private void GenerateZModeCommand(Material mat) { BPCommand pe_zmode = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.PE_ZMODE }; pe_zmode.SetFlag(mat.ZMode.Enable, 0); pe_zmode.SetBits((byte)mat.ZMode.Function, 1, 3); pe_zmode.SetFlag(mat.ZMode.UpdateEnable, 4); BPCommands.Add(pe_zmode); }
private void GenerateKonstColorCommands(Material mat) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mat.KonstColors[i] == null) { continue; } Util.Color color = mat.KonstColors[i].Value; BPCommand tev_kolorl = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.TEV_REGISTERL_0 + i * 2 }; BPCommand tev_kolorh = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.TEV_REGISTERH_0 + i * 2 }; // Set flags to indicate that this is konst color. tev_kolorl.SetFlag(true, 23); tev_kolorh.SetFlag(true, 23); tev_kolorl.SetBits((byte)(color.R * 255), 0, 11); tev_kolorl.SetBits((byte)(color.A * 255), 12, 11); tev_kolorh.SetBits((byte)(color.B * 255), 0, 11); tev_kolorh.SetBits((byte)(color.G * 255), 12, 11); BPCommands.Add(tev_kolorl); BPCommands.Add(tev_kolorh); } }
private void GenerateTexGenBPCommands(Material mat, List <BinaryTextureImage> textures) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (mat.TexCoord1Gens[i] == null) { continue; } BPCommand suSizeMask = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.BP_MASK }; suSizeMask.SetBits(0x03FFFF, 0, 24); BPCommand sSize = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.SU_SSIZE0 + (i * 2) }; sSize.SetFlag(false, 16); BPCommand tSize = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.SU_TSIZE0 + (i * 2) }; tSize.SetFlag(false, 16); BinaryTextureImage curTex = textures[mat.TextureIndices[i]]; sSize.SetBits(curTex.Width - 1, 0, 16); tSize.SetBits(curTex.Height - 1, 0, 16); BPCommands.Add(suSizeMask); BPCommands.Add(sSize); BPCommands.Add(tSize); } }
private void GenerateTevColorAndAlphaCommands(Material mat) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (mat.TevStages[i] == null) { continue; } TevStage stage = mat.TevStages[i].Value; if (mat.SwapModes[i] == null) { continue; } TevSwapMode swapMode = mat.SwapModes[i].Value; BPCommand tev_color_env = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.TEV_COLOR_ENV_0 + i * 2 }; BPCommand tev_alpha_env = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.TEV_ALPHA_ENV_0 + i * 2 }; BPCommand ind_cmd = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.IND_CMD0 + i }; tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorInD, 0, 4); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorInC, 4, 4); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorInB, 8, 4); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorInA, 12, 4); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorBias, 16, 2); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorOp, 18, 1); tev_color_env.SetFlag(stage.ColorClamp, 19); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorScale, 20, 2); tev_color_env.SetBits((int)stage.ColorRegId, 22, 2); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaInA, 13, 3); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaInB, 10, 3); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaInC, 7, 3); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaInD, 4, 3); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaBias, 16, 2); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaOp, 18, 1); tev_alpha_env.SetFlag(stage.AlphaClamp, 19); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaScale, 20, 2); tev_alpha_env.SetBits((int)stage.AlphaRegId, 22, 2); tev_alpha_env.SetBits(swapMode.RasSel, 0, 2); tev_alpha_env.SetBits(swapMode.TexSel, 2, 2); BPCommands.Add(tev_color_env); BPCommands.Add(tev_alpha_env); BPCommands.Add(ind_cmd); } }
private void GenerateBlendModeCommands(Material mat) { BPCommand pe_cmode0_mask = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.BP_MASK }; BPCommand pe_cmode0 = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.PE_CMODE0 }; pe_cmode0_mask.SetBits(0x001FE7, 0, 24); switch (mat.BMode.Type) { case Enums.BlendMode.Blend: pe_cmode0.SetFlag(true, 0); break; case Enums.BlendMode.Subtract: pe_cmode0.SetFlag(true, 0); pe_cmode0.SetFlag(true, 11); break; case Enums.BlendMode.Logic: pe_cmode0.SetFlag(true, 1); break; } pe_cmode0.SetBits((int)mat.BMode.Operation, 12, 4); pe_cmode0.SetBits((int)mat.BMode.DestinationFact, 5, 3); pe_cmode0.SetBits((int)mat.BMode.SourceFact, 8, 3); pe_cmode0.SetFlag(mat.Dither, 2); BPCommands.Add(pe_cmode0_mask); BPCommands.Add(pe_cmode0); }
private void GenerateZCompLocCommands(Material mat) { BPCommand pe_control_mask = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.BP_MASK }; pe_control_mask.SetBits(0x000040, 0, 24); BPCommand pe_control = new BPCommand() { Register = BPRegister.PE_CONTROL }; pe_control.SetFlag(mat.ZCompLoc, 6); BPCommands.Add(pe_control_mask); BPCommands.Add(pe_control); }
private void GenerateTextureCommands(Material mat, List <BinaryTextureImage> textures) { BPRegister[] texInfoRegs = new BPRegister[] { BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I0, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I1, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I2, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I3, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I4, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I5, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I6, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE0_I7 }; BPRegister[] texIndexRegs = new BPRegister[] { BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I0, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I1, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I2, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I3, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I4, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I5, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I6, BPRegister.TX_SETIMAGE3_I7 }; BPRegister[] texMode0Regs = new BPRegister[] { BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I0, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I1, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I2, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I3, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I4, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I5, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I6, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE0_I7 }; BPRegister[] texMode1Regs = new BPRegister[] { BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I0, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I1, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I2, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I3, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I4, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I5, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I6, BPRegister.TX_SET_MODE1_I7 }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (mat.TextureIndices[i] == -1) { continue; } BinaryTextureImage curTex = textures[mat.TextureIndices[i]]; // Records width, height, and format BPCommand texInfo = new BPCommand() { Register = texInfoRegs[i] }; texInfo.SetBits(curTex.Width - 1, 0, 10); texInfo.SetBits(curTex.Height - 1, 10, 10); texInfo.SetBits((int)curTex.Format, 20, 4); // Records the index of the texture BPCommand texIndex = new BPCommand() { Register = texIndexRegs[i] }; texIndex.SetBits(mat.TextureIndices[i], 0, 24); BPCommand mode0 = new BPCommand() { Register = texMode0Regs[i] }; mode0.SetBits((int)curTex.WrapS, 0, 2); mode0.SetBits((int)curTex.WrapT, 2, 2); mode0.SetBits((int)curTex.MagFilter, 4, 1); switch (curTex.MinFilter) { case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.Nearest: mode0.SetBits(0, 5, 3); break; case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.Linear: mode0.SetBits(4, 5, 3); break; case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.NearestMipmapNearest: mode0.SetBits(1, 5, 3); break; case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.NearestMipmapLinear: mode0.SetBits(2, 5, 3); break; case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.LinearMipmapNearest: mode0.SetBits(5, 5, 3); break; case BinaryTextureImage.FilterMode.LinearMipmapLinear: mode0.SetBits(6, 5, 3); break; } // Unimplemented: mode0.SetFlag(true, 8); // Edge LOD (diag_lod) mode0.SetBits(0, 9, 8); // LoDBias (lod_bias) mode0.SetBits(0, 19, 2); // Max aniso (max_aniso) mode0.SetFlag(false, 21); // Bias Clamp (lod_clamp) // MinLOD // MaxLOD BPCommand mode1 = new BPCommand() { Register = texMode1Regs[i] }; BPCommands.Add(texIndex); BPCommands.Add(texInfo); BPCommands.Add(mode0); BPCommands.Add(mode1); } }