コード例 #1
 protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e, int rowIndex)
     // when activated by the SPACE key, this method updates the cell's user interface
     if (!ReadOnly && (e.KeyData & Keys.Space) == Keys.Space)
         check_state = PushButtonState.Normal;
         if (!IsInEditMode)
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnContentClick(DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (ReadOnly)

            if (!IsInEditMode)

コード例 #3
            public override void DoDefaultAction()
                if (_owner == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject_OwnerNotSet);

                DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell = (DataGridViewCell)Owner;
                DataGridView     dataGridView     = dataGridViewCell.DataGridView;

                if (dataGridViewCell is DataGridViewHeaderCell)

                if (dataGridView != null && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex == -1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.DataGridView_InvalidOperationOnSharedCell);

                Select(AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus | AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection);
                Debug.Assert(dataGridView.CurrentCell == dataGridViewCell, "the result of selecting the cell should have made this cell the current cell");

                if (dataGridViewCell.ReadOnly)
                    // don't edit if the cell is read only

                if (dataGridViewCell.EditType != null)
                    if (dataGridView.InBeginEdit || dataGridView.InEndEdit)
                        // don't enter or exit editing mode if the control
                        // is in the middle of doing that already.
                    if (dataGridView.IsCurrentCellInEditMode)
                        // stop editing
                    else if (dataGridView.EditMode != DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically)
                        // start editing
                        dataGridView.BeginEdit(true /*selectAll*/);
コード例 #4
        protected override void OnContentClick(DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (ReadOnly)

            if (!IsInEditMode)

            CheckState cs = GetCurrentValue();

            if (threeState)
                if (cs == CheckState.Indeterminate)
                    editingCellFormattedValue = CheckState.Unchecked;
                else if (cs == CheckState.Checked)
                    editingCellFormattedValue = CheckState.Indeterminate;
                    editingCellFormattedValue = CheckState.Checked;
                if (cs == CheckState.Checked)
                    editingCellFormattedValue = false;
                    editingCellFormattedValue = true;

            editingCellValueChanged = true;
            public override void DoDefaultAction()
                DataGridViewCheckBoxCell dataGridViewCell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)Owner;
                DataGridView             dataGridView     = dataGridViewCell.DataGridView;

                if (dataGridView != null && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex == -1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.DataGridView_InvalidOperationOnSharedCell);

                if (!dataGridViewCell.ReadOnly && dataGridViewCell.OwningColumn != null && dataGridViewCell.OwningRow != null)
                    dataGridView.CurrentCell = dataGridViewCell;
                    bool endEditMode = false;
                    if (!dataGridView.IsCurrentCellInEditMode)
                        endEditMode = true;
                        dataGridView.BeginEdit(false /*selectAll*/);
                    if (dataGridView.IsCurrentCellInEditMode)
                        if (dataGridViewCell.SwitchFormattedValue())
                            dataGridView.InvalidateCell(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);

                            // notify MSAA clients that the default action changed
                            if (Owner is DataGridViewCheckBoxCell checkBoxCell)
                                checkBoxCell.NotifyMASSClient(new Point(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex));
                        if (endEditMode)
コード例 #6
ファイル: DataGridViewTest.cs プロジェクト: vnan122/mono
		[Test] // Xamarin bug 5419
		public void EditingControlShowingTest_Bound ()
			using (DataGridView _dataGridView = new DataGridView ()) {
				DataGridViewComboBoxColumn _nameComboBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewTextBoxColumn _firstNameTextBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn _chosenCheckBoxColumn;

				_dataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

				// Add the event-handler.
					+= new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler

				// No columns have been found in the event-handler yet.
				editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns = 0;

				// _nameComboBoxColumn
				_nameComboBoxColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ();
				_nameComboBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
				_nameComboBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_nameComboBoxColumn);

				// _firstNameTextBoxColumn
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ();
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "FirstName";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_firstNameTextBoxColumn);

				// _chosenCheckBoxColumn
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ();
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Chosen";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Chosen";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.FalseValue = "false";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.TrueValue = "true";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_chosenCheckBoxColumn);

				// .NET requires that all possible values for combo-boxes in a column
				// are added to the column.
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("de Icaza");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Toshok");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Harper");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Boswell");

				// Set up the contents of the data-grid.
				BindingList<EcstRecord> boundData = new BindingList<EcstRecord> ();
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("de Icaza", "Miguel", true));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Toshok", "Chris", false));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Harper", "Jackson", false));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Boswell", "Steven", true));
				_dataGridView.DataSource = boundData;

				// For data binding to work, there needs to be a Form, apparently.
				Form form = new Form ();
				form.ShowInTaskbar = false;
				form.Controls.Add (_dataGridView);
				form.Show ();

				// Make sure the data-source took.
				// (Without the Form, instead of having four rows, the data grid
				// only has one row, and all its cell values are null.)
				Assert.AreEqual (boundData.Count, _dataGridView.Rows.Count, "1-6");
				// Edit a combo-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-7");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-8");

				// Edit a text-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-9");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-10");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-11");

				// Edit a check-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-12");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2].Selected, "1-13");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-14");

				// Make sure the event-handler was called each time.
				// (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell isn't derived from Control, so the
				// EditingControlShowing event doesn't get called for it.)
				Assert.AreEqual (3, editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns, "1-14");

				// Get rid of the form.
コード例 #7
ファイル: DataGridViewTest.cs プロジェクト: vnan122/mono
		[Test] // Xamarin bug 5419
		public void EditingControlShowingTest_Unbound ()
			using (DataGridView _dataGridView = new DataGridView ()) {
				DataGridViewComboBoxColumn _nameComboBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewTextBoxColumn _firstNameTextBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn _chosenCheckBoxColumn;

				// Add the event-handler.
					+= new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler
				// No columns have been found in the event-handler yet.
				editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns = 0;

				// _nameComboBoxColumn
				_nameComboBoxColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ();
				_nameComboBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_nameComboBoxColumn);

				// _firstNameTextBoxColumn
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ();
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_firstNameTextBoxColumn);

				// _chosenCheckBoxColumn
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ();
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Chosen";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_chosenCheckBoxColumn);

				// .NET requires that all possible values for combo-boxes in a column
				// are added to the column.
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("de Icaza");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Toshok");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Harper");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Boswell");

				// Set up the contents of the data-grid.
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("de Icaza", "Miguel", true);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Toshok", "Chris", false);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Harper", "Jackson", false);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Boswell", "Steven", true);
				// Edit a combo-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-6");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-7");

				// Edit a text-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-8");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-9");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-10");

				// Edit a check-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-11");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2].Selected, "1-12");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-13");

				// Make sure the event-handler was called each time.
				// (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell isn't derived from Control, so the
				// EditingControlShowing event doesn't get called for it.)
				Assert.AreEqual (3, editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns, "1-14");

コード例 #8
 private void SetEditMode(DataGridView dataGridView)
     if (dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count > 0)
         DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView.SelectedCells[0];
         dataGridView.CurrentCell = cell;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CoreLib.cs プロジェクト: AndrewEastwood/desktop
        /// <summary>
        /// Додавання товарк в чек або зміна кількості товару в чеку
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chqDGW">Таблиця чеку</param>
        /// <param name="artDGW">Таблиця товарів (можливе застосування фільтру до записів)</param>
        /// <param name="article">Запис з товаром</param>
        /// <param name="startTotal">Стартова кількість</param>
        /// <param name="artsTable">Оригінальна таблиця товарів (без затстосування фільтру до записів)</param>
        public static void AddArticleToCheque(DataGridView chqDGW, DataGridView artDGW, DataRow article, double startTotal, DataTable artsTable)

            if (AppConfig.TAX_AppTaxChar == null || AppConfig.TAX_AppTaxChar.Length == 0)
                MMessageBox.Show("Немає податкових ставок", "InTech PayDesk", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if ((double)article["PRICE"] == 0)
                MMessageBox.Show("Нульова ціна товару", "InTech PayDesk", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

             * 1) If article exist
             *  a) CTOT=TOT
             *  b) TOT=startValue
            int index = 0;
            bool rowIsUpdated = false;
            DataRow dRow = null;
            bool funcRezult = false;
            DataTable cheque = chqDGW.DataSource as DataTable;

            if (UserConfig.Properties[9] && startTotal == AppConfig.APP_StartTotal)
                startTotal = CheckByMask(article["UNIT"], startTotal);

            //Update existed rows
            if (UserConfig.Properties[7] && cheque.Rows.Count != 0)
                DataRow[] dRows = cheque.Select("ID='" + article["ID"] + "'");
                if (dRows.Length != 0 && dRows[0] != null)
                        dRow = dRows[0];
                        dRow["TMPTOT"] = dRow["TOT"];

                        if (UserConfig.Properties[17] || startTotal == 0.0)
                            Request req = new Request(dRow, startTotal);
                            funcRezult = req.UpdateRowSource(chqDGW);
                            if (!funcRezult)
                            dRow["TOT"] = GetRoundedDose(startTotal);

                        index = cheque.Rows.IndexOf(dRow);
                        rowIsUpdated = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        WriteLog(ex, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            //Add new row
            if (!rowIsUpdated)
                dRow = cheque.NewRow();
                dRow["ORIGPRICE"] = article["PRICE"];

                string c = dRow["C"].ToString();
                dRow.ItemArray = article.ItemArray;
                dRow["C"] = long.Parse(c);

                    index = Array.IndexOf<char>(AppConfig.TAX_MarketColumn, dRow["VG"].ToString()[0]);
                catch { index = 0; }
                if (index < 0)
                    index = 0;
                char pch = AppConfig.TAX_AppColumn[index];
                index = Array.IndexOf<char>(AppConfig.TAX_AppTaxChar, pch);
                if (index >= 0)
                    dRow["VG"] = pch;
                    dRow["TAX_VAL"] = AppConfig.TAX_AppTaxRates[index];
                    dRow["USEDDISC"] = AppConfig.TAX_AppTaxDisc[index];

                if (UserConfig.Properties[17] || startTotal == 0.0)
                    Request req = new Request(dRow, startTotal);
                    funcRezult = req.UpdateRowSource(chqDGW);
                    if (!funcRezult) return;
                    dRow["TOT"] = startTotal;

                #region Sorting article by ID and adding
                if (UserConfig.Properties[14] && cheque.Rows.Count != 0)
                    index = 0;
                        if (GetIDCode(cheque.Rows[index]["ID"]) < GetIDCode(dRow["ID"]))

                    } while (cheque.Rows.Count > index);
                    cheque.Rows.InsertAt(dRow, index);
                    index = cheque.Rows.Count - 1;


            if (rowIsUpdated)
                index = dRow.Table.Rows.IndexOf(dRow);
            chqDGW.CurrentCell = chqDGW.Rows[index].Cells["TOT"];

                object uniqueKey = article["C"];
                article = (artDGW.DataSource as DataTable).Rows.Find(uniqueKey);
                if (article != null)
                    index = (artDGW.DataSource as DataTable).Rows.IndexOf(article);
                    artDGW.DataSource = artsTable;
                    article = artsTable.Rows.Find(uniqueKey);
                    index = artsTable.Rows.IndexOf(article);
                artDGW.CurrentCell = artDGW.Rows[index].Cells[artDGW.Columns.GetFirstColumn(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible).Name];
            catch { }

            if (!UserConfig.Properties[22])
コード例 #10
ファイル: UserInterfaceUtils.cs プロジェクト: egacheru/G2
        public bool ProcessDGVEditShortcutKeys(DataGridView dgv, KeyEventArgs e, string cno, LookupTables lookupTables, AppSettings appSettings)
            bool keyProcessed = false;

            // Change cursor to the wait cursor...
            Cursor origCursor = Cursor.Current;
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D && e.Control)
                Dictionary<int, int> selectedColumnMinRow = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in dgv.SelectedCells)
                    // If the min selected row has not been found for this column - find it now...
                    if (!selectedColumnMinRow.ContainsKey(cell.ColumnIndex))
                        int minRow = dgv.Rows.Count; ;
                        // Find the minimum row index in this column's selected cells...
                        minRow = cell.RowIndex;
                        for (int i = minRow; i > -1; i--)
                            if (dgv.SelectedCells.Contains(dgv[cell.ColumnIndex, i])) minRow = i;
                        // If the user is trying to perform a copy down (CTRL+D) using the row for adding a new row as the source row - bail out now...
                        if (dgv.Rows[minRow].IsNewRow) return false;

                        //Save the min row for this column in the dictionary
                        selectedColumnMinRow.Add(cell.ColumnIndex, minRow);

                    object newValue = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[selectedColumnMinRow[cell.ColumnIndex]].DataBoundItem)[cell.ColumnIndex];
                    DataRowView dr = (DataRowView)cell.OwningRow.DataBoundItem;
                    if (dr == null) //if (dgv.Rows[row].IsNewRow)
                        // Couldn't find a bound row so this must be the 'new row' row in the datagrid...
                        dgv[cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex].Value = newValue;
                        dgv.UpdateCellValue(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex);
                        if (!dr[cell.ColumnIndex].Equals(newValue))
                            // Edit the DataRow (not the DataRowView) so that row state is changed...
                            dr.Row[cell.ColumnIndex] = newValue;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && e.Control)
                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                DataRow dr = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentCell.OwningRow.DataBoundItem).Row;
                string columnName = dgv.CurrentCell.OwningColumn.Name;
                if (dr.Table.Columns[columnName].ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("gui_hint") &&
                    dr.Table.Columns[columnName].ExtendedProperties["gui_hint"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TEXT_CONTROL")
                    string currentCellValue = dr[columnName].ToString();
                    RichTextEditor rte = new RichTextEditor(currentCellValue, false);
                    if (rte.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        dr[columnName] = rte.RichTextMessage;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.N && e.Control)
                if (dgv.CurrentRow != null &&
                    dgv.CurrentRow.Selected &&
                    DataTable dt = (DataTable)((BindingSource)dgv.DataSource).DataSource;
                    DataRow sourceRow = null;
                    DataRow destRow = null;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    if (dt != null)
                        sourceRow = dt.DefaultView[dgv.CurrentRow.Index].Row;
                        destRow = dt.NewRow();
                    if (sourceRow != null)
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                            if (!dt.PrimaryKey.Contains(dc) &&
                                switch (dc.ColumnName)
                                    case "created_by":
                                    case "owned_by":
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cno))
                                            destRow[dc] = sourceRow[dc];
                                            destRow[dc] = cno;
                                    case "created_date":
                                    case "owned_date":
                                        destRow[dc] = DateTime.Now;
                                    case "modified_by":
                                    case "modified_date":
                                        // Column is not a required field (or is a boolean field that only allows Y or N)
                                        destRow[dc] = sourceRow[dc];
                        dt.Rows.InsertAt(destRow, dgv.CurrentRow.Index + 1);
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgv.Rows[dgv.CurrentRow.Index + 1], ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemQuotes && e.Control)
                if (dgv.CurrentRow != null &&
                    dgv.CurrentRow.Index > 0)
                    int sourceRowIndex;
                    DataRow sourceRow;
                    DataRow destinationRow;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    if (dgv.CurrentRow.IsNewRow)
                        sourceRowIndex = dgv.CurrentRow.Index - 1;
                        sourceRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[sourceRowIndex].DataBoundItem).Row;
                        destinationRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem).Row;
                        sourceRowIndex = dgv.CurrentRow.Index - 1;
                        sourceRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[sourceRowIndex].DataBoundItem).Row;
                        destinationRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem).Row;

                    if (sourceRow != null && destinationRow != null)
                        if (!destinationRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Equals(sourceRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex]))
                            if (!dgv.Columns[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].ReadOnly)
                                destinationRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex] = sourceRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex];
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgv.CurrentCell.OwningRow, ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.V && e.Control)
                IDataObject dataObj = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
                string pasteText = "";
                //string[] junk = dataObj.GetFormats();
                if (dataObj.GetDataPresent(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    char[] rowDelimiters = new char[] { '\r', '\n' };
                    char[] columnDelimiters = new char[] { '\t' };
                    int badRows = 0;
                    int missingRows = 0;
                    bool importSuccess = false;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    pasteText = dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText).ToString();
                    DataTable dt = (DataTable)((BindingSource)dgv.DataSource).DataSource;
                    importSuccess = ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys(pasteText, dt, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters, out badRows, out missingRows, lookupTables, appSettings);
                    if (!importSuccess)
                        // Paste the text into the DGV in 'block style'
                        importSuccess = ImportTextToDataTableUsingBlockStyle(pasteText, dgv, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters, out badRows, out missingRows, lookupTables, appSettings);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C && e.Control)
                string copyString = "";
                // First we need to get the min/max rows and columns for the selected cells...
                int minCol = dgv.Columns.Count;
                int maxCol = -1;
                int minRow = dgv.Rows.Count;
                int maxRow = -1;

                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgv.SelectedCells)
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex < minCol) minCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex > maxCol) maxCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex < minRow) minRow = dgvc.RowIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex > maxRow) maxRow = dgvc.RowIndex;

                // First, gather the column headers (but only if the entire row was selected)...
                if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = minCol; i <= maxCol; i++)
                        copyString += dgv.Columns[i].HeaderText + '\t';
                        //copyString += dgv.Columns[i].Name + '\t';

                    // Strip the last tab and insert a newline...
                    copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\t');
                    copyString += "\r\n";
                // Now build the string to pass to the clipboard...
                for (int i = minRow; i <= maxRow; i++)
                    for (int j = minCol; j <= maxCol; j++)
                        switch (dgv[j, i].FormattedValueType.Name)
                            case "Boolean":
                                copyString += dgv[j, i].Value.ToString() + '\t';
                                if (dgv[j, i].FormattedValue == null || dgv[j, i].FormattedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "[null]")
                                    copyString += "" + '\t';
                                    copyString += dgv[j, i].FormattedValue.ToString() + '\t';
                    copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\t');
                    copyString += "\r\n";
                copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\n');
                copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\r');

                // Pass the new string to the clipboard...
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(copyString, false, 1, 1000);


            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete)
                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                    // The user is deleting values from individual selected cells (not entire rows)...
                    foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgv.SelectedCells)
                        DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)dgvc.OwningRow.DataBoundItem;
                        if (drv == null) //if (dgv.Rows[row].IsNewRow)
                            dgvc.Value = "";
                            dgv.UpdateCellValue(dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex);
                            //dgv[dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            if (!drv[dgvc.OwningColumn.Index].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                if (!dgvc.ReadOnly)
                                    // Edit the DataRow (not the DataRowView) so that row state is changed...
                                    drv.Row[dgvc.OwningColumn.Index] = DBNull.Value;
                                    // For unbound text cells we have to manually clear the cell's text...
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvc.OwningColumn.DataPropertyName)) dgvc.Value = "";
                                    dgv.UpdateCellValue(dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex);
                                    //dgv[dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgvc.OwningRow, ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);
                    // The user is attempting to delete entire rows from the datagridview...
            //SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(lookupTables.WebServiceURL, lookupTables.Username, lookupTables.Password_ClearText, true);
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("WARNING!!!  You are about to permanently delete {0} records from the central database!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?", "Record Delete Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "UserInterfaceUtils_ProcessDGVEditShortcutKeysMessage1";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            //if (DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("WARNING!!!  You are about to permanently delete " + dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString() + " records from the central database!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?", "Record delete confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
            if (DialogResult.OK == ggMessageBox.ShowDialog())
                        foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgv.SelectedRows)
            e.Handled = true;

            // Restore cursor to default cursor...
            Cursor.Current = origCursor;

            return keyProcessed;
 static void Edit(DataGridView grid, string text)
     grid.EditingControl.Text = text;
コード例 #12
ファイル: frmMain.cs プロジェクト: shenlongdemon/QL_BenhNhan
        private void setFocusForDataGridViewCell(DataGridView dgv, int rowindex, int cellIndex)
            dgv.CurrentCell = dgv.Rows[rowindex].Cells[cellIndex];
            dgv.CurrentCell.Selected = true;

コード例 #13
 private void SetCellValue(DataGridView dataGridView, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, object value)
     dataGridView.CurrentCell = dataGridView.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[columnIndex];
     dataGridView.CurrentCell.Value = value;