public override void ExecuteCommand(IChatChannel channel, StreamCommand command) { long userid = playermodule.GetPlayer(command.Service, command.User).UserID; HoldemGame game = casino.GetGame(userid); if (game == null) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, "You have no active holdem game. Use !holdem to start a new game."); return; } casino.RemoveGame(userid); RPGMessageBuilder message = messagemodule.Create().User(userid).Text(" folds the hand. "); HandEvaluation dealerevaluation = HandEvaluator.Evaluate(game.Board + game.DealerHand); HandEvaluation playerevaluation = HandEvaluator.Evaluate(game.Board + game.PlayerHand); if (dealerevaluation < playerevaluation || dealerevaluation.Rank < HandRank.Pair || (dealerevaluation.Rank == HandRank.Pair && dealerevaluation.HighCard < CardRank.Four)) { message.ShopKeeper().Text(" laughs and shows "); foreach (Card card in game.DealerHand) { message.Image(cardimages.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } message.Text("while grabbing ").Gold(game.Pot); } else { message.ShopKeeper().Text(" gladly rakes in ").Gold(game.Pot); } message.Send(); }
/// <summary> /// creates a new hold em poker game /// </summary> /// <param name="userid">id of system user</param> /// <returns>new holdem game</returns> public HoldemGame CreateGame(long userid, int bet) { HoldemGame game = games[userid] = new HoldemGame { PlayerID = userid, Bet = bet, Pot = bet, Deck = CardStack.Fresh(), Muck = new CardStack(), Board = new Board(), PlayerHand = new Board(), DealerHand = new Board() }; return(game); }
public override void ExecuteCommand(IChatChannel channel, StreamCommand command) { long userid = playermodule.GetPlayer(command.Service, command.User).UserID; HoldemGame game = casino.GetGame(userid); if (game != null) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, "You are already active in a holdem game. Use !fold to fold your hand or !call to stay active in the game."); return; } int bet; if (command.Arguments.Length == 0) { bet = 1; } else { int.TryParse(command.Arguments[0], out bet); } if (bet <= 0) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, $"{command.Arguments[0]} is no valid bet"); return; } int gold = playermodule.GetPlayerGold(userid); if (bet > 1 && bet > gold) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, "You can't bet more than you have."); return; } int maxbet = playermodule.GetLevel(userid) * 10; if (bet > maxbet) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, $"On your level you're only allowed to bet up to {maxbet} gold."); return; } // allow the player to play for one gold even if he has no gold if (gold > 0) { playermodule.UpdateGold(userid, -bet); } game = casino.CreateGame(userid, bet); game.Deck.Shuffle(); game.PlayerHand += game.Deck.Pop(); game.DealerHand += game.Deck.Pop(); game.PlayerHand += game.Deck.Pop(); game.DealerHand += game.Deck.Pop(); game.Muck.Push(game.Deck.Pop()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { game.Board += game.Deck.Pop(); } RPGMessageBuilder message = messagemodule.Create(); message.Text("You have "); foreach (Card card in game.PlayerHand) { message.Image(imagemodule.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } message.Text(". The board shows "); foreach (Card card in game.Board) { message.Image(imagemodule.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } HandEvaluation evaluation = HandEvaluator.Evaluate(game.Board + game.PlayerHand); message.Text($" ({evaluation})").Send(); }
public override void ExecuteCommand(IChatChannel channel, StreamCommand command) { long userid = playermodule.GetPlayer(command.Service, command.User).UserID; HoldemGame game = casino.GetGame(userid); if (game == null) { SendMessage(channel, command.User, "You have no active holdem game. Use !holdem to start a new game."); return; } int bet = Math.Min(playermodule.GetPlayerGold(userid), game.Bet); if (bet > 0) { playermodule.UpdateGold(userid, -bet); game.Pot += bet; } game.Muck.Push(game.Deck.Pop()); game.Board += game.Deck.Pop(); RPGMessageBuilder message = messagemodule.Create(); if (game.Board.Count == 5) { // showdown message.Text("Showdown! "); } message.Text("The board shows "); foreach (Card card in game.Board) { message.Image(cardimages.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } message.Text(". You have "); foreach (Card card in game.PlayerHand) { message.Image(cardimages.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } HandEvaluation evaluation = HandEvaluator.Evaluate(game.Board + game.PlayerHand); message.Text($" ({evaluation})"); if (game.Board.Count == 5) { message.Text(". ").ShopKeeper().Text(" shows "); foreach (Card card in game.DealerHand) { message.Image(cardimages.GetCardUrl(card), $"{card} "); } HandEvaluation dealerevaluation = HandEvaluator.Evaluate(game.Board + game.DealerHand); message.Text($" ({dealerevaluation}). "); int multiplier = 0; if (dealerevaluation.Rank < HandRank.Pair || (dealerevaluation.Rank == HandRank.Pair && dealerevaluation.HighCard < CardRank.Four)) { message.ShopKeeper().Text(" isn't qualified for a showdown."); multiplier = GetMultiplier(evaluation.Rank); } else if (dealerevaluation > evaluation) { message.ShopKeeper().Text(" wins the hand and ").Gold(game.Pot).Text(" laughing at your face."); } else if (dealerevaluation == evaluation) { message.ShopKeeper().Text(" Has the same hand as you."); multiplier = 1; } else { message.Text(" You win the hand."); multiplier = GetMultiplier(evaluation.Rank); } if (multiplier > 0) { message.Text(" Payout is ").Gold(game.Pot * multiplier); playermodule.UpdateGold(userid, game.Pot * multiplier); } casino.RemoveGame(userid); } message.Send(); }