private void SetInvoiceData(Graphics g, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) {// Set Invoice Table: string FieldValue = ""; int CurrentRecord = 0; int RecordsPerPage = 0; // twenty items in a page decimal Amount = 0; bool StopReading = false; // Set Table Head: // int xProductID = leftMargin; int xProductID = leftMargin - 90; for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; g.DrawString("Sr", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xProductID, CurrentY); int xProductName = xProductID + (int)g.MeasureString("Products", InvoiceFont).Width + 4; g.DrawString("Products", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xProductName - 30, CurrentY); int xQuantity = xProductName + (int)g.MeasureString("Qty", InvoiceFont).Width + 72; g.DrawString("Qty", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xQuantity - 50, CurrentY); int xUnit = xQuantity + (int)g.MeasureString("Unit", InvoiceFont).Width + 4; g.DrawString("Unit", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xUnit - 55, CurrentY); int xRate = xUnit + (int)g.MeasureString("Rate", InvoiceFont).Width + 4; g.DrawString("Rate", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xRate - 60, CurrentY); AmountPosition = xRate + (int)g.MeasureString("Amount", InvoiceFont).Width + 4; g.DrawString("Amount", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, AmountPosition - 50, CurrentY); // Set Invoice Table: CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight + 8; for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight + 8; AppConfiguration a = new AppConfiguration(); float TotalQuantity = 0; float TotalAmount = 0; float TotalTaxAmount = 0; float ItemValue = 0; try { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConnString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetOrderForCashMemoPrintingByOrderID", con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderID", a.OrderID); cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { RecordsPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows.Count); while (CurrentRecord < RecordsPerPage) { DataRow dr = (DataRow)dt.Rows[CurrentRecord]; FieldValue = "" + dr["SNO"]; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xProductID, CurrentY); FieldValue = "" + dr["ItemName"]; // if Length of (Product Name) > 20, Draw 20 character only //if (FieldValue.Length > 50) // FieldValue = FieldValue.Remove(50, FieldValue.Length - 50); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xProductName - 30, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; FieldValue = "" + dr["Qty"]; float Quantity = float.Parse(FieldValue); string taxamount = "" + dr["TaxAmount"]; string amount = "" + dr["Amount"]; float QuantityAmount = float.Parse(taxamount) + float.Parse(amount); TotalAmount = TotalAmount + float.Parse(taxamount) + float.Parse(amount); ItemValue = ItemValue + float.Parse(amount); float RateAmount = QuantityAmount / Quantity; TotalQuantity = TotalQuantity + float.Parse(FieldValue); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xQuantity - 50, CurrentY); FieldValue = "" + dr["Unit"]; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xUnit - 55, CurrentY); FieldValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", RateAmount); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xRate - 60, CurrentY); // Format Extended Price and Align to Right: FieldValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", (float.Parse(amount) + float.Parse(taxamount))); int xAmount = AmountPosition + (int)g.MeasureString("Amount", InvoiceFont).Width; xAmount = xAmount - (int)g.MeasureString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont).Width; FieldValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", QuantityAmount); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xAmount - 50, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xTax = leftMargin - 60; TotalTaxAmount = TotalTaxAmount + float.Parse(taxamount); // TotalAmount = TotalAmount + TotalTaxAmount; FieldValue = "T " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["TaxRate"]) + "% " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["TaxAmount"]); PaidAmount = String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["PaidAmount"]); OutstandingAmount = String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["OutstandingAmount"]); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xTax, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; if (CurrentRecord == RecordsPerPage) { StopReading = true; break; } CurrentRecord++; } for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xTotal = leftMargin - 90; FieldValue = "Total Qty: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", TotalQuantity) + " Amt: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", TotalAmount); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, xTotal, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xCurrency = leftMargin - 90; string FieldValue1 = ""; FieldValue = CurrencyConverter.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(TotalAmount)); if (FieldValue.Length > 40) { FieldValue1 = FieldValue.Substring(41, FieldValue.Length - 41); FieldValue = FieldValue.Substring(0, 41); } g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xTotal, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; g.DrawString(FieldValue1, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xTotal, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xTaxAmount = leftMargin - 90; FieldValue = "Item Value: " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ItemValue); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xTotal, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; try { using (SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(ConnString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("GetTaxGroupingDetailsForPrintingByOrderID", con1)) { cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderID", a.OrderID); cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0; con1.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); da1.Fill(dt1); CurrentRecord = 0; if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { RecordsPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows.Count); while (CurrentRecord < RecordsPerPage) { int xTaxType = leftMargin - 90; DataRow dr = (DataRow)dt1.Rows[CurrentRecord]; // FieldValue = "" + dr["TaxType"]; FieldValue = String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["TaxType"]) + "% " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", dr["TaxAmount"]); g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlackBrush, xTaxType, CurrentY); CurrentRecord = CurrentRecord + 1; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; if (CurrentRecord == RecordsPerPage) { break; } } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int CurrentX = leftMargin; for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xPaidAmountLabel = leftMargin - 90; FieldValue = "Total Paid Amount: "; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xPaidAmountLabel, CurrentY); g.DrawString(PaidAmount, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xPaidAmountLabel + 250 - (FieldValue.Length), CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; int xOutstanding = leftMargin - 90; FieldValue = "Total Due Amount : "; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xOutstanding, CurrentY); g.DrawString(OutstandingAmount, InvoiceFont, BlueBrush, xOutstanding + 250 - (FieldValue.Length), CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; for (int i = 10; i <= 250; i++) { g.DrawString("-", InvoiceTitle, BlueBrush, i, CurrentY); } CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; CurrentY = CurrentY + InvoiceFontHeight; FieldValue = "|| THANK YOU VISIT AGAIN ||"; int lenSalutation = (int)g.MeasureString(FieldValue, InvSalutation).Width; // Set Titles Left: int xSalutation = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenSalutation) / 2; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSalutation, BlueBrush, xSalutation, CurrentY); } } } } catch (Exception) { } g.Dispose(); if (CurrentRecord < RecordsPerPage) { e.HasMorePages = false; } else { e.HasMorePages = true; } if (StopReading) { SetInvoiceTotal(g); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Alert Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void SetInvoiceHead(Graphics g) { AppConfiguration a = new AppConfiguration(); ReadInvoiceHead(a.OrderID); CurrentY = topMargin; CurrentX = leftMargin; int ImageHeight = 0; // Draw Invoice image: if (System.IO.File.Exists(InvImage)) { Bitmap oInvImage = new Bitmap(InvImage); // Set Image Left to center Image: int xImage = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - oInvImage.Width) / 2; ImageHeight = oInvImage.Height; // Get Image Height g.DrawImage(oInvImage, xImage, CurrentY); } InvTitleHeight = (int)(InvTitleFont.GetHeight(g)); InvSubTitleHeight = (int)(InvSubTitleFont.GetHeight(g)); // Get Titles Length: int lenInvTitle = (int)g.MeasureString(InvTitle, InvTitleFont).Width; int lenInvSubTitle1 = (int)g.MeasureString(InvSubTitle1, InvSubTitleFont).Width; int lenInvSubTitle2 = (int)g.MeasureString(InvSubTitle2, InvSubTitleFont).Width; int lenInvSubTitle3 = (int)g.MeasureString(InvSubTitle3, InvSubTitleFont).Width; // Set Titles Left: int xInvTitle = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenInvTitle) / 2; int xInvSubTitle1 = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenInvSubTitle1) / 2; int xInvSubTitle2 = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenInvSubTitle2) / 2; int xInvSubTitle3 = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenInvSubTitle3) / 2; // Draw Invoice Head: if (InvTitle != "") { CurrentY = CurrentY + ImageHeight; g.DrawString(InvTitle, InvTitleFont, BlueBrush, xInvTitle, CurrentY); } if (InvSubTitle1 != "") { CurrentY = CurrentY + InvTitleHeight; g.DrawString(InvSubTitle1, InvTitleFont, BlueBrush, xInvSubTitle1, CurrentY); } if (InvSubTitle2 != "") { CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight; g.DrawString(InvSubTitle2, InvTitleFont, BlueBrush, xInvSubTitle2, CurrentY); } if (InvSubTitle3 != "") { CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight; g.DrawString(InvSubTitle3, InvTitleFont, BlueBrush, xInvSubTitle3, CurrentY); } // Draw line: //CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight + 8; //g.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Black, 2), CurrentX, CurrentY, rightMargin, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight; String FieldValue = "CASH MEMO"; int lenSalutation = (int)g.MeasureString(FieldValue, InvSalutation).Width; // Set Titles Left: int xSalutation = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenSalutation) / 2; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSalutation, BlueBrush, xSalutation, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight; FieldValue = "==>>" + InvoiceType + "<<=="; lenSalutation = (int)g.MeasureString(FieldValue, InvSalutation).Width; // Set Titles Left: xSalutation = CurrentX + (InvoiceWidth - lenSalutation) / 2; g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSalutation, BlueBrush, xSalutation, CurrentY); CurrentY = CurrentY + InvSubTitleHeight; }
private void frmHome_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\SMS"; //if (!Directory.Exists(path)) //{ // this.Visible = false; // new frmSqlSetting().Show(); //} int counter = 0; string line; AppConfiguration c = new AppConfiguration(); if (File.Exists(path + "\\config.txt")) { System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + "\\config.txt"); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { if (counter == 0) { c.CounterID = Convert.ToInt32(line); } else if (counter == 1) { c.TerminalID = Convert.ToInt32(line); } counter++; } file.Close(); System.Console.WriteLine("There were {0} lines.", counter); // Suspend the screen. System.Console.ReadLine(); } if (File.Exists(path + "\\server.txt")) { counter = 0; SQLServer s = new SQLServer(); System.IO.StreamReader serverfile = new System.IO.StreamReader(path + "\\server.txt"); while ((line = serverfile.ReadLine()) != null) { if (counter == 0) { s.ServerIP = "" + line; } else if (counter == 1) { s.ServerUserID = "" + line; } else if (counter == 2) { s.ServerPassword = "" + line; } counter++; } serverfile.Close(); System.Console.WriteLine("There were {0} lines.", counter); // Suspend the screen. System.Console.ReadLine(); string AppConnectionString = String.Format("Data Source = {0}; Initial Catalog = SMS; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = {1}; Password = {2}", s.ServerIP, s.ServerUserID, s.ServerPassword); Globals g = new Globals(); g.ConnString = AppConnectionString; } if (!File.Exists(path + "\\server.txt")) { this.Visible = false; new frmSqlSetting().Show(); } else if (!File.Exists(path + "\\config.txt")) { this.Visible = false; new frmSettings().Show(); } }
public void LOAD_SUB_CATEGORY_BUTTON(String CategoryName) { try { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConnString)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetAllInventryByCategoryName", con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryName", CategoryName); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); int cnt = 0; int Left = 19; int Top = 19; int Repeat = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = (DataRow)dt.Rows[i]; if (cnt == 5) { Left = 19; Top = Top + 101; Repeat = +1; cnt = 0; } Button button = new Button(); button.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(128)))), ((int)(((byte)(0))))); button.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); button.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(Left, Top); button.Name = "" + dr["InvName"]; button.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(141, 95); button.TabIndex = i; button.Text = "" + dr["InvName"].ToString().ToUpper();; button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; groupSubCategory.Controls.Add(button); cnt = cnt + 1; Left = Left + 147; AppConfiguration a = new AppConfiguration(); int TokenPrintStatus = Check_Token_Print_Status(a.TerminalID); if (TokenPrintStatus == 0) { button.Enabled = true; } else { button.Enabled = false; } button.Click += delegate { // Your code String SubCategory = button.Text; Pass_Inventry_Info(SubCategory); this.Visible = false; this.Close(); this.Hide(); if (Application.OpenForms.OfType <frmNewOrder>().Any()) { frmNewOrder frm = new frmNewOrder(); frm.Visible = false; frm.Close(); frm.Hide(); } frmNewOrder frm1 = new frmNewOrder(); frm1.Show(); // MessageBox.Show(SubCategory); }; } } } } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void frmPaymentHistory_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppConfiguration a = new AppConfiguration(); LoadPaymentHistory(a.TokenNo); }