/// <sumary> /// Serialization constructor /// </sumary> public CheckersBoard(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { byte[] tempPieces = new byte [32]; pieces = (byte[])info.GetValue("pieces", tempPieces.GetType()); System.Int32 temp = new System.Int32(); whitePieces = (int)info.GetValue("whitePieces", temp.GetType()); blackPieces = (int)info.GetValue("blackPieces", temp.GetType()); currentPlayer = (int)info.GetValue("currentPlayer", temp.GetType()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Planet Earth = new Planet("Земля", 21323123123.231f); Object a = new Int32(); Console.WriteLine(a.GetType()); a.GetType(); Earth.WriteInfo(); }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene el componente /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetComponente() { Assembly asComponente; // Instantiate a target object. Int32 Integer1 = new Int32(); Type Type1; // Set the Type instance to the target class type. Type1 = Integer1.GetType(); // Instantiate an Assembly class to the assembly housing the Integer type. asComponente = Assembly.GetAssembly(Integer1.GetType()); // Return the name of the assembly that is calling the method. return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().FullName.ToString(); }
static void print_19() { System.Int32 a = 30; int b = 64; WriteLine("TYPE : {0}, Value : {1}", a.GetType(), a); WriteLine("TYPE.ToString() : {0}, Value : {1}", a.GetType().ToString(), a); WriteLine("TYPE : {0}, Value : {1}", b.GetType(), b); System.String s = "나 스트링"; string s2 = "나 스트링2"; WriteLine("TYPE : {0}, Value : {1}", s.GetType(), s); WriteLine("TYPE : {0}, Value : {1}", s2.GetType(), s2); }
public void JaggedArrayAccess() { TestName("Zero-based one, two, and jagged array access tests"); Int32 sum = 0; Int32[] aint = new Int32[numElements * numElements]; CodeTimer.Time("1-dim zero-based access: " + aint.GetType(), iterations, () => { for (Int32 e = 0; e < aint.Length; e++) sum += aint[e]; }); Int32[,] a = new Int32[numElements, numElements]; CodeTimer.Time("2-dim zero-based access: " + a.GetType(), iterations, () => { for (Int32 e = 0; e < numElements; e++) for (Int32 f = 0; f < numElements; f++) sum += a[e, f]; }); Int32[][] aJagged = new Int32[numElements][]; for (Int32 i = 0; i < numElements; i++) aJagged[i] = new Int32[numElements]; CodeTimer.Time("2-dim zero-based jagged access: " + aJagged.GetType(), iterations, () => { for (Int32 e = 0; e < numElements; e++) for (Int32 f = 0; f < numElements; f++) sum += aJagged[e][f]; }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //공용형식 시스템 System.Int32 a = 123; int b = 456; Console.WriteLine("a type:{0}, value:{1}", a.GetType().ToString(), a); Console.WriteLine("b type:{0}, value:{1}", b.GetType().ToString(), b); System.String c = "abc"; string d = "def"; Console.WriteLine("c type:{0}, value:{1}", c.GetType().ToString(), c); Console.WriteLine("d type:{0}, value:{1}", d.GetType().ToString(), d); /* * C#에서는 (C#) (C++) * System.Int64 long __int64 (이것도 기억해두기) * System.Int32 int int 또는 long (이것은 기억해두기) * System.Int16 short short * System.SByte sbyte char * System.Byte byte unsigned char * System.Char char wchar_t (이것도 기억해두기) */ }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="pNameParameter"></param> /// <param name="pValuesParameter"></param> public void AddParameter(string pNameParameter, Int32?pValuesParameter) { System.Int32 exemplo = 0; Type pTypesParameter = exemplo.GetType(); AddParameter(pNameParameter, pValuesParameter, pTypesParameter); }
static void Main() { var bool_value = true; // Note implicit typing here const char char_value = 'x'; // Note the const here double double_value = System.Math.PI; var int_value = 11; System.Int32 int_value_2 = 12; Console.WriteLine(bool_value.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(char_value.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(double_value.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(int_value.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(int_value_2.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(11.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(3.1415.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine('x'.GetType().ToString()); var string_value = "This is a message!"; System.String string_value_2 = "This is a second message!"; object object_value = string_value; // Note the use of object here Console.WriteLine(string_value.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(string_value_2.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine(object_value.GetType().ToString()); }
static void F2() { var v00 = 125; // var v0; // Неявно типизированная локальняа переменная var должна быть явным образом проинициализирована var v0 = new Int32(); // Неявно типизированная локальная переменная var проинициализирована объектом типа Int(32). По умолчанию ему присваивается значение 0 Console.WriteLine("the type of v0 is: {0}, value is: {1}", v0.GetType(), v0); var v1 = 125; Console.WriteLine("the type of v1 is: {0}, value is: {1}", v1.GetType(), v1); var v2 = new float(); Console.WriteLine("the type of v2 is: {0}, value is: {1}", v2.GetType(), v2); var v3 = Math.PI; Console.WriteLine("the type of v3 is: {0}, value is: {1}", v3.GetType(), v3); var v4 = "qwerty"; Console.WriteLine("the type of v4 is: {0}, value is: {1}", v4.GetType(), v4); // Объявление массива также требует явной инициализации var v5 = new int[] { }; // Пустой целочисленный массив Console.WriteLine("the type of v5 is: {0}", v5.GetType()); var v6 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // Целочисленный массив с набором значений. Console.WriteLine("the type of v6 is: {0}", v6.GetType()); var v7 = new[] { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 }; // Массив типа double с набором значений Console.WriteLine("the type of v7 is: {0}", v7.GetType()); // Переменная типа var - применение в цикле for(var v = 0; v < 10; v++) { Console.WriteLine(v); } // Неявно типизированные даныне var возможны только для локальных переменных методах и свойствах. // Переменные var не могут использоваться в качестве возвращаемого значения, параметра метода или члена класса/структуры. }
static void Main(string[] args) { int a = 123; System.Int32 b = 123; Console.WriteLine("aのフルネームは{0}", a.GetType().FullName); Console.WriteLine("bのフルネームは{0}", b.GetType().FullName); }
public void ConstructorTest() { EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute target = new EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute(projectType, fileExtension, factoryType); Assert.IsNotNull(target, "Failed to initialize new instance of type EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute"); String factoryTypeString = "{3e8702a1-d26f-4b91-bdc2-7ea0022b696c}"; projectType = new Guid("{3e8702a1-d26f-4b91-bdc2-7ea0022b696c}"); EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute targetFromString = new EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute(projectType, fileExtension, factoryTypeString); Assert.IsNotNull(targetFromString, "Failed to initialize new instance of type EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute from String"); Int32 integ = new Int32(); factoryType = integ.GetType(); projectType = integ.GetType(); EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute targetFromType = new EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute(projectType, fileExtension, factoryType); Assert.IsNotNull(targetFromType, "Failed to initialize new instance of type EditorFactoryNotifyForProjectAttribute from Type"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { System.Int32 a = 123; int b = 456; Console.WriteLine("a type:{0}, value:{1}", a.GetType().ToString(), a); Console.WriteLine("a type:{0}, value:{1}", a.GetType(), a); Console.WriteLine(a.GetType().ToString().GetType()); Console.WriteLine(a.GetType().GetType()); Console.WriteLine("b type:{0}, value:{1}", b.GetType().ToString(), b); System.String c = "abc"; string d = "def"; Console.WriteLine("c type:{0}, value:{1}", c.GetType().ToString(), c); Console.WriteLine("d type:{0}, value:{1}", d.GetType().ToString(), d); }
public void GetType_implications() { Object o1 = new System.Int32(); System.Int32 i1 = new System.Int32(); _output.WriteLine(i1.GetType().ToString()); // Did this get boxed per the requirement? _output.WriteLine(IsBoxed(i1).ToString()); float l2 = ToSingleTest(i1); // Gets unboxed as it's cast to int parameter? float l3 = IntToSingleTest(i1); // It can be param type of Object or Int32 }
static void Main(string[] args) { int a1 = 13; System.Int32 a2 = 14; sbyte a3 = 15; System.SByte a4 = 16; Console.WriteLine("a1: " + a1.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("a2: " + a2.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("a3: " + a3.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("a4: " + a4.GetType()); }
public static void CTS() { System.Int32 a = 123; int b = 456; WriteLine("a type : {0}, value : {1}", a.GetType().ToString(), a); // GetType();<-- 해당 변수(객체가 맞는 표현) 실체 형식 알려줌 WriteLine("b type : {0}, value : {1}", b.GetType().ToString(), b); // ToSring();<-- 변수(객체가 맞는 표현)를 문자열로 표시 System.String c = "abc"; string d = "def"; WriteLine("c type : {0}, value : {1}", c.GetType().ToString(), c); WriteLine("d type : {0}, value : {1}", d.GetType().ToString(), d); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="pNameParameter"></param> /// <param name="pValuesParameter"></param> /// <param name="pPermitirValorZero"></param> public void AddParameter(string pNameParameter, Int32 pValuesParameter, bool pPermitirValorZero = false) { System.Int32 exemplo = 0; Type pTypesParameter = exemplo.GetType(); if (pValuesParameter > 0 || pPermitirValorZero) { AddParameter(pNameParameter, pValuesParameter, pTypesParameter); } else { AddParameter(pNameParameter, null, pTypesParameter); } }
private static void CTS() { Console.WriteLine("\nCTS()"); System.Int32 a = 123; int b = 456; Console.WriteLine("a type : {0}, value : {1}", a.GetType().ToString(), a); Console.WriteLine("b type : {0}, value : {1}", b.GetType().ToString(), b); System.String c = "abc"; String d = "def"; Console.WriteLine("c type : {0}, value : {1}", c.GetType().ToString(), c); Console.WriteLine("d type : {0}, value : {1}", d.GetType().ToString(), d); }
public void Print() { System.Int32 i = new System.Int32(); i = 23; Console.WriteLine(i.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(i.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(i.GetTypeCode()); Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); if (i.CompareTo(20) < 0) Console.WriteLine("{0} < 20", i); else if (i.CompareTo(20) == 0) Console.WriteLine("i equals 20"); else Console.WriteLine("i > 20"); Console.WriteLine(System.Int32.MinValue); Console.WriteLine(System.Int32.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine(System.Double.Epsilon); Console.WriteLine(System.Double.PositiveInfinity); Console.WriteLine(System.Double.NegativeInfinity); Console.WriteLine(System.Boolean.FalseString); Console.WriteLine(System.Boolean.TrueString); Console.WriteLine(System.Char.IsDigit('1')); Console.WriteLine(System.Char.IsLetter('9')); Console.WriteLine(System.Char.IsWhiteSpace("naynish chaughule", 7)); Console.WriteLine(System.Char.IsPunctuation('?')); //parsing double d = System.Double.Parse("90.35"); Console.WriteLine(d); System.Int64 longVar = Convert.ToInt64("43654703826562"); Console.WriteLine(longVar); Console.WriteLine(System.Guid.NewGuid()); System.DateTime dt = new DateTime(2012, 6, 04); Console.WriteLine(dt.ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); Console.WriteLine(dt.DayOfWeek); Console.WriteLine(dt.AddMonths(5).ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", dt.Date, dt.DayOfYear, dt.IsDaylightSavingTime()); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(24, 30, 30); Console.WriteLine(dt.Add(ts).ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine(ts.Subtract(new TimeSpan(2,30, 45))); NumericsDemo(); WorkingWithStrings(); }
static void Main(String[] args) { // GetType() 해당 객체의 실제 형식을 알려준다. // ToString() 변수의 데이터를 문자열로 표시한다. System.Int32 a = 123; int b = 456; Console.WriteLine($"a type: {a.GetType()} value: {a.ToString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"b type: {b.GetType()} value: {b.ToString()}"); System.String c = "abc"; string d = "def"; Console.WriteLine($"a type: {c.GetType()} value: {c.ToString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"b type: {d.GetType()} value: {d.ToString()}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int n1 = 42; Console.WriteLine("01) Type of n1: " + n1.GetType().Name); System.Int32 n2 = 127; Console.WriteLine("02) Type of n2: " + n2.GetType().Name); Type t = n1.GetType(); WriteTypeInfo(t); WriteTypeInfo(new int[5].GetType()); WriteTypeInfo(new A().GetType()); WriteTypeInfo(new B().GetType()); WriteTypeInfo(new S().GetType()); WriteTypeInfo(new List <string>().GetType()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { byte k = 10; string msg = string.Format("k = {0:X}", k); Console.WriteLine(msg); k = 20; Console.WriteLine(msg); System.Int32 m = new System.Int32(); m = 10; Console.WriteLine(m); Console.WriteLine("k {0}, msg {1}, m {2}", k.GetType(), msg.GetType(), m.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("Positive infinity: {0}\nNegative infinity: {1}\n{2}", double.PositiveInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity * double.PositiveInfinity); char a = 'a'; Console.WriteLine("char.IsDigit(a) {0}", char.IsDigit(a)); Console.WriteLine(char.IsSymbol("!!!!!!", 3)); }
public bool PosTest1() { bool retVal = true; TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("Verify GetType method return correct system instance type..."); try { Int32 intInstance = new Int32(); Type instanceType = intInstance.GetType(); if (instanceType.FullName != "System.Int32") { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001","Fetch the wrong Type of instance!"); retVal = true; } } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002","Unexpected exception occurs: " + e); retVal = false; } return retVal; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Type t1 = typeof(String); Object o = null; Random r = new Random(); switch (r.Next(1, 4)) { case 1: o = new Object(); break; case 2: o = new Random(); break; case 3: o = new Int32(); break; } Type t2 = o.GetType(); Type t3 = Type.GetType("system.int32", false, true); Type t4 = Type.GetType("_252_GetType.Externa", false, true); Type t5 = Type.GetType("_252_GetType.Externa+Interna", false, true); MostrarDados(t1); MostrarDados(t2); MostrarDados(t3); MostrarDados(t4); MostrarDados(t5); Console.ReadKey(); }
public override void RunCode(int arg) { switch (arg) { case 48: { sbyte a48 = -10; byte b48 = 40; Console.WriteLine($"a={a48}, b={b48}"); short c48 = -30000; ushort d48 = 60000; Console.WriteLine($"c={c48}, d={d48}"); int e48 = -1000_0000; uint f48 = 3_0000_0000; Console.WriteLine($"e={e48}, f={f48}"); long g48 = -5000_0000_0000; ulong h48 = 200_0000_0000_0000_0000; Console.WriteLine($"g={g48}, h={h48}"); } break; case 50: { byte a50 = 240; Console.WriteLine($"a={a50}"); byte b50 = 0b1111_0000; // 2진수 리터럴 Console.WriteLine($"b={b50}"); byte c50 = 0XF0; // 16진수 리터럴 Console.WriteLine($"c={c50}"); uint d50 = 0x1234_abcd; // 16진수 리터럴 Console.WriteLine($"d={d50}"); } break; case 54: { byte a54 = 255; sbyte b54 = (sbyte)a54; Console.WriteLine(a54); Console.WriteLine(b54); } break; case 55: { uint a55 = uint.MaxValue; Console.WriteLine(a55); a55 = a55 + 1; Console.WriteLine(a55); } break; case 58: { float a58 = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_7846f; Console.WriteLine(a58); double b58 = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846; Console.WriteLine(b58); } break; case 60: { float a60 = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79f; double b60 = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79; decimal c60 = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79m; Console.WriteLine(a60); Console.WriteLine(b60); Console.WriteLine(c60); } break; case 61: { char a61 = '안'; char b61 = '녕'; char c61 = '하'; char d61 = '세'; char e61 = '요'; Console.Write(a61); Console.Write(b61); Console.Write(c61); Console.Write(d61); Console.Write(e61); Console.WriteLine(); } break; case 63: { string a63 = "안녕하세요?"; string b63 = "Hamm입니다."; Console.WriteLine(a63); Console.WriteLine(b63); } break; case 65: { bool a65 = true; bool b65 = false; Console.WriteLine(a65); Console.WriteLine(b65); } break; case 67: { object a67 = 123; object b67 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279m; object c67 = true; object d67 = "안녕하세요"; Console.WriteLine(a67); Console.WriteLine(b67); Console.WriteLine(c67); Console.WriteLine(d67); } break; case 69: { int a69 = 123; object b69 = (object)a69; // a에 담긴 값을 박싱해서 힙에 저장 int c69 = (int)b69; // b에 담긴 값을 언박싱해서 스택에 저장 Console.WriteLine(a69); Console.WriteLine(b69); Console.WriteLine(c69); double x69 = 3.141213; // object 형식에 저장할 때 형식 변환 연산자를 지정하지 않으면 // 암시적으로 object 형식으로 변환된다. object y69 = x69; // x에 담긴 값을 박싱해서 힙에 저장 double z69 = (double)y69; // y에 담긴 값을 언박싱해서 스택에 저장 Console.WriteLine(x69); Console.WriteLine(y69); Console.WriteLine(z69); } break; case 71: { sbyte a71 = 127; Console.WriteLine(a71); int b71 = (int)a71; Console.WriteLine(b71); int x71 = 128; // sbyte의 최대값 127보다 1 큰 수 Console.WriteLine(x71); sbyte y71 = (sbyte)x71; // 오버플로우 발생 Console.WriteLine(y71); } break; case 72: { float a72 = 69.6875f; Console.WriteLine("a : {0}", a72); double b72 = (double)a72; Console.WriteLine("b : {0}", b72); Console.WriteLine("69.6875 == b : {0}", 69.6875 == b72); float x72 = 0.1f; Console.WriteLine("x ; {0}", x72); double y72 = (double)x72; Console.WriteLine("y : {0}", y72); Console.WriteLine("0.1 == y : {0}", 0.1 == y72); } break; case 74: { int a74 = 500; Console.WriteLine(a74); uint b74 = (uint)a74; Console.WriteLine(b74); int x74 = -30; Console.WriteLine(x74); uint y74 = (uint)x74; // 언더플로우 Console.WriteLine(y74); } break; case 75: { float a75 = 0.9f; int b75 = (int)a75; Console.WriteLine(b75); float c75 = 1.1f; int d75 = (int)c75; Console.WriteLine(d75); } break; case 77: { int a77 = 123; string b77 = a77.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(b77); float c77 = 3.14f; string d77 = c77.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(d77); string e77 = "123456"; int f77 = Convert.ToInt32(e77); Console.WriteLine(f77); string g77 = "1.2345"; float h77 = float.Parse(g77); Console.WriteLine(h77); } break; case 79: { const int MAX_INT = 2147483647; const int MIN_INT = -2147483648; Console.WriteLine(MAX_INT); Console.WriteLine(MIN_INT); } break; case 82: { Console.WriteLine((int)DialogResult82.YES); Console.WriteLine((int)DialogResult82.NO); Console.WriteLine((int)DialogResult82.CANCEL); Console.WriteLine((int)DialogResult82.CONFIRM); Console.WriteLine((int)DialogResult82.OK); } break; case 83: { DialogResult82 result = DialogResult82.YES; Console.WriteLine(result == DialogResult82.YES); Console.WriteLine(result == DialogResult82.NO); Console.WriteLine(result == DialogResult82.CANCEL); Console.WriteLine(result == DialogResult82.CONFIRM); Console.WriteLine(result == DialogResult82.OK); } break; case 87: { int?a87 = null; Console.WriteLine(a87.HasValue); Console.WriteLine(a87 != null); a87 = 3; Console.WriteLine(a87.HasValue); Console.WriteLine(a87 != null); Console.WriteLine(a87.Value); } break; case 89: { var a89 = 20; // var로 선언하는 변수는 반드시 초기화해야 한다. Console.WriteLine("Type : {0}, Value : {1}", a89.GetType(), a89); var b89 = 3.1414213; Console.WriteLine("type : {0}, Value : {1}", b89.GetType(), b89); var c89 = "Hello, World!"; Console.WriteLine("type : {0}, Value : {1}", c89.GetType(), c89); var d89 = new int[] { 10, 20, 30 }; Console.WriteLine("type : {0}, Value : {1}", d89.GetType(), d89); foreach (var e89 in d89) { Console.Write("{0} ", e89); } Console.WriteLine(); } break; case 92: { System.Int32 a92 = 123; int b92 = 456; Console.WriteLine("a92 type:{0}, value:{1}", a92.GetType().ToString(), a92); Console.WriteLine("b92 type:{0}, value:{1}", b92.GetType().ToString(), b92); System.String c92 = "abc"; string d92 = "def"; Console.WriteLine("c92 type:{0}, value:{1}", c92.GetType().ToString(), c92); Console.WriteLine("d92 type:{0}, value:{1}", d92.GetType().ToString(), d92); } break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool a = true; System.Boolean a1 = false; System.Type[] a2 = { a.GetType(), a1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in a2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } byte b = 10; System.Byte b1 = 11; System.Type[] b2 = { b.GetType(), b1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in b2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } sbyte c = 22; System.SByte c1 = 23; System.Type[] c2 = { c.GetType(), c1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in c2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } short d = -33; System.Int16 d1 = -34; System.Type[] d2 = { d.GetType(), d1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in d2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } ushort e = 33; System.UInt16 e1 = 34; System.Type[] e2 = { e.GetType(), e1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in e2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } int f = 44; System.Int32 f1 = 45; System.Type[] f2 = { f.GetType(), f1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in f2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } uint g = 55; System.UInt32 g1 = 56; System.Type[] g2 = { g.GetType(), g1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in g2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } long h = -555; System.Int64 h1 = -556; System.Type[] h2 = { h.GetType(), h1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in h2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } ulong i = 555; System.UInt64 i1 = 556; System.Type[] i2 = { i.GetType(), i1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in i2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } float j = 666; System.Single j1 = 667; System.Type[] j2 = { j.GetType(), j1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in j2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } double k = 777; System.Double k1 = 778; System.Type[] k2 = { k.GetType(), k1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in k2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } decimal l = 888; System.Decimal l1 = 889; System.Type[] l2 = { l.GetType(), l1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in l2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } char m = 'a'; System.Char m1 = 'b'; System.Type[] m2 = { m.GetType(), m1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in m2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } string n = "Hello"; System.String n1 = "Bye"; System.Type[] n2 = { n.GetType(), n1.GetType() }; foreach (var item in n2) { Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void TestSkin () { Assembly SampleAssembly; // Instantiate a target object. Int32 Integer1 = new Int32 (); Type Type1; // Set the Type instance to the target class type. Type1 = Integer1.GetType (); // Instantiate an Assembly class to the assembly housing the Integer type. SampleAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly (Integer1.GetType ()); // Display the physical location of the assembly containing the manifest. Console.WriteLine ("Location=" + SampleAssembly.Location); WebTest.CopyResource (GetType (), "Test1.Resources.Default.skin", "App_Themes/Black/Default.skin"); WebTest.CopyResource (GetType (), "Test1.Resources.MyPageWithTheme.aspx", "MyPageWithTheme.aspx"); string res = new WebTest ("MyPageWithTheme.aspx").Run (); Debug.WriteLine (res); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // 정수 데이터 타입 sbyte id_a = -10; byte id_b = 40; Console.WriteLine($"id_a={id_a}, id_b={id_b}"); short id_c = -30000; ushort id_d = 60000; Console.WriteLine($"id_c={id_c}, id_d={id_d}"); int id_e = -10_000_000; uint id_f = 300_000_000; Console.WriteLine($"id_e={id_e}, id_f={id_f}"); long id_g = -5000_0000_0000; ulong id_h = 200_0000_0000_0000_0000; Console.WriteLine($"id_g={id_g}, id_h={id_h}"); // 2진수, 10진수, 16진수 리터럴 byte dl_a = 240; Console.WriteLine("dl_a={0}", dl_a); byte dl_b = 0b1111_0000; Console.WriteLine("dl_b={0}", dl_b); byte dl_c = 0XF0; Console.WriteLine("dl_c={0}", dl_c); uint dl_d = 0x1234_abcd; Console.WriteLine("dl_d={0}", dl_d); // 오버플로우 int overflow = int.MaxValue; Console.WriteLine(overflow); overflow++; Console.WriteLine(overflow); // 부동 소수점 형식 float fp_a = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79f; Console.WriteLine(fp_a); double fp_b = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79; Console.WriteLine(fp_b); decimal fp_c = 3.1415_9265_3589_7932_3846_2643_3832_79m; Console.WriteLine(fp_c); // 문자와 문자열 char cs_a = '안'; char cs_b = '녕'; Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", cs_a, cs_b); string cs_c = "안녕"; Console.WriteLine(cs_c); // 논리 형식 bool bl_a = true; bool bl_b = false; Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", bl_a, bl_b); // object와 박싱, 언박싱 object ob_a = 123; int ob_b = (int)ob_a; Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", ob_a, ob_b); // 숫자와 문자열 간의 변환 int ns_a = 12345; string ns_b = ns_a.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(ns_b); int ns_c = int.Parse(ns_b); Console.WriteLine(ns_c); // 상수 const int li_a = 100; Console.WriteLine(li_a); // 열거형 En_a En_b = En_a.TWO; Console.WriteLine(En_b == En_a.ONE); Console.WriteLine(En_b == En_a.TWO); // Nullable int?nu_a = null; Console.WriteLine("{0}", nu_a.HasValue); nu_a = 15; Console.WriteLine("{0}", nu_a.HasValue); // var var va_a = 3; Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", va_a.GetType(), va_a); var va_b = 3.14; Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", va_b.GetType(), va_b); var va_c = "PI"; Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", va_c.GetType(), va_c); // CTS(공용 형식 시스템) System.Int32 ct_a = 50; Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", ct_a.GetType(), ct_a); System.String ct_b = "CTS"; Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", ct_b.GetType(), ct_b); }
public Type GetType() { return(m_v.GetType()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // объявляю все переменные двумя способами sbyte a1 = 1; System.SByte a2 = 2; short b1 = 3; System.Int16 b2 = 4; int c1 = 5; System.Int32 c2 = 6; long d1 = 7; System.Int64 d2 = 8; byte e1 = 9; System.Byte e2 = 10; ushort f1 = 11; System.UInt16 f2 = 12; uint g1 = 13; System.UInt32 g2 = 14; ulong h1 = 15; System.UInt64 h2 = 16; char i1 = 'A'; System.Char i2 = 'B'; float j1 = 17.1F; System.Single j2 = 17.2F; double k1 = 17.11; System.Double k2 = 17.22; bool l1 = false; System.Boolean l2 = true; decimal m1 = 1.1M; System.Decimal m2 = 2.2M; object n1 = 18; System.Object n2 = 19; string o1 = "Hi!"; System.String o2 = "Bye!"; //получаю типы этих переменных Type nameA1 = a1.GetType(); Type nameA2 = a2.GetType(); Type nameB1 = b1.GetType(); Type nameB2 = b2.GetType(); Type nameC1 = c1.GetType(); Type nameC2 = c2.GetType(); Type nameD1 = d1.GetType(); Type nameD2 = d2.GetType(); Type nameE1 = e1.GetType(); Type nameE2 = e2.GetType(); Type nameF1 = f1.GetType(); Type nameF2 = f2.GetType(); Type nameG1 = g1.GetType(); Type nameG2 = g2.GetType(); Type nameH1 = h1.GetType(); Type nameH2 = h2.GetType(); Type nameI1 = i1.GetType(); Type nameI2 = i2.GetType(); Type nameJ1 = j1.GetType(); Type nameJ2 = j2.GetType(); Type nameK1 = k1.GetType(); Type nameK2 = k2.GetType(); Type nameL1 = l1.GetType(); Type nameL2 = l2.GetType(); Type nameM1 = m1.GetType(); Type nameM2 = m2.GetType(); Type nameN1 = n1.GetType(); Type nameN2 = n2.GetType(); Type nameO1 = o1.GetType(); Type nameO2 = o2.GetType(); //вывожу типы переменных на консоль Console.WriteLine(nameA1); Console.WriteLine(nameA2); Console.WriteLine(nameB1); Console.WriteLine(nameB2); Console.WriteLine(nameC1); Console.WriteLine(nameC2); Console.WriteLine(nameD1); Console.WriteLine(nameD2); Console.WriteLine(nameE1); Console.WriteLine(nameE2); Console.WriteLine(nameF1); Console.WriteLine(nameF2); Console.WriteLine(nameG1); Console.WriteLine(nameG2); Console.WriteLine(nameH1); Console.WriteLine(nameH2); Console.WriteLine(nameI1); Console.WriteLine(nameI2); Console.WriteLine(nameJ1); Console.WriteLine(nameJ2); Console.WriteLine(nameK1); Console.WriteLine(nameK2); Console.WriteLine(nameL1); Console.WriteLine(nameL2); Console.WriteLine(nameM1); Console.WriteLine(nameM2); Console.WriteLine(nameN1); Console.WriteLine(nameN2); Console.WriteLine(nameO1); Console.WriteLine(nameO2); }
public MFTestResults SystemType6_GetElementType_Test() { /// <summary> /// 1. Tests the GetElementType() method for a user defined type /// </summary> /// bool testResult = true; try { Log.Comment("This tests the GetElementType() method"); //Assigned and manipulated to avoid compiler warning Int32 testInt32 = -1; testInt32++; Type myType1 = Type.GetType("System.Int32"); Log.Comment("The full name is " + myType1.FullName); Int32[] int32Arr = new Int32[] { }; Type int32ArrType = int32Arr.GetType(); testResult &= (myType1 == int32ArrType.GetElementType()); testResult &= (myType1.GetElementType() == null); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Comment("Typeless " + e.Message); testResult = false; } return (testResult ? MFTestResults.Pass : MFTestResults.Fail); }
public bool runTest() { Console.Error.WriteLine(s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " , for " + s_strClassMethod + " , Source ver " + s_strDtTmVer); int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; String strLoc = "Loc_000oo"; Type ArrType; try { do { strLoc = "Loc_01T"; iCountTestcases++; short [] in2Arr = new Int16[10]; ArrType = in2Arr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_01T! , Array.GetType failed on single dimension array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_02T"; iCountTestcases++; int[] in4Arr = new Int32[0]; ArrType = in4Arr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_02T! , Array.GetType failed on 0 size single dimension array." ); } int[][] i4Arr = new int[3][]; i4Arr[0] = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; i4Arr[1] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; i4Arr[2] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; strLoc = "Loc_03T"; iCountTestcases++; ArrType = i4Arr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_03ifs! , Array.GetType failed on jagged array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_04ifx"; iCountTestcases++; Object [][] objArr = new Object[0][]; ArrType = objArr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_04ifs! , Array.GetType failed on 0 size jagged array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_05ifx"; iCountTestcases++; Double[,] doArr = new Double[99, 78]; ArrType = doArr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_05ifs! , Array.GetType failed on rectangle array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_06ifx"; iCountTestcases++; Hashtable[,] htArr = new Hashtable[0,0]; ArrType = htArr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_06ifs! , Array.GetType failed on 0 size rectangle array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_07ifx"; iCountTestcases++; string[,,,,,] strArr = new string[6,5,4,3,2,1]; ArrType = strArr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_07ifs! , Array.GetType failed on 6 dimensions rectangle array." ); } strLoc = "Loc_08ifx"; iCountTestcases++; ArrType = typeof(System.Array); if(ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_08ifs! , typeof(System.Array).IsArray should return false." ); } strLoc = "Loc_09ifx"; iCountTestcases++; int [] dims = {2,3,2,1}; int [] lbould = {0,1,2,3}; Array dbArr = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Double), dims, lbould); ArrType = dbArr.GetType(); if(!ArrType.IsArray) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev+ " ,Err_09ifs! , Array.GetType failed on multi_dimensions rectangle array created by Array.CreateInstance." ); } } while (false); } catch (Exception exc_general ) { ++iCountErrors; Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev +" Error Err_8888yyy! strLoc=="+ strLoc +", exc_general=="+exc_general); } if ( iCountErrors == 0 ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "paSs. "+s_strTFPath +" "+s_strTFName+" ,iCountTestcases=="+iCountTestcases); return true; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("FAiL! "+s_strTFPath+" "+s_strTFName+" ,inCountErrors=="+iCountErrors+" , BugNums?: "+s_strActiveBugNums ); return false; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { sbyte a1 = 1; System.SByte a2 = 1; byte b1 = 2; System.Byte b2 = 2; short c1 = 3; System.Int16 c2 = 3; ushort d1 = 4; System.UInt16 d2 = 4; int e1 = 5; System.Int32 e2 = 5; uint f1 = 6; System.UInt32 f2 = 6; long g1 = 7; System.Int64 g2 = 7; ulong h1 = 8; System.UInt64 h2 = 8; char i1 = 'a'; System.Char i2 = 'a'; float k1 = 10; System.Single k2 = 10; double l1 = 11; System.Double l2 = 11; bool m1 = true; System.Boolean m2 = true; decimal n1 = 12; System.Decimal n2 = 12; object o1 = new object { }; System.Object o2 = new object { }; string p1 = "Hello"; System.String p2 = "Hello"; Console.WriteLine(a1.GetType() + "\n" + a2.GetType() + "\n" + b1.GetType() + "\n" + b2.GetType() + "\n" + c1.GetType() + "\n" + c2.GetType() + "\n" + d1.GetType() + "\n" + d2.GetType() + "\n" + e1.GetType() + "\n" + e2.GetType() + "\n" + f1.GetType() + "\n" + f2.GetType() + "\n" + g1.GetType() + "\n" + g2.GetType() + "\n" + h1.GetType() + "\n" + h2.GetType() + "\n" + i1.GetType() + "\n" + i2.GetType() + "\n" + k1.GetType() + "\n" + k2.GetType() + "\n" + l1.GetType() + "\n" + l2.GetType() + "\n" + m1.GetType() + "\n" + m2.GetType() + "\n" + n1.GetType() + "\n" + n2.GetType() + "\n" + o1.GetType() + "\n" + o2.GetType() + "\n" + p1.GetType() + "\n" + p2.GetType() + "\n"); }
void CheckOperators() { { /* * Section 6.21 Types and Operators */ float a = 1.0f; float b = 3.0f; bool c = a > b; // false bool d = a < b; // true Debug.Log("c:" + c + " d:" + d); } { /* * adding strings together */ string a = "hello, "; string b = "world."; string c = a + b; Debug.Log("c: " + c); } { /* * More things you can do with strings */ string a = "hello, "; string b = "world."; bool c = a == b; // false bool d = a == "world."; // true bool e = a == "hello, "; // false bool f = a != b; // true string g = a + b; // hello, world. /* * Some things you can't do with strings */ // string f = a - b; // string f = a * b; // string f = a / b; // bool g = a > b; // bool g = a < b; } { string a = "hello"; switch (a) { case "hello": Debug.Log("a was hello"); break; case "world": Debug.Log("a was world"); break; default: break; } } { /* * Section 6.21.1 GetType() */ int a = 7; string b = "hello"; bool c = a.GetType() == b.GetType(); Debug.Log("a and b are the same type? " + c); // "a and b are the same type? False Debug.Log("a is type: " + a.GetType()); // a is type System.Int32 Debug.Log("b is type: " + b.GetType()); // b is type System.String } { int a = 7; string b = "7"; bool c = a.ToString() == b; Debug.Log("a as a string is the same as b? " + c); // "a as a string is the same as b? True" } { int a = 7; float b = 7.0f; bool c = a == b; Debug.Log("int a == float b? " + c); // "int a == float b? True" } { /* * Section 6.21.2 More Type Casting */ int a = 7; float b = 7.9f; bool c = a == b; // false /* ↑ ↓ ↓ */ /* │ │ └────┐ */ /* │ ┌─┴──┐ ┌─┴──┐ */ /* │ │ 7 │ == │7.9f│ */ /* │ └────┘ ↓ └────┘ */ /* │ ┌───────┐ */ /* └─────┤ False │ */ /* └───────┘ */ bool d = a == (int)b; /* ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ */ /* │ │ │ ┌─┴──┐ */ /* │ │ │ │7.9f│ */ /* │ │ │ └─┬──┘ */ /* │ │ └─→(int) cast to int */ /* │ │ ↓ */ /* │ ┌─┴──┐ ┌─┴──┐ */ /* │ │ 7 │ == │ 7 │ */ /* │ └────┘ ↓ └────┘ */ /* │ ┌──────┐ */ /* └─────┤ True │ */ /* └──────┘ */ Debug.Log("c: " + c + " d: " + d); // c: False d: True } { int a = 7; string b = "7"; //bool c = a == (int)b; // Cannot convert type 'string' to 'int' } { GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); GameObject b = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); bool c = a == b; Debug.Log("GameObjects a == b? " + c); // GameObjects a == b? False int a_InstanceID = a.GetInstanceID(); int b_InstanceID = b.GetInstanceID(); Debug.Log("a_InstanceID: " + a_InstanceID); // a_InstanceID: -2500 // though the number itself will change every time you run the game Debug.Log("b_InstanceID: " + b_InstanceID); // b_InstanceID: -2510 // though the number itself will change every time you run the game Debug.Log("GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? " + c); // GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? False } { GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); GameObject b; b = a; bool c = a == b; Debug.Log("GameObject a == b? " + c); // GameObject a == b? True } { GameObject gameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); int a = gameObject.GetInstanceID(); int b; b = a; bool c = a == b; Debug.Log("InstanceIDs a == b? " + c); // InstanceIDs a == b? True } { /* * Can Types be equal? */ GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); GameObject b = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); Type aType = a.GetType(); Type bType = b.GetType(); bool c = aType == bType; Debug.Log("aType: " + aType + " bType: " + bType + " aType == bType? " + c); // aType: UnityEngine.GameObject bType: UnityEngine.GameObject aType == bType? True } { GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); a.AddComponent <ZombieComponent>(); // check if the GameObject a is a zombie by looking for the attached zombie component ZombieComponent component = a.GetComponent <ZombieComponent>(); Type b = component.GetType(); Type c = typeof(ZombieComponent); bool d = b == c; Debug.Log("b type: " + b + "c type: " + c + "b == c?" + d); } { System.Int32 a = 1; int b = 3; bool c = a.GetType() == b.GetType(); Debug.Log("a == b? " + c); // "a == b? True System.Single d = 1.0f; float e = 3.0f; bool f = d.GetType() == e.GetType(); Debug.Log("d == e? " + f); // "d == e? True } { /* * 6.21.3 Type Aliasing */ MyOwnType a = 1; Debug.Log("a is a: " + a.GetType()); // "a is a: System.Int16" } { /* * 6.21.4 Boxing and Unboxing */ GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); // remember, HumanWithStates : ZombieWithStates? ZombieWithStates b = a.AddComponent <HumanWithStates>(); /* ↑ ↑ */ /* └────────────────┬─────────────────┘ */ /* ┌──────┴─────────────┐ */ /* │types don't match │ */ /* │but HumanWithStates │ */ /* │inherits from │ */ /* │ZombieWithStates │ */ /* └────────────────────┘ */ GameObject c = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); MonoBehaviour d = c.AddComponent <ZombieWithStates>(); /* ↑ ↑ */ /* └────────────────┬─────────────────┘ */ /* ┌──────┴─────────────┐ */ /* │types don't match │ */ /* │either but │ */ /* │ZombieWithStates │ */ /* │inherits from │ */ /* │MonoBehaviour │ */ /* └────────────────────┘ */ object e = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule); /* ↑ ↑ */ /* └─────┬─────┘ */ /* ┌──────┴─────────────┐ */ /* │GameObject inherits │ */ /* │from object │ */ /* │but every class in │ */ /* │C# inherits from │ */ /* │object! │ */ /* └────────────────────┘ */ object f = 1; object g = 1.0f; object h = new object[] { 1, 1.0f, e, d, c, b, a }; Debug.Log("what is h really? " + h); // what is h really? System.Object[] object[] objArray = h as object[]; foreach (object o in objArray) { if (o is GameObject) { Debug.Log("got a GameObject!"); } } // got a GameObject! // got a GameObject! // got a GameObject! UnityEngine.Object[] allObjectsInTheScene = FindObjectsOfType <UnityEngine.Object>(); foreach (UnityEngine.Object o in allObjectsInTheScene) { Debug.Log("Object: " + o); } // all kinds of things! } }
static void Main() { /* * prefix s - simple type, primitive type, built in type, value type * prefix f - .NET Framework type * * Numeric Types */ // signed 8 bit integer sbyte sByte = -128; System.SByte fByte = 127; // unsigned 8 bit integer byte sUnByte = 0; System.Byte fUnByte = 255; // signed 16 bit integer short sShort = -32768; System.Int16 fShort = 32767; // unsigned 16 bit integer ushort sUnShort = 0; System.UInt16 fUnShort = 65535; // signed 32 bit integer int sInt = -2147483648; System.Int32 fInt = 2_147_483_647; // unsigned 32 bit integer uint sUnInt = 0; System.UInt32 fUnInt = 4_294_967_295; // signed 64 bit integer long sLong = -9_223_372_036_854_775_808; System.Int64 fLong = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // unsigned 64 bit integer ulong sUnLong = 0; System.UInt64 fUnLong = System.UInt64.MaxValue; // float 32 bit floating-point value (to initialize float use suffix 'f' or 'F') float sFloat = -3.5F; System.Single fFloat = 3.5f; // double 64 bit floating-point value double sDouble = System.Double.MinValue; System.Double fDouble = System.Double.MaxValue; // decimal 128 bit floating-point value (financial calculations)(use suffix m for real numbers) decimal sDecimal = 300.5m; System.Decimal fDecimal = 300; // character data type char sChar = 'a'; System.Char fChar = 'z'; // boolean type bool trueValue = true; bool falseValue = false; // default value for bool type // write to console Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sByte.GetType(), sByte); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fByte.GetType(), fByte); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnByte.GetType(), sUnByte); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnByte.GetType(), fUnByte); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sShort.GetType(), sShort); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fShort.GetType(), fShort); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnShort.GetType(), sUnShort); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnShort.GetType(), fUnShort); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sInt.GetType(), sInt); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fInt.GetType(), fInt); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnInt.GetType(), sUnInt); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnInt.GetType(), fUnInt); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sLong.GetType(), sLong); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fLong.GetType(), fLong); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnLong.GetType(), sUnLong); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnLong.GetType(), fUnLong); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sFloat.GetType(), sFloat); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fFloat.GetType(), fFloat); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sDouble.GetType(), sDouble); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fDouble.GetType(), fDouble); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sDecimal.GetType(), sDecimal); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fDecimal.GetType(), fDecimal); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sChar.GetType(), sChar); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fChar.GetType(), fChar); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", trueValue.GetType(), trueValue); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", falseValue.GetType(), falseValue); // wait for user input to close the window Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); }