private static void Swap(PpmState state1, PpmState state2) { byte swapSymbol = state1.Symbol; byte swapFrequency = state1.Frequency; PpmContext swapSuccessor = state1.Successor; state1.Symbol = state2.Symbol; state1.Frequency = state2.Frequency; state1.Successor = state2.Successor; state2.Symbol = swapSymbol; state2.Frequency = swapFrequency; state2.Successor = swapSuccessor; }
private static void Copy(PpmState state1, PpmState state2) { state1.Symbol = state2.Symbol; state1.Frequency = state2.Frequency; state1.Successor = state2.Successor; }
private void RestoreModel(PpmContext context, PpmContext minimumContext, PpmContext foundStateSuccessor) { PpmContext currentContext; Allocator.Text = Allocator.Heap; for (currentContext = maximumContext; currentContext != context; currentContext = currentContext.Suffix) { if (--currentContext.NumberStatistics == 0) { currentContext.Flags = (byte) ((currentContext.Flags & 0x10) + ((currentContext.Statistics.Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00)); PpmState state = currentContext.Statistics; Copy(currentContext.FirstState, state); Allocator.SpecialFreeUnits(state); currentContext.FirstStateFrequency = (byte)((currentContext.FirstStateFrequency + 11) >> 3); } else { Refresh((uint)((currentContext.NumberStatistics + 3) >> 1), false, currentContext); } } for (; currentContext != minimumContext; currentContext = currentContext.Suffix) { if (currentContext.NumberStatistics == 0) { currentContext.FirstStateFrequency -= (byte)(currentContext.FirstStateFrequency >> 1); } else if ((currentContext.SummaryFrequency += 4) > 128 + 4 * currentContext.NumberStatistics) { Refresh((uint)((currentContext.NumberStatistics + 2) >> 1), true, currentContext); } } if (method > ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) { maximumContext = foundStateSuccessor; Allocator.GlueCount += (uint)(((Allocator.MemoryNodes[1].Stamp & 1) == 0) ? 1 : 0); } else if (method == ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) { while (maximumContext.Suffix != PpmContext.Zero) { maximumContext = maximumContext.Suffix; } RemoveBinaryContexts(0, maximumContext); method = (ModelRestorationMethod)(method + 1); Allocator.GlueCount = 0; orderFall = modelOrder; } else if (method == ModelRestorationMethod.Restart || Allocator.GetMemoryUsed() < (Allocator.AllocatorSize >> 1)) { StartModel(modelOrder, method); escapeCount = 0; } else { while (maximumContext.Suffix != PpmContext.Zero) { maximumContext = maximumContext.Suffix; } do { CutOff(0, maximumContext); Allocator.ExpandText(); } while (Allocator.GetMemoryUsed() > 3 * (Allocator.AllocatorSize >> 2)); Allocator.GlueCount = 0; orderFall = modelOrder; } }
private PpmContext ReduceOrder(PpmState state, PpmContext context) { PpmState currentState; PpmState[] states = new PpmState[MaximumOrder]; uint stateIndex = 0; PpmContext currentContext = context; PpmContext UpBranch = Allocator.Text; byte temporary; byte symbol = foundState.Symbol; states[stateIndex++] = foundState; foundState.Successor = UpBranch; orderFall++; bool gotoLoopEntry = false; if (state != PpmState.Zero) { context = context.Suffix; gotoLoopEntry = true; } while (true) { if (gotoLoopEntry) { gotoLoopEntry = false; goto LoopEntry; } if (context.Suffix == PpmContext.Zero) { if (method > ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) { do { states[--stateIndex].Successor = context; } while (stateIndex != 0); Allocator.Text = Allocator.Heap + 1; orderFall = 1; } return(context); } context = context.Suffix; if (context.NumberStatistics != 0) { state = context.Statistics; if (state.Symbol != symbol) { do { temporary = state[1].Symbol; state++; } while (temporary != symbol); } temporary = (byte)((state.Frequency < MaximumFrequency - 9) ? 2 : 0); state.Frequency += temporary; context.SummaryFrequency += temporary; } else { state = context.FirstState; state.Frequency += (byte)((state.Frequency < 32) ? 1 : 0); } LoopEntry: if (state.Successor != PpmContext.Zero) { break; } states[stateIndex++] = state; state.Successor = UpBranch; orderFall++; } if (method > ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) { context = state.Successor; do { states[--stateIndex].Successor = context; } while (stateIndex != 0); Allocator.Text = Allocator.Heap + 1; orderFall = 1; return(context); } else if (state.Successor <= UpBranch) { currentState = foundState; foundState = state; state.Successor = CreateSuccessors(false, PpmState.Zero, context); foundState = currentState; } if (orderFall == 1 && currentContext == maximumContext) { foundState.Successor = state.Successor; Allocator.Text--; } return(state.Successor); }
private PpmContext CreateSuccessors(bool skip, PpmState state, PpmContext context) { PpmContext upBranch = foundState.Successor; PpmState[] states = new PpmState[MaximumOrder]; uint stateIndex = 0; byte symbol = foundState.Symbol; if (!skip) { states[stateIndex++] = foundState; if (context.Suffix == PpmContext.Zero) { goto NoLoop; } } bool gotoLoopEntry = false; if (state != PpmState.Zero) { context = context.Suffix; gotoLoopEntry = true; } do { if (gotoLoopEntry) { gotoLoopEntry = false; goto LoopEntry; } context = context.Suffix; if (context.NumberStatistics != 0) { byte temporary; state = context.Statistics; if (state.Symbol != symbol) { do { temporary = state[1].Symbol; state++; } while (temporary != symbol); } temporary = (byte)((state.Frequency < MaximumFrequency - 9) ? 1 : 0); state.Frequency += temporary; context.SummaryFrequency += temporary; } else { state = context.FirstState; state.Frequency += (byte)(((context.Suffix.NumberStatistics == 0) ? 1 : 0) & ((state.Frequency < 24) ? 1 : 0)); } LoopEntry: if (state.Successor != upBranch) { context = state.Successor; break; } states[stateIndex++] = state; } while (context.Suffix != PpmContext.Zero); NoLoop: if (stateIndex == 0) { return(context); } byte localNumberStatistics = 0; byte localFlags = (byte)((symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x10 : 0x00); symbol = upBranch.NumberStatistics; byte localSymbol = symbol; byte localFrequency; PpmContext localSuccessor = ((Pointer)upBranch) + 1; localFlags |= (byte)((symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00); if (context.NumberStatistics != 0) { state = context.Statistics; if (state.Symbol != symbol) { byte temporary; do { temporary = state[1].Symbol; state++; } while (temporary != symbol); } uint cf = (uint)(state.Frequency - 1); uint s0 = (uint)(context.SummaryFrequency - context.NumberStatistics - cf); localFrequency = (byte)(1 + ((2 * cf <= s0) ? (uint)((5 * cf > s0) ? 1 : 0) : ((cf + 2 * s0 - 3) / s0))); } else { localFrequency = context.FirstStateFrequency; } do { PpmContext currentContext = Allocator.AllocateContext(); if (currentContext == PpmContext.Zero) { return(PpmContext.Zero); } currentContext.NumberStatistics = localNumberStatistics; currentContext.Flags = localFlags; currentContext.FirstStateSymbol = localSymbol; currentContext.FirstStateFrequency = localFrequency; currentContext.FirstStateSuccessor = localSuccessor; currentContext.Suffix = context; context = currentContext; states[--stateIndex].Successor = context; } while (stateIndex != 0); return(context); }
private void UpdateModel(PpmContext minimumContext) { PpmState state = PpmState.Zero; PpmContext Successor; PpmContext currentContext = maximumContext; uint numberStatistics; uint ns1; uint cf; uint sf; uint s0; uint foundStateFrequency = foundState.Frequency; byte foundStateSymbol = foundState.Symbol; byte symbol; byte flag; PpmContext foundStateSuccessor = foundState.Successor; PpmContext context = minimumContext.Suffix; if ((foundStateFrequency < MaximumFrequency / 4) && (context != PpmContext.Zero)) { if (context.NumberStatistics != 0) { state = context.Statistics; if (state.Symbol != foundStateSymbol) { do { symbol = state[1].Symbol; state++; } while (symbol != foundStateSymbol); if (state[0].Frequency >= state[-1].Frequency) { Swap(state[0], state[-1]); state--; } } cf = (uint)((state.Frequency < MaximumFrequency - 9) ? 2 : 0); state.Frequency += (byte)cf; context.SummaryFrequency += (byte)cf; } else { state = context.FirstState; state.Frequency += (byte)((state.Frequency < 32) ? 1 : 0); } } if (orderFall == 0 && foundStateSuccessor != PpmContext.Zero) { foundState.Successor = CreateSuccessors(true, state, minimumContext); if (foundState.Successor == PpmContext.Zero) { goto RestartModel; } maximumContext = foundState.Successor; return; } Allocator.Text[0] = foundStateSymbol; Allocator.Text++; Successor = Allocator.Text; if (Allocator.Text >= Allocator.BaseUnit) { goto RestartModel; } if (foundStateSuccessor != PpmContext.Zero) { if (foundStateSuccessor < Allocator.BaseUnit) { foundStateSuccessor = CreateSuccessors(false, state, minimumContext); } } else { foundStateSuccessor = ReduceOrder(state, minimumContext); } if (foundStateSuccessor == PpmContext.Zero) { goto RestartModel; } if (--orderFall == 0) { Successor = foundStateSuccessor; Allocator.Text -= (maximumContext != minimumContext) ? 1 : 0; } else if (method > ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) { Successor = foundStateSuccessor; Allocator.Text = Allocator.Heap; orderFall = 0; } numberStatistics = minimumContext.NumberStatistics; s0 = minimumContext.SummaryFrequency - numberStatistics - foundStateFrequency; flag = (byte)((foundStateSymbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00); for (; currentContext != minimumContext; currentContext = currentContext.Suffix) { ns1 = currentContext.NumberStatistics; if (ns1 != 0) { if ((ns1 & 1) != 0) { state = Allocator.ExpandUnits(currentContext.Statistics, (ns1 + 1) >> 1); if (state == PpmState.Zero) { goto RestartModel; } currentContext.Statistics = state; } currentContext.SummaryFrequency += (ushort)((3 * ns1 + 1 < numberStatistics) ? 1 : 0); } else { state = Allocator.AllocateUnits(1); if (state == PpmState.Zero) { goto RestartModel; } Copy(state, currentContext.FirstState); currentContext.Statistics = state; if (state.Frequency < MaximumFrequency / 4 - 1) { state.Frequency += state.Frequency; } else { state.Frequency = (byte)(MaximumFrequency - 4); } currentContext.SummaryFrequency = (ushort)(state.Frequency + initialEscape + ((numberStatistics > 2) ? 1 : 0)); } cf = (uint)(2 * foundStateFrequency * (currentContext.SummaryFrequency + 6)); sf = s0 + currentContext.SummaryFrequency; if (cf < 6 * sf) { cf = (uint)(1 + ((cf > sf) ? 1 : 0) + ((cf >= 4 * sf) ? 1 : 0)); currentContext.SummaryFrequency += 4; } else { cf = (uint)(4 + ((cf > 9 * sf) ? 1 : 0) + ((cf > 12 * sf) ? 1 : 0) + ((cf > 15 * sf) ? 1 : 0)); currentContext.SummaryFrequency += (ushort)cf; } state = currentContext.Statistics + (++currentContext.NumberStatistics); state.Successor = Successor; state.Symbol = foundStateSymbol; state.Frequency = (byte)cf; currentContext.Flags |= flag; } maximumContext = foundStateSuccessor; return; RestartModel: RestoreModel(currentContext, minimumContext, foundStateSuccessor); }
/// <summary> /// Initialise the model (unless the model order is set to 1 in which case the model should be cleared so that /// the statistics are carried over, allowing "solid" mode compression). /// </summary> private void StartModel(int modelOrder, ModelRestorationMethod modelRestorationMethod) { Array.Clear(characterMask, 0, characterMask.Length); escapeCount = 1; // Compress in "solid" mode if the model order value is set to 1 (this will examine the current PPM context // structures to determine the value of orderFall). if (modelOrder < 2) { orderFall = this.modelOrder; for (PpmContext context = maximumContext; context.Suffix != PpmContext.Zero; context = context.Suffix) { orderFall--; } return; } this.modelOrder = modelOrder; orderFall = modelOrder; method = modelRestorationMethod; Allocator.Initialize(); initialRunLength = -((modelOrder < 12) ? modelOrder : 12) - 1; runLength = initialRunLength; // Allocate the context structure. maximumContext = Allocator.AllocateContext(); maximumContext.Suffix = PpmContext.Zero; maximumContext.NumberStatistics = 255; maximumContext.SummaryFrequency = (ushort)(maximumContext.NumberStatistics + 2); maximumContext.Statistics = Allocator.AllocateUnits(256 / 2); // allocates enough space for 256 PPM states (each is 6 bytes) previousSuccess = 0; for (int index = 0; index < 256; index++) { PpmState state = maximumContext.Statistics[index]; state.Symbol = (byte)index; state.Frequency = 1; state.Successor = PpmContext.Zero; } uint probability = 0; for (int index1 = 0; probability < 25; probability++) { while (probabilities[index1] == probability) { index1++; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 8; index2++) { binarySummary[probability, index2] = (ushort)(BinaryScale - InitialBinaryEscapes[index2] / (index1 + 1)); } for (int index2 = 8; index2 < 64; index2 += 8) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 8; index3++) { binarySummary[probability, index2 + index3] = binarySummary[probability, index3]; } } } probability = 0; for (uint index1 = 0; probability < 24; probability++) { while (probabilities[index1 + 3] == probability + 3) { index1++; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 32; index2++) { see2Contexts[probability, index2].Initialize(2 * index1 + 5); } } }