コード例 #1
 public void WhenCreatingFromParameterlessConstuctor(SsisApplication application)
     "Given a SsisApplication created from the parameterless constructor"
     ._(() => application = new SsisApplication());
     "Then the Configuration property should not be null"
     ._(() => application.Configuration.Should().NotBeNull());
コード例 #2
        public void WhenGettingCatalogByConnectionStringOrName(string connectionStringOrName, ISsisApplication application, ISsisCatalog catalog)
            "Given an ISsisApplication instance"
            ._(() => application = new SsisApplication());

            "When getting catalog by connection string or name"
            ._(() => catalog = application.GetCatalog(connectionStringOrName));

            "Then the catalog should not be null"
            ._(() => catalog.Should().NotBeNull());
コード例 #3
 public void WhenCreatingByProvidingConfigurationObject(SsisApplication application, SsisConfiguration configuration)
     "Given a SsisApplication created from the parameterless constructor"
     ._(() =>
         configuration = new SsisConfiguration();
         application   = new SsisApplication(configuration);
     "Then the Configuration property should be the same as the passed in configuration"
     ._(() => application.Configuration.Should().BeSameAs(configuration));
コード例 #4
 public void WhenCreatingByProvidingANullConfigurationObject(SsisApplication application, Action ctorCall)
     "Given a constructor call with a null configuration"
     ._(() =>
         SsisConfiguration configuration = null;
         ctorCall = () => application = new SsisApplication(configuration);
     "Then the constructor should throw an ArgumentNullException"
     ._(() => ctorCall.ShouldThrow <ArgumentNullException>().Where(ex => ex.ParamName == "configuration"));