public static void InitializeContent() { #region tutorial step 2 #region arena var map = new Point(2000, 2000); var arena = new ArenaControl(); = Color.FromGray(0xc0); arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasSize(map); arena.Control.AttachToDocument(); arena.DrawTextToInfo(Title, new Point(8, 8), Color.Blue); Native.window.onresize += delegate { arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasPosition( arena.CurrentCanvasPosition ); }; #endregion #endregion var pending = default(Dude2); #region arsenal var arsenal = new Dictionary<string, DudeAnimationInfo> { {"Soldier", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.WolfSoldier, Frames_Walk = Frames.WolfSoldier_Walk } }, {"Imp", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.DoomImp, Frames_Walk = Frames.DoomImp_Walk } } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 3 Func<DudeAnimationInfo, Point, Dude2> CreateActor = (_frames, _coords) => { var actor = new Dude2(); actor.Frames = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Walk = _frames.Frames_Walk; actor.Zoom.DynamicZoomFunc = a => 1; actor.SetSize(48, 72); actor.TeleportTo(_coords.X, _coords.Y); actor.Zoom.StaticZoom = DefaultActiorZoom; actor.Direction = Math.PI * 0.5; actor.Control.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas); //actor.HasShadow = _frames.Frames_Stand.Length > 1; if (_frames.Frames_Stand.Length == 1) = 0.4; actor.AnimationInfo.WalkAnimationInterval = 1000 / 30; return actor; }; var actors = new List<Dude2> { }; var selection = from i in actors where i.IsSelected select i; arena.ApplySelection += (rect, ev) => { if (pending != null) return; foreach (var v in actors) v.IsSelected = rect.Contains(v.CurrentLocation.ToInt32()); }; var Argh = new Argh(); var Affirmative = new Affirmative(); var ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); var sheep = new sheep(); var pig = new pig(); var click = new click().AttachToDocument(); arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending != null) return; foreach (var v in selection) { if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ManWithHorns.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ThePig.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; pig = new pig(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.TheSheep.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; sheep = new sheep(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == Frames.WolfSoldier[0].Source) {; Affirmative = new Affirmative(); } else {; Argh = new Argh(); } v.WalkTo(p.ToDouble()); // move in group formation p.X += 16; p.Y += 16; } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 4 #region CreateDialogAt var CreateDialogAt = new { //Dialog = default(IHTMLDiv), Content = default(IHTMLDiv), Width = default(string) } .ToFunc( (Point pos, string width) => { var f = new Form(); f.Show(); f.SizeTo(200, 200); // //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(); f.MoveTo(pos.X, pos.Y); //f.SizeTo( //var dialog = new IHTMLDiv(); //, pos.Y); // = Color.Gray; // = "1px"; //var caption = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(dialog); // = Color.Blue; // = width; // = "0.5em"; // = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; //var drag = new DragHelper(caption); //drag.Position = pos; //drag.Enabled = true; //drag.DragMove += // delegate // { //, drag.Position.Y); // }; var _content = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(f.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); =; = Color.White; = "1px"; //dialog.AttachToDocument(); return new { //Dialog = dialog, Content = _content, Width = width }; } ); #endregion #region dialog var toolbar = CreateDialogAt(new Point(2, 2), "8em"); var combo = new IHTMLSelect(); var build = new IHTMLButton();, 72); = "0px"; var avatar = new IHTMLImage().AttachTo(build); var remove = new IHTMLButton("Remove"); combo.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); build.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); remove.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); #endregion #region GetSelectedArsenal Func<DudeAnimationInfo> GetSelectedArsenal = () => { if (arsenal.ContainsKey(combo[combo.selectedIndex].value)) return arsenal[combo[combo.selectedIndex].value]; return null; }; #endregion Action Refresh = delegate { var i = GetSelectedArsenal(); if (i != null) avatar.src = i.Images.Random().src; }; combo.Add(arsenal.Keys.ToArray()); Refresh(); combo.onchange += delegate { Refresh();; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #region pending actor arena.MouseMove += p => { if (pending == null) return; pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); }; arena.Layers.User.oncontextmenu += e => { e.preventDefault(); if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = true; return; } actors.ForEach( k => k.IsSelected = false ); }; arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending == null) { return; } pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); actors.Add(pending); pending.IsHot = false; var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true;; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; build.onclick += delegate { if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; return; } var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = false;; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion remove.onclick += delegate { foreach (var v in selection.ToArray()) { v.Control.Orphanize(); actors.Remove(v); }; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion if (FilterToImpAndSoldier) { } else { #region step 6 { var n = "NPC"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.NPC3); combo.Add(n); } #endregion { var n = "ManWithHorns"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ManWithHorns); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheSheep"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheSheep); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "ThePig"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ThePig); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheCactus"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheCactus); combo.Add(n); } } if (BeforeAddingDebris != null) BeforeAddingDebris(arena.Layers.Canvas); 3.Times( delegate() { new DebrisImages().Images.ForEach( img => img.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas).style.SetLocation(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random()) ); } ); 16.Times( delegate() { actors.Add( CreateActor(arsenal.Random().Value, new Point(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random())) ); } ); }
public Program(IHTMLElement placeholder) { // // // // we do not want to see those scrollbars = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; // Preload Images foreach (var v in Frames.Harvester1) { var dummy = v.Image; } //Console.EnableActiveXConsole(); var MyDudeHotRange = 24; var MyDudes = new List<Dude2>(); var MySelectedDudes = new Dude2[] { }; Session = new MySession(); this.Session.IServer_EnterLobby( delegate(string e) { var TheWorld = new MyGameWorld(); #region supporting user chat var ChatBox = new LayeredTextBox(); Native.Document.onkeypress += delegate(IEvent ev) { if (ev.KeyCode == 'q') Console.WriteLine("Q"); if (ev.KeyCode == 'w') Console.WriteLine("W"); if (ev.KeyCode == 'e') Console.WriteLine("E"); if (ev.KeyCode == 'r') { var random_spawn_position = new __Type1 { x = new System.Random().NextDouble() * 600, y = new System.Random().NextDouble() * 400, }; Console.WriteLine("random_spawn_position: " + random_spawn_position); // Lets Spawn Something into the world } //Console.Log("onkeypress: " + new { KeyCode = ev.KeyCode }); if (!ChatBox.IsVisible) { if (ev.KeyCode == 't') { ev.PreventDefault(); Timer.DoAsync( delegate { ChatBox.ShowAndFocus(); } ); } } }; #endregion this.Session.ClientName = e; var a = new ArenaControl(); var m = new ArenaMinimapControl(); a.Control.AttachToDocument(); = Color.FromRGB(0, 0x80, 0); // set the map to be somewhere left a.SetLocation(Rectangle.Of(32, 32, 640, 480)); // set tha map canvas size to be something big a.SetCanvasSize(new Point(8000, 8000)); #region DrawTextWithTimeout System.Action<string, Color> DrawTextWithTimeout = delegate(string text, Color color) { var z = new IHTMLDiv(new ITextNode(text)); = color; = Color.Black; a.Layers.Info.appendChild(z); this.SessionTimer[TimerEvent.DelayOnce(9000)] = delegate { z.Dispose(); }; }; #endregion this.SessionTimer[TimerEvent.DelayOnce(1000)] = delegate { a.DrawTextToInfo("just some data", new Point(46, 246), Color.Black); a.DrawTextToInfo("just some data", new Point(45, 245), Color.Yellow); DrawTextWithTimeout("hello world", Color.Red); }; var data = new List<Pair<Rectangle, Color>>(); #region minimap m.Zoom.Validate += delegate { if (a.CurrentCanvasSize.X > a.CurrentCanvasSize.Y) { var w = m.CurrentLocation.Width / a.CurrentCanvasSize.X; if (m.Zoom.Value < w) m.Zoom.Value = w; } else { var h = m.CurrentLocation.Height / a.CurrentCanvasSize.Y; if (m.Zoom.Value < h) m.Zoom.Value = h; } }; m.Zoom.Changed += delegate { m.Layers.Canvas.removeChildren(); m.SetCanvasSize(a.CurrentCanvasSize * m.Zoom.Value); m.SetSelectionLocation(a.CanvasView * m.Zoom.Value); m.MakeSelectionVisible(); var data_array = data.ToArray(); foreach (var v in data_array) { var r = v.A; var c = v.B; m.DrawRectangleToCanvas(r * m.Zoom.Value, c); } }; m.Control.AttachToDocument(); m.SetLocation(Rectangle.Of(690, 50, 200, 200)); #endregion #region DrawRectangle Action<Rectangle, Color> DrawRectangleLocal = delegate(Rectangle r, Color c) { var p = new Pair<Rectangle, Color>(r, c); data.Add(p); a.DrawRectangleToCanvas(r, c); m.DrawRectangleToCanvas(r * m.Zoom.Value, c); }; this.Session.OnIClient_DrawRectangle += delegate(Message._IClient_DrawRectangle p) { var r = new Rectangle { Left = p.rect.Left, Top = p.rect.Top, Width = p.rect.Width, Height = p.rect.Height, }; DrawRectangleLocal(r, p.color); }; Action<Rectangle, Color> DrawRectangle = delegate(Rectangle r, Color c) { DrawRectangleLocal(r, c); this.Session.IServer_DrawRectangle(r, c); }; #endregion #region SpawnHarvester Action<Point, double> SpawnHarvester_Local = delegate(Point Location, double Direction) { // add new dude var dude = CreateHarvester(); dude.Direction = Direction; dude.Zoom.StaticZoom = 1; dude.TeleportTo(Location.X, Location.Y); dude.Control.AttachTo(a.Layers.Canvas); MyDudes.Add(dude); }; this.Session.OnIClient_SpawnHarvester += ev => SpawnHarvester_Local(ev.Location, (ev.Direction / 32d)); Action<Point, double> SpawnHarvester = (Location, Direction) => { SpawnHarvester_Local(Location, Direction); this.Session.IServer_SpawnHarvester(Location, (Direction * 32).ToInt32()); }; //(Location, Direction) => //{ // SpawnHarvester_Local(Location, Direction); //}; #endregion a.SelectionClick += delegate(Point p, IEvent ev) { Console.WriteLine("SelectionClick_1"); if (ev.ctrlKey) { SpawnHarvester(p, (Math.PI * 2).Random()); // DrawRectangle(p.WithMargin(a.SelectionMinimumSize * 2), Color.Green); } else { var Selection = MyDudes.Where(v => v.CurrentLocation.GetRange(p) < MyDudeHotRange).ToArray(); if (Selection.Length == 0) { MySelectedDudes.ForEach(v => v.WalkTo(p)); } else { MySelectedDudes.ForEach(v => v.IsSelected = false); MySelectedDudes = Selection; MySelectedDudes.ForEach(v => v.IsSelected = true); } } }; a.MouseMove += point => { foreach (var v in MyDudes) { v.IsHot = v.CurrentLocation.GetRange(point) < MyDudeHotRange; } }; a.ApplySelection += delegate(Rectangle r, IEvent ev) { if (ev.ctrlKey) { DrawRectangle(r, RandomColor); } else { MySelectedDudes.ForEach(v => v.IsSelected = false); MySelectedDudes = MyDudes.Where(v => r.Contains(v.CurrentLocation)).ToArray(); MySelectedDudes.ForEach(v => v.IsSelected = true); } }; a.CanvasViewChanged += delegate(Rectangle p) { m.SetSelectionLocation(p * m.Zoom.Value); m.MakeSelectionVisible(); }; a.SetCanvasPosition(Point.Zero); m.SelectionCenterChanged += delegate(Point p) { a.SetCanvasViewCenter(p / m.Zoom.Value); }; m.Zoom.SetValue(0); //, 480 - 32, 650, 22); // = "1em"; //chatbox.attachToDocument(); ChatBox.SetLocation(Rectangle.Of(0, 440, 640, 22)); a.Layers.Info.appendChild(ChatBox.Control); = Color.Yellow; = 0.8; = Color.White; ChatBox.Hide(); ChatBox.Send += delegate(string text) { DrawTextWithTimeout(text, Color.White); this.Session.IServer_TalkToOthers(text); }; this.Session.OnIClient_DisplayNotification += x => DrawTextWithTimeout(x.text, x.color); // put some elements on the canvas //DrawRectangleLocal(Rectangle.Of(48, 48, 128, 64), Color.Green); //DrawRectangleLocal(Rectangle.Of(48, 128, 128, 64), Color.Gray); //DrawRectangleLocal(Rectangle.Of(400, 300, 128, 64), Color.Black); //DrawRectangleLocal(Rectangle.Of(400, 500, 128, 64), 0xff5566); //DrawRectangleLocal(Rectangle.Of(700, 600, 128, 64), 0x3f5466); #region game units var ai = new ArenaInfo(); ai.Arena = a; ai.Minimap = m; #region hidden /* { var mcy = new ArenaUnit(); mcy.Color = Color.Red; mcy.Owner = ai; mcy.Title = "My Construction Yard Unit"; mcy.SetLocation(new Point(64, 64)); mcy.SetSize(new Point(72, 72)); // put the unit on the canvas ai.Arena.Layers.Canvas.appendChild(mcy.Control); // update its location mcy.UpdateControlLocation(); // remeber that we have such a unit ai.Units.Add(mcy); } */ /* { var mcy = new ArenaUnit(); mcy.Health.Max = 2000; mcy.Health.Current = 1500; mcy.Color = Color.Red; mcy.Owner = ai; mcy.Title = "My Construction Yard Unit 3"; mcy.IsSelectable = true; mcy.SetLocation(new Point(250, 200)); var mfx = fx.Settings.ConstructionYard; mcy.SetSize(mfx.Size); mfx.ShowFrame(mcy.Control, 12); // put the unit on the canvas ai.Arena.Layers.Canvas.appendChild(mcy.Control); // update its location mcy.UpdateControlLocation(); // remeber that we have such a unit ai.Units.Add(mcy); } { var mcy = new ArenaUnit(); mcy.Health.Max = 2000; mcy.Health.Current = 1500; mcy.Color = Color.Red; mcy.Owner = ai; mcy.Title = "My Construction Yard Unit 3"; mcy.IsSelectable = true; mcy.SetLocation(new Point(250, 300)); var mfx = fx.Settings.ConstructionYard; mcy.SetSize(mfx.Size); mfx.ShowFrame(mcy.Control, 12); // put the unit on the canvas ai.Arena.Layers.Canvas.appendChild(mcy.Control); // update its location mcy.UpdateControlLocation(); // remeber that we have such a unit ai.Units.Add(mcy); }*/ #endregion m.Zoom.Changed += delegate { // redraw all units to the minimap ai.DrawToMinimap(); }; #endregion a.SelectionClick += delegate(Point p, IEvent ev) { ai.SelectUnits(p); }; a.ApplySelection += delegate(Rectangle r, IEvent ev) { ai.SelectUnits(r); }; ai.DrawToMinimap(); } ); }