public static void DropSpecialItem(Mobile from, Mobile killer, Container c) { BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)from; if (killer != null && c != null && !bc.IsStabled && !bc.Controlled && !bc.IsBonded) { if (killer is BaseCreature) { killer = ((BaseCreature)killer).GetMaster(); } if (killer is PlayerMobile) { Region reg = Region.Find(from.Location, from.Map); if (Server.Misc.Worlds.IsOnSpaceship(from.Location, from.Map)) { int fameCycle = (int)(from.Fame / 2400); if (fameCycle > 10) { fameCycle = 10; } if (fameCycle < 1) { fameCycle = 1; } fameCycle = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, fameCycle); while (fameCycle > 0) { fameCycle--; c.DropItem(DungeonLoot.RandomSpaceBag()); } } if (GetPlayerInfo.LuckyKiller(killer.Luck) && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 20) == 1) { int stuffedHue = 1; if (from is ElderBrownBear) { stuffedHue = 0x840; } else if (from is SabretoothBear) { stuffedHue = 0x840; } else if (from is ElderPolarBear) { stuffedHue = 0; } else if (from is ElderBlackBear) { stuffedHue = 0x497; } else if (from is CaveBear) { stuffedHue = 0x6DE; } if (stuffedHue != 1) { StuffedBear trophy = new StuffedBear(); trophy.Hue = stuffedHue; trophy.Name = "stuffed trophy of " + from.Name; trophy.AnimalWhere = "From " + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(from.Map, from.Location); string trophyKiller = killer.Name + " the " + Server.Misc.GetPlayerInfo.GetSkillTitle(killer); trophy.AnimalKiller = "Killed by " + trophyKiller; c.DropItem(trophy); } } if (from is ServiceDroid || from is BattleDroid || from is SecurityDroid || from is MaintenanceDroid || from is ExcavationDroid || from is CombatDroid) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotSheetMetal(Utility.RandomMinMax(4, 10))); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotBatteries()); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotEngineParts()); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotCircuitBoard()); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotTransistor()); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotBolt(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4))); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotGears(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4))); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 300) < (from.Fame / 100)) { c.DropItem(new RobotOil(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2))); } } if (GetPlayerInfo.LuckyKiller(killer.Luck) && Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 100) > 95) { int min = (int)(from.Fame / 200); int max = (int)(from.Fame / 100); int props = (int)(from.Fame / 1500) + Utility.RandomMinMax(0, (int)(from.Fame / 2000)); int item = 0; int color = 0; string name = "trinket"; if (from is Cyclops) { item = 0x2C86; name = "eye of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } else if (from is ShamanicCyclops) { item = 0x2C86; name = "eye of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } else if (from is Beholder) { item = 0x2C9A; name = "eye of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } else if (from is Gazer) { item = 0x2C9A; name = "eye of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } else if (from is ElderGazer) { item = 0x2C9A; name = "eye of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } else if (from is Lich || from is Vordo || from is LichLord || from is DemiLich || from is AncientLich || from is Surtaz || from is LichKing || from is UndeadDruid) { if (from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(EvilSkull)) == null) { item = 0x2C95; name = "skull of " + from.Name + " " + from.Title; } } if (item > 0) { BaseJewel trinket = new MagicTalisman(); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(trinket, false, killer.Luck, props, min, max); trinket.Hue = color; trinket.ItemID = item; trinket.Name = name; c.DropItem(trinket); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (GetPlayerInfo.LuckyKiller(killer.Luck) && Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 100) > 90 && from.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base >= 20 && from.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Base >= 20) { SlayerEntry wizardkiller = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.WizardSlayer); if (wizardkiller.Slays(from)) { c.DropItem(new TomeOfWands()); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (reg.IsPartOf("the Tower of Brass")) { int BrassFame = (int)(from.Fame / 1000); BrassFame = 100 - BrassFame; if (from is FireGiant && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) >= BrassFame) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1) { BaseArmor drop = Loot.RandomArmorOrShield(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { drop.Resource = CraftResource.Brass; c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } else { BaseWeapon drop = Loot.RandomWeapon(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { drop.Resource = CraftResource.Brass; c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } } if (from is BloodDemon && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) >= BrassFame) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1) { BaseArmor drop = Loot.RandomArmorOrShield(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { MorphingItem.MorphMyItem(drop, "IGNORED", "brass", "IGNORED", MorphingTemplates.TemplateIceDemon("armors")); c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } else { BaseWeapon drop = Loot.RandomWeapon(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { MorphingItem.MorphMyItem(drop, "IGNORED", "brass", "IGNORED", MorphingTemplates.TemplateIceDemon("weapons")); c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (reg.IsPartOf("the Ancient Elven Mine")) { if (from is ShamanicCyclops && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10) >= 9) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1) { BaseArmor drop = Loot.RandomArmorOrShield(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { MorphingItem.MorphMyItem(drop, "IGNORED", "silver", "IGNORED", MorphingTemplates.TemplateSilver("armors")); c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } else { BaseWeapon drop = Loot.RandomWeapon(); if (drop.Resource == CraftResource.Iron) { MorphingItem.MorphMyItem(drop, "IGNORED", "silver", "IGNORED", MorphingTemplates.TemplateSilver("weapons")); c.DropItem(drop); } else { drop.Delete(); } } } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10) == 1 && from.Fame > 2000) { Item stone = new RareMetals(Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 15), "silver stones"); c.DropItem(stone); } else if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10) == 1 && from.Fame > 2000) { Item ingot = new ShinySilverIngot(Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 8)); c.DropItem(ingot); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (reg.IsPartOf("the Daemon's Crag")) { if ((GetPlayerInfo.LuckyKiller(killer.Luck) || Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 20) == 1) && (from is EvilMage || from is EvilMageLord)) { PaganArtifact pagan = new PaganArtifact(0); pagan.PaganPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 100); if (from is EvilMageLord) { pagan.PaganPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax(100, 120); } c.DropItem(pagan); } } if (reg.IsPartOf("the Zealan Tombs")) { if ((GetPlayerInfo.LuckyKiller(killer.Luck) || Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10) == 1) && from is KhumashGor) { PaganArtifact pagan = new PaganArtifact(16); pagan.PaganPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax(100, 150); c.DropItem(pagan); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((from is DemonOfTheSea) || (from is BloodDemon) || (from is Devil) || (from is TitanPyros) || (from is Balron) || (from is LesserDemon) || (from is Xurtzar) || (from is FireDemon) || (from is DeepSeaDevil) || (from is ForestDemon) || (from is RadiationDemon) || (from is Daemon) || (from is IceFiend) || (from is BlackGateDemon)) { if (90 < Utility.Random(100)) { c.DropItem(new DemonClaw()); } if (90 < Utility.Random(100)) { DemonSkin goods = new DemonSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } } if (90 < Utility.Random(100) && killer is PlayerMobile) { Server.Misc.Skulls.MakeSkull(from, c, killer, reg.Name); } // MAKE A SKULL //-------------------------- if ((from is Unicorn) || (from is DarkUnicorn)) { if (90 < Utility.Random(100)) { c.DropItem(new UnicornHorn()); } if ((from is Unicorn) && (70 < Utility.Random(100))) { UnicornSkin goods = new UnicornSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } } if (from is Nightmare || from is AncientNightmare) { if (70 < Utility.Random(100)) { NightmareSkin goods = new NightmareSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } } if (from is ObsidianElemental) { if (1 == Utility.Random(1000)) { c.DropItem(new ObsidianStone()); } } if ((from is Troll) || (from is SeaTroll) || (from is SwampTroll) || (from is FrostTroll)) { if (95 < Utility.Random(100)) { TrollSkin goods = new TrollSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2); c.DropItem(goods); } } if ((from is GoldenSerpent) || (from is BloodSnake) || (from is SilverSerpent) || (from is JungleViper) || (from is IceSerpent) || (from is GiantSerpent) || (from is SeaSnake) || (from is LavaSerpent) || (from is LargeSnake) || (from is GiantAdder)) { if (95 < Utility.Random(100)) { SerpentSkin goods = new SerpentSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2); c.DropItem(goods); } } if ((from is AncientWyrm) || (from is LavaDragon) || (from is BottleDragon) || (from is SeaDragon) || (from is DeepSeaDragon) || (from is Dragon) || (from is Dragons) || (from is DeepSeaDragon) || (from is SeaDragon) || (from is BlackDragon) || (from is PrimevalFireDragon) || (from is PrimevalGreenDragon) || (from is PrimevalNightDragon) || (from is PrimevalRedDragon) || (from is PrimevalRoyalDragon) || (from is PrimevalRunicDragon) || (from is PrimevalSeaDragon) || (from is ReanimatedDragon) || (from is VampiricDragon) || (from is PrimevalAbysmalDragon) || (from is PrimevalAmberDragon) || (from is PrimevalBlackDragon) || (from is PrimevalDragon) || (from is PrimevalSilverDragon) || (from is PrimevalVolcanicDragon) || (from is PrimevalStygianDragon) || (from is GemDragon) || (from is DragonKing) || (from is VolcanicDragon) || (from is RadiationDragon) || (from is CrystalDragon) || (from is VoidDragon) || (from is ElderDragon) || (from is BlueDragon) || (from is SlasherOfVoid) || (from is GreenDragon) || (from is WhiteDragon) || (from is ZombieDragon) || (from is NightWyrm) || (from is JungleWyrm) || (from is DesertWyrm) || (from is MountainWyrm) || (from is OnyxWyrm) || (from is EmeraldWyrm) || (from is AmethystWyrm) || (from is SapphireWyrm) || (from is GarnetWyrm) || (from is TopazWyrm) || (from is RubyWyrm) || (from is SpinelWyrm) || (from is Wyrms) || (from is QuartzWyrm) || (from is WhiteWyrm)) { if (95 < Utility.Random(100)) { DragonSkin goods = new DragonSkin(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } if (95 < Utility.Random(100)) { DragonBlood goods = new DragonBlood(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } if ((95 < Utility.Random(100)) && (from is DragonKing)) { DragonTooth goods = new DragonTooth(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } } if ((from is Lich) || (from is LichLord) || (from is AncientLich) || (from is UndeadDruid) || (from is TitanLich) || (from is DemiLich) || (from is Surtaz)) { if (from is AncientLich) { LichDust goods = new LichDust(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } else if (80 < Utility.Random(100)) { LichDust goods = new LichDust(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } } if ((from is MonstrousSpider) || (from is WhiteDragon) || (from is BlackDragon) || (from is PrimevalFireDragon) || (from is PrimevalGreenDragon) || (from is PrimevalNightDragon) || (from is PrimevalRedDragon) || (from is PrimevalRoyalDragon) || (from is PrimevalRunicDragon) || (from is PrimevalSeaDragon) || (from is ReanimatedDragon) || (from is VampiricDragon) || (from is PrimevalAbysmalDragon) || (from is PrimevalAmberDragon) || (from is PrimevalBlackDragon) || (from is PrimevalDragon) || (from is PrimevalSilverDragon) || (from is PrimevalVolcanicDragon) || (from is PrimevalStygianDragon) || (from is BlueDragon) || (from is SlasherOfVoid) || (from is Dragon) || (from is Dragons && from.Body == 59) || (from is Wyrms && from.Body == 12) || (from is GreenDragon) || (from is MetalDragon) || (from is LavaDragon) || (from is BottleDragon) || (from is IceDragon) || (from is CaddelliteDragon) || (from is WhiteWyrm) || (from is GemDragon) || (from is NightWyrm) || (from is RadiationDragon) || (from is CrystalDragon) || (from is VoidDragon) || (from is ElderDragon) || (from is JungleWyrm) || (from is DesertWyrm) || (from is MountainWyrm) || (from is AntLion) || (from is MetalBeetle) || (from is OnyxWyrm) || (from is EmeraldWyrm) || (from is AmethystWyrm) || (from is SapphireWyrm) || (from is GarnetWyrm) || (from is TopazWyrm) || (from is RubyWyrm) || (from is SpinelWyrm) || (from is QuartzWyrm) || (from is ShadowWyrm) || (from is AncientWyrm) || (from is DragonKing) || (from is VolcanicDragon)) { int nBodyChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.002) + 2; int nBodyLevel = (int)(from.Fame * 0.0006); if (nBodyLevel > 10) { nBodyLevel = 10; } if (nBodyLevel < 1) { nBodyLevel = 1; } if (nBodyChance > Utility.Random(100)) { CorpseChest corpseBox = new CorpseChest(nBodyLevel); c.DropItem(corpseBox); } } SlayerEntry wizardrykiller = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.WizardSlayer); if (wizardrykiller.Slays(from)) { if (Utility.Random(4) == 1) { if (DifficultyLevel.GetUnidentifiedChance() >= Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100)) { Item wand = new UnknownWand(); c.DropItem(wand); } else { Item wand = Loot.RandomWand(); Server.Misc.MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(wand, 0); string wandOwner = ""; if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3) == 1) { wandOwner = Server.LootPackEntry.MagicWandOwner() + " "; } wand.Name = wandOwner + wand.Name; c.DropItem(wand); } } if (Utility.Random(20) == 1) { c.DropItem(Server.Items.DungeonLoot.RandomRuneMagic()); } } // WIZARD'S HIGH SEAS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((from is DeepSeaSerpent) || (from is SeaDragon) || (from is GiantSquid) || (from is DeepSeaDragon) || (from is SeaSerpent) || (from is Kraken) || (from is Leviathan)) { int nBodyChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.002) + 2; int nBodyLevel = (int)(from.Fame * 0.0006); if (nBodyLevel > 10) { nBodyLevel = 10; } if (nBodyLevel < 1) { nBodyLevel = 1; } if (nBodyChance > Utility.Random(100)) { CorpseSailor corpseBox = new CorpseSailor(nBodyLevel); c.DropItem(corpseBox); } } SlayerEntry neptune = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(SlayerName.NeptunesBane); if (neptune.Slays(from) && from.Fame >= 11500) { int nWeedChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.002) + 2; if (nWeedChance > Utility.Random(100)) { EnchantedSeaweed goods = new EnchantedSeaweed(); goods.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); c.DropItem(goods); } int nPearlChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.001) + 1; if (nPearlChance > Utility.Random(100)) { c.DropItem(new MysticalPearl()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((neptune.Slays(from) && from.WhisperHue == 999) || Server.Misc.Worlds.IsSeaDungeon(from.Location, from.Map)) // ONLY SEA CREATURES ON THE HIGH SEAS DROP from STUFF { int nWreckChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.002) + 2; if (nWreckChance > Utility.Random(100)) { HighSeasRelic goods = new HighSeasRelic(); goods.RelicGoldValue = goods.RelicGoldValue + (int)(from.RawStatTotal / 3); c.DropItem(goods); } int nBottleChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.002) + 1; if (nBottleChance > Utility.Random(100)) { int messageLevel = 0; if (from.Fame < 2500) { messageLevel = 1; } else if (from.Fame < 5000) { messageLevel = 2; } else if (from.Fame < 10000) { messageLevel = 3; } else { messageLevel = 4; } if (20 > Utility.Random(100)) { messageLevel = 0; } // 20% CHANCE FOR A RANDOM LEVEL BOTTLE Item message = new MessageInABottle(killer.Map, messageLevel, killer.Location, killer.X, killer.Y); c.DropItem(message); } int nBoxChance = (int)(from.Fame * 0.001) - 1; if (nBoxChance > Utility.Random(100) && !(from is StormGiant)) // STORM GIANTS ALREADY DROP A BOX { int boxLevel = 0; if (from.Fame < 2500) { boxLevel = 1; } else if (from.Fame < 5000) { boxLevel = 2; } else if (from.Fame < 10000) { boxLevel = 3; } else if (from.Fame < 20000) { boxLevel = 4; } else { boxLevel = 5; } LootChest MyChest = new LootChest(boxLevel); MyChest.Name = "seaweed covered chest"; MyChest.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0xB97, 0xB98, 0xB99, 0xB9A, 0xB88); c.DropItem(MyChest); } } } } }
public static void FindTarget(Mobile m, int fee) { string searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 15)) { case 0: searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; break; case 1: searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; break; case 2: searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; break; case 3: searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 4: searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 5: searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 6: searchLocation = "the Serpent Island"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 7: searchLocation = "the Serpent Island"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 8: searchLocation = "the Serpent Island"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 9: searchLocation = "the Isles of Dread"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Isles of Dread"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 10: searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 11: searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 12: searchLocation = "the Island of Umber Veil"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Island of Umber Veil"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 13: searchLocation = "the Bottle World of Kuldar"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Bottle World of Kuldar"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; case 14: searchLocation = "the Underworld"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Underworld"))) { searchLocation = "the Underworld"; } break; case 15: searchLocation = "the Land of Ambrosia"; if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Ambrosia"))) { searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria"; } break; } int aCount = 0; Region reg = null; ArrayList targets = new ArrayList(); foreach (Mobile target in World.Mobiles.Values) { if (target is BaseCreature) { reg = Region.Find(target.Location, target.Map); string tWorld = Worlds.GetMyWorld(target.Map, target.Location, target.X, target.Y); if (target.EmoteHue != 123 && target.Karma < 0 && target.Fame < fee && (DifficultyLevel.GetDifficultyLevel(target.Location, target.Map) <= GetPlayerInfo.GetPlayerDifficulty(m)) && reg.IsPartOf(typeof(DungeonRegion))) { if (searchLocation == "the Land of Sosaria" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Land of Lodoria" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Serpent Island" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Isles of Dread" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Savaged Empire" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Island of Umber Veil" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Bottle World of Kuldar" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } else if (searchLocation == "the Underworld" && tWorld == searchLocation) { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } } if (aCount < 1) // SAFETY CATCH IF IT FINDS NO CREATURES AT ALL...IT WILL FIND AT LEAST ONE IN SOSARIA // { if (target.Karma < 0 && target.Fame < fee && reg.IsPartOf(typeof(DungeonRegion)) && tWorld == "the Land of Sosaria") { targets.Add(target); aCount++; } } } } aCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, aCount); int xCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i) { xCount++; if (xCount == aCount) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1) // KILL SOMETHING { Mobile theone = ( Mobile )targets[i]; string kWorld = Worlds.GetMyWorld(theone.Map, theone.Location, theone.X, theone.Y); string kexplorer = theone.GetType().ToString(); int nFee = theone.Fame / 5; string kDollar = ((int)((Server.Misc.DifficultyLevel.QuestRewardModifier() * 0.01) * nFee)).ToString(); string killName = theone.Name; string killTitle = theone.Title; if (theone is Wyrms) { killName = "a wyrm"; killTitle = ""; } if (theone is Dragons) { killName = "a dragon"; killTitle = ""; } if (theone is BombWorshipper) { killName = "a worshipper of the bomb"; killTitle = ""; } if (theone is Psionicist) { killName = "a psychic of the bomb"; killTitle = ""; } string myexplorer = kexplorer + "#" + killTitle + "#" + killName + "#" + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(theone.Map, theone.Location) + "#0#" + kDollar + "#" + kWorld + "#Monster"; CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "StandardQuest", myexplorer); string theStory = myexplorer + "#" + StandardQuestFunctions.QuestSentence(m); // ADD THE STORY PART CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "StandardQuest", theStory); } else // FIND SOMETHING { Mobile theone = ( Mobile )targets[i]; string kWorld = Worlds.GetMyWorld(theone.Map, theone.Location, theone.X, theone.Y); string kexplorer = theone.GetType().ToString(); int nFee = theone.Fame / 3; nFee = nFee / 100; nFee = nFee * 100; string kDollar = ((int)((Server.Misc.DifficultyLevel.QuestRewardModifier() * 0.01) * nFee)).ToString(); string ItemToFind = QuestCharacters.QuestItems(); string myexplorer = "##" + ItemToFind + "#" + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(theone.Map, theone.Location) + "#0#" + kDollar + "#" + kWorld + "#Item"; CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "StandardQuest", myexplorer); string theStory = myexplorer + "#" + StandardQuestFunctions.QuestSentence(m); // ADD THE STORY PART CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "StandardQuest", theStory); } } } }
public static Item CreateArtifact(string arty) { Item artifact = null; int AddBonuses = 1; if (arty == "random") { arty = "any"; int HighSearch = 300 + 3; // THERE ARE 300 ARTIFACTS SO CHANGE THE SECOND NUMBER TO THE NUMBER OF CATEGORIES LISTED BELOW... switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, HighSearch)) { case 3: arty = "invulnerable"; break; } } if (arty == "driftwood") // ONLY FOR SEA TRAVELERS { artifact = CreateWoodItem(); if (artifact != null) { artifact.Hue = 0x5B2; artifact.Name = "runed driftwood " + artifact.Name; } } else if (arty == "kelp") // ONLY FOR SEA TRAVELERS { artifact = CreateLeatherArmor("any"); if (artifact != null) { artifact.Hue = 0x483; artifact.Name = artifact.Name.Replace("leather", "kelp woven"); } } else if (arty == "barnacle") // ONLY FOR SEA TRAVELERS { artifact = CreatePlateArmor("any"); if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3) == 1) { artifact = CreateMetalShield(); } if (artifact != null) { artifact.Name = "barnacled " + artifact.Name; artifact.Hue = 0xB91; } } else if (arty == "bronzed") // ONLY FOR SEA TRAVELERS { artifact = CreateMetalItem("female"); if (artifact != null) { artifact.Name = "bronzed " + artifact.Name + " of the valkyrie"; artifact.Hue = 2418; } } else if (arty == "neptune") // ONLY FOR SEA TRAVELERS { switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 4)) { case 1: artifact = CreateArmorItem("any"); break; case 2: artifact = CreateBowItem(); break; case 3: artifact = CreateMetalShield(); break; case 4: artifact = CreateMetalWeapon(); break; } if (artifact is PlateLegs) { artifact.ItemID = 0x2B6B; } else if (artifact is PlateArms) { artifact.ItemID = 0x2B6C; } else if (artifact is PlateChest) { artifact.ItemID = 0x2B67; } else if (artifact is PlateHelm) { artifact.ItemID = 0x140E; artifact.Name = "helm"; } if (artifact != null) { artifact.Name = artifact.Name + " of Neptune"; artifact.Hue = 0x84C; } } else if (arty == "invulnerable") { artifact = CreateMetalProtection("any"); if (artifact != null) { artifact.Hue = 0x4F2; artifact.Name = artifact.Name + " of invulnerability"; } } else { artifact = Loot.RandomArty(); AddBonuses = 0; } if (artifact == null) { artifact = Loot.RandomArty(); } if (AddBonuses == 1) { if (artifact is BaseWeapon) { PowerArtifactWeapon(artifact, arty); } else if (artifact is BaseShield) { PowerArtifactShield(artifact, arty); } else if (artifact is BaseArmor) { PowerArtifactArmor(artifact, arty); } else if (artifact is BaseJewel) { PowerArtifactJewel(artifact, arty); } } if (DifficultyLevel.GetUnidentifiedChance() >= Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100)) { LockableContainer box = new UnidentifiedArtifact(); box.DropItem(artifact); box.ItemID = artifact.ItemID; box.Hue = artifact.Hue; box.Name = DifficultyLevel.GetOddityAdjective() + " artifact"; return(box); } return(artifact); }