コード例 #1
    private int DefViewSubClass
        IntPtr hWnd,
        uint uMsg,
        IntPtr wParam,
        IntPtr lParam,
        IntPtr uIdSubclass,
        uint dwRefData
      if (uMsg == InteropUtil.WM_NOTIFY)
        var header = (InteropUtil.NMHDR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(InteropUtil.NMHDR));
        if (header.code == InteropUtil.LVN_ITEMCHANGED && header.hwndFrom != IntPtr.Zero && header.idFrom == 1)
          var nmListView = (InteropUtil.NMLISTVIEW)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(InteropUtil.NMLISTVIEW));
          var oldSelected = (nmListView.uOldState & InteropUtil.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
          var newSelected = (nmListView.uNewState & InteropUtil.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
          if (!oldSelected && newSelected)
            if (!m_suppressSelectionChange)
              //the item went from not selected to being selected    
              //so we want to look and see if the selected item is a folder, and if so
              //change the text of the item box to be the item on the folder. But, before we do that
              //we want to make sure that the box isn't currently focused.
              var hParent = hWnd.GetParent();
              var hFNCombo = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo);
              var hFNEditBox = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameTextBox);
              var hFocus = InteropUtil.GetFocus();

                  (hFNCombo == IntPtr.Zero || hFNCombo != hFocus) &&
                  (hFNEditBox == IntPtr.Zero || hFNEditBox != hFocus)
                SetFileNameToSelectedItem(header.hwndFrom, hFNCombo, nmListView.iItem);
            m_suppressSelectionChange = false;
      return hWnd.DefSubclassProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
コード例 #2
    private int ProcessNotifyMessage(IntPtr hWnd, InteropUtil.OFNOTIFY notifyData)
      switch (notifyData.hdr_code)
        case InteropUtil.CDN_FOLDERCHANGE:
            var newFolder = GetTextFromCommonDialog(hWnd.GetParent().AssumeNonZero(), InteropUtil.CDM_GETFOLDERPATH);
            if (m_currentFolder != null && newFolder != null && newFolder.PathContains(m_currentFolder))
              m_suppressSelectionChange = true;
            m_currentFolder = newFolder;
            var fileNameCombo = hWnd.GetParent().AssumeNonZero().GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo).AssumeNonZero();
            if (m_hasDirChangeFired)
            m_hasDirChangeFired = true;
        case InteropUtil.CDN_FILEOK:
            if (!AcceptFiles)
              return 1;
        case InteropUtil.CDN_INITDONE:
            var hParent = hWnd.GetParent();
            var hFile = hParent.AssumeNonZero().GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo).AssumeNonZero();

      return 0;
コード例 #3
    private void InitDialog(IntPtr hWnd)
      m_hWnd = hWnd;

      var hParent = hWnd.GetParent().AssumeNonZero();
      hParent.SetWindowSubclass(m_openFileSubClassDelegate, 0, 0);

      //disable and hide the filter combo box
      var hFilterCombo = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FilterCombo).AssumeNonZero();
      hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.CDM_HIDECONTROL, InteropUtil.ID_FilterCombo, 0);
      hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.CDM_HIDECONTROL, InteropUtil.ID_FilterLabel, 0);

      //update the file name label
      var hFileNameLabel = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameLabel).AssumeNonZero();

      if (FileNameLabel != "")
        hFileNameLabel.SendMessageString(InteropUtil.WM_SETTEXT, 0, FileNameLabel);

      //find the button controls in the parent
      var hOkButton = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.IDOK).AssumeNonZero();
      var hCancelButton = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.IDCANCEL).AssumeNonZero();

      //We don't want the accelerator keys for the ok and cancel buttons to work, because
      //they are not shown on the dialog. However, we still want the buttons enabled
      //so that "esc" and "enter" have the behavior they used to. So, we just
      //clear out their text instead.

      //find our button controls
      var hSelectButton = hWnd.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_SELECT).AssumeNonZero();
      var hCustomCancelButton = hWnd.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_CUSTOM_CANCEL).AssumeNonZero();

      //copy the font from the parent's buttons

      var cancelLoc = hCancelButton.GetWindowPlacement();

      //hide the ok and cancel buttons
      hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.CDM_HIDECONTROL, InteropUtil.IDOK, 0);
      hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.CDM_HIDECONTROL, InteropUtil.IDCANCEL, 0);

      //expand the file name combo to take up the space left by the OK and cancel buttons.
      var hFileName = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo).AssumeNonZero();
      var fileNameLoc = hFileName.GetWindowPlacement();
      fileNameLoc.Right = hOkButton.GetWindowPlacement().Right;
      hFileName.SetWindowPlacement(ref fileNameLoc);

      var parentLoc = hParent.GetWindowPlacement();

      //subtract the height of the missing cancel button
      parentLoc.Bottom -= (cancelLoc.Bottom - cancelLoc.Top);
      hParent.SetWindowPlacement(ref parentLoc);

      //move the select and custom cancel buttons to the right hand side of the window:

      var selectLoc = hSelectButton.GetWindowPlacement();
      var customCancelLoc = hCustomCancelButton.GetWindowPlacement();
      m_cancelWidth = customCancelLoc.Right - customCancelLoc.Left;
      m_selectWidth = selectLoc.Right - selectLoc.Left;
      m_buttonGap = customCancelLoc.Left - selectLoc.Right;

      var ctrlLoc = hWnd.GetWindowPlacement();
      ctrlLoc.Right = fileNameLoc.Right;

      //ResizeCustomControl(hWnd, fileNameLoc.Right, hCustomCancelButton, hSelectButton);
コード例 #4
    private void ResizeCustomControl(IntPtr hWnd)
      if (hWnd == m_hWnd)
        var hSelectButton = hWnd.AssumeNonZero().GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_SELECT).AssumeNonZero();
        var hOkButton = hWnd.AssumeNonZero().GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_CUSTOM_CANCEL).AssumeNonZero();

        var hParent = hWnd.GetParent().AssumeNonZero();
        var fileName = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo).AssumeNonZero();

        /*var right = fileName.GetWindowPlacement().Right;
        var top = hSelectButton.GetWindowPlacement().Top;*/

        var rect = new InteropUtil.RECT();
        var selectRect = hSelectButton.GetWindowPlacement();

        rect.top = selectRect.Top;
        rect.bottom = selectRect.Bottom;
        rect.right = fileName.GetWindowPlacement().Right;
        rect.left = rect.right - (m_cancelWidth + m_buttonGap + m_selectWidth);

        ResizeCustomControl(hWnd, rect, hOkButton, hSelectButton);
コード例 #5
    protected override IntPtr HookProc(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lparam)
      switch (unchecked((uint)msg))
        case InteropUtil.WM_INITDIALOG:
        case InteropUtil.WM_NOTIFY:
            var notifyData = (InteropUtil.OFNOTIFY)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lparam, typeof(InteropUtil.OFNOTIFY));
            var results = ProcessNotifyMessage(hWnd, notifyData);
            if (results != 0)
              hWnd.SetWindowLongW(InteropUtil.DWL_MSGRESULT, results);
              return (IntPtr)results;
        case InteropUtil.WM_SIZE:
        case InteropUtil.WM_COMMAND:
              var hParent = hWnd.GetParent().AssumeNonZero();
              var code = HIGH((uint)wParam);
              var id = LOW((uint)wParam);
              if (code == InteropUtil.BN_CLICKED)
                switch (id)
                  case InteropUtil.ID_CUSTOM_CANCEL:
                      //The user clicked our custom cancel button. Close the dialog.
                      hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
                  case InteropUtil.ID_SELECT:
                      var hFileName = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo);
                      var currentText = (hFileName.GetWindowTextW() ?? "").Trim();
                      if (currentText == "" && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_currentFolder))
                        //there's not text in the box, so the user must want to select the current folder.
                        m_useCurrentDir = true;
                        hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
                      else if (System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(currentText))
                        if (Directory.Exists(currentText))
                          //the contents of the text box are a rooted path, that points to an existing directory.
                          //we interpret that to mean that the user wants to select that directory.
                          m_useCurrentDir = true;
                          m_currentFolder = currentText;
                          hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
                      else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_currentFolder) && currentText != "")
                        var combined = System.IO.Path.Combine(m_currentFolder, currentText);
                        if (Directory.Exists(combined))
                          //the contents of the text box are a relative path, that points to a 
                          //an existing directory. We interpret the users intent to mean that they wanted
                          //to select the existing path.
                          m_useCurrentDir = true;
                          m_currentFolder = combined;
                          hParent.SendMessage(InteropUtil.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

                      //The user has not selected an existing folder.
                      //So we translate a click of our "Select" button into the OK button and forward the request to the
                      //open file dialog.
                          (InteropUtil.BN_CLICKED << 16) | InteropUtil.IDOK,
      return base.HookProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lparam);