public DbScriptControl(Event_dataset_script Data, Int32 ID, uint id) { InitializeComponent(); this.Name = ID.ToString(); eventid = ID; script_id = id; this.eventCheckbox.Text = "Event: " + ID.ToString(); this.eventCheckbox.Checked = true; for (int n = 0; n < Info.ScriptCommands.GetLength(0); n++) this.comboBoxAction.Items.Add(Info.ScriptCommands[n, 0]); // set width comboBoxAction.DropDownWidth = DropDownWidth(comboBoxAction); comboBoxAction.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; this.comboBoxAction.SelectedIndex = Data.command; this.textBoxDelay.Text = Data.delay.ToString(); this.textBox_datalong.Text = Data.datalong.ToString(); this.textBox_datalong2.Text = Data.datalong2.ToString(); this.textBox_buddy.Text = Data.buddy.ToString(); this.textBox_radius.Text = Data.radius.ToString(); this.textBox_flags.Text = Data.dataflags.ToString(); this.textBox_dataint1.Text = Data.dataint.ToString(); this.textBox_dataint2.Text = Data.dataint2.ToString(); this.textBox_dataint3.Text = Data.dataint3.ToString(); this.textBox_dataint4.Text = Data.dataint4.ToString(); this.textBox_posX.Text = Data.position_x.ToString(); this.textBox_posY.Text = Data.position_y.ToString(); this.textBox_posZ.Text = Data.position_z.ToString(); this.textBox_orientation.Text = Data.orientation.ToString(); this.commentTextbox.Text = Data.comment; //switch (comboBoxAction.SelectedIndex) //{ // case 0: // talk // textBox_dataint1.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_dataint2.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_dataint3.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_dataint4.ReadOnly = false; // break; // case 3: // move // case 6: // teleport // case 10: // summon // textBox_posX.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_posY.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_posZ.ReadOnly = false; // textBox_orientation.ReadOnly = false; // break; //} locked = false; }
public static INode AddNode(this IGraph myIGraph, Int32 myInt32Id) { if (myIGraph == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("myIGraph must not be null!"); return myIGraph.AddNode(myInt32Id.ToString()); }
public ConsoleField(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, String name) { if(x < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("x", "x may not be less than zero. Given " + x.ToString() + "."); if(y < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("y", "y may not be less than zero. Given " + y.ToString() + "."); if(width < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", "width may not be less than zero. Given " + width.ToString() + "."); if(height < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", "height may not be less than zero. Given " + height.ToString() + "."); if(name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("p_name"); if((x + width - 1) > Console.WindowWidth) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The console field may not exceed the boundaries of the console window. Console Window is " + Console.WindowWidth + " wide, x=" + x.ToString() + ",width=" + width.ToString()); if ((y + height - 1) > Console.WindowHeight) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The console field may not exceed the boundaries of the console window. Console Window is " + Console.WindowHeight + " high, y=" + y.ToString() + ",height=" + height.ToString()); X = x; Y = y; Width = width; Height = height; Name = name; ConsoleFieldManager.AddField(this); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Whitfield_Project _wc = new Whitfield_Project(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { BindCompetition(); // 1 Get collection NameValueCollection n = Request.QueryString; // 2 See if any query string exists if (n.HasKeys()) { // 3 Get first key and value string k = n.GetKey(0); string v = n.Get(0); string v1 = n.Get(1); // 4 // Test different keys EstNum = Convert.ToInt32(v); twc_project_number = Convert.ToInt32(v1); hidEstNum.Value = EstNum.ToString(); hidtwcProjNumber.Value = twc_project_number.ToString(); ViewState["EstNum"] = EstNum.ToString(); ViewState["twc_project_number"] = twc_project_number.ToString(); } } }
public static String GetHashID(Int32 usrId) { return usrId.ToString(); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserHash)) { UserHash = Util.Crypto.Encrypt(usrId.ToString()); } return UserHash; }
protected void AddRowTotal(Int32 intRowTotal, string strStatusID) { if (intRowTotal > 0) { sbHTML.Append("<td style='border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #999999' align='center' class='" + strClassName + "' width='30px'><a href='CP_ReportResults.aspx?RID=" + strReportID + "&V1=8,9,10,11,12&V2=" + strStatusID + "&V3=" + Server.UrlEncode(strAdminCriteria) + "'>" + intRowTotal.ToString() + "</a></td>"); } else { sbHTML.Append("<td style='border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #999999' align='center' class='" + strClassName + "' width='30px'>" + intRowTotal.ToString() + "</td>"); } }
protected void AddGrade(Int32 intCount, string strStatusID, string strGrade, string strClassName) { if (intCount > 0) { sbHTML.Append("<td align='center' class='" + strClassName + "' width='30px'><a href='CP_ReportResults.aspx?RID=" + strReportID + "&V1=" + strGrade + "&V2=" + strStatusID + "&V3=" + Server.UrlEncode(strAdminCriteria) + "'>" + intCount.ToString() + "</a></td>"); } else { sbHTML.Append("<td align='center' class='" + strClassName + "' width='30px'>" + intCount.ToString() + "</td>"); } if (strStatusID == "1" & strGrade == "12") strGrade12Incomplete = intCount.ToString(); }
public void FetchSubMaterials(Int32 EstNum, String work_order_id,DataSet dsrec) { ViewState["EstNum"] = EstNum.ToString(); ViewState["WorkOrderID"] = WorkOrderID.ToString(); hdnEstNum.Value = EstNum.ToString(); hdnworkorderNumber.Value = work_order_id.ToString(); BindSubMaterials(); if (dsrec.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { grdpl1.DataSource = dsrec; grdpl1.DataBind(); } }
public PageScheme GetScheme(String key, Int32 adminIdx) { PageLogger.RecordDebugLog("get page schema " + key + "||" + adminIdx.ToString()); var result = m_DAL.SelectScheme(key, adminIdx); if (result == null) { result = m_DAL.SelectDefaultScheme(adminIdx); } if (result != null) { PageLogger.RecordDebugLog("get page schema " + result.Key + "||" + adminIdx.ToString()); } return result; }
public static bool InsertCrawlerMonitorInfo(SqlHelper dbHelper, string xIpAddress, Int32 xPort, ref Int32 MonitorSeq) { MonitorSeq = 0; try { Dictionary<string, object> argdic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); argdic.Add("xIpAddress", xIpAddress); argdic.Add("xPort", xPort.ToString()); MySqlDataReader datareader = dbHelper.call_proc("spNewInsertCrawlerMonitor", argdic); while (datareader.Read()) { MonitorSeq = Convert.ToInt32(datareader["MonitorSeq"]); break; } datareader.Close(); datareader.Dispose(); datareader = null; } catch (System.Exception ex) { return false; } if (MonitorSeq == 0) return false; return true; }
/// <summary> /// 删除指定ID的题目类型种类 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">题目类型种类ID</param> /// <returns>是否成功删除</returns> public static IMethodResult AdminDeleteProblemCategory(Int32 id) { if (!AdminManager.HasPermission(PermissionType.ProblemManage)) { throw new NoPermissionException(); } if (id <= 0) { return MethodResult.InvalidRequest(RequestType.ProblemCategory); } if (ProblemCategoryItemRepository.Instance.CountEntities(id) > 0) { return MethodResult.FailedAndLog("This category still has some problems, please remove these problem from this category first!"); } Boolean success = ProblemCategoryRepository.Instance.DeleteEntity(id) > 0; if (!success) { return MethodResult.FailedAndLog("No problem category was deleted!"); } ProblemCategoryCache.RemoveProblemCategoryListCache();//删除缓存 return MethodResult.SuccessAndLog("Admin delete problem category, id = {0}", id.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Конструктор, который задает /// местоположение узла и его /// графическое отображение /// </summary> /// <param name="location">Местоположение</param> /// <param name="image">Изображение</param> public Node(Point location, Bitmap image) { Location = location; _image = image; _id = Const.GetNodeId(); Docket = _id.ToString(); }
public void ProcessTagReadEvent(object sender, TagReadEventArgs e) { //The TagReadEventsArgs includes a ThinkifyTag as an element. (See: ThinkifyReader.cs) //ThinkifyTag tag; //tag = e.tag; readCount += 1; // Look! We've taken an object oriented language and made it -- not! SetText(lblNumReads, readCount.ToString()); string strTaglist; strTaglist = ""; if (chkReading.Checked) { foreach (ThinkifyTag T in Reader.TagList) { strTaglist = strTaglist + T.EPC + " " + T.ReadCount.ToString() + "\r\n"; } SetText(txtReplys, strTaglist); } }
void CreateUsrFromEmailAndReturnKSuccessCallback(Int32 result, object userContext, string methodName) { KeyStringPair pair = (KeyStringPair)userContext; pair.Value = result.ToString(); this.selector.Value = pair.Value; if (oldItemChosen != null) { oldItemChosen(pair); } }
public static bool InsertCrawlerRestartLog(SqlHelper dbHelper, string xlogMessage, Int32 xCrawlerSeq, Int32 xCrawlerMonitorSeq , Int32 xChannelSeq, Int32 xAuthoritySeq, string xIssueDate) { try { Dictionary<string, object> argdic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); argdic.Add("xlogMessage", xlogMessage); argdic.Add("xCrawlerSeq", xCrawlerSeq.ToString()); argdic.Add("xCrawlerMonitorSeq", xCrawlerMonitorSeq.ToString()); argdic.Add("xChannelSeq", xChannelSeq.ToString()); argdic.Add("xAuthoritySeq", xAuthoritySeq.ToString()); argdic.Add("xIssueDate", xIssueDate); MySqlDataReader datareader = dbHelper.call_proc("spNewCrawlerInsertLog", argdic); datareader.Close(); datareader.Dispose(); datareader = null; } catch (System.Exception ex) { return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// 将Unix时间戳 转换成 DateTime时间 /// </summary> /// <param name="unix">Unix时间戳</param> /// <returns></returns> public DateTime ToDateTime(Int32 unix) { DateTime time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); Int64 unixNumber = Convert.ToInt64((unix.ToString() + "0000000")); TimeSpan toNow = new TimeSpan(unixNumber); return time.Add(toNow); }
/* Constructors */ public FormStatistic(Int32 totalJobs, Int32 completedJobs, Int32 expiredJobs) { InitializeComponent(); Icon = Resources.Statistic_Icon_16; // Calculations activeJobs = totalJobs - completedJobs - expiredJobs; if (totalJobs == 0) { jobCompletedSize = 360; jobRemainingSize = jobExpiredSize = 0; jobsEfficiency = 100; } else { jobCompletedSize = 360 * completedJobs / totalJobs; jobRemainingSize = 360 * activeJobs / totalJobs; jobExpiredSize = 360 - jobRemainingSize - jobCompletedSize; jobsEfficiency = 100 * completedJobs / totalJobs; } // Fill data lTotalJobs.Text = totalJobs.ToString(); lActiveJobs.Text = activeJobs.ToString(); lCompletedJobs.Text = completedJobs.ToString(); lExpiredJobs.Text = expiredJobs.ToString(); lEfficiency.Text = jobsEfficiency.ToString() + "%"; }
public static String check(Int32 num) { String tmp; switch (num) { case 10: tmp = "A"; break; case 11: tmp = "B"; break; case 12: tmp = "C"; break; case 13: tmp = "D"; break; case 14: tmp = "E"; break; case 15: tmp = "F"; break; default: tmp = num.ToString(); break; } return tmp; }
public static void Configure(ref Int32 intervalStart, ref Int32 intervalEnd, ref String returnType, ref String actualCode) { ConfigurationForm form = new ConfigurationForm(); form.edtEndInt.Text = intervalEnd.ToString(); form.edtStartInt.Text = intervalStart.ToString(); form.edtCode.Text = actualCode; if (returnType.Equals("Int32")) form.cbbReturnType.SelectedIndex = 0; else if (returnType.Equals("Double")) form.cbbReturnType.SelectedIndex = 1; else form.cbbReturnType.SelectedIndex = 2; form.ControlUIChanges(); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { intervalEnd = Convert.ToInt32(form.edtEndInt.Text); intervalStart = Convert.ToInt32(form.edtStartInt.Text); actualCode = form.edtCode.Text; returnType = form.cbbReturnType.Text; } }
public Schedule AddSchedule(int channelId,string title, DateTime start, DateTime end, Int32 ScheduleType) { Log.Debug("TvBusinessLayer: GetSetting(int channelId=" + channelId.ToString() + "string title="+title+",DateTime start=" + start.ToString() + ", DateTime end=" + end.ToString() + ",int ScheduleType=" + ScheduleType.ToString()); Schedule schedule = new Schedule(); schedule.IdChannel = channelId; schedule.ProgramName = title; schedule.StartTime = start; schedule.EndTime = end; schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType; //retrieve schedule ID from listall!! foreach (Schedule myschedule in Schedule.ListAll()) { if ((myschedule.IdChannel == schedule.IdChannel) && (myschedule.ProgramName == schedule.ProgramName) && (myschedule.StartTime == schedule.StartTime) && (myschedule.EndTime == schedule.EndTime) && (myschedule.ScheduleType == schedule.ScheduleType)) { schedule.Id = myschedule.Id; schedule.PreRecordInterval = myschedule.PreRecordInterval; schedule.PostRecordInterval = myschedule.PostRecordInterval; schedule.MaxAirings = myschedule.MaxAirings; schedule.KeepDate = myschedule.KeepDate; schedule.KeepMethod = myschedule.KeepMethod; schedule.Priority = myschedule.Priority; schedule.RecommendedCard = myschedule.RecommendedCard; schedule.Series = myschedule.Series; break; } } schedule.Persist(); return schedule; }
public DataSet RetornarAtendimentos(string str_Unidade, string UltimoRegistro, Int32 NumeroLinhas) { DataSet Ds; StringBuilder sbSQL = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sbSQL.Length = 0; if (NumeroLinhas == 0) { NumeroLinhas = 1000; } sbSQL.Append(" SELECT "); sbSQL.Append(" cod_pac, cod_prt, tip_atend, data_ent, hora_ent, data_alta, hora_alta, cod_pro, cod_esp, leito "); sbSQL.Append(" FROM #0.atendimento "); //sbSQL.Append(" WHERE cdund = '#1' AND cod_pac>'#2' "); sbSQL.Append(" WHERE cdund = '#1' AND cod_pac NOT IN (SELECT TRIM(SUBSTR(CLATND,10,10)) FROM #4.TBDWD018 WHERE SUBSTR(CLATND,1,3) = '#1') "); sbSQL.Append(" AND "); sbSQL.Append(" ROWNUM <= #3 "); sbSQL.Append(" ORDER BY cod_pac "); sbSQL.Replace("#0", strScheSAT); sbSQL.Replace("#1", str_Unidade); //sbSQL.Replace("#2", UltimoRegistro); sbSQL.Replace("#3", NumeroLinhas.ToString().Trim()); sbSQL.Replace("#4", strScheINT); Ds = m_oRP.RetornarDataSet(sbSQL.ToString(), "ATENDIMENTO", strConnSAT); return Ds; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Whitfieldcore _wc = new Whitfieldcore(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // 1 Get collection NameValueCollection n = Request.QueryString; // 2 See if any query string exists if (n.HasKeys()) { // 3 Get first key and value string k = n.GetKey(0); string v = n.Get(0); string v1 = n.Get(1); // 4 // Test different keys Clientid = Convert.ToInt32(v); EstNum = Convert.ToInt32(v1); hidEstNum.Value = EstNum.ToString(); } ViewState["EstNum"] = EstNum.ToString(); ViewState["Clientid"] = Clientid.ToString(); BindContacts(Clientid); } }
public static void CreateLogFile (Int32 iCountTestcases, Int32 iCountErrors) { FileStream fs = new FileStream("results.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs); w.WriteLine ("<Testcase>"); if (iCountErrors > 0) { w.WriteLine (" <FinalResults type=\"Fail\" total=\"{0}\" fail=\"{1}\"/>", iCountTestcases.ToString(), iCountErrors.ToString()); } else { w.WriteLine ("\t<FinalResults type=\"Pass\" total=\"{0}\" fail=\"{1}\"/>", iCountTestcases.ToString(), iCountErrors.ToString()); } w.WriteLine ("</Testcase>"); w.Close(); }
private void bb() { try { DataView dv = (DataView)(SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)); if (dv.Table.Rows.Count != 0) { Int32 ii; for (ii = 0; ii < dv.Table.Rows.Count; ii++) { i = Convert.ToInt32(dv.Table.Rows[ii][1]); } i++; no.Text = i.ToString(); } else { no.Text = "101".ToString(); } } catch(Exception t) { no.Text = "101".ToString(); } }
public static string StringPad(int digits, Int32 value, bool dp) { string resultVal = ""; string result = ""; if (dp) { float fVal = (float)value / 100; resultVal = fVal.ToString("F2"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(resultVal); sb.Replace('.', ','); resultVal = sb.ToString(); } else { resultVal = value.ToString(); } if (resultVal.Length < digits) // PadLleft { int pad = digits - resultVal.Length; for (int i = 0; i < pad; i++) { result += " "; } return result + resultVal; } return resultVal; }
public void UpdateView(Int32 operand1, Int32 operand2, Int32 result) { Txt_Operand1.Text = operand1.ToString(); Txt_Operand2.Text = operand2.ToString(); Txt_Result.Text = result.ToString(); }
public void Check(Int32 externGuess) { IGuessService clientCB = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IGuessService>(); Player currentPlayer = _players[clientCB]; Guess guess = new Guess(externGuess.ToString(), currentPlayer.Name); played.Add(guess); if (_randomInt == externGuess) { clientCB.GameOver(true, played); foreach (KeyValuePair<IGuessService, Player> copyied in _players) { if (copyied.Key != clientCB) { copyied.Key.GameOver(false, played); } } } else { if (externGuess < _randomInt){guess.Tipp = GuessTipp.ToLow;} else { guess.Tipp = GuessTipp.ToHigh; } foreach (KeyValuePair<IGuessService, Player> player in _players) { player.Key.PlayerGuess(guess); } } }
/// <summary> /// 配信開始リクエストを行います。 /// </summary> /// <param name="title">タイトル</param> /// <param name="apiKey">APIキー</param> /// <param name="description">配信詳細</param> /// <param name="tags">タグ</param> /// <param name="thumbnailSlot">サムネイルスロット</param> /// <param name="idVisible">ID表示の有無</param> /// <param name="anonymousOnly">ハンドルネーム制限</param> /// <param name="loginOnly">書き込み制限</param> /// <param name="testMode">テストモード</param> /// <param name="socketId">SocketIOの接続ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task<StartInfo> RequestStartBroadcastAsync(String title, String apiKey, String description, IEnumerable<String> tags, Int32 thumbnailSlot, Boolean idVisible, Boolean anonymousOnly, Boolean loginOnly, Boolean testMode, String socketId) { try { using (var client = WebClientUtil.CreateInstance()) { var data = new NameValueCollection { {"devkey", devkey}, {"apikey", apiKey}, {"title", title}, {"description", description}, {"tag", String.Join(" ", tags)}, {"thumbnail_slot", thumbnailSlot.ToString()}, {"id_visible", idVisible ? "true" : "false"}, {"anonymous_only", anonymousOnly ? "true" : "false"}, {"login_only", loginOnly ? "true" : "false"}, {"test_mode", testMode ? "true" : "false"}, {"socket_id", socketId}, }; var response = await client.UploadValuesTaskAsync($"{webUrl}/api/start", "POST", data); var jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response); dynamic json = JObject.Parse(jsonString); if (json.stream_name == null) { return null; } return new StartInfo(json); } } catch (WebException) { return null; } }
public void LoadDisplay(string FriendInvitationKey, Int32 AccountID, string AccountFirstName, string AccountLastName, string SiteName) { lblFullName.Text = AccountFirstName + " " + AccountLastName; lblSiteName1.Text = SiteName; lblSiteName2.Text = SiteName; imgProfileAvatar.ImageUrl = "~/images/ProfileAvatar/ProfileImage.aspx?AccountID=" + AccountID.ToString(); }
public IPEndPoint GetValidHost() { IPEndPoint hostEndPoint = null; string host = ""; Int32 portOnHost = -1; host = GetHostString(); portOnHost = GetHostPortInteger(); if (this.theWay == "N") { hostEndPoint = GetServerEndpointUsingMachineName(host, portOnHost); } else { hostEndPoint = GetServerEndpointUsingIpAddress(host, portOnHost); } TestConnection(hostEndPoint); = host; this.portOnHost = portOnHost; this.portString = portOnHost.ToString(); return hostEndPoint; }
private static GameObject entry_loadEntry(EntityView objev) { ENTITY_ID id = objev.ID; //已经被卸载了. if (EntityFactory.Instance.m_entityContainer.Get(id) == null) { return(null); } EntityViewItem evItem = objev.createinfo; ENTITY_TYPE entityType = (ENTITY_TYPE)evItem.EntityType; UnityEngine.Object objPrefab = PrefabManager.GetPrefab(entityType); if (null == objPrefab) { Trace.LogError("找不到对应的类型的prefab,请检查PrefabManager中的Init函数,是否忘记加载? " + entityType.ToString()); return(null); } GameObject entity = null; entity = objPrefab as GameObject; if (entity == null) { Trace.LogError("实例预设体对象失败! " + entityType.ToString()); return(null); } += "-" + id.ToString(); if (entity.transform.childCount > 0) { Trace.LogWarning("EntityView GameObject 有子节点!" + entity.transform.GetChild(0).name); } // 设置游戏对象 objev.SetGameObject(entity); // 设置创建数据 if (!objev.InitBuildeData(evItem)) { Trace.LogError("初始化实体对象数据失败! id=" + id.ToString()); return(null); } //如果是队友,则加入队友列表, if (objev.Type == ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_PLAYER_ROLE && objev.CampFlag == CampFlag.CampFlag_Friend) { if (!m_friendPlayerList.Contains((uint)objev.ID)) { m_friendPlayerList.Add((uint)objev.ID); } } //string entityname = "UnKnow"; //Skin sk = SkinManager.GetSkin(objev.Property.GetNumProp(ENTITY_PROPERTY.PROPERTY_SKIN)); //if (sk != null) //{ // entityname = sk.ResSkinObj.AssetName; //} // = entityname; // += "(entity" + evItem.EntityID.ToString() + ")"; if (id == MainHeroID) { entity.transform.parent = null; MainHeroView = objev; if (CreateMainHeroEntityEvent != null) { CreateMainHeroEntityEventArgs e = new CreateMainHeroEntityEventArgs(); e.MainHeroID = evItem.nHeroID; e.MainHeroUID = MainHeroID; e.nMatchTypeID = GameLogicAPI.getCurRoomMatchType(); CreateMainHeroEntityEvent(e); LogicDataCenter.playerSystemDataManager.Reset(); } ViewEventHelper.Instance.SendCommand(GameLogicDef.GVIEWCMD_MASTER_VIEW_LOADED); Trace.Log("Load Hero Entry:" +; } else { entity.transform.parent = Instance.transform; } objPrefab = null; if (ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_PLAYER_ROLE == entityType) { // 发送人物加载完指令到逻辑层 EntityEventHelper.Instance.SendCommand(id, EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_LOAD_COMPLETED); } BaseStateMachine bs = entity.GetComponent <BaseStateMachine>(); //已经有位置信息,创建模型时立即同步瞬移过去,之后的同步消息是走过去 if ( == evItem.EntityID) { Vector3 pos; pos.x =; pos.y =; pos.z =; Vector3 rot; rot.x =; rot.y =; rot.z =; //怪物要走传送,不能直接设置位置 if (entityType == ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_MONSTER) { if (bs) { cmd_creature_transport data = new cmd_creature_transport(); data.fPosition_x = pos.x; data.fPosition_y = pos.y; data.fPosition_z = pos.z; data.fRotation_x = rot.x; data.fRotation_y = rot.y; data.fRotation_z = rot.z; data.bUseAngle = 1; bs.Transport(data); } } else { entity.transform.SetPosition(pos); entity.transform.eulerAngles = rot; } } CheckEntityMaskToRangeSearch(objev); //执行延迟处理的消息 EntityViewCommandHandler.onCommandsDelay(objev); return(entity); }
public Employee GetEmployee(System.Int32 id) { Employee employee = OnGetItem <Employee>(id.ToString()); return(employee); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the incoming string into an XML format by replacing some characters by their /// XML coding. /// </summary> /// <param name="inString">String to be converted.</param> /// <param name="displaySpaces">Display spaces correctly for attribute values.</param> /// <returns>Converted string.</returns> public static System.String ConvertString(System.String inString, bool displaySpaces) { // convert character values so that they can be displayed in XML StringBuilder outString = new StringBuilder(); if ((inString != null) && (inString != System.String.Empty)) { for (int i = 0; i < inString.Length; i++) { System.String valueString = String.Empty; System.Int32 charValue = Convert.ToInt32(inString[i]); if ((charValue >= 0) && (charValue < 32)) { // char in range 0..31 switch (charValue) { case 9: valueString = "	"; break; case 10: valueString = "[LF]"; break; case 12: valueString = "[FF]"; break; case 13: valueString = "[CR]"; break; case 14: valueString = "[SO]"; break; case 15: valueString = "[SI]"; break; case 27: valueString = "[ESC]"; break; default: { System.String charValueString = charValue.ToString("X"); while (charValueString.Length < 2) { charValueString = "0" + charValueString; } valueString = "\\" + charValueString; break; } } } else if ((charValue > 126) && (charValue <= 255)) { // char in range 127..255 System.String charValueString = charValue.ToString("X"); while (charValueString.Length < 2) { charValueString = "0" + charValueString; } valueString = "\\" + charValueString; } else if (charValue > 255) { // the internal compiler marshalling used to convert the strings // from unmanaged to managed results in UNICODE values for these characters // - use a simple switch statement to display the required values switch (charValue) { case 8364: valueString = "\\80"; break; case 8218: valueString = "\\82"; break; case 402: valueString = "\\83"; break; case 8222: valueString = "\\84"; break; case 8230: valueString = "\\85"; break; case 8224: valueString = "\\86"; break; case 8225: valueString = "\\87"; break; case 710: valueString = "\\88"; break; case 8240: valueString = "\\89"; break; case 352: valueString = "\\8A"; break; case 8249: valueString = "\\8B"; break; case 338: valueString = "\\8C"; break; case 381: valueString = "\\8E"; break; case 8216: valueString = "\\91"; break; case 8217: valueString = "\\92"; break; case 8220: valueString = "\\93"; break; case 8221: valueString = "\\94"; break; case 8226: valueString = "\\95"; break; case 8211: valueString = "\\96"; break; case 8212: valueString = "\\97"; break; case 732: valueString = "\\98"; break; case 8482: valueString = "\\99"; break; case 353: valueString = "\\9A"; break; case 8250: valueString = "\\9B"; break; case 339: valueString = "\\9C"; break; case 382: valueString = "\\9E"; break; case 376: valueString = "\\9F"; break; default: break; } } else { switch (charValue) { case 32: // Space if (displaySpaces) { valueString = " "; } else { valueString = inString[i].ToString(); } break; case 38: valueString = "&"; break; // & case 60: valueString = "<"; break; // < case 62: valueString = ">"; break; // > default: // char in range 32..127 valueString = inString[i].ToString(); break; } } // add the character value to the string outString.Append(valueString); } } return(outString.ToString());//outString; }
public void open(System.Int32 key) { try { openConnection(); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + tbName + " WHERE TrxID=" + key.ToString(), conn); dadAdpt.SelectCommand = command; dset.Clear(); iRowCount = dadAdpt.Fill(dset, tbName); closeConnection(); if (iRowCount > 0) { dRow = dset.Tables[tbName].Rows[0]; } isValid = false; } catch (SqlException ex) { CCFBGlobal.appendErrorToErrorReport("Command Text = " + command.CommandText, ex.GetBaseException().ToString(), CCFBGlobal.serverName); iRowCount = 0; closeConnection(); isValid = false; } }
public BaseAttribute GetBaseAttribute(System.Int32 id) { BaseAttribute baseAttribute = OnGetItem <BaseAttribute>(id.ToString()); return(baseAttribute); }
public MeasurementUnit GetMeasurementUnit(System.Int32 id) { MeasurementUnit measurementUnit = OnGetItem <MeasurementUnit>(id.ToString()); return(measurementUnit); }
private void SnmpTrapFormAdvanced_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctlMibFile.Text = strMibFile; ctlPort.Text = numPort.ToString(); }
public CustomerLog GetCustomerLog(System.Int32 id) { CustomerLog customerLog = OnGetItem <CustomerLog>(id.ToString()); return(customerLog); }
/// <summary> /// get int default /// </summary> /// <param name="AKey"></param> /// <param name="ADefault"></param> /// <returns></returns> public System.Int32 GetInt32Default(String AKey, System.Int32 ADefault) { return(Convert.ToInt32(GetSystemDefault(AKey, ADefault.ToString()))); }
public bool PosTest1() { bool retVal = true; const string c_TEST_DESC = "PosTest1:Verify the param is a random Int32 "; const string c_TEST_ID = "P001"; System.Int32 int32Value = TestLibrary.Generator.GetInt32(-55); TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario(c_TEST_DESC); try { Decimal decimalValue = new Decimal(int32Value); if (decimalValue != Convert.ToDecimal(int32Value)) { string errorDesc = "Value is not " + decimalValue.ToString() + " as expected: param is " + int32Value.ToString(); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001" + " TestId-" + c_TEST_ID, errorDesc); retVal = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002" + " TestId-" + c_TEST_ID + " TestId-" + c_TEST_ID, "Unexpected exception: " + e); retVal = false; } return(retVal); }
public void delete(System.Int32 ID) { SqlCommand commDelete = new SqlCommand(" DELETE FROM " + tbName + " WHERE ItemKey=" + ID.ToString(), conn); openConnection(); commDelete.ExecuteNonQuery(); closeConnection(); }
public Product GetProduct(System.Int32 id) { Product product = OnGetItem <Product>(id.ToString()); return(product); }
public bool DeleteMeasurementUnit(System.Int32 id) { return(OnDeleteItem <MeasurementUnit>(id.ToString())); }
public bool DeleteProduct(System.Int32 id) { return(OnDeleteItem <Product>(id.ToString())); }
public bool DeleteBaseAttribute(System.Int32 id) { return(OnDeleteItem <BaseAttribute>(id.ToString())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { System.Int32 a = new System.Int32(); int b = new int(); int c = 1; a = 1; b = 1; bool d = false; bool e = false; if (c == 1) { int f = 100; Console.WriteLine(f); } else { bool f = true; } System.Int32 g = new System.Int32(); g = 400; Console.WriteLine(g.ToString()); System.DateTime h = new DateTime(); Console.WriteLine(h); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.IsLeapYear(2018)); int l = 10; decimal k = 0.1M; decimal n = k + k + k + k + k + k + k + k + k + k; Console.WriteLine(n); int o = 10; o += 1; o = 1; o++; if (o == 1) { Console.WriteLine("o = 1"); } Console.WriteLine(o); //checked //{ // int p = int.MaxValue; // Console.WriteLine(p); // p++; // Console.WriteLine(p); //} double q = 0.34534545398479348; Console.WriteLine(q); string w = q.ToString("P2"); Console.WriteLine(w); bool s = true; Console.WriteLine(s); DateTime x = new DateTime(2020, 9, 10); DateTime y = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(x); Console.WriteLine(y); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(x); x = x.AddMinutes(200); Console.WriteLine(x); Console.WriteLine(x.ToString("MMMM yy")); DateTime z1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime z2 = new DateTime(2020, 9, 1); TimeSpan z3 = z1 - z2; TimeSpan z4 = new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0); TimeSpan z5 = new TimeSpan(17, 25, 0); TimeSpan z6 = z5 - z4; Console.WriteLine(z6.TotalMinutes); }
public override string ToString() { return("[" + x.ToString() + ", " + y.ToString() + ", " + z.ToString() + "]"); }
private void ExecuteFullQuery(string AContext = null, TDataBase ADataBase = null) { TDataBase DBConnectionObj = null; TDBTransaction ReadTransaction = new TDBTransaction(); bool SeparateDBConnectionEstablished = false; if (FFindParameters.FParametersGivenSeparately) { string SQLOrderBy = ""; string SQLWhereCriteria = ""; if (FFindParameters.FPagedTableWhereCriteria != "") { SQLWhereCriteria = "WHERE " + FFindParameters.FPagedTableWhereCriteria; } if (FFindParameters.FPagedTableOrderBy != "") { SQLOrderBy = " ORDER BY " + FFindParameters.FPagedTableOrderBy; } FSelectSQL = "SELECT " + FFindParameters.FPagedTableColumns + " FROM " + FFindParameters.FPagedTable + ' ' + SQLWhereCriteria + SQLOrderBy; } else { FSelectSQL = FFindParameters.FSqlQuery; } TLogging.LogAtLevel(9, (this.GetType().FullName + ".ExecuteFullQuery SQL:" + FSelectSQL)); // clear temp table. do not recreate because it may be typed FTmpDataTable.Clear(); try { if (ADataBase == null) { ADataBase = new TDataBase(); ADataBase.EstablishDBConnection(AContext + " Connection"); SeparateDBConnectionEstablished = true; } ReadTransaction = ADataBase.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, -1, AContext + " Transaction"); // Fill temporary table with query results (all records) FTotalRecords = ADataBase.SelectUsingDataAdapter(FSelectSQL, ReadTransaction, ref FTmpDataTable, out FDataAdapterCanceller, delegate(ref IDictionaryEnumerator AEnumerator) { if (FFindParameters.FColumNameMapping != null) { AEnumerator = FFindParameters.FColumNameMapping.GetEnumerator(); return(FFindParameters.FPagedTable + "_for_paging"); } else { return(String.Empty); } }, 60, FFindParameters.FParametersArray); } catch (PostgresException Exp) { if (Exp.SqlState == "57014") // Exception with Code 57014 is what Npgsql raises as a response to a Cancel request of a Command { TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, this.GetType().FullName + ".ExecuteFullQuery: Query got cancelled; proper reply from Npgsql!"); } else { TLogging.Log(this.GetType().FullName + ".ExecuteFullQuery: Query got cancelled; general PostgresException occured: " + Exp.ToString()); } TProgressTracker.SetCurrentState(FProgressID, "Query cancelled!", 0.0m); TProgressTracker.CancelJob(FProgressID); return; } catch (Exception Exp) { TLogging.Log(this.GetType().FullName + ".ExecuteFullQuery: Query got cancelled; general Exception occured: " + Exp.ToString()); TProgressTracker.SetCurrentState(FProgressID, "Query cancelled!", 0.0m); TProgressTracker.CancelJob(FProgressID); return; } finally { ReadTransaction.Rollback(); // Close separate DB Connection if we opened one earlier if (SeparateDBConnectionEstablished) { DBConnectionObj.CloseDBConnection(); } } TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, (this.GetType().FullName + ".ExecuteFullQuery: FDataAdapter.Fill finished. FTotalRecords: " + FTotalRecords.ToString())); FPageDataTable = FTmpDataTable.Clone(); FPageDataTable.TableName = FFindParameters.FSearchName; TProgressTracker.SetCurrentState(FProgressID, "Query executed.", 100.0m); TProgressTracker.FinishJob(FProgressID); }
public override string ToString() { return ( m_strNum + " (год: " + m_iYear.ToString() + ", месяц: " + m_iMonth.ToString() + " от " + m_dtSalePrognosisDate.ToShortDateString() + ")" ); }
public static System.Int32 GetInt32Default(String AKey, System.Int32 ADefault = 0, TDataBase ADataBase = null) { return(Convert.ToInt32(GetUserDefault(AKey, ADefault.ToString()))); }
/// <summary> /// todoComment /// </summary> /// <param name="AKey"></param> /// <param name="ADefault"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static System.Int32 GetInt32Default(String AKey, System.Int32 ADefault) { return(Convert.ToInt32(TInternal.GetUserDefault(AKey, ADefault.ToString()))); }
/// <summary> /// Called by a Client to request connection to the Petra Server. /// /// Authenticate the user and create a sesssion for the user. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="AUserName">Username with which the Client connects</param> /// <param name="APassword">Password with which the Client connects</param> /// <param name="AClientComputerName">Computer name of the Client</param> /// <param name="AClientExeVersion"></param> /// <param name="AClientIPAddress">IP Address of the Client</param> /// <param name="AClientServerConnectionType">Type of the connection (eg. LAN, Remote)</param> /// <param name="AClientID">Server-assigned ID of the Client</param> /// <param name="AWelcomeMessage"></param> /// <param name="ASystemEnabled"></param> /// <param name="ASiteKey"></param> /// <param name="ADataBase"></param> public static TConnectedClient ConnectClient(String AUserName, String APassword, String AClientComputerName, String AClientIPAddress, System.Version AClientExeVersion, TClientServerConnectionType AClientServerConnectionType, out System.Int32 AClientID, out String AWelcomeMessage, out Boolean ASystemEnabled, out System.Int64 ASiteKey, TDataBase ADataBase = null) { TDataBase DBConnectionObj = null; TDBTransaction ReadWriteTransaction = new TDBTransaction(); bool SystemEnabled = true; string WelcomeMessage = String.Empty; Int64 SiteKey = -1; TConnectedClient ConnectedClient = null; if (TLogging.DL >= 10) { TLogging.Log( "Loaded Assemblies in AppDomain " + Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName + " (at call of ConnectClient):", TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); foreach (Assembly tmpAssembly in Thread.GetDomain().GetAssemblies()) { TLogging.Log(tmpAssembly.FullName, TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } } /* * Every Client Connection request is coming in in a separate Thread * (.NET Remoting does that for us and this is good!). However, the next block * of code must be executed only by exactly ONE thread at the same time to * preserve the integrity of Client tracking! */ try { // TODORemoting if (Monitor.TryEnter(UConnectClientMonitor, TSrvSetting.ClientConnectionTimeoutAfterXSeconds * 1000)) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name == String.Empty) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Client_" + AUserName + "__CLIENTCONNECTION_THREAD"; } #region Logging if (TLogging.DL >= 4) { Console.WriteLine(FormatClientList(false)); Console.WriteLine(FormatClientList(true)); } if (TLogging.DL >= 4) { TLogging.Log("Client '" + AUserName + "' is connecting...", TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } else { TLogging.Log("Client '" + AUserName + "' is connecting...", TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } #endregion // check for username, if it is an email address if (AUserName.Contains('@')) { AUserName = GetUserIDFromEmail(AUserName); } #region Variable assignments // we are not really using the ClientID anymore, but the session ID! AClientID = (short)0; string ClientName = AUserName.ToUpper() + "_" + AClientID.ToString(); #endregion ConnectedClient = new TConnectedClient(AClientID, AUserName.ToUpper(), ClientName, AClientComputerName, AClientIPAddress, AClientServerConnectionType, ClientName); #region Client Version vs. Server Version check if (TLogging.DL >= 9) { Console.WriteLine( "Client EXE Program Version: " + AClientExeVersion.ToString() + "; Server EXE Program Version: " + TSrvSetting.ApplicationVersion.ToString()); } if (TSrvSetting.ApplicationVersion.Compare(new TFileVersionInfo(AClientExeVersion)) != 0) { ConnectedClient.SessionStatus = TSessionStatus.adsStopped; #region Logging if (TLogging.DL >= 4) { TLogging.Log( "Client '" + AUserName + "' tried to connect, but its Program Version (" + AClientExeVersion.ToString() + ") doesn't match! Aborting Client Connection!", TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } else { TLogging.Log( "Client '" + AUserName + "' tried to connect, but its Program Version (" + AClientExeVersion.ToString() + ") doesn't match! Aborting Client Connection!", TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } #endregion throw new EClientVersionMismatchException(String.Format(StrClientServerExeProgramVersionMismatchMessage, AClientExeVersion.ToString(), TSrvSetting.ApplicationVersion.ToString())); } #endregion #region Login request verification (incl. User authentication) DBConnectionObj = DBAccess.Connect("ConnectClient (User Login)", ADataBase); bool SubmitOK = false; DBConnectionObj.WriteTransaction(ref ReadWriteTransaction, ref SubmitOK, delegate { // Perform login checks such as User authentication and Site Key check try { PerformLoginChecks(AUserName, APassword, AClientComputerName, AClientIPAddress, out SystemEnabled, ReadWriteTransaction); } #region Exception handling catch (EPetraSecurityException) { #region Logging if (TLogging.DL >= 4) { TLogging.Log( "Client '" + AUserName + "' tried to connect, but it failed the Login Checks. Aborting Client Connection!", TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } else { TLogging.Log( "Client '" + AUserName + "' tried to connect, but it failed the Login Checks. Aborting Client Connection!", TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } #endregion ConnectedClient.SessionStatus = TSessionStatus.adsStopped; // We need to set this flag to true here to get the failed login to be stored in the DB!!! SubmitOK = true; throw; } catch (Exception) { ConnectedClient.SessionStatus = TSessionStatus.adsStopped; throw; } #endregion // Login Checks were successful! ConnectedClient.SessionStatus = TSessionStatus.adsConnectingLoginOK; // Retrieve Welcome message and SiteKey try { if (UMaintenanceLogonMessage != null) { WelcomeMessage = UMaintenanceLogonMessage.GetLogonMessage(AUserName, true, ReadWriteTransaction); } else { WelcomeMessage = "Welcome"; } // we could do this directly, or via an interface, similar to LogonMessage, see above string sql = "SELECT s_default_value_c FROM s_system_defaults WHERE s_default_code_c = 'SiteKey'"; try { SiteKey = Convert.ToInt64(DBConnectionObj.ExecuteScalar(sql, ReadWriteTransaction)); } catch (EOPDBException) { // there is no site key defined yet. SiteKey = -1; } } catch (Exception) { ConnectedClient.SessionStatus = TSessionStatus.adsStopped; throw; } SubmitOK = true; }); #endregion /* * Uncomment the following statement to be able to better test how the * Client reacts when it tries to connect and receives a * ELoginFailedServerTooBusyException. */ // Thread.Sleep(7000); /* * Notify all waiting Clients (that have not timed out yet) that they can * now try to connect... */ // TODORemoting Monitor.PulseAll(UConnectClientMonitor); } // TODORemoting else { /* * Throw Exception to tell any timed-out connecting Client that the Server * is too busy to accept connect requests at the moment. */ // TODORemoting throw new ELoginFailedServerTooBusyException(); } } finally { // TODORemoting Monitor.Exit(UConnectClientMonitor); } ConnectedClient.StartSession(); #region Logging // // Assemblies successfully loaded into Client AppDomain // if (TLogging.DL >= 4) { TLogging.Log( "Client '" + AUserName + "' successfully connected. ClientID: " + AClientID.ToString(), TLoggingType.ToConsole | TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } else { TLogging.Log("Client '" + AUserName + "' successfully connected. ClientID: " + AClientID.ToString(), TLoggingType.ToLogfile); } #endregion ASystemEnabled = SystemEnabled; AWelcomeMessage = WelcomeMessage; ASiteKey = SiteKey; return(ConnectedClient); }
public bool DeleteEmployee(System.Int32 id) { return(OnDeleteItem <Employee>(id.ToString())); }
public Customer GetCustomer(System.Int32 id) { Customer customer = OnGetItem <Customer>(id.ToString()); return(customer); }
/// <summary> /// 释放实体 /// </summary> /// <param name="objev"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ReleaseEntity(EntityView objev) { if (objev == null) { Trace.LogError("释放实体时找不到目标实体!"); return(false); } if (m_friendPlayerList.Count > 0) { if (m_friendPlayerListIndex >= 0 && m_friendPlayerListIndex < m_friendPlayerList.Count && objev.ID == m_friendPlayerList[m_friendPlayerListIndex]) { if (SoldierCamera.MainInstance() != null && EntityFactory.MainHeroView != null && EntityFactory.MainHeroView.gameObject != null) { SoldierCamera.MainInstance <SoldierCamera>().SwitchLookAtSolider(EntityFactory.MainHeroView); //切回到主角 } } if (m_friendPlayerList.Contains((uint)objev.ID)) { m_friendPlayerList.Remove((uint)objev.ID); } } ENTITY_ID id = objev.ID; ENTITY_TYPE type = objev.Type; m_NeedToLoadEntity.Remove(id); EntityFactory.Instance.m_entityContainer.Remove(ref objev); bool isHero = objev.IsHero; // 主角特殊处理一下 if (isHero) { Initialize.Instance.ResetGameManager(); MainHero = null; MainHeroView = null; MainHeroID = 0; } LogicDataCenter.warMinimapDataManager.RemoveObject(objev); LogicDataCenter.warOBDataManager.RemoveObject(objev); objev.Destroy(); EntityFactory.Instance.EntityNum--; switch (type) { case ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_PLAYER_ROLE: { EntityFactory.Instance.ActorNum--; break; } case ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_MONSTER: { EntityFactory.Instance.MonsterNum--; break; } default: break; } objev = null; if (type == ENTITY_TYPE.TYPE_PLAYER_ROLE) { if (isHero) { Trace.Log("释放主角实体对象, id=" + id.ToString() + ", type=" + type.ToString()); } else { Trace.Log("释放实体对象, id=" + id.ToString() + ", type=" + type.ToString()); } } return(true); }
public static System.DateTime GetPeriodStartDate( System.Int32 ALedgerNumber, System.Int32 AYear, System.Int32 ADiffPeriod, System.Int32 APeriod) { System.Int32 RealYear = 0; System.Int32 RealPeriod = 0; System.Type typeofTable = null; TCacheable CachePopulator = new TCacheable(); DateTime ReturnValue = DateTime.Now; GetRealPeriod(ALedgerNumber, ADiffPeriod, AYear, APeriod, out RealPeriod, out RealYear); DataTable CachedDataTable = CachePopulator.GetCacheableTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList, "", false, ALedgerNumber, out typeofTable); string whereClause = AAccountingPeriodTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber.ToString() + " and " + AAccountingPeriodTable.GetAccountingPeriodNumberDBName() + " = " + RealPeriod.ToString(); DataRow[] filteredRows = CachedDataTable.Select(whereClause); if (filteredRows.Length > 0) { ReturnValue = ((AAccountingPeriodRow)filteredRows[0]).PeriodStartDate; ALedgerTable Ledger = (ALedgerTable)CachePopulator.GetCacheableTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerDetails, "", false, ALedgerNumber, out typeofTable); ReturnValue = ReturnValue.AddYears(RealYear - Ledger[0].CurrentFinancialYear); } return(ReturnValue); }
public bool DeleteCustomer(System.Int32 id) { return(OnDeleteItem <Customer>(id.ToString())); }
public static string GetUTCTime() { System.Int32 unixTimestamp = (System.Int32)(System.DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; return(unixTimestamp.ToString()); }
public void delete(System.Int32 key) { SqlCommand commDelete = new SqlCommand(" DELETE FROM " + tbName + " WHERE ID=" + key.ToString(), conn); openConnection(); commDelete.BeginExecuteNonQuery(); closeConnection(); }
public override string ToString() { return(Int32Value.ToString()); }