Operations collection.
                // WSDL is modified.
                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the portType");

            // Initialize the message headers and header messages.
            System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding1 = srvDesc.Bindings[0];
            if (binding1 != null)
                // Find the corresponding Operation in the InterfaceContract, for each OperationBinding
                // in the binding1.Operations collection.
                foreach (OperationBinding opBinding in binding1.Operations)
                    foreach (Operation simpleOp in simpleContract.Operations)
                        if (simpleOp.Name == opBinding.Name)
                            if (opBinding.Input != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the input message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Input.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding inHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (inHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleInHeader  = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage     inHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[inHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (inHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleInHeader.Name    = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleInHeader.Message = inHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the in header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = inHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleInHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

                            if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse && opBinding.Output != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the output message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Output.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding outHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (outHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleOutHeader  = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage     outHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[outHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (outHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleOutHeader.Name    = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleOutHeader.Message = outHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the out header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = outHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleOutHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                            else if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

            // Check for the "Generate service tags" option.
            if (srvDesc.Services.Count == 1)
                simpleContract.NeedsServiceElement = true;

            // Turn on the SOAP 1.2 binding if available.
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding in srvDesc.Bindings)
                if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null)
                    simpleContract.Bindings |= InterfaceContract.SoapBindings.Soap12;

コード例 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of WsdlWizardForm class with the specified values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xsdLocation">
		/// Location of the XSD file containing the message contract definitions for the WSDL.
		/// </param>
		public WsdlWizardForm(string xsdLocation)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
			schemaLocation = xsdLocation;

			serviceInterfaceContract = new InterfaceContract();
			serviceInterfaceContract.SchemaNamespace = schemaLocation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated 
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"></see> class, which is later 
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"></see> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the WSDL to the output string.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"></see> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdlData(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)

            System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc = null;

            string serviceAttributeName = "";
            string bindingName = "";
            string serviceName = "";
            string portTypeName = "";
            bool isRoundtrip = false;

            if (currWsdlLocation != null)
                isRoundtrip = true;

            // Load the existing WSDL if one specified.
            // TODO:(SB): Shouldn't we be using the existing WsdlLoader class here?
            if (isRoundtrip)
                ResetDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, currWsdlLocation, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);
                InitializeDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);

            ConstructMetadata(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, serviceAttributeName);
            ConstructSchemaImports(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc);
            ConstructMessages(serviceInterfaceContract, desc);
            PortType portType = ConstructPortTypes(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName);
            List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = ConstructBindings(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName, portType);
            ConstructServiceElement(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc, serviceName, portTypeName, endpoints);

            //Now write the initial wsdl
            string wsdlData = WriteInitialWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, desc);
            //Update the Wsdl with Policy Information
            // TODO: How do we know that policy information is required? Should it be an option?
            wsdlData = PolicyWriter.UpdateWsdlWithPolicyInfo(wsdlData, endpoints, portTypeName);

            // Now return the fully written Wsdl
            return wsdlData;