コード例 #1
        public void SwitchState(SpaceInvaders pGame, GameStateManager.GameState nextState)
            // Detach current state input observers

            // Queue any Time Events for later
            TimeEvent pTimeEvent = TimerManager.Pop();

            while (pTimeEvent != null)
                this.GetQueuedTimeEventManager().Enqueue(pTimeEvent.GetName(), pTimeEvent.GetCommand(), pTimeEvent.GetDeltaTime());
                pTimeEvent = TimerManager.Pop();

            // Change game state

            // Load up TimerManager with next state's Time Events
            QueuedTimeEvent qte = pGame.GetStateQueuedTimeEventManager().Dequeue();

            while (qte != null)
                TimerManager.Add(qte.GetTimeEventName(), qte.GetCommand(), qte.GetTimeEventDelta());

                // Get next queued event
                qte = pGame.GetStateQueuedTimeEventManager().Dequeue();

            // Attach next state input observers
コード例 #2
        public static void Reset()
            // Get the instance
            TimerManager pMan = TimerManager.pActiveMan;

            Debug.Assert(pMan != null);
            // walk the list
            TimeEvent pEvent     = (TimeEvent)pMan.BaseGetActive();
            TimeEvent pNextEvent = null;

            while (pEvent != null)
                // Difficult to walk a list and remove itself from the list
                // so squirrel away the next event now, use it at bottom of while
                pNextEvent = (TimeEvent)pEvent.pNext;
                TimerManager.poNodeCopy.Set(pEvent.GetName(), pEvent.GetCommand(), pEvent.deltaTime);

                TimerManager.Add(TimerManager.poNodeCopy.GetName(), TimerManager.poNodeCopy.GetCommand(), TimerManager.poNodeCopy.deltaTime);

                pEvent = pNextEvent;