コード例 #1
ファイル: GamepadCls.cs プロジェクト: robsneeds/SCJMapper-V2
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor and init
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">A DXInput device</param>
        /// <param name="hwnd">The WinHandle of the main window</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The respective JS panel to show the properties</param>
        public GamepadCls( SharpDX.XInput.Controller device, UC_GpadPanel panel, int tabIndex )
            log.DebugFormat( "GamepadCls ctor - Entry with index {0}", device.ToString( ) );

              m_device = device;
              m_gPanel = panel;
              MyTabPageIndex = tabIndex;
              Activated = false;

              m_senseLimit = AppConfiguration.AppConfig.gpSenseLimit; // can be changed in the app.config file if it is still too little

              // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data.
              log.Debug( "Get GP Objects" );
              try {
            m_gpCaps = m_device.GetCapabilities( DeviceQueryType.Gamepad );
              catch ( Exception ex ) {
            log.Error( "Get GamepadCapabilities failed", ex );

              m_gPanel.Caption = DevName;
              int n = 0;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp ) ) n++;
              m_gPanel.nDPads = n.ToString( );
              m_gPanel.DPadE = ( n > 0 );

              n = 0;
              if ( ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftThumbX != 0 ) || ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftThumbY != 0 ) || Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.TStickLE = true; }
              if ( ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightThumbX != 0 ) || ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightThumbY != 0 ) || Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.TStickRE = true; }
              m_gPanel.nTSticks = n.ToString( );

              n = 0;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.A ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.B ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.X ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Y ) ) n++;
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Start ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.StartE = true; }
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Back ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.BackE = true; }
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.ShoulderLE = true; }
              if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.ShoulderRE = true; }
              m_gPanel.nButtons = n.ToString( );

              n = 0;
              if ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftTrigger > 0 ) { n++; m_gPanel.TriggerLE = true; }
              if ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightTrigger > 0 ) { n++; m_gPanel.TriggerRE = true; }
              m_gPanel.nTriggers = n.ToString( );

              m_gPanel.ButtonE = true; // what else ...

              ApplySettings( ); // get whatever is needed here from Settings
              Activated = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Controller.cs プロジェクト: VB6Hobbyst7/GameUtils
        private void CheckConnection()
            if (IsConnected)

            Capabilities caps;

            if (xboxController.GetCapabilities(DeviceQueryType.Any, out caps))
                IsConnected = true;
                Type        = (ControllerType)caps.SubType;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XInputController"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The input factory that owns this device.</param>
        /// <param name="joystickID">The ID of the joystick.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the joystick.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">Controller instance to bind to this joystick.</param>
        internal XInputController(GorgonInputFactory owner, int joystickID, string name, XI.Controller controller)
            : base(owner, name)
            AllowExclusiveMode = false;

            _controller   = controller;
            _controllerID = joystickID;
            if (controller.IsConnected)
                IsConnected = true;

                XI.Capabilities caps = controller.GetCapabilities(XI.DeviceQueryType.Any);
                Gorgon.Log.Print("XInput XBOX 360 controller device {0} interface created (ID:{1}).", LoggingLevel.Simple, caps.SubType.ToString(), joystickID);
                Gorgon.Log.Print("Disconnected XInput XBOX 360 controller device #{0} interface created.", LoggingLevel.Simple, joystickID);
                IsConnected = false;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to poll the joystick for data.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void PollJoystick()
            if (!_controller.IsConnected)
                Gorgon.Log.Print("XInput Controller {0} disconnected.", LoggingLevel.Verbose, _controllerID);
                IsConnected = false;

            // If we weren't connected before, then get the caps for the device.
            if (!IsConnected)
                var previousDeadZone = DeadZone;

                IsConnected = true;

                // Restore the dead zone.
                DeadZone.Rudder     = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.Rudder);
                DeadZone.Throttle   = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.Throttle);
                DeadZone.X          = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.X);
                DeadZone.Y          = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.Y);
                DeadZone.SecondaryX = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.SecondaryX);
                DeadZone.SecondaryY = new GorgonRange(previousDeadZone.SecondaryY);
                XI.Capabilities caps = _controller.GetCapabilities(XI.DeviceQueryType.Any);
                Gorgon.Log.Print("XInput Controller {0} (ID:{1}) re-connected.", LoggingLevel.Verbose, caps.SubType.ToString(), _controllerID);

            XI.State state = _controller.GetState();

            // Do nothing if the data has not changed since the last poll.
            if (LastPacket == state.PacketNumber)

            // Get axis data.
            X          = state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX;
            Y          = state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY;
            SecondaryX = state.Gamepad.RightThumbX;
            SecondaryY = state.Gamepad.RightThumbY;
            Throttle   = state.Gamepad.RightTrigger;
            Rudder     = state.Gamepad.LeftTrigger;

            // Get button info.
            if (state.Gamepad.Buttons != XI.GamepadButtonFlags.None)
                // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
                for (int i = 0; i < _button.Length; i++)
                                               (_button[i] != XI.GamepadButtonFlags.None) &&
                                               ((state.Gamepad.Buttons & _button[i]) == _button[i]));

            // Get POV values.
コード例 #5
		uint XInputGetCapabilities_Hooked(int dwUserIndex, DeviceQueryType dwFlags, out Capabilities pCapabilities)
			pCapabilities = new Capabilities();
			var controller = new Controller((UserIndex)dwUserIndex);
			if (controller.IsConnected)
					pCapabilities = controller.GetCapabilities(dwFlags);
				if ((UserIndex) dwUserIndex == UserIndex.One
					|| (UserIndex) dwUserIndex == UserIndex.Any)
					pCapabilities.Flags = CapabilityFlags.None;
					pCapabilities.Type = DeviceType.Gamepad;
					pCapabilities.SubType = DeviceSubType.Gamepad;

					pCapabilities.Gamepad.Buttons = GamepadButtonFlags.A | GamepadButtonFlags.B | GamepadButtonFlags.Back |
													| GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft | GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight | GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp |
													GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder | GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb
													| GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder | GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb | GamepadButtonFlags.Start |
													GamepadButtonFlags.X | GamepadButtonFlags.Y;

					pCapabilities.Gamepad.LeftTrigger = 0xFF;
					pCapabilities.Gamepad.RightTrigger = 0xFF;

					pCapabilities.Gamepad.LeftThumbX = short.MaxValue;
					pCapabilities.Gamepad.LeftThumbY = short.MaxValue;
					pCapabilities.Gamepad.RightThumbX = short.MaxValue;
					pCapabilities.Gamepad.RightThumbY = short.MaxValue;

					pCapabilities.Vibration.LeftMotorSpeed = 0xFF;
					pCapabilities.Vibration.RightMotorSpeed = 0xFF;

			return ERROR_SUCCESS;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to retrieve the capabilities of the xinput device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller"></param>
        public void GetCaps(XI.Controller controller)
            Capabilities = GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.None;

            controller.GetCapabilities(XI.DeviceQueryType.Any, out XI.Capabilities capabilities);

            // Get vibration caps.
            var vibrationRanges = new List <GorgonRange>();

            if (capabilities.Vibration.LeftMotorSpeed != 0)
                vibrationRanges.Add(new GorgonRange(0, ushort.MaxValue));
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsVibration;

            if (capabilities.Vibration.RightMotorSpeed != 0)
                vibrationRanges.Add(new GorgonRange(0, ushort.MaxValue));
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsVibration;

            VibrationMotorRanges = vibrationRanges;

            if (((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) ||
                ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) ||
                ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) ||
                ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight))
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsPOV;

            // Get buttons, and remap to the button indices present in the gaming device control panel app.
            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.A) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.A)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.A] = 0;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.B) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.B)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.B] = 1;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.X) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.X)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.X] = 2;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Y) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Y)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Y] = 3;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder] = 4;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder] = 5;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Back) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Back)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Back] = 6;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Start) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Start)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.Start] = 7;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb] = 8;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb] = 9;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp] = 10;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight] = 11;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown] = 12;

            if ((capabilities.Gamepad.Buttons & XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) == XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft)
                SupportedButtons[XI.GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft] = 13;

            // Find out the ranges for each axis.
            var axes = new Dictionary <GamingDeviceAxis, GorgonRange>(new GorgonGamingDeviceAxisEqualityComparer());

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.LeftThumbX != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.XAxis] = new GorgonRange(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.LeftThumbY != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.YAxis] = new GorgonRange(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.RightThumbX != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.XAxis2] = new GorgonRange(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsSecondaryXAxis;

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.RightThumbY != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.YAxis2] = new GorgonRange(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsSecondaryYAxis;

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.LeftTrigger != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.LeftTrigger] = new GorgonRange(0, byte.MaxValue);
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsRudder;

            if (capabilities.Gamepad.RightTrigger != 0)
                axes[GamingDeviceAxis.RightTrigger] = new GorgonRange(0, byte.MaxValue);
                Capabilities |= GamingDeviceCapabilityFlags.SupportsThrottle;

            AxisInfo = new GorgonGamingDeviceAxisList <GorgonGamingDeviceAxisInfo>(axes.Select(item => new GorgonGamingDeviceAxisInfo(item.Key, item.Value, 0)));