public TAcceptGump(TSystemStone stone, Mobile target, Mobile from, TJoinGump g) : base(0, 0) { m_Stone = stone; m_Sender = from; m_Gump = g; this.Closable = false; this.Disposable = false; this.Dragable = true; this.Resizable = false; this.AddPage(0); this.AddBackground(152, 167, 295, 134, 9270); this.AddAlphaRegion(163, 177, 273, 113); this.AddHtml(162, 194, 274, 20, "<baseFONT color='lime'><CENTER>" + from.Name, (bool)false, (bool)false); this.AddLabel(168, 211, 100, @"has requested that you join their team for"); this.AddLabel(193, 232, 100, @"the tournament. Will you accept?"); this.AddButton(227, 259, 247, 248, (int)Buttons.btnOK, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); this.AddButton(305, 259, 242, 241, (int)Buttons.btnCancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); }
public TAcceptGump(TSystemStone stone, Mobile target, Mobile from, TJoinGump g) : base( 0, 0 ) { m_Stone = stone; m_Sender = from; m_Gump = g; this.Closable=false; this.Disposable=false; this.Dragable=true; this.Resizable=false; this.AddPage(0); this.AddBackground(152, 167, 295, 134, 9270); this.AddAlphaRegion(163, 177, 273, 113); this.AddHtml( 162, 194, 274, 20, "<baseFONT color='lime'><CENTER>" + from.Name, (bool)false, (bool)false); this.AddLabel(168, 211, 100, @"has requested that you join their team for"); this.AddLabel(193, 232, 100, @"the tournament. Will you accept?"); this.AddButton(227, 259, 247, 248, (int)Buttons.btnOK, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); this.AddButton(305, 259, 242, 241, (int)Buttons.btnCancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); }
public TInviteTarget(TSystemStone stone, TJoinGump g) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Stone = stone; m_Gump = g; }