public CardInfo Parse() { cardinfo = new CardInfo (); Dictionary<string,string> datadic = new Dictionary<string,string> (); Regex onlynumberformat = new Regex (@"^[0-9]+$"); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(nn_datastring)||onlynumberformat.Match (nn_datastring).Success||nn_datastring.Split ('\n').Length<=1){ cardinfo.available = false; cardinfo.resultmessage = "Failed to get complete info,Please re-scan"; } else{ cardinfo.available = true; cardinfo.resultmessage = ""; String[] elements = nn_datastring.Split ('\n'); //shift to dictionary for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if (elements [i].Contains ("ANSI")) { } else if (elements [i].Length > 3) { Regex r = new Regex (@"\s{2,}"); elements [i] = r.Replace (elements [i], ""); string key = elements [i].Substring (0, 3); string value = elements [i].Substring (3); datadic.Add (key, value); } } foreach(var entry in datadic){ switch(entry.Key){ case Country_Identification: cardinfo.countrycode = entry.Value; break; case Jurisdction_Code: cardinfo.provincecode = entry.Value; break; case City: = entry.Value; break; case Street_Address_1: cardinfo.address1 = entry.Value; break; case Street_Address_2: cardinfo.address2 = entry.Value; break; case Postal_Code: cardinfo.zipcode = entry.Value; break; case Customer_Given_Name: cardinfo.firstname = entry.Value; break; case Customer_Family_Name: cardinfo.lastname= entry.Value; break; case Date_Of_Birth: cardinfo.birthdate= entry.Value; break; } }//end of foreach }//end of else return cardinfo; }
public ScanParser(string scanedstring) { nn_datastring = scanedstring; cardinfo = new CardInfo (); }