// Travel from planet to planet and change curX and curY public int Planets(int currentPlanet, double getX, double getY, double destX, double destY, int planetaryFactor) { Program.UI(); if (currentPlanet == Planet.currentPlanet) { Console.WriteLine("You are already here!! No need to travel anywhere.."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("Press 'enter' to return to Menu"); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (currentPlanet != Planet.currentPlanet) { Console.WriteLine("Heading to {0}!", GetPlanetName(currentPlanet)); Console.WriteLine("Distance is: {0}LYs", Math.Round(Program.Distance(getX, getY, destX, destY), 3)); Console.WriteLine("It will take you: {0}yrs", V.timePassage = Math.Round(Program.Distance(getX, getY, destX, destY) / Program.Velocity(Ship.ShowShipSpeed(Ship.currentShip)), 2)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("type 'GO' to depart"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("press 'enter' to go back to main menu"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; double distance = Math.Ceiling(Program.Distance(getX, getY, destX, destY)); string conf = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; if (conf == "go") { Planet.currentPlanet = currentPlanet; V.time += V.timePassage; GetPlanetName(currentPlanet); GetCurX(); GetCurY(); Ship.curFuel -= distance; new Menu().RandomNumbers(planetaryFactor); new Planet().Loading(currentPlanet); } else { Console.WriteLine("Returning to Menu"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1100); } } return(currentPlanet); }
// Congrats Window when buying ship private void Congrats() { Program.UI(); Console.WriteLine("Congratulations on your new ship!!!!!"); Console.WriteLine("You now have a new max speed, cargo, and fuel!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("New Max Speed: {0}. New Max Cargo: {1}. New Max Fuel: {2}", Ship.ShowShipSpeed(Ship.currentShip), V.maxInventory, Ship.ShowShipMaxFuel(Ship.currentShip)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("Press 'enter' to return to Main Menu"); Console.ReadLine(); }
// Main Game public static void Main(string[] args) { // Instantiating first ship into game, and placing player on 1st planet Ship.currentShip = 1; new Ship().ShipName("Star Cruiser"); new Ship().ShipSpeed(1.5); new Ship().ShipVelocity(Velocity(1.5)); new Ship().ShipMaxFuel(10); Planet.currentPlanet = 1; // Variable Decleration string input; string shopInput; int cost = 0; // Stroy Start up new Story().Intro(); // Get input from console to select first ship input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "Buy": case "buy": cost = 5000; V.credits -= 5000; new Ship().ShipCargo(3); Ship.curFuel = 10; break; default: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You decide not to buy the ship, and to take a less risky/difficult approach to life.. You decide to instead go to the nearest " + "bar and spend every dime you just inherited on anything! that will make you feel better.... You died later that night, by " + "an overdose from who knows how many different things... "); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } // Loop for game #region Game if (cost != 0) { Planet.GetPlanetName(Planet.currentPlanet); UI(); Console.SetCursorPosition(43, 12); Console.WriteLine("You paid {0} for your ship!!", cost); Console.WriteLine(); Console.SetCursorPosition(35, 13); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for shopping with SpaceBuggies R Us"); Menu.ShowLoadingScreen(); UI(); Console.SetCursorPosition(26, 13); Console.WriteLine("Your first ship!! The {0}. Speed: {1}. Cargo Space: {2}", Ship.ShowShipName(Ship.currentShip), Ship.ShowShipSpeed(Ship.currentShip), V.maxInventory); Menu.ShowLoadingScreen(); // Player starts his journey exploring and buying do { // Console/Menu UI(); Console.WriteLine("You are on planet {0}! Current year is {1}!", Planet.GetPlanetName(Planet.currentPlanet), Math.Round(V.time, 2)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?: \n" + "- 'Ship'to buy a new ship or buy Fuel for your current one\n" + "- 'Buy' to buy goods\n" + "- 'Sell' to sell goods\n" + "- 'travel' to see planets in range!\n" + "- 'inv' to check your current inventory space"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("- 'exit' to exit the game........"); // Planetary options shopInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (shopInput != "exit") { if (shopInput == "ship") { new Menu.ShipBuy().ShipMenu(); } else if (shopInput == "buy") { new Menu.Buy().BuyMenu(); } else if (shopInput == "sell") { new Menu.Sell().SellMenu(); } else if (shopInput == "inv") { V.Inventory(V.maxInventory, V.curInventory); } else if (shopInput == "travel") { new Menu().TravelMenu(); } else if (shopInput == "exit") { break; } } } while ((GameOver(V.credits, V.time) == false) && (shopInput != "exit") && (Menu.stranded == false)); // Game over Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("Game Over!! Total years played: {0}yrs. Total credits earned: {1}.", Math.Round(V.time, 2), V.totalCredits - 10000); Console.ReadLine(); } #endregion }