コード例 #1
    private int OpenFileSubClass
        IntPtr hWnd,
        uint uMsg,
        IntPtr wParam,
        IntPtr lParam,
        IntPtr uIdSubclass,
        uint dwRefData
      switch (uMsg)
        case InteropUtil.WM_PARENTNOTIFY:
              var id = lParam.GetDlgCtrlID();

              if (LOW((uint)wParam) == InteropUtil.WM_CREATE && (id == InteropUtil.ID_FileList || id == 0))
                lParam.SetWindowSubclass(m_defViewSubClassDelegate, 0, 0);
      return hWnd.DefSubclassProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
コード例 #2
    private int DefViewSubClass
        IntPtr hWnd,
        uint uMsg,
        IntPtr wParam,
        IntPtr lParam,
        IntPtr uIdSubclass,
        uint dwRefData
      if (uMsg == InteropUtil.WM_NOTIFY)
        var header = (InteropUtil.NMHDR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(InteropUtil.NMHDR));
        if (header.code == InteropUtil.LVN_ITEMCHANGED && header.hwndFrom != IntPtr.Zero && header.idFrom == 1)
          var nmListView = (InteropUtil.NMLISTVIEW)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(InteropUtil.NMLISTVIEW));
          var oldSelected = (nmListView.uOldState & InteropUtil.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
          var newSelected = (nmListView.uNewState & InteropUtil.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
          if (!oldSelected && newSelected)
            if (!m_suppressSelectionChange)
              //the item went from not selected to being selected    
              //so we want to look and see if the selected item is a folder, and if so
              //change the text of the item box to be the item on the folder. But, before we do that
              //we want to make sure that the box isn't currently focused.
              var hParent = hWnd.GetParent();
              var hFNCombo = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameCombo);
              var hFNEditBox = hParent.GetDlgItem(InteropUtil.ID_FileNameTextBox);
              var hFocus = InteropUtil.GetFocus();

                  (hFNCombo == IntPtr.Zero || hFNCombo != hFocus) &&
                  (hFNEditBox == IntPtr.Zero || hFNEditBox != hFocus)
                SetFileNameToSelectedItem(header.hwndFrom, hFNCombo, nmListView.iItem);
            m_suppressSelectionChange = false;
      return hWnd.DefSubclassProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam);