private static void OnCompressedGump(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs e) { p.MoveToData(); uint sender = p.ReadUInt32(); uint id = p.ReadUInt32(); if (id == responseID) _responseSender = sender; if (id != compressedID) return; p.Seek(19, SeekOrigin.Begin); p.Seek(p.ReadInt32(), SeekOrigin.Current); int lines = p.ReadInt32(), cLen = p.ReadInt32(), dLen = p.ReadInt32(); if (cLen < 5) return; byte[] buffer = new byte[dLen]; ZLib.uncompress(buffer, ref dLen, p.CopyBytes(p.Position, cLen - 4), cLen - 4); string afk = string.Empty; for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < lines; i++) { int strLen = (buffer[pos++] << 8) | buffer[pos++]; string str = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(buffer, pos, strLen * 2); int index = str.IndexOf('>'); if (index != -1 && index < str.Length - 1) afk += str[index + 1].ToString().ToUpper().Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD)[0]; pos += strLen * 2; } afk = afk.Trim(); if (afk.Length == 5 && _responseSender != 0) { /*ClientCommunication.SendToClient(new CloseGump(responseID)); WorldEx.SendToServer(new GumpResponse(responseSender, responseID, 0x310, new int[0], new[] { new GumpTextEntry(0x310, afk) })); responseSender = 0;*/ WorldEx.OverHeadMessage(afk); } }
private static void OnHuedEffect(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args) { byte type = p.ReadByte(); Serial src = p.ReadUInt32(); Serial dest = p.ReadUInt32(); ItemID itemID = p.ReadUInt16(); p.Seek(10, SeekOrigin.Current); byte speed = p.ReadByte(); byte count = p.ReadByte(); p.ReadUInt32(); uint hue = p.ReadUInt32(); uint mode = p.ReadUInt32(); Handle(huedEffect, args, type, src, dest, itemID, speed, count, hue, mode); }
private static void ClientDoubleClick(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args) { Serial serial = p.ReadUInt32(); if (items.ContainsKey(serial)) { args.Block = true; WorldEx.SendToServer(new DoubleClick(items[serial].List.Last())); } else args.Block = PacketHandler.ProcessViewers(clientDoubleClick, p); }
public override void HandlePacket(Client context, byte flags, byte[] data, uint position, uint size) { if (context.Character == null) return; var reader = new PacketReader(data, position, size); reader.BaseStream.Seek(0xC, SeekOrigin.Begin); var channel = reader.ReadUInt32(); var message = reader.ReadUtf16(0x9D3F, 0x44); if (message.StartsWith(PolarisApp.Config.CommandPrefix)) { var valid = false; // Iterate commands foreach (var command in PolarisApp.ConsoleSystem.Commands) { var full = message.Substring(1); // Strip the command chars var args = full.Split(' '); if (command.Names.Any(name => args[0].ToLower() == name.ToLower())) { command.Run(args, args.Length, full, context); valid = true; Logger.WriteCommand(null, "[CMD] {0} issued command {1}", context.User.Username, full); } if (valid) break; } if (!valid) Logger.WriteClient(context, "[CMD] {0} - Command not found", message.Split(' ')[0].Trim('\r')); } else { Logger.Write("[CHT] <{0}> <{1}>", context.Character.Name, message); var writer = new PacketWriter(); writer.WritePlayerHeader((uint) context.User.PlayerId); writer.Write(channel); writer.WriteUtf16(message, 0x9D3F, 0x44); data = writer.ToArray(); foreach (var c in Server.Instance.Clients) { if (c.Character == null || c.CurrentZone != context.CurrentZone) continue; c.SendPacket(0x07, 0x00, 0x44, data); } } }
private static void OnCompressedGump(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs e) { p.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (p.ReadUInt32() != 0x1105B263) return; p.Seek(19, SeekOrigin.Begin); p.Seek(p.ReadInt32() + 4, SeekOrigin.Current); int cLen = p.ReadInt32(), dLen = p.ReadInt32(); byte[] buffer = new byte[dLen]; ZLib.uncompress(buffer, ref dLen, p.CopyBytes(p.Position, cLen - 4), cLen - 4); int strLen = (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; string[] str = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(buffer, 2, strLen * 2).Split(','); string[] lat = str[0].Split('°'); int yLat = int.Parse(lat[0]); int yMins = int.Parse(lat[1].Split('\'')[0]); bool ySouth = lat[1][lat[1].Length - 1] == 'S'; string[] lon = str[1].Split('°'); int xLong = int.Parse(lon[0]); int xMins = int.Parse(lon[1].Split('\'')[0]); bool xEast = lon[1][lon[1].Length - 1] == 'E'; const int xWidth = 5120; const int yHeight = 4096; const int xCenter = 1323; const int yCenter = 1624; double absLong = xLong + ((double)xMins / 60); double absLat = yLat + ((double)yMins / 60); if (!xEast) absLong = 360.0 - absLong; if (!ySouth) absLat = 360.0 - absLat; int x = xCenter + (int)((absLong * xWidth) / 360); int y = yCenter + (int)((absLat * yHeight) / 360); if (x < 0) x += xWidth; else if (x >= xWidth) x -= xWidth; if (y < 0) y += yHeight; else if (y >= yHeight) y -= yHeight; onGump(x, y); }
private static void EquipmentUpdate( PacketReader p ) { Serial serial = p.ReadUInt32(); Item i = World.FindItem( serial ); if ( i == null ) { World.AddItem( i=new Item( serial ) ); Item.UpdateContainers(); } if ( World.Player != null && World.Player.Holding == i ) World.Player.Holding = null; ushort iid = p.ReadUInt16(); i.ItemID = (ushort)(iid + p.ReadSByte()); // signed, itemID offset i.Layer = p.ReadByte(); Serial ser = p.ReadUInt32();// cont must be set after hue (for counters) i.Hue = p.ReadUInt16(); i.Container = ser; }
public override void HandlePacket(Client context, byte flags, byte[] data, uint position, uint size) { PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(data); reader.ReadUInt64(); // Skip 8 bytes if(reader.ReadUInt32() != 0x10) { Logger.WriteWarning("[WRN] Packet 0x3 0x34's first value was not 0x10! Investigate."); } uint partOfLobby = reader.ReadUInt32(); PSOLocation destination; if(partOfLobby == 0) // Gate area { destination = new PSOLocation(0f, 1f, 0f, 0f, -0.22f, 2.4f, 198.75f); } else // Shop area { destination = new PSOLocation(0f, 1f, 0f, 20f, 0.20f, 1.23f, -175.25f); } Map lobbyMap = ZoneManager.Instance.MapFromInstance("lobby", "lobby"); lobbyMap.SpawnClient(context, destination, "lobby"); }
private static void EquipRequest( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial iser = p.ReadUInt32(); // item being dropped serial Layer layer = (Layer)p.ReadByte(); Serial mser = p.ReadUInt32(); Item item = World.FindItem( iser ); if ( MacroManager.AcceptActions ) { if ( layer == Layer.Invalid || layer > Layer.LastValid ) { if ( item != null ) { layer = item.Layer; if ( layer == Layer.Invalid || layer > Layer.LastValid ) layer = (Layer)item.ItemID.ItemData.Quality; } } if ( layer > Layer.Invalid && layer <= Layer.LastUserValid ) MacroManager.Action( new DropAction( mser, Point3D.Zero, layer ) ); } if ( item == null ) return; Mobile m = World.FindMobile( mser ); if ( m == null ) return; if ( Config.GetBool( "QueueActions" ) ) args.Block = DragDropManager.Drop( item, m, layer ); }
private static void DeathAnimation( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial killed = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( Config.GetBool( "AutoCap" ) ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( killed ); if ( m != null && ( ( m.Body >= 0x0190 && m.Body <= 0x0193 ) || ( m.Body >= 0x025D && m.Body <= 0x0260 ) ) && Utility.Distance( World.Player.Position, m.Position ) <= 12 ) ScreenCapManager.DeathCapture(); } }
private static void CompressedGump( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { if ( World.Player != null ) { World.Player.CurrentGumpS = p.ReadUInt32(); World.Player.CurrentGumpI = p.ReadUInt32(); } /*try { int x = p.ReadInt32(), y = p.ReadInt32(); string layout = p.GetCompressedReader().ReadString(); int numStrings = p.ReadInt32(); if ( numStrings < 0 || numStrings > 256 ) numStrings = 0; ArrayList strings = new ArrayList( numStrings ); PacketReader pComp = p.GetCompressedReader(); int len = 0; while ( !pComp.AtEnd && (len=pComp.ReadInt16()) > 0 ) strings.Add( pComp.ReadUnicodeString( len ) ); } catch { }*/ if ( Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions && MacroManager.Action( new WaitForGumpAction( World.Player.CurrentGumpI ) ) ) args.Block = true; // ZIPPY REV 80 // ClientCommunication.ForwardPacket( p.Pointer, p.Length ); }
private static void ClientGumpResponse( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { if ( World.Player == null ) return; Serial ser = p.ReadUInt32(); uint tid = p.ReadUInt32(); int bid = p.ReadInt32(); World.Player.HasGump = false; int sc = p.ReadInt32(); if ( sc < 0 || sc > 2000 ) return; int[] switches = new int[sc]; for(int i=0;i<sc;i++) switches[i] = p.ReadInt32(); int ec = p.ReadInt32(); if ( ec < 0 || ec > 2000 ) return; GumpTextEntry[] entries = new GumpTextEntry[ec]; for(int i=0;i<ec;i++) { ushort id = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort len = p.ReadUInt16(); if ( len >= 240 ) return; string text = p.ReadUnicodeStringSafe( len ); entries[i] = new GumpTextEntry( id, text ); } if ( Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions ) MacroManager.Action( new GumpResponseAction( bid, switches, entries ) ); }
private static void ClientDoubleClick( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial ser = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( Config.GetBool( "BlockDismount" ) && World.Player != null && ser == World.Player.Serial && World.Player.Warmode && World.Player.GetItemOnLayer( Layer.Mount ) != null ) { // mount layer = 0x19 World.Player.SendMessage( LocString.DismountBlocked ); args.Block = true; return; } if ( Config.GetBool( "QueueActions" ) ) args.Block = !PlayerData.DoubleClick( ser, false ); if ( Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions ) { ushort gfx = 0; if ( ser.IsItem ) { Item i = World.FindItem( ser ); if ( i != null ) gfx = i.ItemID; } else { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( ser ); if ( m != null ) gfx = m.Body; } if ( gfx != 0 ) MacroManager.Action( new DoubleClickAction( ser, gfx ) ); } }
private static void WorldItem( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Item item; uint serial = p.ReadUInt32(); item = World.FindItem( serial&0x7FFFFFFF ); bool isNew = false; if ( item == null ) { World.AddItem( item=new Item( serial&0x7FFFFFFF ) ); isNew = true; } else { item.CancelRemove(); } if ( !DragDropManager.EndHolding( serial ) ) return; item.Container = null; Counter.Uncount( item ); ushort itemID = p.ReadUInt16(); item.ItemID = (ushort)(itemID&0x7FFF); if ( (serial & 0x80000000) != 0 ) item.Amount = p.ReadUInt16(); else item.Amount = 1; if ( (itemID & 0x8000) != 0 ) item.ItemID = (ushort)(item.ItemID + p.ReadSByte()); ushort x = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort y = p.ReadUInt16(); if ( (x & 0x8000) != 0 ) item.Direction = p.ReadByte(); else item.Direction = 0; short z = p.ReadSByte(); item.Position = new Point3D( x&0x7FFF, y&0x3FFF, z ); if ( ( y & 0x8000 ) != 0 ) item.Hue = p.ReadUInt16(); else item.Hue = 0; byte flags = 0; if ( ( y & 0x4000 ) != 0 ) flags = p.ReadByte(); item.ProcessPacketFlags( flags ); if ( isNew && World.Player != null ) { if ( item.ItemID == 0x2006 )// corpse itemid = 0x2006 { if ( Config.GetBool( "ShowCorpseNames" ) ) ClientCommunication.SendToServer( new SingleClick( item ) ); if ( Config.GetBool( "AutoOpenCorpses" ) && Utility.InRange( item.Position, World.Player.Position, Config.GetInt( "CorpseRange" ) ) && World.Player != null && World.Player.Visible ) PlayerData.DoubleClick( item ) ; } else if ( item.IsMulti ) { ClientCommunication.PostAddMulti( item.ItemID, item.Position ); } else { ScavengerAgent s = ScavengerAgent.Instance; int dist = Utility.Distance( item.GetWorldPosition(), World.Player.Position ); if ( !World.Player.IsGhost && World.Player.Visible && dist <= 2 && s.Enabled && item.Movable ) s.Scavenge( item ); } } Item.UpdateContainers(); }
private static void OnPartyMessage( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { switch ( p.ReadByte() ) { case 0x01: // List { m_Party.Clear(); int count = p.ReadByte(); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { Serial s = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( World.Player == null || s != World.Player.Serial ) m_Party.Add( s ); } break; } case 0x02: // Remove Member/Re-list { m_Party.Clear(); int count = p.ReadByte(); Serial remSerial = p.ReadUInt32(); // the serial of who was removed if ( World.Player != null ) { Mobile rem = World.FindMobile( remSerial ); if ( rem != null && !Utility.InRange( World.Player.Position, rem.Position, World.Player.VisRange ) ) rem.Remove(); } for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { Serial s = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( World.Player == null || s != World.Player.Serial ) m_Party.Add( s ); } break; } case 0x03: // text message case 0x04: // 3 = private, 4 = public { //Serial from = p.ReadUInt32(); //string text = p.ReadUnicodeStringSafe(); break; } case 0x07: // party invite { //Serial leader = p.ReadUInt32(); PartyLeader = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( m_PartyDeclineTimer == null ) m_PartyDeclineTimer = Timer.DelayedCallback( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 10.0 ), new TimerCallback( PartyAutoDecline ) ); m_PartyDeclineTimer.Start(); break; } } if (Engine.MainWindow.MapWindow != null) Engine.MainWindow.MapWindow.UpdateMap(); }
private static void NewMobileStatus( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( (Serial)p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( m == null ) return; UseNewStatus = true; // 00 01 p.ReadUInt16(); // 00 01 Poison // 00 02 Yellow Health Bar ushort id = p.ReadUInt16(); // 00 Off // 01 On // For Poison: Poison Level + 1 byte flag = p.ReadByte(); if ( id == 1 ) { bool wasPoisoned = m.Poisoned; m.Poisoned = ( flag != 0 ); if ( m == World.Player && wasPoisoned != m.Poisoned ) ClientCommunication.RequestTitlebarUpdate(); } }
private static void ServerList( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { p.ReadByte(); //unknown ushort numServers = p.ReadUInt16(); for ( int i = 0; i < numServers; ++i ) { ushort num = p.ReadUInt16(); World.Servers[num] = p.ReadString( 32 ); p.ReadByte(); // full % p.ReadSByte(); // time zone p.ReadUInt32(); // ip } }
private static void StamUpdate( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( m != null ) { int oldPercent = (int)(m.Stam*100 / (m.StamMax == 0 ? (ushort)1 : m.StamMax)); m.StamMax = p.ReadUInt16(); m.Stam = p.ReadUInt16(); if ( m == World.Player ) { ClientCommunication.RequestTitlebarUpdate(); ClientCommunication.PostStamUpdate(); } if ( m != World.Player && ClientCommunication.AllowBit( FeatureBit.OverheadHealth ) && Config.GetBool( "ShowPartyStats" ) ) { int stamPercent = (int)(m.Stam*100 / (m.StamMax == 0 ? (ushort)1 : m.StamMax)); int manaPercent = (int)(m.Mana*100 / (m.ManaMax == 0 ? (ushort)1 : m.ManaMax)); // Limit to people who are on screen and check the previous value so we dont get spammed. if ( oldPercent != stamPercent && World.Player != null && Utility.Distance( World.Player.Position, m.Position ) <= 12 ) { try { m.OverheadMessageFrom( 0x63, Language.Format( LocString.sStatsA1, m.Name ), Config.GetString( "PartyStatFmt" ), manaPercent, stamPercent ); } catch { } } } } }
private static void PersonalLight( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { if ( World.Player != null && !args.Block ) { p.ReadUInt32(); // serial World.Player.LocalLightLevel = p.ReadSByte(); } }
private static void BeginContainerContent( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial ser = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( !ser.IsItem ) return; Item item = World.FindItem( ser ); if ( item != null ) { if ( m_IgnoreGumps.Contains( item ) ) { m_IgnoreGumps.Remove( item ); args.Block = true; } } else { World.AddItem( new Item( ser ) ); Item.UpdateContainers(); } }
private static void PlayCharacter( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { p.ReadUInt32(); //0xedededed World.OrigPlayerName = p.ReadStringSafe( 30 ); PlayCharTime = DateTime.Now; if ( Engine.MainWindow != null ) Engine.MainWindow.UpdateControlLocks(); ClientCommunication.TranslateLogin( World.OrigPlayerName, World.ShardName ); }
private static void ClientEncodedPacket( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial serial = p.ReadUInt32(); ushort packetID = p.ReadUInt16(); switch ( packetID ) { case 0x19: // set ability { int ability = 0; if ( p.ReadByte() == 0 ) ability = p.ReadInt32(); if ( ability >= 0 && ability < (int)AOSAbility.Invalid && Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions ) MacroManager.Action( new SetAbilityAction( (AOSAbility)ability ) ); break; } } }
private static void RemoveObject( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial serial = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( serial.IsMobile ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( serial ); if ( m != null && m != World.Player ) m.Remove(); } else if ( serial.IsItem ) { Item i = World.FindItem( serial ); if ( i != null ) { if ( DragDropManager.Holding == i ) { Counter.SupressWarnings = true; i.Container = null; Counter.SupressWarnings = false; } else { i.RemoveRequest(); } } } }
private static void ClientSingleClick( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { // if you modify this, don't forget to modify the allnames hotkey if ( Config.GetBool( "LastTargTextFlags" ) ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( m != null ) Targeting.CheckTextFlags( m ); } }
private static void RunUOProtocolExtention(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args) { args.Block = true; switch (p.ReadByte()) { case 1: // Custom Party information { Serial serial; PacketHandlers.SpecialPartyReceived++; while ((serial = p.ReadUInt32()) > 0) { Mobile mobile = World.FindMobile(serial); short x = p.ReadInt16(); short y = p.ReadInt16(); byte map = p.ReadByte(); if (mobile == null) { World.AddMobile( mobile = new Mobile(serial) ); mobile.Visible = false; } if ( mobile.Name == null || mobile.Name.Length <= 0 ) mobile.Name = "(Not Seen)"; if ( !m_Party.Contains( serial ) ) m_Party.Add( serial ); if ( map == World.Player.Map ) mobile.Position = new Point3D(x, y, mobile.Position.Z); else mobile.Position = Point3D.Zero; } if (Engine.MainWindow.MapWindow != null) Engine.MainWindow.MapWindow.UpdateMap(); break; } case 0xFE: // Begin Handshake/Features Negotiation { ulong features = p.ReadRawUInt64(); if ( ClientCommunication.HandleNegotiate( features ) != 0 ) { ClientCommunication.SendToServer( new RazorNegotiateResponse() ); Engine.MainWindow.UpdateControlLocks(); } break; } } }
private static void CustomHouseInfo( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { p.ReadByte(); // compression p.ReadByte(); // Unknown Item i = World.FindItem( p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( i != null ) { i.HouseRevision = p.ReadInt32(); i.HousePacket = p.CopyBytes( 0, p.Length ); } }
private static void SAWorldItem(PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args) { /* New World Item Packet PacketID: 0xF3 PacketLen: 24 Format: BYTE - 0xF3 packetId WORD - 0x01 BYTE - ArtDataID: 0x00 if the item uses art from TileData table, 0x02 if the item uses art from MultiData table) DWORD - item Serial WORD - item ID BYTE - item direction (same as old) WORD - amount WORD - amount WORD - X WORD - Y SBYTE - Z BYTE - item light WORD - item Hue BYTE - item flags (same as old packet) */ // Post- /* New World Item Packet PacketID: 0xF3 PacketLen: 26 Format: BYTE - 0xF3 packetId WORD - 0x01 BYTE - ArtDataID: 0x00 if the item uses art from TileData table, 0x02 if the item uses art from MultiData table) DWORD - item Serial WORD - item ID BYTE - item direction (same as old) WORD - amount WORD - amount WORD - X WORD - Y SBYTE - Z BYTE - item light WORD - item Hue BYTE - item flags (same as old packet) WORD ??? */ ushort _unk1 = p.ReadUInt16(); byte _artDataID = p.ReadByte(); Item item; uint serial = p.ReadUInt32(); item = World.FindItem(serial); bool isNew = false; if (item == null) { World.AddItem(item = new Item(serial)); isNew = true; } else { item.CancelRemove(); } if (!DragDropManager.EndHolding(serial)) return; item.Container = null; Counter.Uncount(item); ushort itemID = p.ReadUInt16(); item.ItemID = (ushort)( _artDataID == 0x02 ? itemID | 0x4000 : itemID ); item.Direction = p.ReadByte(); ushort _amount = p.ReadUInt16(); item.Amount = _amount = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort x = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort y = p.ReadUInt16(); short z = p.ReadSByte(); item.Position = new Point3D(x, y, z); byte _light = p.ReadByte(); item.Hue = p.ReadUInt16(); byte flags = p.ReadByte(); item.ProcessPacketFlags(flags); if (Engine.UsePostHSChanges) { p.ReadUInt16(); } if (isNew && World.Player != null) { if (item.ItemID == 0x2006)// corpse itemid = 0x2006 { if (Config.GetBool("ShowCorpseNames")) ClientCommunication.SendToServer(new SingleClick(item)); if (Config.GetBool("AutoOpenCorpses") && Utility.InRange(item.Position, World.Player.Position, Config.GetInt("CorpseRange")) && World.Player != null && World.Player.Visible) PlayerData.DoubleClick(item); } else if (item.IsMulti) { ClientCommunication.PostAddMulti(item.ItemID, item.Position); } else { ScavengerAgent s = ScavengerAgent.Instance; int dist = Utility.Distance(item.GetWorldPosition(), World.Player.Position); if (!World.Player.IsGhost && World.Player.Visible && dist <= 2 && s.Enabled && item.Movable) s.Scavenge(item); } } Item.UpdateContainers(); }
private static void DropRequest( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { Serial iser = p.ReadUInt32(); int x = p.ReadInt16(); int y = p.ReadInt16(); int z = p.ReadSByte(); if ( Engine.UsePostKRPackets ) /* grid num */p.ReadByte(); Point3D newPos = new Point3D( x, y, z ); Serial dser = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions ) MacroManager.Action( new DropAction( dser, newPos ) ); Item i = World.FindItem( iser ); if ( i == null ) return; Item dest = World.FindItem( dser ); if ( dest != null && dest.IsContainer && World.Player != null && ( dest.IsChildOf( World.Player.Backpack ) || dest.IsChildOf( World.Player.Quiver ) ) ) i.IsNew = true; if ( Config.GetBool( "QueueActions" ) ) args.Block = DragDropManager.Drop( i, dser, newPos ); }
private static void SendGump( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { if ( World.Player == null ) return; World.Player.CurrentGumpS = p.ReadUInt32(); World.Player.CurrentGumpI = p.ReadUInt32(); World.Player.HasGump = true; //byte[] data = p.CopyBytes( 11, p.Length - 11 ); if ( Macros.MacroManager.AcceptActions && MacroManager.Action( new WaitForGumpAction( World.Player.CurrentGumpI ) ) ) args.Block = true; // ZIPPY REV 80 // ClientCommunication.ForwardPacket( p.Pointer, p.Length ); }
private static void ExtendedPacket( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { ushort type = p.ReadUInt16(); switch ( type ) { case 0x04: // close gump { // int serial, int tid if ( World.Player != null ) World.Player.HasGump = false; break; } case 0x06: // party messages { OnPartyMessage( p, args ); break; } case 0x08: // map change { if ( World.Player != null ) World.Player.Map = p.ReadByte(); break; } case 0x14: // context menu { p.ReadInt16(); // 0x01 UOEntity ent = null; Serial ser = p.ReadUInt32(); if ( ser.IsMobile ) ent = World.FindMobile( ser ); else if ( ser.IsItem ) ent = World.FindItem( ser ); if ( ent != null ) { byte count = p.ReadByte(); try { ent.ContextMenu.Clear(); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { ushort idx = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort num = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort flags = p.ReadUInt16(); ushort color = 0; if ( (flags&0x02) != 0 ) color = p.ReadUInt16(); ent.ContextMenu.Add( idx, num ); } } catch { } } break; } case 0x18: // map patches { if ( World.Player != null ) { int count = p.ReadInt32() * 2; try { World.Player.MapPatches = new int[count]; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) World.Player.MapPatches[i] = p.ReadInt32(); } catch { } } break; } case 0x19: // stat locks { if ( p.ReadByte() == 0x02 ) { Mobile m = World.FindMobile( p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( World.Player == m && m != null ) { p.ReadByte();// 0? byte locks = p.ReadByte(); World.Player.StrLock = (LockType)((locks>>4) & 3); World.Player.DexLock = (LockType)((locks>>2) & 3); World.Player.IntLock = (LockType)(locks & 3); } } break; } case 0x1D: // Custom House "General Info" { Item i = World.FindItem( p.ReadUInt32() ); if ( i != null ) i.HouseRevision = p.ReadInt32(); break; } } }
private static void SendMenu( PacketReader p, PacketHandlerEventArgs args ) { if ( World.Player == null ) return; World.Player.CurrentMenuS = p.ReadUInt32(); World.Player.CurrentMenuI = p.ReadUInt16(); World.Player.HasMenu = true; if ( MacroManager.AcceptActions && MacroManager.Action( new WaitForMenuAction( World.Player.CurrentMenuI ) ) ) args.Block = true; }