private static void Train(string prefix) { SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(MnistDataPath + prefix + ".txt"); trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; double[] crossValidationResults; int nFold = 5; trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); SVM.SaveModel(model, MnistDataPath + "model.txt"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nModel ok!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Load the datasets: In this example I use the same datasets for training and testing which is not suggested SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"Dataset\wine.txt"); SVMProblem testSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"Dataset\wine.txt"); // Normalize the datasets if you want: L2 Norm => x / ||x|| trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); testSet = testSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); // Select the parameter set SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; // Do cross validation to check this parameter set is correct for the dataset or not double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels int nFold = 5; trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); // Evaluate the cross validation result // If it is not good enough, select the parameter set again double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); // Train the model, If your parameter set gives good result on cross validation SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); // Save the model SVM.SaveModel(model, @"Model\wine_model.txt"); // Predict the instances in the test set double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); // Evaluate the test results int[,] confusionMatrix; double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix); // Print the resutls Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); Console.WriteLine("\nTest accuracy: " + testAccuracy); Console.WriteLine("\nConfusion matrix:\n"); // Print formatted confusion matrix Console.Write(String.Format("{0,6}", "")); for (int i = 0; i < model.Labels.Length; i++) Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")")); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < confusionMatrix.GetLength(0); i++) { Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")")); for (int j = 0; j < confusionMatrix.GetLength(1); j++) Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", confusionMatrix[i,j])); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to quit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
// for training the face, public void face_training(SVMProblem f_training) { SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\0921_towp.txt"); SVMProblem testSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\0921_towpt.txt"); trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); testSet = testSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.NU_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.SIGMOID; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; parameter.Probability = true; double[] crossValidationResults; int nFold = 10; trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); int[,] confusionMatrix; double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix); Training_result.Content = "testAccuracy:" + testAccuracy + "\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy + "\nCount " + trainingSet.Y.Count; Training_result.FontSize = 14; Training_result.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal; Training_result.Foreground = Brushes.Red; Training_result.Background = Brushes.Black; index++; }
public void Training(IResults results, int start, int end) { for (int scanNum = start; scanNum <= end; scanNum++) { if (results.Contains(scanNum)) { List <IScore> scores = results.GetResult(scanNum); foreach (IScore score in scores) { double y = (score as FDRScoreProxy).IsDecoy() ? 0 : 1; List <SVMNode> X = new List <SVMNode>(); // store score value in X int idx = 0; foreach (MassType type in types) { SVMNode node = new SVMNode(); node.Index = idx; node.Value = score.GetScore(type); X.Add(node); idx++; } problem.Add(X.ToArray(), y); } } } // training SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Probability = true; model = problem.Train(parameter); }
public void TestLibsvmClassify() { var advancedClassify = new AdvancedClassify(); var numericalset = advancedClassify.LoadNumerical(); var result = advancedClassify.ScaleData(numericalset); var scaledSet = result.Item1; var scalef = result.Item2; var prob = new SVMProblem(); foreach (var matchRow in scaledSet) { prob.Add(matchRow.NumData.Select((v, i) => new SVMNode(i + 1, v)).ToArray(), matchRow.Match); } var param = new SVMParameter() { Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF }; var m = prob.Train(param); m.SaveModel("trainModel"); Func <double[], SVMNode[]> makeInput = ma => scalef(ma).Select((v, i) => new SVMNode(i + 1, v)).ToArray(); var newrow = new[] { 28, -1, -1, 26, -1, 1, 2, 0.8 };//男士不想要小孩,而女士想要 TestOutput(m.Predict(makeInput(newrow))); newrow = new[] { 28, -1, 1, 26, -1, 1, 2, 0.8 };//双方都想要小孩 TestOutput(m.Predict(makeInput(newrow))); }
public void face_training(SVMProblem f_training) { SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\0921_towp.txt"); SVMProblem testSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\0921_towpt.txt"); // f_training.Save(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\1005f.txt"); // trainingSet.Insert(index, f_training.X[0], 2); trainingSet.Add(f_training.X[0], 1); trainingSet.Save(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\flag.txt"); // trainingSet.Save(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\1005.txt"); // Console.WriteLine(); // SVMNode node = new SVMNode(); // node.Index = Convert.ToInt32(o); // node.Value = Convert.ToDouble(f_training.X); // nodes.Add(node); // trainingSet.Add(nodes.ToArray(), 1); // int number = randon.Next(0, trainingSet.X.Count); // int trainingsample = Convert.ToInt32(trainingSet.X.Count * 2 / 3); // int testingsample = Convert.ToInt32(trainingSet.X.Count / 3); trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); testSet = testSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.NU_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.SIGMOID; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; parameter.Probability = true; int nFold = 10; MainWindow main = new MainWindow(); double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); SVMModel model = SVM.Train(trainingSet, parameter); // SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); SVM.SaveModel(model, @"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\1005.txt"); double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); // Console.WriteLine(""); int[,] confusionMatrix; double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix); // Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); // Console.WriteLine("testAccuracy:" + testAccuracy); // Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(trainingSet.X.Count)); main.Training_result.Content = "testAccuracy:" + testAccuracy + "\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy + "\nCount " + trainingSet.X.Count; main.Training_result.FontSize = 14; main.Training_result.FontStyle = FontStyles.Normal; main.Training_result.Foreground = Brushes.Red; main.Training_result.Background = Brushes.Black; // Console.WriteLine(trainingSet1.Length); // trainingSet.Save(@"C:\Users\temp\Desktop\1005.txt"); index++; }
public Classifier(string Name, SVMParameter Parameter, SAMData samData) { this.Name = Name; this.Parameters = new List <SVMParameter>() { Parameter }; this.samData = samData; }
//Coin SVM按鈕事件 private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StreamWriter Train_txt = new StreamWriter(@"train.txt"); StreamWriter Test_txt = new StreamWriter(@"test.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { if (CoinTrainingSet[i, 0] == 1) { Train_txt.WriteLine("1" + " 1:" + CoinTrainingSet[i, 1]); } else { Train_txt.WriteLine("-1" + " 1:" + CoinTrainingSet[i, 1]); } } for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { if (i < 10000) { Test_txt.WriteLine("1" + " 1:" + RV_XY[i]); } else { Test_txt.WriteLine("-1" + " 1:" + RV_XY[i]); } } Train_txt.Close(); Test_txt.Close(); SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"train.txt"); SVMProblem testProblem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"test.txt"); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 0.0001; SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); double[] target = new double[testProblem.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < testProblem.Length; i++) { target[i] = SVM.Predict(model, testProblem.X[i]); } double accuracy = SVMHelper.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testProblem, target); label6.Text = accuracy.ToString(); }
public PredictionResult(double[,] ConfusionMatrix, List <double> Recalls, List <double> Precisions, List <double> Fscores, SVMParameter SVMParam, List <Feature> Features, List <int> Answers, List <int> Guesses) { confusionMatrix = ConfusionMatrix; recalls = Recalls; precisions = Precisions; fscores = Fscores; svmParams = SVMParam; features = Features; guesses = Guesses; correct = Answers; }
/// <summary> /// Create a model from the training data, has to be called before predicting /// </summary> /// <param name="paramater">The SvmParameter is converted to OneClass type</param> /// <returns>returns true if the model was created correctly</returns> public bool CreateModel(SVMParameter parameter) { parameter.Type = SVMType.ONE_CLASS; try { _model = _trainingData.Train(parameter); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public static string GetOutput(this SVMParameter parameter) { return($"C:{parameter.C}\n" + $"CacheSize:{parameter.CacheSize}\n" + $"Coef0:{parameter.Coef0}\n" + $"Degree:{parameter.Degree}\n" + $"Eps:{parameter.Eps}\n" + $"Gamma:{parameter.Gamma}\n" + $"Kernel:{parameter.Kernel}\n" + $"Nu:{parameter.Nu}\n" + $"P:{parameter.P}\n" + $"Probability:{parameter.Probability}\n" + $"Shrinking:{parameter.Shrinking}\n" + $"Type:{parameter.Type}\n" + $"Wheights:{string.Join(",", parameter.Weights)}\n"); }
public static SVMParameter FindBestHyperparameters(SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter) { int nFold = int.Parse(Configuration.Get("nFold")); int logTo = int.Parse(Configuration.Get("logTo")); int logFrom = int.Parse(Configuration.Get("logFrom")); BlockingCollection <ParameterResult> results = new BlockingCollection <ParameterResult>(); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); for (double cLog = logFrom; cLog <= logTo; cLog++) { double c = Math.Pow(2, cLog); tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (double gammaLog = logFrom; gammaLog <= logTo; gammaLog++) { SVMParameter parameterUnderTest = parameter.Clone(); parameterUnderTest.C = c; parameterUnderTest.Gamma = Math.Pow(2, gammaLog); problem.CrossValidation(parameterUnderTest, nFold, out var crossValidationResults); double crossValidationAccuracy = problem.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); results.Add(new ParameterResult() { Accuracy = crossValidationAccuracy, C = parameterUnderTest.C, Gamma = parameterUnderTest.Gamma }); } })); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); var resultList = results.ToList(); resultList.Sort(); ParameterResult bestParameter = HighestScore(resultList); SaveToCsv(results, "svmData.txt"); SVMParameter returnValue = parameter.Clone(); returnValue.C = bestParameter.C; returnValue.Gamma = bestParameter.Gamma; return(returnValue); }
public SVMClassifier(int folds = 5) { Folds = folds; DataFile = @"Data\data.csv"; Data = new DataLoader(Folds, DataFile); TrainProblems = new SVMProblem[folds]; TestProblems = new SVMProblem[folds]; for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++) { TrainProblems[i] = new SVMProblem(); TestProblems[i] = new SVMProblem(); } for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < folds; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < Data.InstancesPerFold; k++) { var nodes = new SVMNode[Data.FeatureCount]; var label = (double)Data.Labels[j, k]; for (int x = 0; x < Data.FeatureCount; x++) { nodes[x] = new SVMNode(x + 1, Data.Data[j, k, x]); } if (i != j) { TrainProblems[i].Add(nodes, label); } else { TestProblems[i].Add(nodes, label); } } } } Parameters = new SVMParameter(); Parameters.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; Parameters.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; Parameters.C = 1000000; Parameters.Degree = 3; Parameters.Coef0 = 0; Parameters.Gamma = 0.001; }
public void LibsvmFirstLook() { var prob = new SVMProblem(); prob.Add(new[] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 0), new SVMNode(3, 1) }, 1); prob.Add(new[] { new SVMNode(1, -1), new SVMNode(2, 0), new SVMNode(3, -1) }, -1); var param = new SVMParameter(); param.Kernel = SVMKernelType.LINEAR; param.C = 10; var m = prob.Train(param); TestOutput(m.Predict(new [] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 1), new SVMNode(3, 1) })); m.SaveModel("trainModel"); var ml = SVM.LoadModel("trainModel"); TestOutput(ml.Predict(new[] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 1), new SVMNode(3, 1) })); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// 辞書ファイルを作成する /// </summary> /// <param name="input_learing_file"></param> /// <param name="gammma"></param> /// <param name="cost"></param> private void Training(string input_learing_file, float gammma, float cost) { //LibSVMのテスト //学習用のデータの読み込み SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(input_learing_file); //SVMパラメータ SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = LibSVMsharp.SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = LibSVMsharp.SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = cost; parameter.Gamma = gammma; //svmModelが上手く作れていない?ラベルが付けられてない!! libSVM_model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); //辞書ファイルを出力(xmlファイル) string xml_name = @"model_" + input_learing_file; xml_name = xml_name.Replace(@".csv", @".xml"); SVM.SaveModel(libSVM_model, xml_name); //判定結果をファイルに出してみる SVMProblem testProblem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(input_learing_file); double[] target = new double[testProblem.Length]; string debug_file_str = @"debug_" + input_learing_file; using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(debug_file_str)) { for (int i = 0; i < testProblem.Length; i++) { target[i] = SVM.Predict(libSVM_model, testProblem.X[i]); w.Write(target[i] + "\n"); Console.Out.WriteLine(@"{0} : {1}", i, target[i]); } } //正解率を出す。 double accuracy = SVMHelper.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testProblem, target); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"Datasets\wine.txt"); problem = SVMProblemHelper.Normalize(problem, SVMNormType.L2); // Optional SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; // Do 10-fold cross validation double[] target; SVM.CrossValidation(problem, parameter, 10, out target); double crossValidationAccuracy = SVMHelper.EvaluateClassificationProblem(problem, target); // Train the model SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); double correct = 0; for (int i = 0; i < problem.Length; i++) { double y = SVM.Predict(model, problem.X[i]); if (y == problem.Y[i]) { correct++; } } double trainingAccuracy = correct / (double)problem.Length; Console.WriteLine("\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); Console.WriteLine("\nTraining accuracy: " + trainingAccuracy); Console.ReadLine(); }
public override void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase) { imageTransformer = new ImageTransformer(200, 200, @"F:\Gesty\bin", @"F:\Gesty\rescaled"); currentImage = new Image <Gray, Byte> [4]; originalImage = new Image <Gray, Byte> [4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { currentImage[i] = new Image <Gray, Byte>(200, 200); originalImage[i] = new Image <Gray, Byte>(200, 200); } Parameter = new SVMParameter(); Parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; Parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.POLY; base.Setup(state, paramBase); Input = (ProblemData)state.Parameters.GetInstanceForParameterEq( paramBase.Push(P_DATA), null, typeof(ProblemData)); Input.Setup(state, paramBase.Push(P_DATA)); // imageTransformer.RescaleAndSaveImages(); // imageList = Directory.GetFiles(@"F:\Gesty\rescaled"); imageTransformer.RescaleAndRotate(); imageList = Directory.GetFiles(@"F:\Gesty\rotated"); }
//학습모델 생성 public static SVMModel SVM_GenModel(String dataset) { SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(dataset); //학습데이터셋 열기 trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; double[] crossValidationResults; int nFold = 5; trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); // 학습된 모델 생성 SVM.SaveModel(model, "model_" + dataset); // 모델 저장 return(model); }
public static string CheckParameter(this SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter) { return SVM.CheckParameter(problem, parameter); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var report = new MakeReport(); List <string> consoleOutput = new List <string>(); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - Loading"); var train = ConvertHelper.CSVToDataConstrutor(File.ReadAllLines("train.csv"), ','); var test = ConvertHelper.CSVToDataConstrutor(File.ReadAllLines("test.csv"), ','); var fs = new DataProcessing(train, test, "SalePrice", "Id"); fs.GetFeature("SalePrice").Transform((value) => Math.Log(1 + value)); fs.SetInactive(new List <string> { "Id", "PoolArea", "LandContour", "PoolQC", "LotConfig", "Utilities", "Alley", "Street", "BsmtHalfBath", "LowQualFinSF", "3SsnPorch", "LandSlope", "YrSold", "Condition1", "BsmtFinType2", "RoofMatl", "MiscVal", "MiscFeature", "BsmtFinSF2", "Condition2", "BldgType", "ScreenPorch", "MoSold", "Functional" }); fs.SetInactive(new List <string> { "BsmtCond", "BsmtUnfSF", "GarageCars", "PavedDrive", "SaleType", "SaleCondition", "BsmtExposure", "GarageCond", "Fence", "Heating", "BsmtQual", }); //fs.SetInactive(new List<string> { "EnclosedPorch" }); fs.SetTrainRowsInactiveByIds(new List <string> { "1299", "186", "198", "636", "1032", "1183", "1153", "1174" }); //fs.SetTrainRowsInactiveByIds(new List<string> { "130", "188", "199", "268", "305", "497", "524", "530", "692", "770", "884", "1025", "1231", "1371", "1387", "1424", "1441" }); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - Transforming model"); fs.GetFeature("LotFrontage").ReplaceValues("NA", "0"); fs.GetFeature("MasVnrArea").ReplaceValues("NA", "-1"); fs.GetFeature("GarageYrBlt").ReplaceValues("NA", "-1"); fs.Features.Where(f => !f.IsNumeric() && !f.IsClass).All(n => { n.TransformEnumToInt(); return(true); }); //fs.Features.Select(f => new OutlierLine { FeatureName = f.Name, Outliers = string.Join(", ", f.GetOutliers()) }).ToList().ForEach(o => consoleOutput.Add($"{o.FeatureName} => {o.Outliers}")); //TODO: To jakoś nie polepszyło, a nawet pogorszyło, trzeba by dodać taką funkcję zamiast wyliczać to tutaj i ująć zmienną GarageYrBlt //var oldestYearBuild = fs.GetFeature("YearBuilt").Values.Min(v => double.Parse(v.NewValue)); //fs.GetFeature("YearBuilt").Transform((value) => (double.Parse(value) - oldestYearBuild).ToString()); //fs.Features.ToList().ForEach(f => report.AddScatterPlot(f.Name, f.Values.Where(v => !v.IsTest).Select(v => new Point() { X = double.Parse(v.NewValue), Y = double.Parse(fs.GetClassForTrainId(v.RowId)) }).ToList())); //report.CreatePDF("Report.pdf"); //var oldestYearRemodAdd = fs.GetFeature("YearRemodAdd").Values.Min(v => double.Parse(v.NewValue)); //fs.GetFeature("YearRemodAdd").Transform((value) => (double.Parse(value) - oldestYearRemodAdd).ToString()); //OUTLIERS //foreach (var feature in fs.Features.Where(f => f.IsActive && !f.IsClass && !f.IsId && new List<string> { "EnclosedPorch", "BsmtFinSF2", "GarageYrBlt", "OpenPorchSF", "ScreenPorch", "MasVnrArea", "LotArea", "Condition1", "MSSubClass", "MiscVal" }.IndexOf(f.Name) < 0)) //{ // feature.MarkOutliers(); //} //fs.PrintOutliersAmount(); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - Gathering data"); var dataModel = fs.GetDataModel(); File.WriteAllLines("output-train.csv", ConvertHelper.DataSetToCSV(dataModel.HeadersWithClass, dataModel.OutputTrain, ",")); File.WriteAllLines("output-test.csv", ConvertHelper.DataSetToCSV(dataModel.HeadersWithoutClass, dataModel.OutputTest, ",")); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - Preparing SVM problem"); //if (false) { //SVM.SetPrintStringFunction(null); SVMProblem testSet = SVMLoadHelper.Load(dataModel.OutputTest, isWithClass: false); SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMLoadHelper.Load(dataModel.OutputTrain, isWithClass: true); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter() { Type = SVMType.EPSILON_SVR, Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF, //C = 10, Gamma = 0.01, CacheSize = 2000, Eps = 0.1,// * Math.Pow(10, i); //parameter.Probability = true; }; //List<Tuple<string, double>> rmseAfterRemoveFeature = new List<Tuple<string, double>>(); //var activeFeatures = fs.Features.Where(f => f.IsActive || !f.IsClass); //foreach (var feature in activeFeatures) //{ // feature.IsActive = false; // var outputTrain = fs.GetTransfomedTrain(); // SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMLoadHelper.Load(outputTrain, isWithClass: true); // consoleOutput.Add("====================="); // //SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); // //double[] trainingResults = trainingSet.Predict(model); // double[] crossvalidationResults; // trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, 3, out crossvalidationResults); // //consoleOutput.Add(parameter.GetOutput()); // var rmselog = EvaulationHelper.RMSELog(trainingSet.Y.ToArray(), crossvalidationResults); // rmseAfterRemoveFeature.Add(new Tuple<string, double>(feature.Name, rmselog)); // consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - {feature.Name} - {rmselog}"); // feature.IsActive = true; //} //consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - {bestToRemove.Item1} - {bestToRemove.Item2}"); consoleOutput.Add("====================="); consoleOutput.Add("Ordered"); //consoleOutput.AddRange(rmseAfterRemoveFeature.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).Select(t => $"{t.Item1} - {t.Item2}")); SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); double[] trainResults = trainingSet.Predict(model); double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); //double meanSquaredErr = testSet.EvaluateRegressionProblem(testResults, out correlationCoef); trainingSet.Y .Select((y, index) => Math.Abs(y - trainResults[index])) .Select((v, index) => new { index, v }) .OrderByDescending(v => v.v) .Take(15) .ToList() .ForEach(e => consoleOutput.Add($"{e.index}:{e.v}")); var rmselog = EvaulationHelper.RMSELog(trainingSet.Y.ToArray(), trainResults); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} - {rmselog}"); File.WriteAllLines("submission_fs.csv", ConvertHelper.ResultToCSV("Id,SalePrice", testResults.Select(v => Math.Exp(v) - 1).ToArray(), dataModel.TestIds)); consoleOutput.Add($"{System.DateTime.Now} -I had finish"); SVM.SaveModel(model, "model.txt"); } //report.CreatePDF("Report.pdf"); consoleOutput.ForEach(s => System.Console.WriteLine(s)); File.WriteAllLines("consoleOutput.txt", consoleOutput); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
public static bool trainProblem() { if (checkExistingDataset()) { SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(Constants.DATA_PATH); SVMProblem randdata = SVMProblemHelper.Load(Constants.RAND_PATH); List <string> resultsstring = new List <string>(); List <SVMClass.SVMResult> ResultsList = new List <SVMClass.SVMResult>(); double C, gammasq; double Cmin = 1, Cmax = 10000, Cstep = 10; double gmin = 0.0001, gmax = 1000, gstep = 10; bool satisfied = false; while (!satisfied) { for (C = Cmin; C <= Cmax; C = C * Cstep) { for (gammasq = gmin; gammasq <= gmax; gammasq = gammasq * gstep) { SVMParameter tempparameter = new SVMParameter(); tempparameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; tempparameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; tempparameter.C = C; tempparameter.Gamma = gammasq; SVMModel tempmodel = SVM.Train(problem, tempparameter); SVMProblem testData = SVMProblemHelper.Load(Constants.RAND_PATH); double[] results = testData.Predict(tempmodel); int[,] confusionMatrix; double testAccuracy = testData.EvaluateClassificationProblem(results, tempmodel.Labels, out confusionMatrix); // Do cross validation to check this parameter set is correct for the dataset or not double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels int nFold = 10; problem.CrossValidation(tempparameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); // Evaluate the cross validation result // If it is not good enough, select the parameter set again double crossValidationAccuracy = problem.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); SVMClass.SVMResult compiled = new SVMClass.SVMResult(); compiled.C = C; compiled.gamma = gammasq; compiled.testAcc = testAccuracy; compiled.crossValidAcc = crossValidationAccuracy; ResultsList.Add(compiled); } } // Evaluate the test results double maxTestAcc = ResultsList.Max(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc); //int maxTestAccIndex = ResultsList.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc.Equals(maxTestAcc)); double maxValidAcc = ResultsList.Max(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc); //int maxValidAccIndex = ResultsList.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc.Equals(maxValidAcc)); if (maxTestAcc < 95 || maxValidAcc < 95) { satisfied = false; Cstep--; gstep--; } else { satisfied = true; List <SVMClass.SVMResult> topResults = ResultsList.FindAll(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc.Equals(maxTestAcc)); List <SVMClass.SVMResult> topValid = ResultsList.FindAll(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc.Equals(maxValidAcc)); while (topResults.Count > topValid.Count) { topResults.RemoveAt(ResultsList.FindIndex(resultsdata => resultsdata.crossValidAcc.Equals(ResultsList.Min(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc)))); } double maxC = topResults.Max(resultdata => resultdata.C); int maxCIndex = topResults.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.C.Equals(maxC)); double bestgamma = topResults[maxCIndex].gamma; // maxC or not??? //double bestC = topResults[topResults.Count - 2].C; //topResults[maxCIndex].C; //double bestgamma = topResults[topResults.Count - 2].gamma;//topResults[maxCIndex].gamma; Console.WriteLine("Best C: " + maxC + " Best gammasq: " + bestgamma); Constants.C = maxC; Constants.gammasq = bestgamma; foreach (SVMClass.SVMResult resultdata in topResults) { Console.WriteLine(resultdata.C.ToString() + " " + resultdata.gamma.ToString()); } } } SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = Constants.C; parameter.Gamma = Constants.gammasq; Variables.model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); //File.WriteAllText(Constants.MODEL_PATH, String.Empty); //SVM.SaveModel(Variables.model, Constants.MODEL_PATH); Console.WriteLine("Trained and saved model.\n"); //return Variables.model; return(true); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid training data!"); return(false); } }
public static void CrossValidation(this SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter, int nFolds, out double[] target) { SVM.CrossValidation(problem, parameter, nFolds, out target); }
//SVM按鈕事件 private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StreamWriter Train_txt = new StreamWriter(@"train.txt"); StreamWriter Test_txt = new StreamWriter(@"test.txt"); int[] get; for (int i = 0; i < TrainingSet.Count; i++) { get = TrainingSet[i]; if (get[0] == 1) { Train_txt.WriteLine("1" + " 1:" + get[1] + " 2:" + get[2] + " 3:" + get[3]); } else { Train_txt.WriteLine("-1" + " 1:" + get[1] + " 2:" + get[2] + " 3:" + get[3]); } } for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < wide; j++) { Test_txt.WriteLine("1" + " 1:" + Image[0, j, i] + " 2:" + Image[1, j, i] + " 3:" + Image[2, j, i]); } } Train_txt.Close(); Test_txt.Close(); SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"train.txt"); SVMProblem testProblem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"test.txt"); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 0.0001; SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); double[] target = new double[testProblem.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < testProblem.Length; i++) { target[i] = SVM.Predict(model, testProblem.X[i]); } //改圖 Rectangle recta = new Rectangle(0, 0, wide, height); BmData = copy.LockBits(recta, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); IntPtr Scan = BmData.Scan0; int Offset = BmData.Stride - wide * 3; unsafe { byte *P = (byte *)(void *)Scan; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, P += Offset) { for (int x = 0; x < wide; x++, P += 3) { if (target[y * wide + x] > 0) { P[2] = 255; P[1] = 255; P[0] = 255; } else { P[2] = 0; P[1] = 0; P[0] = 0; } } } } copy.UnlockBits(BmData); pictureBox3.Image = copy; }
public static SvmResult TrainAndTestSvm(SVMProblem trainingSet, SVMProblem testSet) { // find the ratio of malignant:benign cases: double mbTrainRatio = trainingSet.Y.Where(x => x == 0).ToArray().Length *1F / trainingSet.Y.Count; Console.WriteLine($"MB TRAIN RATIO: {mbTrainRatio}"); double mbTestRatio = testSet.Y.Where(x => x == 0).ToArray().Length * 1F / testSet.Y.Count; Console.WriteLine($"MB TEST RATIO: {mbTestRatio}"); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter { Type = SVMType.C_SVC, Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF, C = double.Parse(Configuration.Get("C")), Gamma = double.Parse(Configuration.Get("Gamma")), Probability = true, WeightLabels = new[] { 0, 1 }, Weights = new[] { (1 - mbTrainRatio) / mbTrainRatio, 1 } }; //parameter = TrainingHelper.FindBestHyperparameters(trainingSet, parameter); Console.WriteLine($"Found best parameters: c={parameter.C},gamma={parameter.Gamma}"); SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); SVM.SaveModel(model, Configuration.Get("ModelLocation")); // The following evaluation has code from: // // Predict the instances in the test set double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); // Evaluate the test results double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out var confusionMatrix); // Print the resutls Console.WriteLine("\nTest accuracy: " + testAccuracy); Console.WriteLine("\nConfusion matrix:\n"); // Print formatted confusion matrix Console.Write($"{"",6}"); for (int i = 0; i < model.Labels.Length; i++) { Console.Write($"{"(" + model.Labels[i] + ")",5}"); } Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < confusionMatrix.GetLength(0); i++) { Console.Write($"{"(" + model.Labels[i] + ")",5}"); for (int j = 0; j < confusionMatrix.GetLength(1); j++) { Console.Write($"{confusionMatrix[i, j],5}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } double sensitivity = confusionMatrix[0, 0] * 1.0 / (confusionMatrix[0, 1] + confusionMatrix[0, 0]); double specificity = confusionMatrix[1, 1] * 1.0 / (confusionMatrix[1, 1] + confusionMatrix[1, 0]); double[] results = testSet.PredictProbability(model, out var probabilities); for (int i = 0; i < probabilities.Count; i++) { // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator String x = results[i] != testSet.Y[i] ? "MISPREDICTION" :""; Console.WriteLine($"{results[i]} | {probabilities[i][0]} | {probabilities[i][1]} | {testSet.Y[i]} | {x}"); } return(new SvmResult() { C = parameter.C, Gamma = parameter.Gamma, TestAccuracy = testAccuracy, Sensitivity = sensitivity, Specificity = specificity }); }
/// <summary> /// Function which will run forever, continously classifying histogram batches into key events. /// </summary> public void run() { List <Histogram> temp = null; List <Histogram> hb; SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(PipelineConstants.SVMFeaturesFile); SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 13.9; parameter.Gamma = .029; SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); string[] eventTrigger = { "standing", "leftShoulder", "rightShoulder", "leftHip", "rightHip" }; ScanCodeShort[] keyEvents = { ScanCodeShort.KEY_S, ScanCodeShort.KEY_I, ScanCodeShort.KEY_O, ScanCodeShort.KEY_K, ScanCodeShort.KEY_L }; // Continuously scan the histogram share point for new histogram data while (true) { hb = hsp.histBatch; // Compare references -- if the share point has a different reference, we're out of date if (temp != hb && hb != null) { temp = hb; int count = 1; // Convert histogram bins into SVM feature vectors List <SVMNode> nodes = new List <SVMNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++) { Histogram histObject = temp[i]; for (int j = 0; j < histObject.BucketCount; j++) { SVMNode node = new SVMNode(); node.Index = count++; node.Value = histObject[j].Count / SkeletonFrameWindowProcessor.WindowSize; nodes.Add(node); } } // Get a prediction double y = SVM.Predict(model, nodes.ToArray()); // Use a sliding of votes to filter out brief moments of misclassification votingWindow.Add(y); while (votingWindow.Count > VotingWindowSize) { votingWindow.RemoveAt(0); } // Neat one-liner taken from // Group the votes, sorty by group size, select the largest, select the associated vote value double vote = votingWindow.GroupBy(v => v).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).First().Key; // Change the console title to make it clear what the classifier is seeing System.Console.Title = eventTrigger[(int)vote]; // Only trigger a keypress when the voted value changes // This has the result of holding a pose being equivalent to quickly dropping it // i.e., the gesture is invariant to duration if (vote != 0 && vote != previousVote) { SendInputWithAPI(keyEvents[(int)vote]); } previousVote = vote; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Load the datasets: In this example I use the same datasets for training and testing which is not suggested SVMProblem trainingSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"Dataset\wine.txt"); SVMProblem testSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(@"Dataset\wine2.txt"); // Normalize the datasets if you want: L2 Norm => x / ||x|| trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); testSet = testSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2); // Select the parameter set SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Gamma = 1; // Do cross validation to check this parameter set is correct for the dataset or not double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels int nFold = 5; trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); // Evaluate the cross validation result // If it is not good enough, select the parameter set again double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); // Train the model, If your parameter set gives good result on cross validation SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter); // Save the model SVM.SaveModel(model, @"Model\wine_model.txt"); // Predict the instances in the test set double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model); Console.WriteLine("aaa:" + testResults[0] + "\n"); /* * // Evaluate the test results * int[,] confusionMatrix; * double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix); * * * * * // Print the resutls * Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); * Console.WriteLine("\nTest accuracy: " + testAccuracy); * Console.WriteLine("\nConfusion matrix:\n"); * * // Print formatted confusion matrix * Console.Write(String.Format("{0,6}", "")); * for (int i = 0; i < model.Labels.Length; i++) * Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")")); * Console.WriteLine(); * for (int i = 0; i < confusionMatrix.GetLength(0); i++) * { * Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")")); * for (int j = 0; j < confusionMatrix.GetLength(1); j++) * Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", confusionMatrix[i,j])); * Console.WriteLine(); * } * * Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to quit..."); * Console.ReadLine();*/ }
public MetaClassifier(string Name, SVMParameter Parameter, SAMData SamData, List <StdClassifier> Classifiers) : base(Name, Parameter, SamData) { standardClassifiers = Classifiers; }
static void wordsSvm() {// var index = 11; var rooms11 = File.ReadAllText(string.Format("../../room{0}.txt", index)); var rooms22 = File.ReadAllText(string.Format("../../room{0}.txt", ++index)); var rooms1 = rooms11.Split(';'); var rooms2 = rooms22.Split(';'); var termFreqWeight = new PanGuTermFreqWeight(); termFreqWeight.computerFW(rooms1, rooms2); var problem = new SVMProblem(); //SVM.SetPrintStringFunction(mySVMPrintFunction); var lableFeaturesBuilder = new LableFeaturesBuilder(); var segment = new PanGuSegment(); foreach (var room in rooms2) { var words = termFreqWeight.TermsByDoc[1, room]; words = words.Where(t => t.Length > 1 && termFreqWeight.TermFWByGlobal.ContainsKey(t) && termFreqWeight.TermFWByType.ContainsKey(0, t)).ToArray(); //lableFeaturesBuilder.AddToProblem(problem, room, words.Select(t => new KeyValuePair<string, double>(t,termFreqWeight.TermFWByDoc[1, room, t].Freq*GetW(t)))); lableFeaturesBuilder.AddToProblem(problem, room, words.Select(t => new KeyValuePair <string, double>(t, Math.Max(termFreqWeight.TermFWByType[0, t].Freq, termFreqWeight.TermFWByType[1, t].Freq)))); } SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.LINEAR; parameter.C = 1; parameter.Probability = true; //parameter. //parameter.WeightLabels = lableFeaturesBuilder.CreateWeightFeatures("大", "双", "套", "大床", "双床").ToArray(); //parameter.Weights = new double[] { 1.90, 1.90, 1.90, 1.99, 1.99 }; //parameter.WeightLabels = lableFeaturesBuilder.CreateWeightLables<int>("行政湖景双床房").ToArray(); //parameter.Weights = new double[] { 1.90, 1.90, 1.90, 1.99, 1.99 }; problem = problem.Normalize(SVMNormType.L1); problem.CheckParameter(parameter); var model2 = LibSVMsharp.SVM.Train(problem, parameter); model2.SaveModel("roomMatching.model"); var model = LibSVMsharp.SVM.LoadModel("roomMatching.model"); foreach (var room in rooms1) { var words = termFreqWeight.TermsByDoc[0, room]; words = words.Where(t => t.Length > 1 && termFreqWeight.TermFWByGlobal.ContainsKey(t) && termFreqWeight.TermFWByType.ContainsKey(1, t)).ToArray(); //var nodes = lableFeaturesBuilder.CreateNodes(words.Select(t => new KeyValuePair<string, double>(t, termFreqWeight.TermFWByDoc[0, room, t].Freq * GetW(t)))); var nodes = lableFeaturesBuilder.CreateNodes(words.Select(t => new KeyValuePair <string, double>(t, Math.Max(termFreqWeight.TermFWByType[0, t].Freq, termFreqWeight.TermFWByType[1, t].Freq)))); if (nodes.Length > 0) { nodes = nodes.Normalize(SVMNormType.L1); double predictedY = 0; predictedY = LibSVMsharp.SVM.Predict(model, nodes); double[] values = null; double probabilityValue = 0; probabilityValue = LibSVMsharp.SVM.PredictValues(model, nodes, out values); double[] est = null; double probability = 0; probability = LibSVMsharp.SVM.PredictProbability(model, nodes, out est); Console.WriteLine("{0,22}\t{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", room, lableFeaturesBuilder.GetLable(predictedY), predictedY, probabilityValue, probability, string.Empty); } } Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 80)); }
public void FindBestHyperparametersGivenAnswersTest() { SVMProblem problem = new SVMProblem(); problem.Add(new SVMNode[] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 10), new SVMNode(3, 72), new SVMNode(4, 55), new SVMNode(5, 1), }, 1); problem.Add(new SVMNode[] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 10), new SVMNode(3, 2), new SVMNode(4, 95), new SVMNode(5, 16), }, 1); problem.Add(new SVMNode[] { new SVMNode(1, 1), new SVMNode(2, 12), new SVMNode(3, 13), new SVMNode(4, 14), new SVMNode(5, 15), }, 1); problem.Add(new SVMNode[] { new SVMNode(1, 0), new SVMNode(2, 13), new SVMNode(3, 37), new SVMNode(4, 4), new SVMNode(5, 18), }, 0); problem.Add(new SVMNode[] { new SVMNode(1, 0), new SVMNode(2, 100), new SVMNode(3, 720), new SVMNode(4, 550), new SVMNode(5, 10), }, 0); //Setup test SVMParameter SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter { Type = SVMType.C_SVC, Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF, C = 2, Gamma = 1, Probability = true, }; var actualParameter = TrainingHelper.FindBestHyperparameters(problem, parameter); Assert.AreEqual(0.015625d, actualParameter.C); Assert.AreEqual(0.125d, actualParameter.Gamma); }
public static string CheckParameter(this SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter) { return(SVM.CheckParameter(problem, parameter)); }
public static SVMModel Train(this SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter) { return SVM.Train(problem, parameter); }
public static SVMModel Train(this SVMProblem problem, SVMParameter parameter) { return(SVM.Train(problem, parameter)); }
private void testSVM() { if (!holdCommandListener) { holdCommandListener = true; } string parentpath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string DATA_PATH = parentpath + "Datasets\\dataset - Copy (2).txt"; string MODEL_PATH = parentpath + "Model\\testmodel.txt"; string NEWDATA_PATH = parentpath + "Datasets\\testdata.txt"; string RESULTS_PATH = parentpath + "Datasets\\results.txt"; List <string> resultsstring = new List <string>(); SVMProblem testSet = SVMProblemHelper.Load(NEWDATA_PATH); SVMParameter testparameter = new SVMParameter(); testparameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; testparameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; testparameter.C = 0.1; //Constants.C; testparameter.Gamma = 0.001; // Constants.gammasq; List <SVMClass.SVMResult> ResultsList = new List <SVMClass.SVMResult>(); SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(DATA_PATH); double C = 0.001; double gammasq = 0.001; for (C = 1; C <= 1000; C = C * 10) { for (gammasq = 0.001; gammasq <= 1000; gammasq = gammasq * 10) { SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter(); parameter.Type = SVMType.C_SVC; parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF; parameter.C = C; parameter.Gamma = gammasq; SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter); //File.WriteAllText(MODEL_PATH, String.Empty); //SVM.SaveModel(model, MODEL_PATH); //Console.WriteLine("Trained and saved model.\n"); //model = SVM.LoadModel(MODEL_PATH); SVMProblem newData = SVMProblemHelper.Load(NEWDATA_PATH); //Console.Write("Predicted Result:\n"); double[] results = newData.Predict(model); //Console.Write(results[0]); int[,] confusionMatrix; double testAccuracy = newData.EvaluateClassificationProblem(results, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix); // Do cross validation to check this parameter set is correct for the dataset or not double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels int nFold = 10; problem.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults); // Evaluate the cross validation result // If it is not good enough, select the parameter set again double crossValidationAccuracy = problem.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults); //Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy); string temp = ""; string resultstring = "Predict accuracy: " + testAccuracy + " C: " + C + " gamma: " + gammasq + " Cross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy; resultsstring.Add(resultstring); if (parameter.C == testparameter.C && parameter.Gamma == testparameter.Gamma) { resultsstring.Add("This one is same as separate test."); } foreach (double res in results) { temp += res.ToString() + " "; } resultsstring.Add(temp); SVMClass.SVMResult compiled = new SVMClass.SVMResult(); compiled.C = C; compiled.gamma = gammasq; compiled.testAcc = testAccuracy; compiled.crossValidAcc = crossValidationAccuracy; ResultsList.Add(compiled); } } File.WriteAllLines(RESULTS_PATH, resultsstring); SVMModel testmodel = SVM.Train(problem, testparameter); // Predict the instances in the test set double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(testmodel); foreach (double result in testResults) { Console.WriteLine(result); } // Evaluate the test results double maxTestAcc = ResultsList.Max(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc); int maxTestAccIndex = ResultsList.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc.Equals(maxTestAcc)); //double maxValidAcc = ResultsList.Max(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc); //int maxValidAccIndex = ResultsList.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.crossValidAcc.Equals(maxValidAcc)); List <SVMClass.SVMResult> topResults = ResultsList.FindAll(resultdata => resultdata.testAcc.Equals(maxTestAcc)); double maxC = topResults.Max(resultdata => resultdata.C); int maxCIndex = topResults.FindIndex(resultdata => resultdata.C.Equals(maxC)); double bestC = topResults[topResults.Count - 2].C; //topResults[maxCIndex].C; double bestgamma = topResults[topResults.Count - 2].gamma; //topResults[maxCIndex].gamma; Console.WriteLine("Best C: " + bestC + " Best gammasq: " + bestgamma); foreach (SVMClass.SVMResult resultdata in topResults) { Console.WriteLine(resultdata.C.ToString() + " " + resultdata.gamma.ToString()); } //int[,] confusionMatrix; //double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, testmodel.Labels, out confusionMatrix); //Console.WriteLine("\n\nTest accuracy: " + testAccuracy); }