private void CreatePassage(BaseCell cell, BaseCell otherCell, CompassDirection direction) { CellPassage prefab = Random.value < ip.doorProbability ? ip.doorPrefab : ip.passagePrefab; CellPassage passage = Instantiate(prefab) as CellPassage; passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction); passage = Instantiate(prefab) as CellPassage; if (passage is Door) { otherCell.Initialize(CreateRoom(-1 /**/)); } else { otherCell.Initialize(; } passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite()); }
private void PerformNextGenerationStep(List <BaseCell> activeCells) { int index = activeCells.Count - 1; index = ip.useFirstIndex ? 0 : index; BaseCell currentCell = activeCells[index]; if (currentCell.IsFullyInitialized) { activeCells.RemoveAt(index); return; } CompassDirection direction = currentCell.RandomUninitializedDirection; IntVector2 coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.ToIntVector2(); if (ContainsCoordinates(coordinates)) { BaseCell neighbor = GetCell(coordinates); if (neighbor == null) { neighbor = CreateCell(coordinates); CreatePassage(currentCell, neighbor, direction); activeCells.Add(neighbor); } // if we match on room.settingsIndex instead we can merge same rooms else if ( == { CreatePassageInSameRoom(currentCell, neighbor, direction); } else { CreateWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction); } } else { CreateWall(currentCell, null, direction); } }
private BaseCell CreateCell(IntVector2 coordinates) { var child = new GameObject("Dummy"); child.transform.parent = stamp.transform; child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x * 4 - size.x * 4 * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z * 4 - size.z * 4 * 0.5f + 0.5f); child.transform.localEulerAngles =; BaseCell cell = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(ip.baseCell) as BaseCell; foreach (var c in cell.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) { c.enabled = false; } cells[coordinates.x, coordinates.z] = cell; cell.coordinates = coordinates; cell.transform.parent = child.transform; cell.transform.localPosition =; cell.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; // originally set the parent to the maze's transform // then set localposition to the new vector3 // instead of any of the child stuff return(cell); }
public void Add(BaseCell cell) { = this; cells.Add(cell); }