コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath" />s for the members of the types stored in the <paramref name="extent" />.
 /// </summary>
 internal static MemberProjectionIndex Create(EntitySetBase extent, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
     // We generate the indices for the projected slots as we traverse the metadata.
     var index = new MemberProjectionIndex();
     GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, new MemberPath(extent), false); // need not only keys
     return index;
コード例 #2
        // <summary>
        // Starting at the <paramref name="member" />, recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath" />s for the fields embedded in it.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="member"> corresponds to a value of an Entity or Complex or Association type </param>
        // <param name="needKeysOnly"> indicates whether we need to only collect members that are keys </param>
        private static void GatherPartialSignature(
            MemberProjectionIndex index, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, MemberPath member, bool needKeysOnly)
            var memberType        = member.EdmType;
            var complexTypemember = memberType as ComplexType;

                complexTypemember != null ||
                memberType is EntityType ||      // for entity sets
                memberType is AssociationType || // For association sets
                memberType is RefType,           // for association ends
                "GatherPartialSignature can be called only for complex types, entity sets, association ends");

            if (memberType is ComplexType && needKeysOnly)
                // Check if the complex type needs to be traversed or not. If not, just return
                // from here. Else we need to continue to the code below. Right now, we do not
                // allow keys inside complex types

            // Make sure that this member is in the slot map before any of its embedded objects.

            // Consider each possible type value -- each type value conributes to a tuple in the result.
            // For that possible type, add all the type members into the signature.
            foreach (var possibleType in MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(memberType, edmItemCollection, false /*includeAbstractTypes*/))
                var possibleStructuralType = possibleType as StructuralType;
                Debug.Assert(possibleStructuralType != null, "Non-structural subtype?");

                GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(index, edmItemCollection, member, possibleStructuralType, needKeysOnly);
コード例 #3
 internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     // The slot corresponding to from1, etc
     var numBoolSlots = requiredSlots.Length - projectedSlotMap.Count;
     var slotNum = projectedSlotMap.BoolIndexToSlot(m_index, numBoolSlots);
     requiredSlots[slotNum] = true;
コード例 #4
            internal static void GetRequiredSlots(
                DomainBoolExpr expression, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
                bool[] requiredSlots)
                var visitor = new RequiredSlotsVisitor(projectedSlotMap, requiredSlots);

コード例 #5
        // <summary>
        // See <see cref="BoolLiteral.GetRequiredSlots" />.
        // </summary>
        internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
            // Simply get the slot for the variable var in "var in values"
            var member  = RestrictedMemberSlot.MemberPath;
            var slotNum = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(member);

            requiredSlots[slotNum] = true;
コード例 #6
        internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
            // The slot corresponding to from1, etc
            var numBoolSlots = requiredSlots.Length - projectedSlotMap.Count;
            var slotNum      = projectedSlotMap.BoolIndexToSlot(m_index, numBoolSlots);

            requiredSlots[slotNum] = true;
コード例 #7
 internal static void GetRequiredSlots(
     BoolExpr <DomainConstraint <BoolLiteral, Constant> > expression,
     MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
     bool[] requiredSlots)
     BoolExpression.RequiredSlotsVisitor requiredSlotsVisitor = new BoolExpression.RequiredSlotsVisitor(projectedSlotMap, requiredSlots);
     expression.Accept <BoolExpr <DomainConstraint <BoolLiteral, Constant> > >((Visitor <DomainConstraint <BoolLiteral, Constant>, BoolExpr <DomainConstraint <BoolLiteral, Constant> > >)requiredSlotsVisitor);
コード例 #8
        // <summary>
        // Recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath" />s for the members of the types stored in the <paramref name="extent" />.
        // </summary>
        internal static MemberProjectionIndex Create(EntitySetBase extent, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            // We generate the indices for the projected slots as we traverse the metadata.
            var index = new MemberProjectionIndex();

            GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, new MemberPath(extent), false); // need not only keys
コード例 #9
        internal static MemberProjectionIndex Create(
            EntitySetBase extent,
            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            MemberProjectionIndex index = new MemberProjectionIndex();

            MemberProjectionIndex.GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, new MemberPath(extent), false);
コード例 #10
        internal override void GetRequiredSlots(
            MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            bool[] requiredSlots)
            int numBoolSlots = requiredSlots.Length - projectedSlotMap.Count;
            int slot         = projectedSlotMap.BoolIndexToSlot(this.m_index, numBoolSlots);

            requiredSlots[slot] = true;
コード例 #11
        internal override void GetRequiredSlots(
            MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            bool[] requiredSlots)
            MemberPath memberPath = this.RestrictedMemberSlot.MemberPath;
            int        index      = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(memberPath);

            requiredSlots[index] = true;
コード例 #12
 // effects: Creates a view generator object that can be used to generate views
 // based on usedCells (projectedSlotMap are useful for deciphering the fields)
 internal BasicViewGenerator(
     MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, List<LeftCellWrapper> usedCells, FragmentQuery activeDomain,
     ViewgenContext context, MemberDomainMap domainMap, ErrorLog errorLog, ConfigViewGenerator config)
     Debug.Assert(usedCells.Count > 0, "No used cells");
     m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
     m_usedCells = usedCells;
     m_viewgenContext = context;
     m_activeDomain = activeDomain;
     m_errorLog = errorLog;
     m_config = config;
     m_domainMap = domainMap;
コード例 #13
        internal MemberMaps(
            ViewTarget viewTarget, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            MemberDomainMap queryDomainMap, MemberDomainMap updateDomainMap)
            m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
            m_queryDomainMap   = queryDomainMap;
            m_updateDomainMap  = updateDomainMap;

            Debug.Assert(m_queryDomainMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(m_updateDomainMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(m_projectedSlotMap != null);
            m_viewTarget = viewTarget;
コード例 #14
        internal MemberMaps(
            ViewTarget viewTarget, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            MemberDomainMap queryDomainMap, MemberDomainMap updateDomainMap)
            m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
            m_queryDomainMap = queryDomainMap;
            m_updateDomainMap = updateDomainMap;

            Debug.Assert(m_queryDomainMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(m_updateDomainMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(m_projectedSlotMap != null);
            m_viewTarget = viewTarget;
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 ///     Given the generated <paramref name="view" />, the <paramref name="caseStatements" /> for the multiconstant fields,
 ///     the <paramref name="projectedSlotMap" /> that maps different paths of the entityset (for which the view is being generated) to slot indexes in the view,
 ///     creates an object that is capable of generating the Cql for <paramref name="view" />.
 /// </summary>
 internal CqlGenerator(
     CellTreeNode view,
         CaseStatement> caseStatements,
     CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
     MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
     int numCellsInView,
     BoolExpression topLevelWhereClause,
     StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection)
     m_view = view;
     m_caseStatements = caseStatements;
     m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
     m_numBools = numCellsInView; // We have that many booleans
     m_topLevelWhereClause = topLevelWhereClause;
     m_identifiers = identifiers;
     m_mappingItemCollection = mappingItemCollection;
コード例 #16
        private static void GatherPartialSignature(
            MemberProjectionIndex index,
            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
            MemberPath member,
            bool needKeysOnly)
            EdmType edmType1 = member.EdmType;

            if (edmType1 is ComplexType && needKeysOnly)
            foreach (EdmType edmType2 in MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(edmType1, (ItemCollection)edmItemCollection, false))
                StructuralType possibleType = edmType2 as StructuralType;
                MemberProjectionIndex.GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(index, edmItemCollection, member, possibleType, needKeysOnly);
コード例 #17
        // requires: projectedSlotMap which contains a mapping of the fields
        // for "this" to integers
        // effects: Align the fields of this cell query using the
        // projectedSlotMap and generates a new query into newMainQuery
        // Based on the re-aligned fields in this, re-aligns the
        // corresponding fields in otherQuery as well and modifies
        // newOtherQuery to contain it
        // Example:
        //    input:  Proj[A,B,"5"] = Proj[F,"7",G]
        //            Proj[C,B]     = Proj[H,I]
        //            projectedSlotMap: A -> 0, B -> 1, C -> 2
        //   output:  Proj[A,B,null] = Proj[F,"7",null]
        //            Proj[null,B,C] = Proj[null,I,H]
        internal void CreateFieldAlignedCellQueries(
            CellQuery otherQuery, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            out CellQuery newMainQuery, out CellQuery newOtherQuery)
            // mainSlots and otherSlots hold the new slots for two queries
            var numAlignedSlots = projectedSlotMap.Count;
            var mainSlots       = new ProjectedSlot[numAlignedSlots];
            var otherSlots      = new ProjectedSlot[numAlignedSlots];

            // Go through the slots for this query and find the new slot for them
            for (var i = 0; i < m_projectedSlots.Length; i++)
                var slot = m_projectedSlots[i] as MemberProjectedSlot;
                Debug.Assert(slot != null, "All slots during cell normalization must field slots");
                // Get the the ith slot's variable and then get the
                // new slot number from the field map
                var newSlotNum = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(slot.MemberPath);
                Debug.Assert(newSlotNum >= 0, "Field projected but not in projectedSlotMap");
                mainSlots[newSlotNum]  = m_projectedSlots[i];
                otherSlots[newSlotNum] = otherQuery.m_projectedSlots[i];

                // We ignore constants -- note that this is not the
                // isHighpriority or discriminator case.  An example of this
                // is when (say) Address does not have zip but USAddress
                // does.  Then the constraint looks like Pi_NULL, A, B(E) =
                // Pi_x, y, z(S)

                // We don't care about this null in the view generation of
                // the left side. Note that this could happen in inheritance
                // or in cases when say the S side has 20 fields but the C
                // side has only 3 - the other 17 are null or default.

                // NOTE: We allow such constants only on the C side and not
                // ont the S side. Otherwise, we can have a situation Pi_A,
                // B, C(E) = Pi_5, y, z(S) Then someone can set A to 7 and we
                // will not roundtrip. We check for this in validation

            // Make the new cell queries with the new slots
            newMainQuery  = new CellQuery(this, mainSlots);
            newOtherQuery = new CellQuery(otherQuery, otherSlots);
コード例 #18
        internal void CreateFieldAlignedCellQueries(
            CellQuery otherQuery,
            MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            out CellQuery newMainQuery,
            out CellQuery newOtherQuery)
            int count = projectedSlotMap.Count;

            ProjectedSlot[] newSlots1 = new ProjectedSlot[count];
            ProjectedSlot[] newSlots2 = new ProjectedSlot[count];
            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.m_projectedSlots.Length; ++index1)
                MemberProjectedSlot projectedSlot = this.m_projectedSlots[index1] as MemberProjectedSlot;
                int index2 = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(projectedSlot.MemberPath);
                newSlots1[index2] = this.m_projectedSlots[index1];
                newSlots2[index2] = otherQuery.m_projectedSlots[index1];
            newMainQuery  = new CellQuery(this, newSlots1);
            newOtherQuery = new CellQuery(otherQuery, newSlots2);
コード例 #19
        // <summary>
        // Given the <paramref name="member" /> and one of its <paramref name="possibleType" />s, determine the attributes that are relevant
        // for this <paramref name="possibleType" /> and return a <see cref="MemberPath" /> signature corresponding to the
        // <paramref
        //     name="possibleType" />
        // and the attributes.
        // If <paramref name="needKeysOnly" />=true, collect the key fields only.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="possibleType">
        // the <paramref name="member" /> 's type or one of its subtypes
        // </param>
        private static void GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(
            MemberProjectionIndex index,
            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
            MemberPath member,
            StructuralType possibleType,
            bool needKeysOnly)
            // For each child member of this type, collect all the relevant scalar fields
            foreach (EdmMember structuralMember in Helper.GetAllStructuralMembers(possibleType))
                if (MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(structuralMember))
                    if (!needKeysOnly ||
                        var nonStructuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                        // Note: scalarMember's parent has already been added to the projectedSlotMap
                        structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is ComplexType ||
                        structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is RefType, // for association ends
                        "Only non-scalars expected - complex types, association ends");

                    var structuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                        // Only keys are required for entities referenced by association ends of an association.
                        needKeysOnly || Helper.IsAssociationEndMember(structuralMember));
コード例 #20
 private static void GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(
     MemberProjectionIndex index,
     EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
     MemberPath member,
     StructuralType possibleType,
     bool needKeysOnly)
     foreach (EdmMember structuralMember in (IEnumerable)Helper.GetAllStructuralMembers((EdmType)possibleType))
         if (MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(structuralMember))
             if (!needKeysOnly || MetadataHelper.IsPartOfEntityTypeKey(structuralMember))
                 MemberPath member1 = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
             MemberPath member1 = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
             MemberProjectionIndex.GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, member1, needKeysOnly || Helper.IsAssociationEndMember(structuralMember));
コード例 #21
ファイル: RoleBoolean.cs プロジェクト: junxy/entityframework
 internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #22
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
        // requires: projectedSlotMap which contains a mapping of the fields
        // for "this" to integers 
        // effects: Align the fields of this cell query using the
        // projectedSlotMap and generates a new query into newMainQuery
        // Based on the re-aligned fields in this, re-aligns the
        // corresponding fields in otherQuery as well and modifies
        // newOtherQuery to contain it
        // Example:
        //    input:  Proj[A,B,"5"] = Proj[F,"7",G]
        //            Proj[C,B]     = Proj[H,I]
        //            projectedSlotMap: A -> 0, B -> 1, C -> 2
        //   output:  Proj[A,B,null] = Proj[F,"7",null]
        //            Proj[null,B,C] = Proj[null,I,H]
        internal void CreateFieldAlignedCellQueries(
            CellQuery otherQuery, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            out CellQuery newMainQuery, out CellQuery newOtherQuery)
            // mainSlots and otherSlots hold the new slots for two queries
            var numAlignedSlots = projectedSlotMap.Count;
            var mainSlots = new ProjectedSlot[numAlignedSlots];
            var otherSlots = new ProjectedSlot[numAlignedSlots];

            // Go through the slots for this query and find the new slot for them
            for (var i = 0; i < m_projectedSlots.Length; i++)
                var slot = m_projectedSlots[i] as MemberProjectedSlot;
                Debug.Assert(slot != null, "All slots during cell normalization must field slots");
                // Get the the ith slot's variable and then get the
                // new slot number from the field map
                var newSlotNum = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(slot.MemberPath);
                Debug.Assert(newSlotNum >= 0, "Field projected but not in projectedSlotMap");
                mainSlots[newSlotNum] = m_projectedSlots[i];
                otherSlots[newSlotNum] = otherQuery.m_projectedSlots[i];

                // We ignore constants -- note that this is not the
                // isHighpriority or discriminator case.  An example of this
                // is when (say) Address does not have zip but USAddress
                // does.  Then the constraint looks like Pi_NULL, A, B(E) =
                // Pi_x, y, z(S)

                // We don't care about this null in the view generation of
                // the left side. Note that this could happen in inheritance
                // or in cases when say the S side has 20 fields but the C
                // side has only 3 - the other 17 are null or default.

                // NOTE: We allow such constants only on the C side and not
                // ont the S side. Otherwise, we can have a situation Pi_A,
                // B, C(E) = Pi_5, y, z(S) Then someone can set A to 7 and we
                // will not roundtrip. We check for this in validation

            // Make the new cell queries with the new slots
            newMainQuery = new CellQuery(this, mainSlots);
            newOtherQuery = new CellQuery(otherQuery, otherSlots);
コード例 #23
 internal virtual void GetRequiredSlots(
     MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
     bool[] requiredSlots)
     BoolExpression.RequiredSlotsVisitor.GetRequiredSlots(this.m_tree, projectedSlotMap, requiredSlots);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        ///     Given the <paramref name="member" /> and one of its <paramref name="possibleType" />s, determine the attributes that are relevant
        ///     for this <paramref name="possibleType" /> and return a <see cref="MemberPath" /> signature corresponding to the
        ///     <paramref
        ///         name="possibleType" />
        ///     and the attributes.
        ///     If <paramref name="needKeysOnly" />=true, collect the key fields only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="possibleType">
        ///     the <paramref name="member" /> 's type or one of its subtypes
        /// </param>
        private static void GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(
            MemberProjectionIndex index,
            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
            MemberPath member,
            StructuralType possibleType,
            bool needKeysOnly)
            // For each child member of this type, collect all the relevant scalar fields
            foreach (EdmMember structuralMember in Helper.GetAllStructuralMembers(possibleType))
                if (MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(structuralMember))
                    if (!needKeysOnly
                        || MetadataHelper.IsPartOfEntityTypeKey(structuralMember))
                        var nonStructuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                        // Note: scalarMember's parent has already been added to the projectedSlotMap
                        structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is ComplexType ||
                        structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is RefType, // for association ends
                        "Only non-scalars expected - complex types, association ends");

                    var structuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                        // Only keys are required for entities referenced by association ends of an association.
                        needKeysOnly || Helper.IsAssociationEndMember(structuralMember));
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        ///     Starting at the <paramref name="member" />, recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath" />s for the fields embedded in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member"> corresponds to a value of an Entity or Complex or Association type </param>
        /// <param name="needKeysOnly"> indicates whether we need to only collect members that are keys </param>
        private static void GatherPartialSignature(
            MemberProjectionIndex index, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, MemberPath member, bool needKeysOnly)
            var memberType = member.EdmType;
            var complexTypemember = memberType as ComplexType;
                complexTypemember != null ||
                memberType is EntityType || // for entity sets
                memberType is AssociationType || // For association sets
                memberType is RefType, // for association ends
                "GatherPartialSignature can be called only for complex types, entity sets, association ends");

            if (memberType is ComplexType && needKeysOnly)
                // Check if the complex type needs to be traversed or not. If not, just return 
                // from here. Else we need to continue to the code below. Right now, we do not
                // allow keys inside complex types

            // Make sure that this member is in the slot map before any of its embedded objects.

            // Consider each possible type value -- each type value conributes to a tuple in the result.
            // For that possible type, add all the type members into the signature.
            foreach (var possibleType in MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(memberType, edmItemCollection, false /*includeAbstractTypes*/))
                var possibleStructuralType = possibleType as StructuralType;
                Debug.Assert(possibleStructuralType != null, "Non-structural subtype?");

                GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(index, edmItemCollection, member, possibleStructuralType, needKeysOnly);
コード例 #26
 private RequiredSlotsVisitor(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
     m_requiredSlots    = requiredSlots;
コード例 #27
        // effects: Align the fields of each cell in mapping using projectedSlotMap that has a mapping 
        // for each member of this extent to the slot number of that member in the projected slots
        // example:
        //    input:  Proj[A,B,"5"] = Proj[F,"7",G]
        //            Proj[C,B]     = Proj[H,I]
        //   output:  m_projectedSlotMap: A -> 0, B -> 1, C -> 2
        //            Proj[A,B,null] = Proj[F,"7",null]
        //            Proj[null,B,C] = Proj[null,I,H]
        private static List<Cell> AlignFields(
            IEnumerable<Cell> cells, MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
            ViewTarget viewTarget)
            var outputCells = new List<Cell>();

            // Determine the aligned field for each cell
            // The new cells have ProjectedSlotMap.Count number of fields
            foreach (var cell in cells)
                // If isQueryView is true, we need to consider the C side of
                // the cells; otherwise, we look at the S side. Note that we
                // CANNOT use cell.LeftQuery since that is determined by
                // cell's isQueryView

                // The query for which we are constructing the extent
                var mainQuery = cell.GetLeftQuery(viewTarget);
                var otherQuery = cell.GetRightQuery(viewTarget);

                CellQuery newMainQuery;
                CellQuery newOtherQuery;
                // Create both queries where the projected slot map is used
                // to determine the order of the fields of the mainquery (of
                // course, the otherQuery's fields are aligned automatically)
                    otherQuery, projectedSlotMap,
                    out newMainQuery, out newOtherQuery);

                var outputCell = viewTarget == ViewTarget.QueryView
                                     ? Cell.CreateCS(newMainQuery, newOtherQuery, cell.CellLabel, cell.CellNumber)
                                     : Cell.CreateCS(newOtherQuery, newMainQuery, cell.CellLabel, cell.CellNumber);
            return outputCells;
コード例 #28
ファイル: RoleBoolean.cs プロジェクト: dotnet/ef6tools
 internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="BoolLiteral.GetRequiredSlots"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal override void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     // Simply get the slot for the variable var in "var in values"
     var member = RestrictedMemberSlot.MemberPath;
     var slotNum = projectedSlotMap.IndexOf(member);
     requiredSlots[slotNum] = true;
コード例 #30
 /// <summary>
 ///     See <see cref="BoolExpression.GetRequiredSlots" />.
 /// </summary>
 internal abstract void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots);
コード例 #31
 // effects: Given a boolean expression, modifies requiredSlots
 // to indicate which slots are required to generate the expression
 // projectedSlotMap indicates a mapping from member paths to slot
 // numbers (that need to be checked off in requiredSlots)
 internal virtual void GetRequiredSlots(MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap, bool[] requiredSlots)
     RequiredSlotsVisitor.GetRequiredSlots(m_tree, projectedSlotMap, requiredSlots);