public AspNetRequest(HttpRequestBase request, IPrincipal user) { _request = request; Cookies = new HttpCookieCollectionWrapper(request.Cookies); User = user; ResolveFormAndQueryString(); }
public IEnumerable<Image> GetUploadedImages(HttpRequestBase request, params string[] imageDefinitionKeys) { List<Image> images = new List<Image>(); foreach (string inputTagName in request.Files) { HttpPostedFileBase file = request.Files[inputTagName]; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { // upload the image to filesystem if (IsNotImage(file)) { throw new ValidationException(string.Format("File '{0}' is not an image file (*.jpg)", file.FileName)); } Image image = new Image { FileName = Guid.NewGuid(), Description = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName) }; file.SaveAs(imageFileService.GetFullPath(image.FileNameAsString)); // convert the image to main and thumb sizes imageService.CreateSizedImages(image, imageDefinitionKeys); File.Delete(imageFileService.GetFullPath(image.FileNameAsString)); images.Add(image); } } return images; }
public bool RequestWantsToBeMobile( HttpRequestBase request ) { if( IsForcedMobileView( request ) ) { cookieHelper.ForceViewMobileSite(); return true; } var requestMode = cookieHelper.GetCurrentMode(); switch( requestMode ) { case SiteMode.NotSet: return IsMobileDevice( request ); case SiteMode.Mobile: return true; case SiteMode.Desktop: return false; default: return false; } }
protected Saml2Request UnbindInternal(HttpRequestBase request, Saml2Request saml2RequestResponse, X509Certificate2 signatureValidationCertificate) { if (request == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); if (saml2RequestResponse == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("saml2RequestResponse"); if (signatureValidationCertificate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("signatureValidationCertificate"); } if (signatureValidationCertificate.PublicKey == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No Public Key present in Signature Validation Certificate."); } if (!(signatureValidationCertificate.PublicKey.Key is DSA || signatureValidationCertificate.PublicKey.Key is RSACryptoServiceProvider)) { throw new ArgumentException("The Public Key present in Signature Validation Certificate must be either DSA or RSACryptoServiceProvider."); } saml2RequestResponse.SignatureValidationCertificate = signatureValidationCertificate; return saml2RequestResponse; }
// { // 'format':'basic' // 'url':'http://host/repository', // 'is_hg':true // optional // } public override DeployAction TryParseDeploymentInfo(HttpRequestBase request, JObject payload, string targetBranch, out DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo) { deploymentInfo = null; if (!String.Equals(payload.Value<string>("format"), "basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return DeployAction.UnknownPayload; } string url = payload.Value<string>("url"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return DeployAction.UnknownPayload; } string scm = payload.Value<string>("scm"); bool is_hg; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(scm)) { // SSH hg@... vs git@... is_hg = url.StartsWith("hg@", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } else { is_hg = String.Equals(scm, "hg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } deploymentInfo = new DeploymentInfo(); deploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl = url; deploymentInfo.RepositoryType = is_hg ? RepositoryType.Mercurial : RepositoryType.Git; deploymentInfo.Deployer = GetDeployerFromUrl(url); deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset = DeploymentManager.CreateTemporaryChangeSet(message: "Fetch from " + url); return DeployAction.ProcessDeployment; }
/// <summary> /// Maps data from the media file edit form to the media file object. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void MapFile(HttpRequestBase request, string fieldSuffix, MediaFile file) { HttpPostedFileBase hpf = request.Files["file" + fieldSuffix]; string externalfilename = request.Params["externalfile" + fieldSuffix]; string filename = hpf.ContentLength == 0 ? externalfilename : hpf.FileName; file.Title = request.Params["title" + fieldSuffix]; file.Description = request.Params["description" + fieldSuffix]; file.SortIndex = ComLib.Extensions.NameValueExtensions.GetOrDefault<int>(request.Params, "SortIndex", file.SortIndex); file.IsPublic = true; if (file.LastWriteTime == DateTime.MinValue) file.LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now; // No Content? if (hpf.ContentLength == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalfilename)) return; // Get the file as a byte[] if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) file.Contents = ComLib.Web.WebUtils.GetContentOfFileAsBytes(hpf); // This will autoset the Name and Extension properties. file.FullNameRaw = filename; file.Length = hpf.ContentLength; // Set up the thumbnail. if (!file.IsExternalFile && file.IsImage) file.ToThumbNail(processLocalFileSystemFile: true); }
public virtual OutgoingWebResponse VerifyAccess(HttpRequestBase httpRequestInfo, out AccessToken accessToken) { Requires.NotNull(httpRequestInfo, "httpRequestInfo"); AccessProtectedResourceRequest request = null; try { if (this.Channel.TryReadFromRequest<AccessProtectedResourceRequest>(httpRequestInfo, out request)) { accessToken = this.AccessTokenAnalyzer.DeserializeAccessToken(request, request.AccessToken); ErrorUtilities.VerifyHost(accessToken != null, "IAccessTokenAnalyzer.DeserializeAccessToken returned a null reslut."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken.User) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken.ClientIdentifier)) { Logger.OAuth.Error("Access token rejected because both the username and client id properties were null or empty."); ErrorUtilities.ThrowProtocol(OAuth2Strings.InvalidAccessToken); } return null; } else { var response = new UnauthorizedResponse(new ProtocolException(OAuth2Strings.MissingAccessToken)); accessToken = null; return this.Channel.PrepareResponse(response); } } catch (ProtocolException ex) { var response = request != null ? new UnauthorizedResponse(request, ex) : new UnauthorizedResponse(ex); accessToken = null; return this.Channel.PrepareResponse(response); } }
//Adapted from Noah Heldman's work at public static bool GetClientIpAddress(HttpRequestBase request, out string remote) { try { var userHostAddress = request.UserHostAddress; //Attempt to parse. If it fails, we catch below and return "" //Could use TryParse instead, but I wanted to catch all exceptions IPAddress.Parse(userHostAddress); var xForwardedFor = request.ServerVariables.AllKeys.Contains("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") ? request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] : request.ServerVariables.AllKeys.Contains("X_FORWARDED_FOR") ? request.ServerVariables["X_FORWARDED_FOR"] : ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xForwardedFor)) { remote = userHostAddress; return true; } //Get a list of public ip addresses in the X_FORWARDED_FOR variable var publicForwardingIps = xForwardedFor.Split(',').Where(ip => !IsPrivateIpAddress(ip)).ToList(); //If we found any, return the last one, otherwise return the user host address remote = publicForwardingIps.Any() ? publicForwardingIps.Last() : userHostAddress; return true; } catch (Exception) { //Always return all zeroes for any failure remote = ""; return false; } }
public NavigationModel(HttpRequestBase httpRequest) { if(httpRequest == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("httpRequest"); this._currentFilePath = httpRequest.FilePath; }
public static string GetClientIp(HttpRequestBase request) { try { var userHostAddress = request.UserHostAddress ?? string.Empty; // Attempt to parse. If it fails, we catch below and return "" // Could use TryParse instead, but I wanted to catch all exceptions if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userHostAddress)) IPAddress.Parse(userHostAddress); string xForwardedFor = request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xForwardedFor)) xForwardedFor = request.ServerVariables["X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xForwardedFor)) return userHostAddress; // Get a list of public ip addresses in the X_FORWARDED_FOR variable var publicForwardingIps = xForwardedFor.Split(',').Where(ip => !IsPrivateIpAddress(ip)).ToList(); // If we found any, return the last one, otherwise return the user host address return publicForwardingIps.Any() ? publicForwardingIps.Last() : userHostAddress; } catch (Exception) { // Always return all zeroes for any failure (my calling code expects it) return ""; } }
public void WriteLog(string userAgent, HttpRequestBase request, string platform, string browser, string user) { if (request == null) return; if (userAgent.IsNotSet()) { LegacyDb.eventlog_create(null, this, "UserAgent string is empty.", EventLogTypes.Warning); } else { if (request.Browser != null && platform.ToLower().Contains("unknown") || browser.ToLower().Contains("unknown")) { LegacyDb.eventlog_create( null, this, "Unhandled UserAgent string:'{0}' /r/nPlatform:'{1}' /r/nBrowser:'{2}' /r/nSupports cookies='{3}' /r/nSupports EcmaScript='{4}' /r/nUserID='{5}'." .FormatWith( userAgent, request.Browser.Platform, request.Browser.Browser, request.Browser.Cookies, request.Browser.EcmaScriptVersion.ToString(), user ?? String.Empty), EventLogTypes.Warning); } } }
protected override void Context() { AccountService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IAccountService>(); Identity = new FakeIdentity(Username); _user = new FakePrincipal(Identity, null); HttpRequest = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpRequestBase>(); HttpContext = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpContextBase>(); HttpContext.Stub(x => x.Request).Return(HttpRequest); HttpContext.User = _user; _httpResponse = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpResponseBase>(); _httpResponse.Stub(x => x.Cookies).Return(new HttpCookieCollection()); HttpContext.Stub(x => x.Response).Return(_httpResponse); Logger = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ILogger>(); WebAuthenticationService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IWebAuthenticationService>(); MappingEngine = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMappingEngine>(); AccountCreator = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IAccountCreator>(); AccountController = new AccountController(AccountService, Logger, WebAuthenticationService, MappingEngine, null, AccountCreator); AccountController.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(HttpContext, new RouteData(), AccountController); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a hash of the supplied file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fname">The name of the file.</param> /// <param name="request">The current HttpRequest.</param> /// <returns>A Guid representing the hash of the file.</returns> public static Guid GetFileHash(string fname, HttpRequestBase request) { Guid hash; var localPath = request.RequestContext. HttpContext.Server.MapPath(fname.Replace('/', '\\')); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (var fs = new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { StreamCopy(fs, ms); } hash = new Guid(Md5.ComputeHash(ms.ToArray())); Guid check; if (!FileHash.TryGetValue(localPath, out check)) { FileHash.Add(localPath, hash); } else if (check != hash) { FileHash[localPath] = hash; } } return hash; }
public bool HandleResult( IResult result, IFormatInfo outputFormat, HttpRequestBase request, HttpResponseBase response ) { response.AddHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); Range range; if ( !TryGetRequestedRange( request, out range ) ) { return false; } if (!ValidateIfRangeHeader(request, result)) { return false; } var offset = range.Start ?? 0; var end = range.End.HasValue ? range.End.Value : result.ContentLength - 1; var length = end - offset + 1; response.AddHeader( "Content-Range", "bytes " + offset + "-" + end + "/" + result.ContentLength ); response.StatusCode = 206; result.Serve( response, offset, length ); return true; }
private bool TryGetRequestedRange( HttpRequestBase request, out Range range ) { var rangeHeader = request.Headers[ "Range" ]; if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( rangeHeader ) ) { range = null; return false; } if ( !rangeHeader.StartsWith( RangeByteHeaderStart ) ) { range = null; return false; } var parts = rangeHeader.Substring( RangeByteHeaderStart.Length ).Split( '-' ); if ( parts.Length != 2 ) { range = null; return false; } range = new Range { Start = string.IsNullOrEmpty( parts[ 0 ] ) ? (long?) null : long.Parse( parts[ 0 ] ), End = string.IsNullOrEmpty( parts[ 1 ] ) ? (long?) null : long.Parse( parts[ 1 ] ) }; return true; }
public static bool PopulatePhoneNumbers(UserViewModel uvm, HttpRequestBase request, out string validationError, out string flashErrorMessage) { flashErrorMessage = null; validationError = null; if (uvm == null || request == null) return false; // Find and (re)populate phone numbers. foreach (var phoneKey in request.Params.AllKeys.Where(x => x.StartsWith("phone_number_type"))) { var phoneTypeId = request[phoneKey].TryToInteger(); var index = Regex.Match(phoneKey, @"\d+").Value; var phoneNumber = request[string.Format("phone_number[{0}]", index)]; if (phoneTypeId.HasValue) { // TODO: If the number contains an "x", split it out into number and extension. var parts = phoneNumber.ToLower().Split('x'); string extension = ""; string number = Regex.Replace(parts[0], @"[^\d]", ""); if (parts.Length > 1) { // Toss all the rest into the extension. extension = string.Join("", parts.Skip(1)); } // If the phone number is blank, just toss the entry - each form usually gets // a blank spot added to it in case the user wants to add numbers, but he doesn't have to. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneNumber)) { uvm.User.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber(request[string.Format("phone_number_id[{0}]", index)].TryToInteger(), phoneTypeId.Value, number, extension)); } } else { flashErrorMessage = "Invalid phone number type - please select a valid phone type from the dropdown list."; validationError = "Invalid phone type."; return false; } } return true; }
public static ListenTo.Shared.DO.Image GetImageFromRequest(HttpRequestBase request, string key) { ListenTo.Shared.DO.Image image = null; HttpPostedFileBase file = Helpers.FileHelpers.GetFileFromRequest(request, key); if (file != null && file.ContentLength != 0 ) { try { Byte[] fileData = GetContentFromHttpPostedFile(file); if (IsFileImage(fileData)) { image = ImageHelpers.GetImage(fileData); } } catch (Exception e) { //The file is not an image even though the headers are correct! //Log the exception throw; } } return image; }
///<returns>Can seek now?</returns> private bool TryEnableBuffering(HttpRequest httpRequest, long?contentLength, out Stream bodyStream) { bodyStream = null; if (MaxContentLength >= 0 && !contentLength.HasValue) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream cannot seek with unknown ContentLength"); return(false); } int bufferThreshold = MaxContentLength <= 0 ? Size64KiloBytes : MaxContentLength; if (MaxContentLength == 0 && contentLength > bufferThreshold) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream cannot seek and stream is too big. ContentLength={0}", contentLength); return(false); } bodyStream = EnableRewind(httpRequest, bufferThreshold); if (bodyStream?.CanSeek != true) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream cannot seek"); return(false); } return(true); }
/*public static bool VerifyRecaptcha(string Response) * { * IRecaptcha<RecaptchaV2Result> recaptcha = new RecaptchaV2(new RecaptchaV2Data() * { * Secret = RecaptchaSecret, * Response = Response * }); * var result = recaptcha.Verify(); * return result.Success; * } * * public static bool VerifyRecaptcha() * { * IRecaptcha<RecaptchaV2Result> recaptcha = new RecaptchaV2(new RecaptchaV2Data() * { * Secret = RecaptchaSecret * }); * var result = recaptcha.Verify(); * return result.Success; * }*/ public static string RootUrl(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { var r = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebsiteRootUrl"]?.ToString(); return(r); //return request.Url.Scheme + "://" + request.Url.Authority + request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/'); }
public static string GetString(this System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, string name, string defaultValue, bool autoDecode) { try { var s = request[name]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { return(defaultValue); } else { if (autoDecode) { return(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s)); } else { return(s); } } } catch (Exception) { return(defaultValue); } }
public static bool GetBool(this System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, string name, bool defaultValue = false) { try { var s = request[name]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { return(defaultValue); } else { var s1 = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s).Trim(); if (string.Compare(s1, "true", true) == 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } } catch (Exception) { return(defaultValue); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether the specified request is a debug mode request (unminified JavaScript) or /// release mode (minified JavaScript) /// </summary> /// <param name="request">HTTP request</param> /// <param name="sendCacheHeaders">Whether to send caching headers</param> /// <param name="sendFileNotFound">Whether to send a file not found error</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the specified request is a debug mode request</returns> public static bool CheckDebugMode(HttpRequestBase request, out bool sendCacheHeaders, out bool sendFileNotFound) { sendFileNotFound = false; sendCacheHeaders = false; // Check if any path info was provided var pathInfo = request.PathInfo.Split('/'); if (pathInfo.Length < 2) { // Not enough path info for a full path - User could be hitting routejs.axd directly with no params // In this case, just serve debug version of the JavaScript return true; } switch (pathInfo.Last()) { case "router.min.js": sendCacheHeaders = true; return false; case "router.js": sendCacheHeaders = true; return true; default: // Send a 404, invalid file name sendFileNotFound = true; return true; } }
public static string FullApplicationPath(HttpRequestBase request) { var absolutePath = request.Url.AbsolutePath; if (absolutePath == "/") { return request.Url.AbsoluteUri; } var path = request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(absolutePath, string.Empty); var queryIndex = path.IndexOf("?"); if (queryIndex > 0) { path = path.Remove(queryIndex); } path = path + request.ApplicationPath; if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } return path; }
protected override string Edit(HttpRequestBase request) { var res = ""; try { StudentPresentation existingStudentPresentation = (from sp in _sessionManager.DbContext.StudentPresentations where sp.UserId == _session.UserId && sp.ContextId == _session.ContextId select sp).SingleOrDefault(); existingStudentPresentation.Name = request.Form["name"].ToString(); existingStudentPresentation.LocationName = request.Form["location"].ToString(); existingStudentPresentation.LocationLat = Double.Parse(request.Form["latitude"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); existingStudentPresentation.LocationLong = Double.Parse(request.Form["longitude"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); existingStudentPresentation.Presentation = request.Form["presentation"].ToString(); _sessionManager.DbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error("Failed to edit existing student presentation: " + e.Message); throw new Exception("Failed to edit existing student presentation.", e); } return res; }
public WorkflowMessageService( IMessageTemplateService messageTemplateService, IQueuedEmailService queuedEmailService, ILanguageService languageService, ITokenizer tokenizer, IEmailAccountService emailAccountService, IMessageTokenProvider messageTokenProvider, IStoreService storeService, IStoreContext storeContext, EmailAccountSettings emailAccountSettings, IEventPublisher eventPublisher, IWorkContext workContext, HttpRequestBase httpRequest, IDownloadService downloadServioce) { this._messageTemplateService = messageTemplateService; this._queuedEmailService = queuedEmailService; this._languageService = languageService; this._tokenizer = tokenizer; this._emailAccountService = emailAccountService; this._messageTokenProvider = messageTokenProvider; this._storeService = storeService; this._storeContext = storeContext; this._emailAccountSettings = emailAccountSettings; this._eventPublisher = eventPublisher; this._workContext = workContext; this._httpRequest = httpRequest; this._downloadServioce = downloadServioce; }
// Adds do-not-cache headers to the specified HTTP response (which is expected to result in a file-save // operation by the browser) in such a way that the IE browser is still able to save the file. // (TODO: if we have more file-save action results than just CsvActionResult, this method can be lifted to // a common location and be used by all of them.) private static void AddDoNotCacheHeadersToFileSaveResponse(HttpResponseBase response, HttpRequestBase request) { // Get the browser's internal identifier (from .NET browser definition file). var browserId = request.Browser.Id; // Detect if the browser is a problem version of IE (= IE 7 and 8; IE 6 and lower aren't supported by this // website). var problemIEVersion = false; if ((browserId.Equals("IE7", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || (browserId.Equals("IE8", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { problemIEVersion = true; } // Add do-not-cache response headers. if (!problemIEVersion) { // Add the website's standard do-not-cache headers. NoCacheAttribute.AddResponseHeaders(response); } else { // For problem IE versions... reference: response.AppendHeader("Last-Modified", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // RFC 1123 format response.AppendHeader("Expires", "-1"); response.AppendHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, private"); response.AppendHeader("Vary", "*"); } }
void SendAsset(HttpRequestBase request, HttpResponseBase response, Bundle bundle, IAsset asset) { response.ContentType = bundle.ContentType; var actualETag = "\"" + asset.Hash.ToHexString() + "\""; if(request.RawUrl.Contains(asset.Hash.ToHexString())) { CacheLongTime(response, actualETag); } else { NoCache(response); } var givenETag = request.Headers["If-None-Match"]; if (!disableHashCheck && givenETag == actualETag) { SendNotModified(response); } else { using (var stream = asset.OpenStream()) { stream.CopyTo(response.OutputStream); } } }
/// <summary> /// Identifies the currently selected path, starting from the selected node. /// </summary> /// <param name="menuItems">All the menuitems in the navigation menu.</param> /// <param name="currentRequest">The currently executed request if any</param> /// <param name="currentRouteData">The current route data.</param> /// <returns>A stack with the selection path being the last node the currently selected one.</returns> public static Stack<MenuItem> SetSelectedPath(IEnumerable<MenuItem> menuItems, HttpRequestBase currentRequest, RouteValueDictionary currentRouteData) { // doing route data comparison first and if that fails, fallback to string-based URL lookup var path = SetSelectedPath(menuItems, currentRequest, currentRouteData, false) ?? SetSelectedPath(menuItems, currentRequest, currentRouteData, true); return path; }
//Following me public string GetLoggedInUsername(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("rfs.username"); myCookie = request.Cookies["rfs.username"]; if (myCookie != null) { HttpCookie myCookie2 = new HttpCookie("rfs.logincode"); myCookie2 = request.Cookies["rfs.logincode"]; if (myCookie2 != null) { string connectionstring = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbconnectionstring"]; IdentityValidation idv = new IdentityValidation(connectionstring); string user = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(myCookie.Value); string logincode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(myCookie2.Value); if (idv.CheckLoginCode(user, logincode)) { // create session //Session[myCookie.Value] = "loggedIn"; return(user); } // redirect to home page //username = Server.HtmlEncode(myCookie.Value); //if (Session[username].ToString() == "loggedIn") //{ //} } } return(string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// 如果不是移动端访问,跳转到PC端页面 /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetPCUrlString(HttpRequestBase request) { var originalUrl = request.Url.OriginalString; var host = request.Url.Host; var port = request.Url.Port; var mobileDomain = string.Empty; var pcDomain = string.Empty; if (port == 80) { mobileDomain = host + "/mobile"; pcDomain = host; } else { mobileDomain = host + ":" + port + "/mobile"; pcDomain = host + ":" + port; } if (port == 80) { string portInUrl = ":80"; int portIndex = originalUrl.IndexOf(portInUrl); if (portIndex != -1) { originalUrl = originalUrl.Remove(portIndex, portInUrl.Length); } } return originalUrl.Replace(mobileDomain, pcDomain); }
public PriceCalculationService( IDiscountService discountService, ICategoryService categoryService, IProductAttributeParser productAttributeParser, IProductService productService, ShoppingCartSettings shoppingCartSettings, CatalogSettings catalogSettings, IProductAttributeService productAttributeService, IDownloadService downloadService, ICommonServices services, HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase, ITaxService taxService) { this._discountService = discountService; this._categoryService = categoryService; this._productAttributeParser = productAttributeParser; this._productService = productService; this._shoppingCartSettings = shoppingCartSettings; this._catalogSettings = catalogSettings; this._productAttributeService = productAttributeService; this._downloadService = downloadService; this._services = services; this._httpRequestBase = httpRequestBase; this._taxService = taxService; }
public static string GetUserName(HttpRequestBase request,HttpContextBase context) { //return "poweradmin"; //return "Administrator"; //return "wjl"; return request.IsAuthenticated ? context.User.Identity.Name.GetDomainName() : string.Empty; }
public TaskTypeResult ProcessFormCollection(int taskID, int userID, FormCollection collection, HttpRequestBase request) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); Task task = db.Tasks.Find(taskID); UserTaskData data = db.UserTasks.SingleOrDefault(d => d.TaskID == taskID && d.UserID == userID); // CREATE POST InteractionThread thread = new InteractionThread(); thread.UserID = userID; thread.TotalReplies = 0; thread.Subject = "Assignment: " + task.Name; thread.TaskID = taskID; thread.ThreadDate = DateTime.Now; db.InteractionThreads.Add(thread); db.SaveChanges(); InteractionPost post = new InteractionPost(); post.IsApproved = true; post.PostContent = request["usercomment"]; post.PostContentFormatted = Interactions.FormatPost(request["usercomment"]); post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ReplyToPostID = 0; post.ThreadID = thread.ThreadID; post.UserID = userID; post.Subject = "RE: Assignment: " + task.Name; post.TaskID = taskID; db.InteractionPosts.Add(post); db.SaveChanges(); return new TaskTypeResult() { Success = true, UrlHash = "thread-" + thread.ThreadID }; }
public Pager(RequestContext requestContext, PageInfo pageInfo, IEnumerable<string> queryKeysForCut) { _requestContext = requestContext; _request = _requestContext.HttpContext.Request; _pageInfo = pageInfo; _queryKeysForCut = queryKeysForCut; }
public static async Task<IQueryable<Package>> SearchCore( ISearchService searchService, HttpRequestBase request, IQueryable<Package> packages, string searchTerm, string targetFramework, bool includePrerelease, CuratedFeed curatedFeed) { SearchFilter searchFilter; // We can only use Lucene if: // a) We are looking for the latest version of a package OR the Index contains all versions of each package // b) The sort order is something Lucene can handle if (TryReadSearchFilter(searchService.ContainsAllVersions, request.RawUrl, out searchFilter)) { searchFilter.SearchTerm = searchTerm; searchFilter.IncludePrerelease = includePrerelease; searchFilter.CuratedFeed = curatedFeed; searchFilter.SupportedFramework = targetFramework; var results = await GetResultsFromSearchService(searchService, searchFilter); return results; } if (!includePrerelease) { packages = packages.Where(p => !p.IsPrerelease); } return packages.Search(searchTerm); }
public static string GetReferrerUrlOrCurrent(this System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { if (request.UrlReferrer != null) { return(request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri); } return((request.HttpMethod == "POST") ? request.Url.AbsoluteUri : "/"); }
private static Stream GetBodyStream(HttpRequest httpRequest) { #if !ASP_NET_CORE var body = httpRequest.InputStream; #else var body = httpRequest.Body; #endif return(body); }
/// <summary> /// 判断URL是否是本域名(防劫持) /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsOtherDomain(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, Uri url) { //非本域名 if (Uri.Compare(url, request.Url, UriComponents.HostAndPort, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) != 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static string GetRequestUrl(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { if (request == null) { return(string.Empty); } return(UrlDeCode(request.Url.ToString())); }
public IResourceContext FromHttpRequest(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { ResourceContext context = new ResourceContext(); context.Form = request.Form; context.QueryString = request.QueryString; context.Headers = request.Headers; return(context); }
public static bool CanEnd(this IPaymentProvider provider, System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { var data = request.ToDictionary(RequestRead.QueryAndForm); data.Add("HttpMethod", request.HttpMethod); data.Add("Url", request.Url.AbsoluteUri); return(provider.CanEnd(data)); }
protected internal override bool CanUnbind(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } return(request.HttpMethod == "POST" && request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("SAMLResponse")); }
public static string GetCookie(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, string cookieName) { if (request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains(cookieName)) { return(request.Cookies[cookieName].Value); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 验证是否是其他域名(ture则非本域名) /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsOtherDomain(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { var urlReferrer = request.UrlReferrer;//注意一下可能为空 //非本域名 if (urlReferrer != null && Uri.Compare(urlReferrer, request.Url, UriComponents.HostAndPort, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) != 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
private bool TryGetBody(HttpRequest httpRequest, long?contentLength, out Stream body) { body = null; if (contentLength <= 0) { return(false); } if (MaxContentLength > 0 && contentLength > MaxContentLength) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream is too big. ContentLength={0}", contentLength); return(false); } body = GetBodyStream(httpRequest); if (body == null) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream was null"); return(false); } if (!body.CanRead) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream has been closed"); return(false); } if (!body.CanSeek) { var oldPosition = body.Position; if (oldPosition > 0 && oldPosition >= contentLength) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream cannot seek and already read. StreamPosition={0}", oldPosition); return(false); } if (!TryEnableBuffering(httpRequest, contentLength, out body)) { return(false); } } else { if (MaxContentLength > 0 && !contentLength.HasValue && body.Length > MaxContentLength) { InternalLogger.Debug("AspNetRequestPostedBody: body stream too big. Body.Length={0}", body.Length); body = null; return(false); } } return(true); }
private HttpRequestBase request; // 内部使用的 Request 对象 public DataTablesRequest(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) // 用于 MVC 模式下的构造函数 { this.request = request; this.echo = this.ParseStringParameter(sEchoParameter); this.displayStart = this.ParseIntParameter(iDisplayStartParameter); this.displayLength = this.ParseIntParameter(iDisplayLengthParameter); this.sortingCols = this.ParseIntParameter(iSortingColsParameter); = this.ParseStringParameter(sSearchParameter); this.regex = this.ParseStringParameter(bRegexParameter) == "true"; // 排序的列 int count = this.iSortingCols; this.sortColumns = new SortColumn[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SortColumn col = new SortColumn(); col.Index = this.ParseIntParameter(string.Format("iSortCol_{0}", i)); if (this.ParseStringParameter(string.Format("sSortDir_{0}", i)) == "desc") { col.Direction = SortDirection.Desc; } else { col.Direction = SortDirection.Asc; } this.sortColumns[i] = col; } this.ColumnCount = this.ParseIntParameter(iColumnsParameter); count = this.ColumnCount; this.columns = new Column[count]; if (this.ParseStringParameter(sColumnsParameter) == null || !this.ParseStringParameter(sColumnsParameter).Contains(',')) { return; } string[] names = this.ParseStringParameter(sColumnsParameter).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Column col = new Column(); col.Name = names[i]; col.Sortable = this.ParseStringParameter(string.Format("bSortable_{0}", i)) == "true"; col.Searchable = this.ParseStringParameter(string.Format("bSearchable_{0}", i)) == "true"; col.Search = this.ParseStringParameter(string.Format("sSearch_{0}", i)); col.EscapeRegex = this.ParseStringParameter(string.Format("bRegex_{0}", i)) == "true"; columns[i] = col; } }
private static Stream EnableRewind(HttpRequest httpRequest, int bufferThreshold) { #if ASP_NET_CORE2 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(httpRequest, bufferThreshold); return(httpRequest.Body); #elif ASP_NET_CORE1 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Internal.BufferingHelper.EnableRewind(httpRequest, bufferThreshold); return(httpRequest.Body); #else return(null); #endif }
public Dictionary <string, object> ExtractPostData(System.Web.HttpRequestBase Request) { // GET THE POST DATA, PUT INTO JSON/DICTIONARY FORM Stream body = Request.InputStream; Encoding encoding = Request.ContentEncoding; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(body, encoding); string json = reader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var req_data = ser.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(json); return(req_data); }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { System.Web.HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response; System.Web.HttpRequestBase request = context.HttpContext.Request; string url = request.Url.OriginalString; ViewData["RequestedUrl"] = url; ViewData["ReferrerUrl"] = (request.UrlReferrer != null && request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString != url) ? request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString : null; response.StatusCode = 404; // Prevent IIS7 from overwriting our error page! response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; base.ExecuteResult(context); }
public static decimal?GetDecimalNullable(this System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, string name, decimal?defaultValue = null) { var s = GetString(request, name); decimal i; if (decimal.TryParse(s, out i)) { return(i); } else { return(defaultValue); } }
public static int GetInt(this System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, string name, int defaultValue = 0) { var s = GetString(request, name); var i = 0; if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) { return(i); } else { return(defaultValue); } }
public static string QueryStringToParams(int pagina, System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { string query = request.Params.ToString(); Regex regex = new Regex("pagina.*?&"); query = regex.Replace(query, ""); regex = new Regex("ALL_HTTP.*"); query = regex.Replace(query, ""); regex = new Regex("&&.*"); query = regex.Replace(query, ""); return("?pagina=" + pagina + "&" + query); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前第三方帐号上的访问授权 /// </summary> /// <param name="Request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override string GetAccessToken(System.Web.HttpRequestBase Request) { string code = Request.QueryString.GetString("code", string.Empty); _restClient.BaseUrl = ""; _restClient.Authenticator = null; var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.Resource = "oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={appkey}&client_secret={appsecret}&code={code}&redirect_uri={callbackurl}"; request.AddParameter("appkey", AccountType.AppKey, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("appsecret", AccountType.AppSecret, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("code", code, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("callbackurl", CallbackUrl, ParameterType.UrlSegment); var response = Execute(_restClient, request); string access_token = GetParmFromContent(response.Content, @"""access_token"":""(?<accessToken>[^""]+)""", "accessToken"); return(access_token); }
/// <summary> /// 获取请求用户的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Ho_PartnerUser GetUserInfo(System.Web.HttpRequestBase Request) { HttpCookie Mycookie = Request.Cookies["WebUserInfo"]; if (Mycookie != null) { string str = Mycookie.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(str); string[] user = str.Split('&'); IDatabase database = DataFactory.Database(); var model = database.FindEntity <Ho_PartnerUser>(user[0]); return(model); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前第三方帐号上的访问授权 /// </summary> /// <param name="Request"></param> /// <param name="expires_in">有效期(单位:秒)</param> /// <returns></returns> public override string GetAccessToken(System.Web.HttpRequestBase Request, out int expires_in) { string code = Request.QueryString.GetString("code", string.Empty); _restClient.BaseUrl = ""; _restClient.Authenticator = null; var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.Resource = "oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={appkey}&client_secret={appsecret}&code={code}&redirect_uri={callbackurl}"; request.AddParameter("appkey", AccountType.AppKey, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("appsecret", AccountType.AppSecret, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("code", code, ParameterType.UrlSegment); request.AddParameter("callbackurl", CallbackUrl, ParameterType.UrlSegment); var response = Execute(_restClient, request); dynamic json = Json.Decode(response.Content); expires_in = json.expires_in; return(json.access_token); }
public IAuthorizationContext FromHttpRequest(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request) { NameValueCollection values; if (request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() == "GET") { values = request.QueryString; } else if (request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() == "POST") { values = request.Form; } else { throw new HttpException(405, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, AuthorizationEndpointResources.InvalidRequestMethod, request.HttpMethod)); } return(CreateContext(values)); }
public void Logout(System.Web.HttpRequestBase request, System.Web.HttpResponseBase response, System.Web.HttpSessionStateBase session) { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("rfs.username"); myCookie = request.Cookies["rfs.username"]; if (myCookie != null) { session[myCookie.Value] = ""; } HttpCookie currentUserCookie = request.Cookies["rfs.username"]; response.Cookies.Remove("rfs.username"); if (currentUserCookie != null) { currentUserCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10); currentUserCookie.Value = null; response.SetCookie(currentUserCookie); } }
public static void send(string Email, string Name, System.Web.HttpRequestBase Request, string activationCode, int?password, string Path) { using (StreamReader reader = System.IO.File.OpenText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path))) // Path to your { MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(); mm.To.Add(new MailAddress(Email, "Request for Verification")); mm.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mm.Subject = "Microsoft support team"; // mm.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html; mm.IsBodyHtml = true; if (password == null) { if ((Path == "~/email.html") || (Path == "~/Validate.html")) { mm.Body = reader.ReadToEnd().Replace("<%Scheme%>", Request.Url.Scheme) .Replace("<%Authority%>", Request.Url.Authority) .Replace("<%email%>", Email) .Replace("<%Code%>", activationCode) .Replace("<%name%>", Name); } } else { mm.Body = reader.ReadToEnd().Replace("<%Scheme%>", Request.Url.Scheme) .Replace("<%Authority%>", Request.Url.Authority) .Replace("<%email%>", Email) .Replace("<%Code%>", activationCode) .Replace("<%password%>", password.ToString()) .Replace("<%name%>", Name); } SmtpClient smcl = new SmtpClient(); smcl.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smcl.EnableSsl = true; smcl.Host = ""; smcl.Port = 587; smcl.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smcl.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Mohamed55&"); smcl.Send(mm); } }
public PaymentInfo ProcessReturn(System.Web.HttpRequestBase context) { //Get方式 NameValueCollection coll = context.QueryString; Dictionary <string, string> paras = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string key in coll.AllKeys) { paras.Add(key, coll[key]); } Notify notify = new Notify(WorkDirectory); bool isSign = notify.Verify(paras, string.Empty, (string)coll["sign"], _Config); PaymentInfo info = new PaymentInfo(); if (isSign) { info.OrderIds = coll["out_trade_no"].Split(',').Select(item => long.Parse(item)); info.TradNo = coll["trade_no"]; } return(info); }