public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { #if DEBUG Monitor.Log("THIS IS A DEBUG BUILD...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...FOR DEBUGGING...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...AND STUFF...", LogLevel.Alert); if (ModManifest.Version.IsPrerelease()) { Monitor.Log("oh wait this is a pre-release.", LogLevel.Info); Monitor.Log("carry on.", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log("If you're Fayne, keep up the good work. :)", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("If you're not Fayne...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...please go yell at Fayne...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...because you shouldn't have this...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("'s for debugging. (:", LogLevel.Alert); } #else if (ModManifest.Version.IsPrerelease()) { Monitor.Log("WAIT A MINUTE.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("FAYNE.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("WHY DID YOU RELEASE A NON-DEBUG DEV BUILD?!", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("", LogLevel.Alert); } #endif if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android) { Monitor.Log("Discord RPC is not supported on Android.", LogLevel.Error); Monitor.Log("Aborting mod initialization.", LogLevel.Error); Dispose(); return; } api = new RichPresenceAPI(this); client = new DiscordRpcClient(clientId, autoEvents: false, logger: new MonitorLogger(Monitor)); client.RegisterUriScheme(steamId); client.OnReady += (sender, e) => { Monitor.Log("Connected to Discord: " + e.User.ToString(), LogLevel.Info); }; client.OnJoin += (sender, args) => { Monitor.Log("Attempting to join game: " + args.Secret, LogLevel.Info); JoinGame(args.Secret); }; client.OnJoinRequested += (sender, msg) => { string name = msg.User.Username; string tag = msg.User.ToString(); ushort id = (ushort)rand.Next(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue); requests[id] = msg; lastRequestID = id; string hex = id.ToString("X"); Monitor.Log(tag + " wants to join your game via Discord.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("To respond type \"discord " + hex + " yes/no\" or just \"discord yes/no\"", LogLevel.Info); Game1.chatBox.addMessage(name + " wants to join your game via Discord.\nTo respond check the console or use Discord or its overlay.", blurple); }; client.Initialize(); client.SetSubscription(EventType.Join | EventType.JoinRequest); #region Console Commands Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("discord", "Respond to a Discord join request.", (command, args) => { // Yes, I know this code is a mess. switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "yes": case "y": Respond(lastRequestID, true); break; case "no": case "n": Respond(lastRequestID, false); break; default: try { var id = ushort.Parse(args[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "yes": case "y": Respond(id, true); break; case "no": case "n": Respond(id, false); break; default: Monitor.Log("Invalid response.", LogLevel.Error); break; } } catch (Exception) { Monitor.Log("Invalid request ID.", LogLevel.Error); } break; } } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Join", "Join a co-op game via invite code.", (string command, string[] args) => { JoinGame(string.Join(" ", args)); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Reload", "Reloads the config for Discord Rich Presence.", (string command, string[] args) => { LoadConfig(); Monitor.Log("Config reloaded.", LogLevel.Info); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Format", "Formats and prints a provided configuration string.", (string command, string[] args) => { string text = api.FormatText(string.Join(" ", args)); Monitor.Log("Result: " + text, LogLevel.Info); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Tags", "Lists tags usable for configuration strings.", (string command, string[] args) => { IDictionary <string, string> tags = string.Join("", args).ToLower().StartsWith("all") ? api.ListTags("[NULL]", "[ERROR]") : api.ListTags(removeNull: false); IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > groups = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in tags) { string owner = api.GetTagOwner(tag.Key) ?? "Unknown-Mod"; if (!groups.ContainsKey(owner)) { groups[owner] = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } groups[owner][tag.Key] = tag.Value; } IList <string> output = new List <string>(tags.Count + groups.Count) { "Available Tags:" }; int longest = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in groups[ModManifest.UniqueID]) { if (tag.Value != null) { longest = Math.Max(longest, tag.Key.Length); } } int nulls = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in groups[ModManifest.UniqueID]) { if (tag.Value is null) { nulls++; } else { output.Add(" {{ " + tag.Key.PadLeft(longest) + " }}: " + tag.Value); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > group in groups) { if (group.Key == ModManifest.UniqueID) { continue; } string head = group.Value.Count + " tag"; if (group.Value.Count != 1) { head += "s"; } head += " from " + (Helper.ModRegistry.Get(group.Key)?.Manifest.Name ?? "an unknown mod"); output.Add(head); longest = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in group.Value) { if (tag.Value != null) { longest = Math.Max(longest, tag.Key.Length); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in group.Value) { if (tag.Value == null) { nulls++; } else { output.Add(" {{ " + tag.Key.PadLeft(longest) + " }}: " + tag.Value); } } } if (nulls > 0) { output.Add(nulls + " tag" + (nulls != 1 ? "s" : "") + " unavailable; type `DiscordRP_Tags all` to show all"); } Monitor.Log(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, output), LogLevel.Info); } ); #endregion LoadConfig(); Helper.Events.Input.ButtonReleased += HandleButton; Helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += DoUpdate; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += SetTimestamp; Helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += SetTimestamp; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (object sender, SaveLoadedEventArgs e) => api.GamePresence = "Getting Started"; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveCreated += (object sender, SaveCreatedEventArgs e) => api.GamePresence = "Starting a New Game"; Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += (object sender, GameLaunchedEventArgs e) => { SetTimestamp(); timestampSession = Timestamps.Now; }; ITagRegister tagReg = api.GetTagRegister(this); #region Default Tags tagReg.SetTag("Activity", () => api.GamePresence); tagReg.SetTag("ModCount", () => Helper.ModRegistry.GetAll().Count()); tagReg.SetTag("SMAPIVersion", () => Constants.ApiVersion.ToString()); tagReg.SetTag("StardewVersion", () => Game1.version); tagReg.SetTag("Song", () => Utility.getSongTitleFromCueName(Game1.currentSong?.Name ?? api.None)); // All the tags below are only available while in-game. tagReg.SetTag("Name", () => Game1.player.Name, true); tagReg.SetTag("Farm", () => Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Inventory_FarmName", api.GetTag("FarmName")), true); tagReg.SetTag("FarmName", () => Game1.player.farmName, true); tagReg.SetTag("PetName", () => Game1.player.hasPet() ? Game1.player.getPetDisplayName() : api.None, true); tagReg.SetTag("Location", () => Game1.currentLocation.Name, true); tagReg.SetTag("RomanticInterest", () => Utility.getTopRomanticInterest(Game1.player)?.getName() ?? api.None, true); tagReg.SetTag("PercentComplete", () => Utility.percentGameComplete(), true); tagReg.SetTag("Money", () => { // Copied from LoadGameMenu string text = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:LoadGameMenu.cs.11020", Utility.getNumberWithCommas(Game1.player.Money)); if (Game1.player.Money == 1 && LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == { text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); } return(text); }, true); tagReg.SetTag("MoneyNumber", () => Game1.player.Money, true); tagReg.SetTag("MoneyCommas", () => Utility.getNumberWithCommas(Game1.player.Money), true); tagReg.SetTag("Level", () => Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Inventory_PortraitHover_Level", Game1.player.Level.ToString()), true); tagReg.SetTag("LevelNumber", () => Game1.player.Level, true); tagReg.SetTag("Title", () => Game1.player.getTitle(), true); tagReg.SetTag("TotalTime", () => Utility.getHoursMinutesStringFromMilliseconds(Game1.player.millisecondsPlayed), true); tagReg.SetTag("Health", () =>, true); tagReg.SetTag("HealthMax", () => Game1.player.maxHealth, true); tagReg.SetTag("HealthPercent", () => (double) / Game1.player.maxHealth * 100, 2, true); tagReg.SetTag("Energy", () => Game1.player.Stamina.ToString(), true); tagReg.SetTag("EnergyMax", () => Game1.player.MaxStamina, true); tagReg.SetTag("EnergyPercent", () => (double)Game1.player.Stamina / Game1.player.MaxStamina * 100, 2, true); tagReg.SetTag("Time", () => Game1.getTimeOfDayString(Game1.timeOfDay), true); tagReg.SetTag("Date", () => Utility.getDateString(), true); tagReg.SetTag("Season", () => Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber(Utility.getSeasonNumber(SDate.Now().Season)), true); tagReg.SetTag("DayOfWeek", () => Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(SDate.Now().Day), true); tagReg.SetTag("Day", () => SDate.Now().Day, true); tagReg.SetTag("DayPad", () => $"{SDate.Now().Day:00}", true); tagReg.SetTag("DaySuffix", () => Utility.getNumberEnding(SDate.Now().Day), true); tagReg.SetTag("Year", () => SDate.Now().Year, true); tagReg.SetTag("YearSuffix", () => Utility.getNumberEnding(SDate.Now().Year), true); tagReg.SetTag("GameVerb", () => Context.IsMultiplayer && Context.IsMainPlayer ? "Hosting" : "Playing", true); tagReg.SetTag("GameNoun", () => Context.IsMultiplayer ? "Co-op" : "Solo", true); tagReg.SetTag("GameInfo", () => api.GetTag("GameVerb") + " " + api.GetTag("GameNoun"), true); #endregion }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { #if DEBUG Monitor.Log("THIS IS A DEBUG BUILD...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...FOR DEBUGGING...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...AND STUFF...", LogLevel.Alert); if (ModManifest.Version.IsPrerelease()) { Monitor.Log("oh wait this is a pre-release.", LogLevel.Info); Monitor.Log("carry on.", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log("If you're Fayne, keep up the good work. :)", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("If you're not Fayne...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...please go yell at Fayne...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("...because you shouldn't have this...", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("'s for debugging. (:", LogLevel.Alert); } #else if (ModManifest.Version.IsPrerelease()) { Monitor.Log("WAIT A MINUTE.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("FAYNE.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("WHY DID YOU RELEASE A NON-DEBUG DEV BUILD?!", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", LogLevel.Alert); } #endif AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs e) => { try { var name = new AssemblyName(e.Name); foreach (FileInfo dll in new DirectoryInfo(Helper.DirectoryPath).EnumerateFiles("*.dll")) { if (name.Name.Equals(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(dll.FullName).Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Assembly.LoadFrom(dll.FullName)); } } } catch { } return(null); }; api = new RichPresenceAPI(this); try { discord = new Discord.Discord(clientId, (ulong)CreateFlags.NoRequireDiscord); } catch (Discord.ResultException e) { Monitor.Log("Failed to initialize Discord SDK: " + e.Message, LogLevel.Error); Monitor.Log("Rich Presence cannot be activated. Restart the game to try again.", LogLevel.Error); Dispose(); return; } discord.SetLogHook(Discord.LogLevel.Debug, (Discord.LogLevel level, string message) => { LogLevel sdlevel = LogLevel.Trace; switch (level) { case Discord.LogLevel.Error: sdlevel = LogLevel.Error; break; case Discord.LogLevel.Warn: sdlevel = LogLevel.Warn; break; case Discord.LogLevel.Info: sdlevel = LogLevel.Info; break; case Discord.LogLevel.Debug: sdlevel = LogLevel.Debug; break; } ; Monitor.Log("DISCORD: " + message, sdlevel); }); discord.GetUserManager().OnCurrentUserUpdate += () => { User user = discord.GetUserManager().GetCurrentUser(); Monitor.Log("Connected to Discord: " + GetDiscordTag(user, true), LogLevel.Info); }; activityManager = discord.GetActivityManager(); activityManager.RegisterSteam(steamId); activityManager.OnActivityJoin += (string secret) => { Monitor.Log("Attempting to join game", LogLevel.Info); JoinGame(secret); }; activityManager.OnActivityJoinRequest += (ref User user) => { string tag = GetDiscordTag(user); Monitor.Log(tag + " is requesting to join your game.", LogLevel.Alert); Monitor.Log("You can respond to this request in Discord Overlay.", LogLevel.Info); Game1.chatBox.addInfoMessage(tag + " is requesting to join your game. You can respond to this request in Discord Overlay."); }; Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_TestJoin", "Command for debugging.", (string command, string[] args) => { JoinGame(string.Join(" ", args)); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Reload", "Reloads the config for Discord Rich Presence.", (string command, string[] args) => { LoadConfig(); Monitor.Log("Config reloaded.", LogLevel.Info); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Format", "Formats and prints a provided configuration string.", (string command, string[] args) => { string text = api.FormatText(string.Join(" ", args)); Monitor.Log("Result: " + text, LogLevel.Info); } ); Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("DiscordRP_Tags", "Lists tags usable for configuration strings.", (string command, string[] args) => { IDictionary <string, string> tags = string.Join("", args).ToLower().StartsWith("all") ? api.ListTags("[NULL]", "[ERROR]") : api.ListTags(removeNull: false); IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > groups = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in tags) { string owner = api.GetTagOwner(tag.Key) ?? "Unknown-Mod"; if (!groups.ContainsKey(owner)) { groups[owner] = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } groups[owner][tag.Key] = tag.Value; } IList <string> output = new List <string>(tags.Count + groups.Count) { "Available Tags:" }; int longest = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in groups[ModManifest.UniqueID]) { if (tag.Value != null) { longest = Math.Max(longest, tag.Key.Length); } } int nulls = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in groups[ModManifest.UniqueID]) { if (tag.Value is null) { nulls++; } else { output.Add(" {{ " + tag.Key.PadLeft(longest) + " }}: " + tag.Value); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > group in groups) { if (group.Key == ModManifest.UniqueID) { continue; } string head = group.Value.Count + " tag"; if (group.Value.Count != 1) { head += "s"; } head += " from " + (Helper.ModRegistry.Get(group.Key)?.Manifest.Name ?? "an unknown mod"); output.Add(head); longest = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in group.Value) { if (tag.Value != null) { longest = Math.Max(longest, tag.Key.Length); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in group.Value) { if (tag.Value == null) { nulls++; } else { output.Add(" {{ " + tag.Key.PadLeft(longest) + " }}: " + tag.Value); } } } if (nulls > 0) { output.Add(nulls + " tag" + (nulls != 1 ? "s" : "") + " unavailable; type `DiscordRP_Tags all` to show all"); } Monitor.Log(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, output), LogLevel.Info); } ); LoadConfig(); Helper.Events.Input.ButtonReleased += HandleButton; Helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += DoUpdate; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += SetTimestamp; Helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += SetTimestamp; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (object sender, SaveLoadedEventArgs e) => api.GamePresence = "Getting Started"; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveCreated += (object sender, SaveCreatedEventArgs e) => api.GamePresence = "Starting a New Game"; Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += (object sender, GameLaunchedEventArgs e) => { SetTimestamp(); timestampSession = Now(); }; ITagRegister tagReg = api.GetTagRegister(this); tagReg.SetTag("Activity", () => api.GamePresence); tagReg.SetTag("ModCount", () => Helper.ModRegistry.GetAll().Count()); tagReg.SetTag("SMAPIVersion", () => Constants.ApiVersion.ToString()); tagReg.SetTag("StardewVersion", () => Game1.version); tagReg.SetTag("Song", () => Utility.getSongTitleFromCueName(Game1.currentSong?.Name ?? api.None)); // All the tags below are only available while in-game. tagReg.SetTag("Name", () => Game1.player.Name, true); tagReg.SetTag("Farm", () => Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Inventory_FarmName", api.GetTag("FarmName")), true); tagReg.SetTag("FarmName", () => Game1.player.farmName, true); tagReg.SetTag("PetName", () => Game1.player.hasPet() ? Game1.player.getPetDisplayName() : api.None, true); tagReg.SetTag("Location", () => Game1.currentLocation.Name, true); tagReg.SetTag("RomanticInterest", () => Utility.getTopRomanticInterest(Game1.player)?.getName() ?? api.None, true); tagReg.SetTag("PercentComplete", () => Utility.percentGameComplete(), true); tagReg.SetTag("Money", () => { // Copied from LoadGameMenu string text = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:LoadGameMenu.cs.11020", Utility.getNumberWithCommas(Game1.player.Money)); if (Game1.player.Money == 1 && LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == { text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); } return(text); }, true); tagReg.SetTag("MoneyNumber", () => Game1.player.Money, true); tagReg.SetTag("MoneyCommas", () => Utility.getNumberWithCommas(Game1.player.Money), true); tagReg.SetTag("Level", () => Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Inventory_PortraitHover_Level", Game1.player.Level.ToString()), true); tagReg.SetTag("LevelNumber", () => Game1.player.Level, true); tagReg.SetTag("Title", () => Game1.player.getTitle(), true); tagReg.SetTag("TotalTime", () => Utility.getHoursMinutesStringFromMilliseconds(Game1.player.millisecondsPlayed), true); tagReg.SetTag("Health", () =>, true); tagReg.SetTag("HealthMax", () => Game1.player.maxHealth, true); tagReg.SetTag("HealthPercent", () => (double) / Game1.player.maxHealth * 100, 2, true); tagReg.SetTag("Energy", () => Game1.player.Stamina.ToString(), true); tagReg.SetTag("EnergyMax", () => Game1.player.MaxStamina, true); tagReg.SetTag("EnergyPercent", () => (double)Game1.player.Stamina / Game1.player.MaxStamina * 100, 2, true); tagReg.SetTag("Time", () => Game1.getTimeOfDayString(Game1.timeOfDay), true); tagReg.SetTag("Date", () => Utility.getDateString(), true); tagReg.SetTag("Season", () => Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber(Utility.getSeasonNumber(SDate.Now().Season)), true); tagReg.SetTag("DayOfWeek", () => Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(SDate.Now().Day), true); tagReg.SetTag("Day", () => SDate.Now().Day, true); tagReg.SetTag("DayPad", () => $"{SDate.Now().Day:00}", true); tagReg.SetTag("DaySuffix", () => Utility.getNumberEnding(SDate.Now().Day), true); tagReg.SetTag("Year", () => SDate.Now().Year, true); tagReg.SetTag("YearSuffix", () => Utility.getNumberEnding(SDate.Now().Year), true); tagReg.SetTag("GameVerb", () => Context.IsMultiplayer && Context.IsMainPlayer ? "Hosting" : "Playing", true); tagReg.SetTag("GameNoun", () => Context.IsMultiplayer ? "Co-op" : "Solo", true); tagReg.SetTag("GameInfo", () => api.GetTag("GameVerb") + " " + api.GetTag("GameNoun"), true); }