private void UpdateHUD() { if (_Rower == null) { return; } _MachineStatus.SetText(_Rower.RowerState.ToString()); switch (_Rower.RowerState) { case MachineState.InUse: case MachineState.Paused: UpdateHUDWorkoutValues(); break; case MachineState.Ready: case MachineState.Idle: case MachineState.OffLine: default: _WorkoutCadence.SetText(string.Empty); _WorkoutDistance.SetText(string.Empty); _WorkoutDuration.SetText(string.Empty); _WorkoutCalories.SetText(string.Empty); _WorkoutHeartRate.SetText(string.Empty); _WorkoutPower.SetText(string.Empty); break; } }
private void SetSpatialized() { m_IsSpatialized = true; m_SourceObject.spatialBlend = 1; m_TextMeshPro.SetText("Set Stereo"); m_SourceObject.outputAudioMixerGroup = RoomEffectGroup; }
void PlotLoss(int step, float loss) { if (iterationText) { iterationText.SetText($"iteration:{step}"); } if (lossText) { lossText.SetText($"loss:{loss}"); } lossBufferCPU[step] = loss; maxValueLoss = Mathf.Max(maxValueLoss, loss); lossBufferGPU.SetData(lossBufferCPU, 0, 0, totalSteps); int kernelHandle = graphPlotter.FindKernel("CSMain"); graphPlotter.SetTexture(kernelHandle, "graphTexture", graphRT); graphPlotter.SetBuffer(kernelHandle, "graphBuffer", lossBufferGPU); graphPlotter.SetInt("graphDimX", graphRT.width); graphPlotter.SetInt("graphDimY", graphRT.height); graphPlotter.SetInt("graphBufferTotalCount", totalSteps); graphPlotter.SetInt("graphBufferValueCount", step + 1); graphPlotter.SetFloat("maxValue", maxValueLoss); graphPlotter.SetFloats("backgroundColor", new float[] { Camera.main.backgroundColor.r, Camera.main.backgroundColor.g, Camera.main.backgroundColor.b, Camera.main.backgroundColor.a }); graphPlotter.SetFloats("lossColor", new float[] { lossColor.r, lossColor.g, lossColor.b, lossColor.a }); graphPlotter.Dispatch(kernelHandle, graphRT.width / 8, graphRT.height / 8, 1); graphMaterial.mainTexture = graphRT; }
void Update() { if (Application.loadedLevelName == "LevelEditor" || !mRenderer.enabled || isDone) { return; } float elapsedTime = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - mTime); if (elapsedTime >= _SelfDestructDuration) { //gameObject.SetActive(false); mRenderer.enabled = false; textMeshPro.enabled = false; mAudioSource.Play(); mBombCount--; if (mBombCount == 0) { GameObject.Destroy(mTickingAudioSource.gameObject); } } else { float remaining = _SelfDestructDuration - elapsedTime; textMeshPro.SetText(remaining.ToString("0")); } }
private void RefreshTimeText() { int timeStringIndex = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Max((int)(_timeFraction * (float)TimeStrings.Length), 0), TimeStrings.Length - 1); string timeString = TimeStrings[timeStringIndex]; _textMesh.SetText(timeString); }
public void AssignCustomerOrder(CustomerOrder InOrder, bool bShowResults) { _order = InOrder; StringBuilder PanelStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); PanelStringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("Order: {0}", _order.OrderNumber)); for (int itemMarkIndex = 0; itemMarkIndex < ItemMarks.Length; ++itemMarkIndex) { ItemMarks[itemMarkIndex].SetActive(false); } _bMarksInitialized = true; for (int desireIndex = 0; desireIndex < _order.CustomerDesires.Length; ++desireIndex) { PanelStringBuilder.AppendLine(_order.CustomerDesires[desireIndex].ToUIString()); if (bShowResults) { ItemMarks[desireIndex].SetActive(true); ItemMarks[desireIndex].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = _order.CustomerDesires[desireIndex].DesireMet ? GreenCheckMaterial : RedXMaterial; } } _textMesh.SetText(PanelStringBuilder); _bIsShowingResults = bShowResults; }
/// <summary> /// Tries to damage the building if unlucky. /// </summary> private void CheckForDisaster() { //Creates a list of potential disasters List <BuildingDistaster> disasters = new List <BuildingDistaster>(); disasters.AddRange(thisBuilding.potentialDisasters); disasters.AddRange(; foreach (BuildingDistaster disaster in disasters) { // If the building isn't already broken and the risk returns true a disaster occurs. if (durability > 0 && SoulTycoon.AttemptRisk(disaster.risk)) { //Gameplay implications int damageDealt = (int)SoulTycoon.VariableValue(disaster.damageBase, disaster.damageVariance); durability = Mathf.Max(durability - damageDealt, 0); //Play particle effects SmokeParticles.Emit(15); if (durability <= 0) { SmokeParticles.Play(); } //Create a notifiaction about the disaster. GameObject go = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Disaster"), transform.position - new Vector3(0, 0, 1), Quaternion.identity); TMPro.TextMeshPro textMesh = go.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>(); textMesh.SetText(string.Format(durability > 0 ? "{0}!\nIntegrity {2}%" : "{0}\nRepairs needed!",, damageDealt, Mathf.Max((float)durability / thisBuilding.durability * 100, 0).ToString("N1"))); textMesh.color = new Color(1f, 0.7f, 0.7f); //Only one disaster can occur per hour so we stop running through the foreach loop here. break; } } }
public void StartGame() { timerrunning = true; shotTimer = 0; //AddToTimer (); home.SetText("Home: 0"); guest.SetText("Guest: 0"); }
public void ShowMessage(string text, float duration = 2f) { GameManager.PopupMessageOpen(); m_Open = true; m_Text.SetText(text); StartCoroutine(doShow(duration)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { timer -= Time.deltaTime; string minutes = Mathf.Floor(timer / 60).ToString("00"); string seconds = (timer % 60).ToString("00"); string ms = ((timer * 1000) % 1000).ToString("000"); _textTarget.SetText("[" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "." + ms + " ]"); }
public void UpdateText() { if (firstUnmarkedCharIndex == 0) { text.SetText($"<color=#{unmarkedColorHex}><u>{targetString[0]}</u>{targetString.Substring(1)}"); } else if (firstUnmarkedCharIndex < targetString.Length) { text.SetText($"<color=#{markedColorHex}>{targetString.Substring(0, firstUnmarkedCharIndex)}" + // Marked $"<color=#{unmarkedColorHex}><u>{targetString[firstUnmarkedCharIndex]}</u>" + // First unmarked char is underlined $"{targetString.Substring(firstUnmarkedCharIndex + 1)}"); // Remaining unmarked } else { text.SetText($"<color=#{markedColorHex}>{targetString}"); } firstUnmarkedCharIndex++; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // debug cube transform.position = localData.pos; // debug text if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { Instantiate(testCube); } testText.SetText("Debug: " + localData.pos); }
private void Update() { if (m_Time <= 0) { slowSfx.enabled = false; stressedSfx.enabled = false; m_Time = 0; m_Value.SetText("0.0"); m_Value.color = m_Off; m_HourglassAnim.enabled = false; m_Vignette.SetColor(UIVignette.eColor.TimerOff); } else { m_Time -= Time.deltaTime; m_Value.SetText(m_Time.ToString("##.#")); if (m_Time > m_StressedValue) { slowSfx.enabled = true; stressedSfx.enabled = false; m_Vignette.SetColor(UIVignette.eColor.TimerOn); m_Value.color = m_Good; } else { slowSfx.enabled = false; stressedSfx.enabled = true; m_Vignette.SetColor(UIVignette.eColor.TimerStress); m_Value.color = m_Stressed; } } }
private IEnumerator TextBubbleRoutine(string line) { speechPivot.gameObject.SetActive(true); speechText.SetText(line); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); speechPivot.gameObject.SetActive(false); routine = null; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { navAgent = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); cam = FindObjectOfType <Camera>(); agent = gameObject.GetComponent <Agent>(); agentAnimator = transform.Find("AgentAnimation").gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); bubbleAnimator = transform.Find("BubbleAnimation").gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); UICanvas = FindObjectOfType <Canvas>(); statsTooltip = UICanvas.transform.Find("AgentStatsTooltip").GetComponent <AgentStatsTooltip>(); AgentNameText = transform.Find("NameText").GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>(); AgentNameText.SetText(agent.studentname); }
private IEnumerator StartupSequence() { float textDelay = 5f; yield return(ClickThroughText(textDelay, "I've spent too long being a stupid dumb guy")); yield return(ClickThroughText(textDelay, "It's time to show the world I can think deep thoughts")); yield return(ClickThroughText(textDelay, "I hope I can keep myself from getting too distracted")); text.SetText(""); animator.SetBool("gameStarted", true); FindObjectOfType <EnemyManager>().gameStarted = true; target.gameStarted = true; FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("Typing"); Vector3 startPosition = transform.position + 10f * Vector3.up; startPosition.z = 0f; Instantiate(player, startPosition, Quaternion.identity); }
private IEnumerator DrawSentence(string sentence) { string currentString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sentence.Length; i++) { // Update string currentString += sentence[i].ToString(); // Write to TMP then wait text.SetText(currentString); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(letterTime)); } yield return(SentenceComplete()); }
private void ConnectToRower() { _Rower = GameObject.Find("RowerClient").GetComponent <RowerClient>(); Debug.Log(_Rower.RowerState); _MachineStatus = GameObject.Find("HUD_MachineStatus").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _MachineStatus.SetText("Hello, World!"); _MachineStatus = GameObject.Find("HUD_MachineStatus").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutCadence = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutCadence").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutDistance = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutDistance").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutDuration = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutDuration").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutCalories = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutCalories").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutHeartRate = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutHeartRate").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); _WorkoutPower = GameObject.Find("HUD_WorkoutPower").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); }
void checkState() { switch (state) { case States.onAim: setToTick(); state = checkArrow(); break; case States.offAim: setToCross(); state = checkArrow(); break; case States.onThrow: if (timeAfterClick > timeBeforeThrown) { arrow.GetComponent <Throw>().throwArrow(); state = States.Thrown; timeAfterClick = 0; } else { timeAfterClick += Time.deltaTime; timeText.SetText((timeBeforeThrown - timeAfterClick).ToString("0.#")); if (isMoved()) { Debug.Log("!!!!"); state = checkArrow(); timeAfterClick = 0; } } setToTimer(); break; case States.Thrown: setToTick(); break; } }
void Start() { text.SetText(price.ToString()); }
public void SetText(string value) { text.SetText(value); }
private void UpdateUI() { text.SetText(remainingHits.ToString()); spriteRenderer.color = Color.Lerp(Color.white,, remainingHits / 10f); }
/// Show a line of dialogue, gradually public override IEnumerator RunLine(Yarn.Line line) { lineText.gameObject.SetActive(false); lineText.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Reset text customTagHandler.StopAllCoroutines(); customTagHandler.clearClones(); prevColors.Clear(); lineText.SetText(customTagHandler.ParseForCustomTags(YarnRTFToTMP(line.text))); lineText.ForceMeshUpdate(); customTagHandler.ApplyTagEffects(); // Set up teletype by setting alpha to 0 TMPro.TMP_Text m_TextComponent = lineText.GetComponent <TMPro.TMP_Text>(); TMPro.TMP_TextInfo textInfo = m_TextComponent.textInfo; while (textInfo.characterCount == 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f)); } Color32[] newVertexColors; for (int currentCharacter = 0; currentCharacter < textInfo.characterCount; currentCharacter++) { int materialIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].materialReferenceIndex; newVertexColors = textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32; int vertexIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].vertexIndex; // Save prev color if (textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].isVisible) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { prevColors.Add(textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32[vertexIndex + j]); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { prevColors.Add(new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0)); } } // Set color to transparent if (textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].isVisible) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { newVertexColors[vertexIndex + j] = new Color32(textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32[vertexIndex + j].r, textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32[vertexIndex + j].g, textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32[vertexIndex + j].b, 0); } m_TextComponent.UpdateVertexData(TMPro.TMP_VertexDataUpdateFlags.Colors32); } } if (textSpeed > 0.0f) { // Display the line one character at a time for (int i = 0; i < textInfo.characterCount; i++) { int materialIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[i].materialReferenceIndex; newVertexColors = textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32; int vertexIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[i].vertexIndex; if (textInfo.characterInfo[i].isVisible) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { newVertexColors[vertexIndex + j] = prevColors[4 * i + j]; } m_TextComponent.UpdateVertexData(TMPro.TMP_VertexDataUpdateFlags.Colors32); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(textSpeed)); } } else { // Display the entire line immediately if textSpeed <= 0 for (int currentCharacter = 0; currentCharacter < textInfo.characterCount; currentCharacter++) { int materialIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].materialReferenceIndex; newVertexColors = textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32; int vertexIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].vertexIndex; // Set color back to the color it is supposed to be if (textInfo.characterInfo[currentCharacter].isVisible) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { newVertexColors[vertexIndex + j] = prevColors[4 * currentCharacter + j]; } m_TextComponent.UpdateVertexData(TMPro.TMP_VertexDataUpdateFlags.Colors32); } } } // Reset custom tag runner customTagHandler.ClearParsedTags(); // Show the 'press any key' prompt when done, if we have one if (continuePrompt != null) { continuePrompt.SetActive(true); } // Wait for trigger press while (gameManager.LH_Trigger == false && gameManager.RH_Trigger == false) { yield return(null); } // Avoid skipping lines if textSpeed == 0 yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Hide the text and prompt lineText.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (continuePrompt != null) { continuePrompt.SetActive(false); } }
void UpdateHealtBar() { text.SetText($"{Stats.CurrentHealth.ToString()}/{Stats.temporaryMaxHealth.ToString()}"); }
private void Start() { healthText.SetText(GetHealth().ToString()); canMove = true; }
// void AddToTimer() { // shotTimer += 1; // if (timerrunning) { // NS.Timer.setTimeout (AddToTimer, 1000); // } // // } public void Start() { highscore.SetText("Highscore: " + currenthighscore); }
void UpdateMoney() { text.SetText(Stats.Money.ToString()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { m_Value = GameManager.GetGold(); m_txtValue.SetText(m_Value.ToString("### ### ###")); }