private static void ConstructMetadata(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceAttributeName)
     if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
         desc.Name = serviceAttributeName;
     desc.TargetNamespace = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceNamespace;
     desc.Documentation   = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class, which is later
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"/> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"/>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the file to the output stream.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"/> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
                                          string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            // delegate the wsdl data construction to another method
            string wsdlData = GenerateWsdlData(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation);

            // return the file name into which the wsdl data is persisted
            return(PersistWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation, wsdlData));
        private static void ConstructSchemaImports(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            XmlSchema typesSchema = null;

            // Are we round-tripping? Then we have to access the existing types
            // section.
            // Otherwise we just initialize a new XmlSchema for types.
            if (isRoundTrip)
                typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[desc.TargetNamespace];
                // if we don't have a types section belonging to the same namespace as service description
                // we take the first types section available.
                if (typesSchema == null)
                    typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[0];
                // Remove the includes. We gonna re-add them later in this operation.
                typesSchema = new XmlSchema();

            // Add imports to the types section resolved above.
            foreach (SchemaImport import in serviceInterfaceContract.Imports)
                XmlSchemaExternal importedSchema = null;
                if (import.SchemaNamespace == null || import.SchemaNamespace == "")
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaInclude();
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaImport();
                    ((XmlSchemaImport)importedSchema).Namespace = import.SchemaNamespace;
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.UseAlternateLocationForImports)
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.AlternateLocation;
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // If we are not round-tripping we have to link the types schema we just created to
            // the service description.
            if (!isRoundTrip)
                // Finally add the type schema to the ServiceDescription.Types.Schemas collection.
        private static void InitializeDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = new System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription();

            // Create the default names.
            serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            bindingName          = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            portTypeName         = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Interface";
            serviceName          = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"></see> class, which is later
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"></see> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the WSDL to the output string.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"></see> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdlData(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc = null;

            string serviceAttributeName = "";
            string bindingName          = "";
            string serviceName          = "";
            string portTypeName         = "";
            bool   isRoundtrip          = false;

            if (currWsdlLocation != null)
                isRoundtrip = true;

            // Load the existing WSDL if one specified.
            // TODO:(SB): Shouldn't we be using the existing WsdlLoader class here?
            if (isRoundtrip)
                ResetDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, currWsdlLocation, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);
                InitializeDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);

            ConstructMetadata(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, serviceAttributeName);
            ConstructSchemaImports(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc);
            ConstructMessages(serviceInterfaceContract, desc);
            PortType portType = ConstructPortTypes(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName);
            List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = ConstructBindings(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName, portType);

            ConstructServiceElement(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc, serviceName, portTypeName, endpoints);

            //Now write the initial wsdl
            string wsdlData = WriteInitialWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, desc);

            //Update the Wsdl with Policy Information
            // TODO: How do we know that policy information is required? Should it be an option?
            wsdlData = PolicyWriter.UpdateWsdlWithPolicyInfo(wsdlData, endpoints, portTypeName);

            // Now return the fully written Wsdl
        private static void ConstructServiceElement(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceName, string portTypeName, List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints)
            // Generate <service> element optionally - sometimes necessary for interop reasons
            if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                Service defaultService = null;
                if (isRoundTrip || desc.Services.Count == 0)
                    // Create a new service element.
                    defaultService      = new Service();
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
                    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                        if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap11)
                            Port defaultPort = new Port();
                            defaultPort.Name    = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
                            defaultPort.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            SoapAddressBinding defaultSoapAddressBinding = new SoapAddressBinding();
                            defaultSoapAddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);
                        else if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap12)
                            Port soap12Port = new Port();
                            soap12Port.Name    = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "SOAP12Port";
                            soap12Port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            Soap12AddressBinding soap12AddressBinding = new Soap12AddressBinding();
                            soap12AddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);

                    defaultService      = desc.Services[0];
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
        private static void ConstructMessages(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MessageCollection msgs = desc.Messages;

            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                foreach (Message msg in op.MessagesCollection)
                    FxMessage tempMsg = new FxMessage();
                    tempMsg.Name          = msg.Name;
                    tempMsg.Documentation = msg.Documentation;

                    MessagePart msgPart = new MessagePart();
                    msgPart.Name    = Constants.DefaultMessagePartName;
                    msgPart.Element = new XmlQualifiedName(msg.Element.ElementName,

        private static PortType ConstructPortTypes(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName)
            PortTypeCollection portTypes = desc.PortTypes;
            PortType           portType  = new PortType();

            portType.Name          = portTypeName;
            portType.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;

            // Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the WSDL Port Type.
            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                FxOperation tempOperation = new FxOperation();
                tempOperation.Name          = op.Name;
                tempOperation.Documentation = op.Documentation;
                int i = 0;

                OperationInput operationInput = new OperationInput();
                operationInput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);


                if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                    OperationOutput operationOutput = new OperationOutput();
                    operationOutput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i + 1].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);



        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated 
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class, which is later 
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"/> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"/>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the file to the output stream.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"/> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
            string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)
            // delegate the wsdl data construction to another method
            string wsdlData = GenerateWsdlData(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation);

            // return the file name into which the wsdl data is persisted
            return PersistWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, currWsdlLocation, wsdlData);
        private static void InitializeDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = new System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription();

            // Create the default names.
            serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            portTypeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Interface";
            serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
 private static void ConstructMetadata(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceAttributeName)
     if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
         desc.Name = serviceAttributeName;
     desc.TargetNamespace = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceNamespace;
     desc.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;
        private static void ConstructSchemaImports(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            XmlSchema typesSchema = null;

            // Are we round-tripping? Then we have to access the existing types 
            // section.
            // Otherwise we just initialize a new XmlSchema for types.
            if (isRoundTrip)
                typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[desc.TargetNamespace];
                // if we don't have a types section belonging to the same namespace as service description
                // we take the first types section available.                
                if (typesSchema == null)
                    typesSchema = desc.Types.Schemas[0];
                // Remove the includes. We gonna re-add them later in this operation.
                typesSchema = new XmlSchema();

            // Add imports to the types section resolved above.
            foreach (SchemaImport import in serviceInterfaceContract.Imports)
                XmlSchemaExternal importedSchema = null;
                if (import.SchemaNamespace == null || import.SchemaNamespace == "")
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaInclude();
                    importedSchema = new XmlSchemaImport();
                    ((XmlSchemaImport)importedSchema).Namespace = import.SchemaNamespace;
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.UseAlternateLocationForImports)
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.AlternateLocation;
                    importedSchema.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // If we are not round-tripping we have to link the types schema we just created to 
            // the service description.
            if (!isRoundTrip)
                // Finally add the type schema to the ServiceDescription.Types.Schemas collection.
        private static void ResetDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string currWsdlLocation, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Read(currWsdlLocation);

            // Read the existing name values.
            serviceAttributeName = desc.Name;
            bindingName          = desc.Bindings[0].Name;
            portTypeName         = desc.PortTypes[0].Name;

            // Check whether we have a service element and save it's name for the
            // future use.
            if (desc.Services.Count > 0)
                serviceName = desc.Services[0].Name;
                serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";;

            // Check for the place which has the Service name and assign the new value
            // appropriatly.
            if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
                serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (serviceName != null && serviceName != "")
                // If the user has selected to remove the service element,
                // use the service name in the attribute by default.
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                    serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
                    serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (bindingName != null && bindingName != "")
                bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;

            // Clear the service description. But do not clear the types definitions.
            desc.Documentation = "";
            desc.RetrievalUrl = "";

            if (desc.ServiceDescriptions != null)

            if (!serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
        private static void ConstructMessages(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MessageCollection msgs = desc.Messages;

            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                foreach (Message msg in op.MessagesCollection)
                    FxMessage tempMsg = new FxMessage();
                    tempMsg.Name = msg.Name;
                    tempMsg.Documentation = msg.Documentation;

                    MessagePart msgPart = new MessagePart();
                    msgPart.Name = Constants.DefaultMessagePartName;
                    msgPart.Element = new XmlQualifiedName(msg.Element.ElementName,

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of WsdlWizardForm class with the specified values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wsdlLocation">Location of the WSDL file to modify.</param>
		/// <param name="roundTripping">
		/// Value indicating that the round tripping is required.
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The roundTripping parameter must be set to true in order to use the round tripping feature.
		/// </remarks>
		public WsdlWizardForm(string wsdlLocation, bool roundTripping)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
			// Import the interface contract from the selected WSDL file.
				this.importedContract = 
				this.wsdlFile = wsdlLocation;
			catch(WsdlModifiedException ex)
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"Could not import the specified WSDL file for round-triping.\nThis file is not compatible for round-tripping.", ex);
			catch(WsdlNotCompatibleForRoundTrippingException ex)
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"Could not import the specified WSDL file for round-triping.\nThis file is not compatible for round-tripping.", ex);
				throw new WsdlFileLoadException(
					"System could not import the specified WSDL file for round triping.\nThis file is either modified or not a valid WSDL file created using WSCF.exe.");

			serviceInterfaceContract = new InterfaceContract();
			serviceInterfaceContract.SchemaNamespace = schemaLocation;
			this.roundtripMode = roundTripping;
        private static void ResetDescription(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string currWsdlLocation, ref System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, ref string serviceAttributeName, ref string bindingName, ref string serviceName, ref string portTypeName)
            desc = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Read(currWsdlLocation);

            // Read the existing name values.
            serviceAttributeName = desc.Name;
            bindingName = desc.Bindings[0].Name;
            portTypeName = desc.PortTypes[0].Name;

            // Check whether we have a service element and save it's name for the 
            // future use.
            if (desc.Services.Count > 0)
                serviceName = desc.Services[0].Name;
                serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port"; ;

            // Check for the place which has the Service name and assign the new value 
            // appropriatly.			
            if (serviceAttributeName != null && serviceAttributeName != "")
                serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (serviceName != null && serviceName != "")
                // If the user has selected to remove the service element, 
                // use the service name in the attribute by default.
                if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                    serviceName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
                    serviceAttributeName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;
            else if (bindingName != null && bindingName != "")
                bindingName = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName;

            // Clear the service description. But do not clear the types definitions.
            desc.Documentation = "";
            desc.RetrievalUrl = "";

            if (desc.ServiceDescriptions != null)

            if (!serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the WSDL file for specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
 /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
 /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
 /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
 public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
                                   string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment)
     return(GenerateWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, null));
        private static PortType ConstructPortTypes(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName)
            PortTypeCollection portTypes = desc.PortTypes;
            PortType portType = new PortType();
            portType.Name = portTypeName;
            portType.Documentation = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceDocumentation;

            // Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the WSDL Port Type.
            foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                FxOperation tempOperation = new FxOperation();
                tempOperation.Name = op.Name;
                tempOperation.Documentation = op.Documentation;
                int i = 0;

                OperationInput operationInput = new OperationInput();
                operationInput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);


                if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                    OperationOutput operationOutput = new OperationOutput();
                    operationOutput.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(op.MessagesCollection[i + 1].Name, desc.TargetNamespace);



            return portType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the WSDL file for specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
 /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> to use for the WSDL generation.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="wsdlSaveLocation">Location to save the generated WSDL file.</param>
 /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
 /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
 public static string GenerateWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract,
     string wsdlSaveLocation, string xmlComment)
     return GenerateWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, wsdlSaveLocation, xmlComment, null);
        private static string WriteInitialWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment,System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MemoryStream outputStream  = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter(outputStream);
                XmlTextWriter writer11 = new XmlTextWriter(writer1);

                writer11.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                writer11.Indentation = 2;
                // BDS: Added a new comment line with the date time of WSDL file.
                CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                writer11.WriteComment(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd", ci) + ", " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy - hh:mm tt", ci));

                XmlSerializer serializer1 = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Serializer;
                XmlSerializerNamespaces nsSer = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                nsSer.Add("soap", "");
                nsSer.Add("soap12", "");
                nsSer.Add("xsd", "");
                nsSer.Add("tns", desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Add the imported namespaces to the WSDL <description> element.
                for (int importIndex = 0; importIndex < serviceInterfaceContract.Imports.Count;
                    if (serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != null &&
                        serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != "")
                        nsSer.Add("import" + importIndex.ToString(),

                // Finally write the file to the output stram.
                serializer1.Serialize(writer11, desc, nsSer);

                // Close the stream 

                // Now write the stream into a string
                outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(outputStream);
                string wsdlData = sr.ReadToEnd();

                return wsdlData;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    message += ex.InnerException.Message;
                throw new WsdlGenerationException(message, ex);

        private static void ConstructServiceElement(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, bool isRoundTrip, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string serviceName, string portTypeName, List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints)
            // Generate <service> element optionally - sometimes necessary for interop reasons
            if (serviceInterfaceContract.NeedsServiceElement)
                Service defaultService = null;
                if (isRoundTrip || desc.Services.Count == 0)
                    // Create a new service element.
                    defaultService = new Service();
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
                    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                        if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap11)
                            Port defaultPort = new Port();
                            defaultPort.Name = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "Port";
                            defaultPort.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            SoapAddressBinding defaultSoapAddressBinding = new SoapAddressBinding();
                            defaultSoapAddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);
                        else if (endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion.Envelope == EnvelopeVersion.Soap12)
                            Port soap12Port = new Port();
                            soap12Port.Name = serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName + "SOAP12Port";
                            soap12Port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName), desc.TargetNamespace);
                            Soap12AddressBinding soap12AddressBinding = new Soap12AddressBinding();
                            soap12AddressBinding.Location = GetDefaultEndpoint(endpoint.Binding, serviceInterfaceContract.ServiceName);

                    defaultService = desc.Services[0];
                    defaultService.Name = serviceName;
        private static List<ServiceEndpoint> ConstructBindings(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName, PortType portType)
            // Here we have a list of WCF endpoints.
            // Currently we populate this list with only two endpoints that has default
            // BasicHttpBinding and default NetTcpBinding.
            List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = new List<ServiceEndpoint>();

            BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

            // BDS (10/22/2007): Commented out the TCP binding generation as we are not going to support this feature
            // in this version.
            //NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();

            // Now, for each endpoint we have to create a binding in our service description.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                // Create a WSDL BindingCollection.
                BindingCollection bindings = desc.Bindings;
                System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding = new System.Web.Services.Description.Binding();
                binding.Name = endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName);
                binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Create Operation binding for each operation and add it the the BindingCollection.
                foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                    // SOAP 1.1 Operation bindings.
                    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = new OperationBinding();
                    operationBinding1.Name = op.Name;

                    InputBinding inputBinding1 = new InputBinding();
                    object bodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                    if (bodyBindingExtension != null)
                    operationBinding1.Input = inputBinding1;

                    // Input message.
                    // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                    foreach (MessageHeader inHeader in op.MessagesCollection[0].HeadersCollection)
                        object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, inHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                        if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                        // Output message.
                        OutputBinding outputBinding1 = new OutputBinding();
                        object responseBodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                        if (responseBodyBindingExtension != null)
                        operationBinding1.Output = outputBinding1;

                        // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding. 
                        foreach (MessageHeader outHeader in op.MessagesCollection[1].HeadersCollection)
                            object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, outHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                            if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    string action = desc.TargetNamespace + ":" + op.Input.Name;
                    object operationBindingExtension = GetSoapOperationBinding(endpoint.Binding, action);
                    if (operationBindingExtension != null)

                    // End of SOAP 1.1 operation bindings.                    

                object soapBindingExtension = GetSoapBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                if (soapBindingExtension != null)
            return endpoints;
        private static List <ServiceEndpoint> ConstructBindings(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc, string portTypeName, PortType portType)
            // Here we have a list of WCF endpoints.
            // Currently we populate this list with only two endpoints that has default
            // BasicHttpBinding and default NetTcpBinding.
            List <ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = new List <ServiceEndpoint>();

            BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

            endpoints.Add(ServiceEndpointFactory <IDummyContract> .CreateServiceEndpoint(basicHttpBinding));

            // BDS (10/22/2007): Commented out the TCP binding generation as we are not going to support this feature
            // in this version.
            //NetTcpBinding netTcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();

            // Now, for each endpoint we have to create a binding in our service description.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
                // Create a WSDL BindingCollection.
                BindingCollection bindings = desc.Bindings;
                System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding = new System.Web.Services.Description.Binding();
                binding.Name = endpoint.Name.Replace(Constants.InternalContractName, portTypeName);
                binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Create Operation binding for each operation and add it the the BindingCollection.
                foreach (Operation op in serviceInterfaceContract.Operations)
                    // SOAP 1.1 Operation bindings.
                    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = new OperationBinding();
                    operationBinding1.Name = op.Name;

                    InputBinding inputBinding1        = new InputBinding();
                    object       bodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                    if (bodyBindingExtension != null)
                    operationBinding1.Input = inputBinding1;

                    // Input message.
                    // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                    foreach (MessageHeader inHeader in op.MessagesCollection[0].HeadersCollection)
                        object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, inHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                        if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    if (op.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                        // Output message.
                        OutputBinding outputBinding1 = new OutputBinding();
                        object        responseBodyBindingExtension = GetSoapBodyBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                        if (responseBodyBindingExtension != null)
                        operationBinding1.Output = outputBinding1;

                        // Look up the message headers for each Message and add them to the current binding.
                        foreach (MessageHeader outHeader in op.MessagesCollection[1].HeadersCollection)
                            object headerBindingExtension = GetSoapHeaderBinding(endpoint.Binding, outHeader.Message, desc.TargetNamespace);
                            if (headerBindingExtension != null)

                    string action = desc.TargetNamespace + ":" + op.Input.Name;
                    object operationBindingExtension = GetSoapOperationBinding(endpoint.Binding, action);
                    if (operationBindingExtension != null)

                    // End of SOAP 1.1 operation bindings.

                object soapBindingExtension = GetSoapBinding(endpoint.Binding);
                if (soapBindingExtension != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> object by loading the contents in a specified 
        /// WSDL file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wsdlFileName">Path of the WSDL file to load the information from.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> with the information loaded from the WSDL file.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method first loads the content of the WSDL file to an instance of 
        /// <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class. Then it creates an 
        /// instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> class by loading the data from that.
        /// This method throws <see cref="WsdlLoadException"/> in case of a failure to load the WSDL file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static InterfaceContract GetInterfaceContract(string wsdlFileName)
            // Try to load the service description from the specified file.

            // Validate the WSDL before proceeding.

            // Start building the simplified InterfaceContract object from the 
            // .Net Fx ServiceDescription we created.
            InterfaceContract simpleContract = new InterfaceContract();

            // Initialize the basic meta data.
            simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Name;
            simpleContract.ServiceNamespace = srvDesc.TargetNamespace;
            simpleContract.ServiceDocumentation = srvDesc.Documentation;
            // Try to get the service namespace from the service description.

            // If it was not found in the service description. Then try to get it from the 
            // service. If it is not found their either, then try to get it from binding.	
            if (simpleContract.ServiceName == null || simpleContract.ServiceName == "")
                if (srvDesc.Services.Count > 0 && srvDesc.Services[0].Name != null &&
                    srvDesc.Services[0].Name != "")
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Services[0].Name;
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Bindings[0].Name;

            // Set the http binding property.
            simpleContract.IsHttpBinding = isHttpBinding;

            // Initialize the imports.
            foreach (XmlSchema typeSchema in srvDesc.Types.Schemas)
                foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in typeSchema.Includes)
                    XmlSchemaImport import = schemaObject as XmlSchemaImport;

                    if (import != null)
                        SchemaImport simpleImport = new SchemaImport();
                        simpleImport.SchemaNamespace = import.Namespace;
                        simpleImport.SchemaLocation = import.SchemaLocation;

            // Initialize the types embedded to the WSDL.
            simpleContract.SetTypes(GetSchemaElements(srvDesc.Types.Schemas, srvDesc.TargetNamespace));

            // Initialize the operations and in/out messages.
            PortType ptype = srvDesc.PortTypes[0];
            if (ptype != null)
                foreach (FxOperation op in ptype.Operations)
                    // Create the Operation.
                    Operation simpleOp = new Operation();
                    simpleOp.Name = op.Name;
                    simpleOp.Documentation = op.Documentation;

                    if (op.Messages.Input != null)
                        FxMessage inMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Input.Message.Name];

                        if (inMessage == null)
                            // WSDL modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = inMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the input message.
                            Message simpleInMessage = new Message();
                            simpleInMessage.Name = inMessage.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleInMessage.Documentation = inMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Input = simpleInMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified. 
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                    if (op.Messages.Output != null)
                        FxMessage outMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Output.Message.Name];

                        if (outMessage == null)
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = outMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the output message.
                            Message simpleOutMessage = new Message();
                            simpleOutMessage.Name = outMessage.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleOutMessage.Documentation = outMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Output = simpleOutMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified. 
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                        // Set the message direction.
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.RequestResponse;
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.OneWay;

                    // Finally add the Operation to Operations collection.
                // WSDL is modified.
                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the portType");

            // Initialize the message headers and header messages.
            System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding1 = srvDesc.Bindings[0];
            if (binding1 != null)
                // Find the corresponding Operation in the InterfaceContract, for each OperationBinding 
                // in the binding1.Operations collection. 
                foreach (OperationBinding opBinding in binding1.Operations)
                    foreach (Operation simpleOp in simpleContract.Operations)
                        if (simpleOp.Name == opBinding.Name)
                            if (opBinding.Input != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the input message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Input.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding inHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (inHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleInHeader = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage inHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[inHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (inHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleInHeader.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleInHeader.Message = inHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the in header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = inHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleInHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

                            if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse && opBinding.Output != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the output message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Output.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding outHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (outHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleOutHeader = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage outHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[outHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (outHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleOutHeader.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleOutHeader.Message = outHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the out header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = outHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleOutHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                            else if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

            // Check for the "Generate service tags" option.
            if (srvDesc.Services.Count == 1)
                simpleContract.NeedsServiceElement = true;

            // Turn on the SOAP 1.2 binding if available.
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding in srvDesc.Bindings)
                if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null)
                    simpleContract.Bindings |= InterfaceContract.SoapBindings.Soap12;

            return simpleContract;
        private static string WriteInitialWsdl(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc)
            MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter writer1      = new StreamWriter(outputStream);

                XmlTextWriter writer11 = new XmlTextWriter(writer1);

                writer11.Formatting  = Formatting.Indented;
                writer11.Indentation = 2;
                // BDS: Added a new comment line with the date time of WSDL file.
                CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                writer11.WriteComment(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd", ci) + ", " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy - hh:mm tt", ci));

                XmlSerializer           serializer1 = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription.Serializer;
                XmlSerializerNamespaces nsSer       = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                nsSer.Add("soap", "");
                nsSer.Add("soap12", "");
                nsSer.Add("xsd", "");
                nsSer.Add("tns", desc.TargetNamespace);

                // Add the imported namespaces to the WSDL <description> element.
                for (int importIndex = 0; importIndex < serviceInterfaceContract.Imports.Count;
                    if (serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != null &&
                        serviceInterfaceContract.Imports[importIndex].SchemaNamespace != "")
                        nsSer.Add("import" + importIndex.ToString(),

                // Finally write the file to the output stram.
                serializer1.Serialize(writer11, desc, nsSer);

                // Close the stream

                // Now write the stream into a string
                outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader sr       = new StreamReader(outputStream);
                string       wsdlData = sr.ReadToEnd();

            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    message += ex.InnerException.Message;
                throw new WsdlGenerationException(message, ex);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> object by loading the contents in a specified
        /// WSDL file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wsdlFileName">Path of the WSDL file to load the information from.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> with the information loaded from the WSDL file.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method first loads the content of the WSDL file to an instance of
        /// <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"/> class. Then it creates an
        /// instance of <see cref="InterfaceContract"/> class by loading the data from that.
        /// This method throws <see cref="WsdlLoadException"/> in case of a failure to load the WSDL file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static InterfaceContract GetInterfaceContract(string wsdlFileName)
            // Try to load the service description from the specified file.

            // Validate the WSDL before proceeding.

            // Start building the simplified InterfaceContract object from the
            // .Net Fx ServiceDescription we created.
            InterfaceContract simpleContract = new InterfaceContract();

            // Initialize the basic meta data.
            simpleContract.ServiceName          = srvDesc.Name;
            simpleContract.ServiceNamespace     = srvDesc.TargetNamespace;
            simpleContract.ServiceDocumentation = srvDesc.Documentation;
            // Try to get the service namespace from the service description.

            // If it was not found in the service description. Then try to get it from the
            // service. If it is not found their either, then try to get it from binding.
            if (simpleContract.ServiceName == null || simpleContract.ServiceName == "")
                if (srvDesc.Services.Count > 0 && srvDesc.Services[0].Name != null &&
                    srvDesc.Services[0].Name != "")
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Services[0].Name;
                    simpleContract.ServiceName = srvDesc.Bindings[0].Name;

            // Set the http binding property.
            simpleContract.IsHttpBinding = isHttpBinding;

            // Initialize the imports.
            foreach (XmlSchema typeSchema in srvDesc.Types.Schemas)
                foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in typeSchema.Includes)
                    XmlSchemaImport import = schemaObject as XmlSchemaImport;

                    if (import != null)
                        SchemaImport simpleImport = new SchemaImport();
                        simpleImport.SchemaNamespace = import.Namespace;
                        simpleImport.SchemaLocation  = import.SchemaLocation;

            // Initialize the types embedded to the WSDL.
            simpleContract.SetTypes(GetSchemaElements(srvDesc.Types.Schemas, srvDesc.TargetNamespace));

            // Initialize the operations and in/out messages.
            PortType ptype = srvDesc.PortTypes[0];

            if (ptype != null)
                foreach (FxOperation op in ptype.Operations)
                    // Create the Operation.
                    Operation simpleOp = new Operation();
                    simpleOp.Name          = op.Name;
                    simpleOp.Documentation = op.Documentation;

                    if (op.Messages.Input != null)
                        FxMessage inMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Input.Message.Name];

                        if (inMessage == null)
                            // WSDL modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = inMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the input message.
                            Message simpleInMessage = new Message();
                            simpleInMessage.Name = inMessage.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleInMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleInMessage.Documentation            = inMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Input = simpleInMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                    if (op.Messages.Output != null)
                        FxMessage outMessage = srvDesc.Messages[op.Messages.Output.Message.Name];

                        if (outMessage == null)
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                        MessagePart part = outMessage.Parts[0];
                        if (part != null)
                            // Create the output message.
                            Message simpleOutMessage = new Message();
                            simpleOutMessage.Name = outMessage.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                            simpleOutMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;
                            simpleOutMessage.Documentation            = outMessage.Documentation;


                            simpleOp.Output = simpleOutMessage;
                            // WSDL is modified.
                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");

                        // Set the message direction.
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.RequestResponse;
                        simpleOp.Mep = Mep.OneWay;

                    // Finally add the Operation to Operations collection.
                // WSDL is modified.
                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the portType");

            // Initialize the message headers and header messages.
            System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding1 = srvDesc.Bindings[0];
            if (binding1 != null)
                // Find the corresponding Operation in the InterfaceContract, for each OperationBinding
                // in the binding1.Operations collection.
                foreach (OperationBinding opBinding in binding1.Operations)
                    foreach (Operation simpleOp in simpleContract.Operations)
                        if (simpleOp.Name == opBinding.Name)
                            if (opBinding.Input != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the input message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Input.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding inHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (inHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleInHeader  = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage     inHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[inHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (inHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleInHeader.Name    = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleInHeader.Message = inHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the in header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = inHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleInHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Name = inHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleInHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

                            if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse && opBinding.Output != null)
                                // Enumerate the message headers for the output message.
                                foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in opBinding.Output.Extensions)
                                    SoapHeaderBinding outHeader = extension as SoapHeaderBinding;
                                    if (outHeader != null)
                                        // Create the in header and add it to the headers collection.
                                        MessageHeader simpleOutHeader  = new MessageHeader();
                                        FxMessage     outHeaderMessage = srvDesc.Messages[outHeader.Message.Name];

                                        if (outHeaderMessage == null)
                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message");

                                        simpleOutHeader.Name    = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                        simpleOutHeader.Message = outHeaderMessage.Name;

                                        // Create the out header message and put it to the Operation's messeages collection.
                                        MessagePart part = outHeaderMessage.Parts[0];
                                        if (part != null)
                                            Message simpleOutHeaderMessage = new Message();
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Name = outHeaderMessage.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementName      = part.Element.Name;
                                            simpleOutHeaderMessage.Element.ElementNamespace = part.Element.Namespace;

                                            // WSDL is modified.
                                            throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the message part");
                            else if (simpleOp.Mep == Mep.RequestResponse)
                                // WSDL modified.
                                throw new WsdlModifiedException("Could not find the operation binding");

            // Check for the "Generate service tags" option.
            if (srvDesc.Services.Count == 1)
                simpleContract.NeedsServiceElement = true;

            // Turn on the SOAP 1.2 binding if available.
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Binding binding in srvDesc.Bindings)
                if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null)
                    simpleContract.Bindings |= InterfaceContract.SoapBindings.Soap12;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of WsdlWizardForm class with the specified values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xsdLocation">
		/// Location of the XSD file containing the message contract definitions for the WSDL.
		/// </param>
		public WsdlWizardForm(string xsdLocation)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
			schemaLocation = xsdLocation;

			serviceInterfaceContract = new InterfaceContract();
			serviceInterfaceContract.SchemaNamespace = schemaLocation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the WSDL file for a specified <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInterfaceContract">
        /// <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to use for the WSDL generation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlComment">XML comment to add to the top of the WSDL file.</param>
        /// <param name="currWsdlLocation">Path of an existing WSDL file to overwrite with the generated 
        /// WSDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>The path of the WSDL file generated.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods loads the information, it receive in a <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see> to
        /// a <see cref="System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription"></see> class, which is later 
        /// used to generate the WSDL file. The loading process takes place in several steps. <br></br>
        /// 1. Load the basic meta data from <see cref="InterfaceContract"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 2. Load the schema imports in the <see cref="SchemaImports"></see> collection.<br></br>
        /// 3. Load the messages in <see cref="OperationsCollection"></see>.<br></br>
        /// 4. Create the WSDL Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 5. Add each operation and it's corresponding in/out messages to the Port Type.<br></br>
        /// 6. Create a WSDL Binding section and add OperationBinding for each operation.<br></br>
        /// 7. Generate the WSDL 'service' tags if required.<br></br>
        /// 8. Finally write the WSDL to the output string.<br></br>
        /// This method generates <see cref="WsdlGenerationException"></see> exception, if it fails to create the WSDL file.
        /// If a file is specified to overwrite with the new file, the original file is restored in case of
        /// a failure.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateWsdlData(InterfaceContract serviceInterfaceContract, string xmlComment, string currWsdlLocation)

            System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription desc = null;

            string serviceAttributeName = "";
            string bindingName = "";
            string serviceName = "";
            string portTypeName = "";
            bool isRoundtrip = false;

            if (currWsdlLocation != null)
                isRoundtrip = true;

            // Load the existing WSDL if one specified.
            // TODO:(SB): Shouldn't we be using the existing WsdlLoader class here?
            if (isRoundtrip)
                ResetDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, currWsdlLocation, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);
                InitializeDescription(serviceInterfaceContract, ref desc, ref serviceAttributeName, ref bindingName, ref serviceName, ref portTypeName);

            ConstructMetadata(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, serviceAttributeName);
            ConstructSchemaImports(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc);
            ConstructMessages(serviceInterfaceContract, desc);
            PortType portType = ConstructPortTypes(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName);
            List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = ConstructBindings(serviceInterfaceContract, desc, portTypeName, portType);
            ConstructServiceElement(serviceInterfaceContract, isRoundtrip, desc, serviceName, portTypeName, endpoints);

            //Now write the initial wsdl
            string wsdlData = WriteInitialWsdl(serviceInterfaceContract, xmlComment, desc);
            //Update the Wsdl with Policy Information
            // TODO: How do we know that policy information is required? Should it be an option?
            wsdlData = PolicyWriter.UpdateWsdlWithPolicyInfo(wsdlData, endpoints, portTypeName);

            // Now return the fully written Wsdl
            return wsdlData;