コード例 #1
ファイル: ParserConnection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parser"></param>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        public void ParserUpdateHandlerForPolling(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)

            //store this for clients which just want to poll us, instead of wiring up to the event
            m_activity     = task.Description;
            m_currentError = task.CurrentError;
            if (task.NotificationMessage != null &&
                task.Phase != TaskReport.TaskPhase.finished)                    //keeps us from getting the notification at the end of the task.
                m_notificationMessage = task.NotificationMessage;

            //will have to do something more smart something when details is used for something else
            if (task.Details != null)
                TraceResult = task.Details;

            if (m_currentError != null)
                                                     MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
コード例 #2
        internal void MakeHCFiles(ref XmlDocument model, TaskReport parentTask, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
            using (m_topLevelTask = parentTask.AddSubTask(ParserCoreStrings.ksMakingXAmpleFiles))
                if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.LexiconOnly ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToHCInput.xsl", model, m_database + "HCInput.xml");
                    long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Lex XSLT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());

                if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarOnly ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToToXAmpleGrammar.xsl", model, m_database + "gram.txt");
                    long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Grammar XSLTs took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
                    // TODO: Putting this here is not necessarily efficient because it happens every time
                    //       the parser is run.  It would be more efficient to run this only when the user
                    //       is trying a word.  But we need the "model" to apply this transform an it is
                    //       available here, so we're doing this for now.
                    startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    string sName = m_database + "XAmpleWordGrammarDebugger.xsl";
                    TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToXAmpleWordGrammarDebuggingXSLT.xsl", model, sName);
                    ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "WordGrammarDebugger XSLT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public bool RetrieveModel()
            lock (m_syncRoot)
                if (m_loaded)
                m_loaded = true;

            // According to the fxt template files, GAFAWS is NFC, all others are NFD.
            using (new WorkerThreadReadHelper(m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IWorkerThreadReadHandler>()))
                ILangProject lp = m_cache.LanguageProject;
                using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksRetrievingGrammarAndLexicon, m_taskUpdateHandler))
                    // 1. Export lexicon and/or grammar.
                    m_modelDom = null;
                    M3ModelExportServices.ExportGrammarAndLexicon(m_modelPath, lp);

                // 2. Export GAFAWS data.
                using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksRetrievingTemplateInformation, m_taskUpdateHandler))
// The following needs to be enabled, in order to avoid an exception bieng thrown after the export work,
// but it is such a handy way to get Flex to stop in my profiler. :-)
                    m_templateDom = null;
                    M3ModelExportServices.ExportGafaws(m_outputDirectory, m_cache.ProjectId.Name,
コード例 #4
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
//		public TaskReport(string description)
//		{
//			m_phase=TaskPhase.started;
//			m_description = description;
//			m_start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
//		}
		internal TaskReport(string description, TaskReport owningTask)
			m_OwningTask = owningTask;
			m_description = description;
			m_start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ParserWorker.cs プロジェクト: vkarthim/FieldWorks
 private void CheckNeedsUpdate()
     using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksUpdatingGrammarAndLexicon, m_taskUpdateHandler))
         if (!m_parser.IsUpToDate())
コード例 #6
 private void InformListeners(TaskReport task)
     //the root task executes this
     if (m_taskUpdate != null)
     //all children tasks execute this
     else if (m_owningTask != null)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// <summary>
        /// Try parsing a wordform, optionally getting a trace of the parse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sForm">the word form to parse</param>
        /// <param name="fDoTrace">whether or not to trace the parse</param>
        /// <param name="sSelectTraceMorphs">list of msa hvos to limit trace to </param>
        internal void TryAWord(string sForm, bool fDoTrace, string sSelectTraceMorphs)

            if (sForm == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sForm", "TryAWord cannot trace a Null string.");
            if (sForm == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't try a word with no content.", "sForm");

            using (TaskReport task = new TaskReport(
                       String.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksTraceWordformX, sForm),
                    string normForm = Icu.Normalize(sForm, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
                    string result   = null;
                    if (fDoTrace)
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Begin tracing wordform " + sForm);
                        result = TraceWord(normForm, sSelectTraceMorphs);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("After tacing wordform " + sForm);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Result of trace: " + task.Details);
                        result = ParseWord(normForm, 0);
                    task.Details = Icu.Normalize(result, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
                catch (Exception error)
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceError, "The word '"
                                      + sForm
                                      + "' failed to parse. error was: "
                                      + error.Message);
                    task.EncounteredError(null);                        // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                    //might as well keep going.
                    //TODO: create an problem object since we could not parse this word.
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error while parsing '" + sForm + "'.", error);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method was added because child TaskReport objects were
        /// being disposed of while they were still contained in the parents
        /// subtask list.  Then when the parent was disposed of it would dispose
        /// of the child TaskReports that it had and one or more would already
        /// have been disposed.  the child
        /// would be attempted to dispose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="report"></param>
        private void RemoveChildTaskReport(TaskReport report)
            // If we're in the Dispose, part of it will call dispose on the child
            // objects which will call back here to let the parent break the ties,
            // but when we're in the dispose we don't want that to happen as we're
            // most likely walking the subtask list and this isn't needed.
            if (m_isInDispose == false && m_subTasks != null)
//				Debug.WriteLine("** Disposing subtask <"+report.GetHashCode()+"> owned by " + GetHashCode().ToString());
                if (m_subTasks.Count == 0)                      // other places in the code expect a non null value to mean data, so set it to null when empty.
                    m_subTasks = null;
コード例 #9
 internal void PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles(ref XmlDocument domModel, XmlDocument domTemplate)
     using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksPreparingTemplatesForXAmple, m_taskUpdateHandler))
         // get top level POS that has at least one template with slots
         XmlNodeList templateNodeList = domTemplate.SelectNodes("//PartsOfSpeech/PartOfSpeech[descendant-or-self::MoInflAffixTemplate[PrefixSlots or SuffixSlots]]");
         foreach (XmlNode templateNode in templateNodeList)
             // transform the POS that has templates to GAFAWS format
             string sGafawsFile = m_database + "gafawsData.xml";
             TransformPOSInfoToGafawsInputFormat(templateNode, sGafawsFile, task);
             string sResultFile = ApplyGafawsAlgorithm(sGafawsFile);
             //based on results of GAFAWS, modify the model dom by inserting orderclass in slots
             InsertOrderclassInfo(ref domModel, sResultFile);
コード例 #10
ファイル: DummyParser.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		public new void  UpdateWordform(int hvo)
			TaskReport task = new TaskReport("Update Wordform", m_taskUpdateHandler);
			using (task)

				using(task.AddSubTask("step 1"))
				using(task.AddSubTask("step 2"))
コード例 #11
        protected override void DisposeManagedResources()

            if (m_parserWorker != null)
                m_parserWorker.ParseFiler.WordformUpdated -= ParseFiler_WordformUpdated;
                m_parserWorker = null;

            if (m_TaskReport != null)
                m_TaskReport = null;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ParserConnection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// <summary>
        /// this will be called from the parser's thread; we need to marshal it to the client's thread
        /// so that it comes in as a normal event in the event handling loop of the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parser"></param>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        public void ParserUpdateHandler(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)

            if (null == m_clientTaskReportHandler)

            lock (this)
                //using Invoke () here would cause this thread to wait until the event was handled.
                ((Control)m_clientTaskReportHandler.Target).BeginInvoke(m_clientTaskReportHandler, new object[] { parser, task });

            //((Control)m_clientTaskReportHandler.Target).Invoke(m_clientTaskReportHandler, new object[] {parser, task});
コード例 #13
        public new void  UpdateWordform(int hvo)
            TaskReport task = new TaskReport("Update Wordform", m_taskUpdateHandler);

            using (task)

                using (task.AddSubTask("step 1"))
                using (task.AddSubTask("step 2"))
コード例 #14
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        internal TimeStamp LoadGrammarAndLexicon(ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
            Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Worker.LoadGrammarAndLexicon: eNeedsUpdate = " + eNeedsUpdate);
            string     sDescription = SetDescription(eNeedsUpdate);
            TaskReport task         = new TaskReport(sDescription, m_taskUpdateHandler);

            // no longer need this pop-up; was only for debugging
            // task.NotificationMessage = "Loading Parser";

            if (m_retriever == null)
                m_retriever = new M3ParserModelRetriever(m_database);
            TimeStamp stamp;

            using (task)
                XmlDocument fxtResult;
                XmlDocument gafawsFxtResult;
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    stamp = m_retriever.RetrieveModel(m_connection, m_LangProject, task, eNeedsUpdate);
                    long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "FXT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
                    fxtResult       = m_retriever.ModelDom;
                    gafawsFxtResult = m_retriever.TemplateDom;
                catch (Exception error)
                    if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
                        error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
                        throw error;
                    task.EncounteredError(null);                     // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error while retrieving model for the Parser.", error);

                LoadParser(ref fxtResult, gafawsFxtResult, task, eNeedsUpdate);
コード例 #15
ファイル: M3ModelRetriever.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal TimeStamp RetrieveModel(SqlConnection connection, string LangProject, TaskReport parentTask, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
            TimeStamp began = new TimeStamp(connection);

            using (FdoCache cache = FdoCache.Create(connection.DataSource, connection.Database, null))
                BaseVirtualHandler.InstallVirtuals(@"Language Explorer\Configuration\Main.xml",
                                                   new string[] { "SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.", "SIL.FieldWorks.IText." }, cache, true);

                string sDescription;
                string sFxtFile;
                SetDescriptionAndFxtFile(eNeedsUpdate, out sDescription, out sFxtFile);
                using (m_topLevelTask = parentTask.AddSubTask(sDescription))
                    string sFxtPath = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory, sFxtFile);
                    m_sFxtOutputPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "ParserFxtResult.xml");
                    if ((eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData) &&
                            DoUpdate(cache, sFxtPath, ref m_modelDom);
                            DoUpdate(cache, m_sGafawsFxtPath, ref m_templateDom);
                        // (SteveMiller): Unremarked, the following often causes an error:
                        // Warning as Error: The variable 'e' is declared but never used
                        catch (XUpdaterException)
                            //Trace.WriteLine("XUpdater exception caught: " + e.Message);
                            // do something useful for the user
                            DoDump(eNeedsUpdate, cache, sFxtPath);
                        DoDump(eNeedsUpdate, cache, sFxtPath);
            m_topLevelTask = null;
コード例 #16
        private void HandleTaskUpdate(TaskReport task)
            if (IsDisposed)

            if (ParserUpdateNormal != null && ((task.Depth == 0) || (task.NotificationMessage != null)))
                //notify any delegates
                ParserUpdateNormal(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task));

            if (ParserUpdateVerbose != null)
                //notify any delegates
                ParserUpdateVerbose(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task.MostRecentTask) /*not sure this is right*/);
コード例 #17
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
        /// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
        /// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
        /// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
        /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
        /// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
        /// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
        /// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
        /// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
        /// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
        /// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (m_isDisposed)

            if (disposing)
                m_isInDispose = true;
                // handle the case where the child is disposed of before the parent and not by the parent directly
                if (m_OwningTask != null)
                    m_OwningTask.RemoveChildTaskReport(this);                           // break assocations before disposing
                // Dispose managed resources here.
                if (m_subTasks != null)
                    foreach (TaskReport task in m_subTasks)
                if (m_subTasks != null)
                m_isInDispose = false;

            // Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
            m_OwningTask          = null;
            m_currentError        = null;
            m_details             = null;
            m_description         = null;
            m_notificationMessage = null;
            m_subTasks            = null;

            m_isDisposed = true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: M3ModelRetriever.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		internal TimeStamp RetrieveModel(SqlConnection connection, string LangProject, TaskReport parentTask, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
			TimeStamp began = new TimeStamp(connection);
			using (FdoCache cache = FdoCache.Create(connection.DataSource, connection.Database, null))

				BaseVirtualHandler.InstallVirtuals(@"Language Explorer\Configuration\Main.xml",
					new string[] { "SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.", "SIL.FieldWorks.IText." }, cache, true);

				string sDescription;
				string sFxtFile;
				SetDescriptionAndFxtFile(eNeedsUpdate, out sDescription, out sFxtFile);
				using (m_topLevelTask = parentTask.AddSubTask(sDescription))
					string sFxtPath = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory, sFxtFile);
					m_sFxtOutputPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "ParserFxtResult.xml");
					if ((eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData) &&
							DoUpdate(cache, sFxtPath, ref m_modelDom);
							DoUpdate(cache, m_sGafawsFxtPath, ref m_templateDom);
						// (SteveMiller): Unremarked, the following often causes an error:
						// Warning as Error: The variable 'e' is declared but never used
						catch (XUpdaterException)
							//Trace.WriteLine("XUpdater exception caught: " + e.Message);
							// do something useful for the user
							DoDump(eNeedsUpdate, cache, sFxtPath);

						DoDump(eNeedsUpdate, cache, sFxtPath);
			m_topLevelTask = null;
			return began;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ParserWorker.cs プロジェクト: vkarthim/FieldWorks
        /// <summary>
        /// Try parsing a wordform, optionally getting a trace of the parse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sForm">the word form to parse</param>
        /// <param name="fDoTrace">whether or not to trace the parse</param>
        /// <param name="sSelectTraceMorphs">list of msa hvos to limit trace to </param>
        public void TryAWord(string sForm, bool fDoTrace, int[] sSelectTraceMorphs)

            if (sForm == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sForm", "TryAWord cannot trace a Null string.");
            if (sForm == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't try a word with no content.", "sForm");

            using (var task = new TaskReport(string.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksTraceWordformX, sForm), m_taskUpdateHandler))
                string normForm = Icu.Normalize(sForm, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
                task.Details = fDoTrace ? m_parser.TraceWordXml(normForm, sSelectTraceMorphs) : m_parser.ParseWordXml(normForm);
コード例 #20
        private void HandleTaskUpdate(TaskReport task)

            Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Scheduler.HandleTaskUpdate() " + task.Description + " " + task.PhaseDescription);

            if (ParserUpdateNormal != null && ((task.Depth == 0) || (task.NotificationMessage != null)))
                //notify any delegates
                ParserUpdateNormal(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task));

            if (ParserUpdateVerbose != null)
                //notify any delegates
                ParserUpdateVerbose(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task.MostRecentTask) /*not sure this is right*/);

            Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "  Exiting HandleTaskUpdate()" + task.Description);
コード例 #21
        private void DecrementQueueCount(ParserPriority priority)
            bool isIdle;

            lock (SyncRoot)
                isIdle = m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.TryAWord] == 0 &&
                         m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.Low] == 0 &&
                         m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.Medium] == 0 &&
                         m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.High] == 0;
            if (isIdle && (m_TaskReport == null || m_TaskReport.Description == ParserCoreStrings.ksIdle_))
                if (m_TaskReport != null)
                m_TaskReport = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksIdle_, HandleTaskUpdate);
コード例 #22
        protected override void DisposeManagedResources()
            if (m_thread.Stop())
                Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "==== ParserScheduler thread Successfully shutdown.");
                Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceError, "**** ERROR : ParserScheduler Thread didn't shutdown.");

            m_parserWorker.ParseFiler.WordformUpdated -= ParseFiler_WordformUpdated;

            if (m_TaskReport != null)
                m_TaskReport = null;
コード例 #23
 private void LoadXAmpleFiles(TaskReport task)
         string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
         string xPath    = XAmpleFixedFilesPath;
         m_xample.LoadFiles(xPath, tempPath, m_database);
         m_XAmpleHasBeenLoaded = true;
     catch (Exception error)
         if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
             error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
             throw error;
         ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while loading the Parser.", error);
         task.EncounteredError(null);                    // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
         throw e;
コード例 #24
        internal void MakeAmpleFiles(XmlDocument model)
            using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksMakingXAmpleFiles, m_taskUpdateHandler))
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToXAmpleADCtl.xsl", model, m_database + "adctl.txt", task);
                TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToToXAmpleGrammar.xsl", model, m_database + "gram.txt", task);
                Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Grammar XSLTs took : " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks));
                // TODO: Putting this here is not necessarily efficient because it happens every time
                //       the parser is run.  It would be more efficient to run this only when the user
                //       is trying a word.  But we need the "model" to apply this transform an it is
                //       available here, so we're doing this for now.
                startTime = DateTime.Now;
                string sName = m_database + "XAmpleWordGrammarDebugger.xsl";
                TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToXAmpleWordGrammarDebuggingXSLT.xsl", model, sName, task);
                Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "WordGrammarDebugger XSLT took : " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks));

                startTime = DateTime.Now;
                TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToXAmpleLex.xsl", model, m_database + "lex.txt", task);
                Trace.WriteLineIf(m_tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Lex XSLT took : " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks));
コード例 #25
        internal TaskReport AddSubTask(string description)

            Debug.Assert(m_phase != TaskPhase.Finished);
            var t = new TaskReport(description, this);

            if (m_subTasks == null)
                m_subTasks = new List <TaskReport>();
            {                                              //a new set task should not be added until the previous one is finished.
                TaskPhase phase = m_subTasks[m_subTasks.Count - 1].Phase;
                Debug.Assert(phase == TaskPhase.Finished); // || phase == TaskPhase.ErrorEncountered);
            //this cannot be in the constructor because if the listener asks
            //for the most recent task, it will not get this one until after
            //this has been added to the subtasks list.
コード例 #26
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        private void InformListeners(TaskReport task)
            lock (this)
                //the root task executes this
                if (m_taskUpdateEvent != null)

                //all children tasks execute this
                else if (m_OwningTask != null)

                    //this is not really an error situation.  It just means that no one subscribed to events.
                    //This may happen, for example, when we are just executing unit tests.
                    //Debug.Assert( false);
コード例 #27
ファイル: ParserConnection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// this will be called from the parser's thread; we need to marshal it to the client's thread
		/// so that it comes in as a normal event in the event handling loop of the client.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parser"></param>
		/// <param name="task"></param>
		public void ParserUpdateHandler(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)

			if(null == m_clientTaskReportHandler)

				//using Invoke () here would cause this thread to wait until the event was handled.
				((Control)m_clientTaskReportHandler.Target).BeginInvoke(m_clientTaskReportHandler, new object[] {parser, task});

			//((Control)m_clientTaskReportHandler.Target).Invoke(m_clientTaskReportHandler, new object[] {parser, task});
コード例 #28
ファイル: ParserConnection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parser"></param>
		/// <param name="task"></param>
		public void ParserUpdateHandlerForPolling(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)

			//store this for clients which just want to poll us, instead of wiring up to the event
			m_activity = task.Description;
			m_currentError = task.CurrentError;
				&& task.Phase != TaskReport.TaskPhase.finished )//keeps us from getting the notification at the end of the task.
				m_notificationMessage = task.NotificationMessage;

			//will have to do something more smart something when details is used for something else
			if(task.Details != null)
				TraceResult = task.Details;

			if (m_currentError!= null)
コード例 #29
		internal void PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles(ref XmlDocument domModel, XmlDocument domTemplate, TaskReport parentTask)
			using (m_topLevelTask = parentTask.AddSubTask(ParserCoreStrings.ksPreparingTemplatesForXAmple))
				// get top level POS that has at least one template with slots
				XmlNodeList templateNodeList = domTemplate.SelectNodes("//PartsOfSpeech/PartOfSpeech[descendant-or-self::MoInflAffixTemplate[PrefixSlots or SuffixSlots]]");
				foreach (XmlNode templateNode in templateNodeList)
					// transform the POS that has templates to GAFAWS format
					string sGafawsFile = m_database + "gafawsData.xml";
					TransformPOSInfoToGafawsInputFormat(templateNode, sGafawsFile);
					string sResultFile = ApplyGafawsAlgorithm(sGafawsFile);
					//based on results of GAFAWS, modify the model dom by inserting orderclass in slots
					InsertOrderclassInfo(ref domModel, sResultFile);
コード例 #30
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		//this is invoked by the parser connection, on our own event handling thread.
		protected void ParserUpdateHandler(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)
			if (m_previousTask != task)
				m_log.Text += "\r\n";

			string pad = "";
			for(int i= task.Depth; i>0;i--)
				pad += "    ";

				case TaskReport.TaskPhase.started:
					m_log.Text += task.Description+" ";//+pad + "{\r\n";
					Debug.Write(task.Description+" ");
				case TaskReport.TaskPhase.finished:
					if (m_previousTask != task)
						m_log.Text +=" ^ ";
					m_log.Text += task.DurationSeconds.ToString()+ " seconds";
					Debug.Write(task.DurationSeconds.ToString()+ " seconds");
					//m_log.Text += "}\r\n";
					if (task.Details != null)
						m_log.Text += "Details:"+task.Details;

					m_log.Text +=  task.Description+"    " + task.PhaseDescription ;//+ "\r\n";
					Debug.Write(task.Description+"    " + task.PhaseDescription);

			m_previousTask = task;
コード例 #31
ファイル: Scheduler.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		internal void HandleTaskUpdate(TaskReport task)

			Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, task.Description + " " + task.PhaseDescription);

			if (ParserUpdateNormal != null && ((task.Depth == 0) || (task.NotificationMessage != null)))
				//notify any delegates
				ParserUpdateNormal(this, task);

			if (ParserUpdateVerbose != null)
				//notify any delegates
				ParserUpdateVerbose(this, task.MostRecentTask /*not sure this is right*/);

			System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, task.Description);
コード例 #32
		private void HandleTaskUpdate(TaskReport task)
			if (IsDisposed)

			if (ParserUpdateNormal != null && ((task.Depth == 0) || (task.NotificationMessage != null)))
				//notify any delegates
				ParserUpdateNormal(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task));

			if (ParserUpdateVerbose != null)
				//notify any delegates
				ParserUpdateVerbose(this, new ParserUpdateEventArgs(task.MostRecentTask)/*not sure this is right*/);
コード例 #33
		protected override void DisposeManagedResources()

			if (m_parserWorker != null)
				m_parserWorker.ParseFiler.WordformUpdated -= ParseFiler_WordformUpdated;
				m_parserWorker = null;

			if (m_TaskReport != null)
				m_TaskReport = null;
コード例 #34
ファイル: ParseWordDlg.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		//this is invoked by the parser connection, on our own event handling thread.
		protected void ParserUpdateHandler(ParserScheduler parser, TaskReport task)
			Trace.WriteLine("   In ParserUpdateHandler");
				switch (task.Phase)
					case TaskReport.TaskPhase.started:
						m_lblStatus.Text = m_sParserStatusPrefix + task.Description + m_sParserStatusSuffix;
						Trace.WriteLine("   started: " + task.Description);
					case TaskReport.TaskPhase.finished:
						m_lblStatus.Text = m_sParserStatusPrefix + task.Description + m_sParserStatusSuffix;
						Trace.WriteLine("   finished: " + task.Description);
						Trace.WriteLine("   finished: Duration: " + task.DurationSeconds.ToString() + " seconds");
						Trace.WriteLineIf(task.Details != null, "finished: Details: " + task.Details);

						m_lblStatus.Text = m_sParserStatusPrefix + task.Description + m_sParserStatusSuffix;
						Trace.WriteLine("   default: " + task.Description + "    " + task.PhaseDescription);
			catch (ObjectDisposedException ode)
				// By the time we get any "finished" tasks, they have been disposed.  Ignore them.
				Trace.WriteLine("   " + ode.Message);
				Trace.WriteLine("   " + ode.StackTrace);
コード例 #35
ファイル: ParserWorker.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		private void CheckNeedsUpdate()
			using (var task = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksUpdatingGrammarAndLexicon, m_taskUpdateHandler))
				if (!m_parser.IsUpToDate())
コード例 #36
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// This method was added because child TaskReport objects were
		/// being disposed of while they were still contained in the parents
		/// subtask list.  Then when the parent was disposed of it would dispose
		/// of the child TaskReports that it had and one or more would already
		/// have been disposed.  the child
		/// would be attempted to dispose
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="report"></param>
		private void RemoveChildTaskReport(TaskReport report)
			// If we're in the Dispose, part of it will call dispose on the child
			// objects which will call back here to let the parent break the ties,
			// but when we're in the dispose we don't want that to happen as we're
			// most likely walking the subtask list and this isn't needed.
			if (m_isInDispose == false && m_subTasks != null)
//				Debug.WriteLine("** Disposing subtask <"+report.GetHashCode()+"> owned by " + GetHashCode().ToString());
				if (m_subTasks.Count == 0)	// other places in the code expect a non null value to mean data, so set it to null when empty.
					m_subTasks = null;
コード例 #37
ファイル: ParserWorker.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		/// <summary>
		/// Try parsing a wordform, optionally getting a trace of the parse
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sForm">the word form to parse</param>
		/// <param name="fDoTrace">whether or not to trace the parse</param>
		/// <param name="sSelectTraceMorphs">list of msa hvos to limit trace to </param>
		public void TryAWord(string sForm, bool fDoTrace, string sSelectTraceMorphs)

			if (sForm == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("sForm", "TryAWord cannot trace a Null string.");
			if (sForm == String.Empty)
				throw new ArgumentException("Can't try a word with no content.", "sForm");

			using (var task = new TaskReport(string.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksTraceWordformX, sForm), m_taskUpdateHandler))
				string normForm = Icu.Normalize(sForm, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
				task.Details = fDoTrace ? m_parser.TraceWordXml(normForm, sSelectTraceMorphs) : m_parser.ParseWordXml(normForm);
コード例 #38
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		internal TimeStamp LoadGrammarAndLexicon(ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
			Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Worker.LoadGrammarAndLexicon: eNeedsUpdate = " + eNeedsUpdate);
			string sDescription = SetDescription(eNeedsUpdate);
			TaskReport task = new TaskReport(sDescription, m_taskUpdateHandler);
			// no longer need this pop-up; was only for debugging
			// task.NotificationMessage = "Loading Parser";

			if (m_retriever == null)
				m_retriever = new M3ParserModelRetriever(m_database);
			TimeStamp stamp;
			using (task)
				XmlDocument fxtResult;
				XmlDocument gafawsFxtResult;
					DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
					stamp = m_retriever.RetrieveModel(m_connection, m_LangProject, task, eNeedsUpdate);
					long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "FXT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
					fxtResult = m_retriever.ModelDom;
					gafawsFxtResult = m_retriever.TemplateDom;
				catch (Exception error)
					if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
						error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
						throw error;
					task.EncounteredError(null); // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
					throw new ApplicationException("Error while retrieving model for the Parser.", error);

				LoadParser(ref fxtResult, gafawsFxtResult, task, eNeedsUpdate);

			return stamp;
コード例 #39
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// Try parsing a wordform, optionally getting a trace of the parse
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sForm">the word form to parse</param>
		/// <param name="fDoTrace">whether or not to trace the parse</param>
		/// <param name="sSelectTraceMorphs">list of msa hvos to limit trace to </param>
		internal void TryAWord(string sForm, bool fDoTrace, string sSelectTraceMorphs)

			if (sForm == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("sForm", "TryAWord cannot trace a Null string.");
			if (sForm == String.Empty)
				throw new ArgumentException("Can't try a word with no content.", "sForm");

			using (TaskReport task = new TaskReport(
				String.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksTraceWordformX, sForm),
					string normForm = Icu.Normalize(sForm, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
					string result = null;
					if (fDoTrace)
						//Debug.WriteLine("Begin tracing wordform " + sForm);
						result = TraceWord(normForm, sSelectTraceMorphs);
						//Debug.WriteLine("After tacing wordform " + sForm);
						//Debug.WriteLine("Result of trace: " + task.Details);
						result = ParseWord(normForm, 0);
					task.Details = Icu.Normalize(result, Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
				catch (Exception error)
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceError, "The word '"
						+ sForm
						+ "' failed to parse. error was: "
						+ error.Message);
					task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
					//might as well keep going.
					//TODO: create an problem object since we could not parse this word.
					throw new ApplicationException("Error while parsing '" + sForm + "'.",error);
コード例 #40
        protected override void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
                M3ToHCTransformer transformer = new M3ToHCTransformer(m_database);
                transformer.MakeHCFiles(ref model, task, eNeedsUpdate);
            catch (Exception error)
                if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
                    error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
                    throw error;

                task.EncounteredError(null);                    // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                throw new ApplicationException("Error while generating files for the Parser.", error);

                string gramPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "gram.txt");
                string hcPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "HCInput.xml");

                XmlNode delReappsNode = model.SelectSingleNode("/M3Dump/ParserParameters/HC/DelReapps");
                if (delReappsNode != null)
                    m_loader.CurrentMorpher.DelReapplications = Convert.ToInt32(delReappsNode.InnerText);
            catch (Exception error)
                if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
                    error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
                    throw error;
                ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while loading the Parser.", error);
                task.EncounteredError(null);                    // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                throw e;
コード例 #41
ファイル: XAmpleWorker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		private void LoadXAmpleFiles(TaskReport task)
				string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
				string xPath = XAmpleFixedFilesPath;
				m_xample.LoadFiles(xPath, tempPath, m_database);
				m_XAmpleHasBeenLoaded = true;
			catch (Exception error)
				if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
					error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
					throw error;
				ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while loading the Parser.", error);
				task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
				throw e;
コード例 #42
        /// <summary>
        /// transform the POS that has templates to GAFAWS format
        /// </summary>
        protected void TransformPOSInfoToGafawsInputFormat(XmlNode templateNode, string sGafawsFile, TaskReport task)
            var dom = new XmlDocument();

            dom.CreateElement("GAFAWSData");             // create root element
            dom.InnerXml = templateNode.OuterXml;        // copy in POS elements
            TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToGAFAWS.xsl", dom, sGafawsFile, task);
コード例 #43
		private void DecrementQueueCount(ParserPriority priority)
			bool isIdle;
			lock (SyncRoot)
				m_queueCounts[(int) priority]--;
				isIdle = m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.TryAWord] == 0
						 && m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.Low] == 0
						 && m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.Medium] == 0
						 && m_queueCounts[(int)ParserPriority.High] == 0;
			if (isIdle && (m_TaskReport == null || m_TaskReport.Description == ParserCoreStrings.ksIdle_))
				if (m_TaskReport != null)
				m_TaskReport = new TaskReport(ParserCoreStrings.ksIdle_, HandleTaskUpdate);
コード例 #44
		internal void MakeHCFiles(ref XmlDocument model, TaskReport parentTask, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
			using (m_topLevelTask = parentTask.AddSubTask(ParserCoreStrings.ksMakingXAmpleFiles))
				if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.LexiconOnly ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
					DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
					TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToHCInput.xsl", model, m_database + "HCInput.xml");
					long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Lex XSLT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());

				if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarOnly ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
					DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
					TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToToXAmpleGrammar.xsl", model, m_database + "gram.txt");
					long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "Grammar XSLTs took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
					// TODO: Putting this here is not necessarily efficient because it happens every time
					//       the parser is run.  It would be more efficient to run this only when the user
					//       is trying a word.  But we need the "model" to apply this transform an it is
					//       available here, so we're doing this for now.
					startTime = DateTime.Now;
					string sName = m_database + "XAmpleWordGrammarDebugger.xsl";
					TransformDomToFile("FxtM3ParserToXAmpleWordGrammarDebuggingXSLT.xsl", model, sName);
					ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "WordGrammarDebugger XSLT took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
コード例 #45
		public ParserUpdateEventArgs(TaskReport task)
			Task = task;
コード例 #46
        protected override void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
                M3ToXAmpleTransformer transformer = new M3ToXAmpleTransformer(m_database);
                if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.LexiconOnly ||
                    eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
                {                 // even though POS is part of Grammar, this is only used by the lexicon
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    // PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles adds orderclass elements to MoInflAffixSlot elements
                    transformer.PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles(ref model, template, task);
                    long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                    Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "GAFAWS prep took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
                transformer.MakeAmpleFiles(model, task, eNeedsUpdate);
            catch (Exception error)
                if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
                    error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
                    throw error;

                task.EncounteredError(null);                    // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                throw new ApplicationException("Error while generating files for the Parser.", error);

            int     maxAnalCount     = 20;
            XmlNode maxAnalCountNode = model.SelectSingleNode("/M3Dump/ParserParameters/XAmple/MaxAnalysesToReturn");

            if (maxAnalCountNode != null)
                maxAnalCount = Convert.ToInt16(maxAnalCountNode.FirstChild.Value);
                if (maxAnalCount < 1)
                    maxAnalCount = -1;

                m_xample.SetParameter("MaxAnalysesToReturn", maxAnalCount.ToString());
            catch (Exception error)
                if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
                    error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
                    throw error;
                ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while setting Parser parameters.", error);
                task.EncounteredError(null);                    // Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
                throw e;

コード例 #47
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        internal void UpdateWordform(int hvoWordform)

            //the WFI DLL, created with FieldWorks COM code, can only be accessed by an STA
            // REVIEW JohnH(RandyR): Is this still relevant, now that ParseFiler isn't in its own DLL?
            //Debug.Assert( Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState == ApartmentState.STA, "Calling thread must set the apartment state to STA");
            uint   uiCRCWordform;
            string form = GetWordformStringAndCRC(hvoWordform, out uiCRCWordform);

            // 'form' will now be null, if it could not find the wordform for whatever reason.
            // uiCRCWordform will also now be 0, if 'form' is null.
            // Cf. LT-7203 for how it could be null.
            if (form == null)

            TaskReport task = new TaskReport(String.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksUpdateX, form),

            using (task)
                Debug.Assert(m_parserFiler != null);
                string result = "";
                    string sResult = GetOneWordformResult(hvoWordform, form);                     // GetOneWordformResult can throw an exception
                    //Debug.WriteLine("ParserWorker: Ample result = " + sAmpResult);
                    uint uiCRC = CrcStream.GetCrc(sResult);
                    if (uiCRCWordform != uiCRC)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();                         // use StringBuilder for efficiency
                        sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n");
                        //  REMOVED THIS FROM THE SAMPLE DOC: xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:\ww\code\SampleData\XMLFieldWorksParse.xsd">
                        sb.Append("  <AnalyzingAgentResults>\n<AnalyzingAgent name=\""
                                  + m_agentInfo.m_name
                                  + "\" human=\""
                                  + m_agentInfo.m_isHuman.ToString()
                                  + "\" version=\""
                                  + m_agentInfo.m_version
                                  + "\">\n");
                        sb.Append("     <StateInformation />\n</AnalyzingAgent>\n<WordSet>\n");
                        result = sb.ToString();
                        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                        m_parserFiler.ProcessParse(result);                         // ProcessParse can throw exceptions.
                        long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
                        m_ticksFiler += ttlTicks;
                        Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "parser filer(" + form + ") took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
                        SetChecksum(hvoWordform, uiCRC);
                catch (Exception error)
                    task.NotificationMessage = error.Message;
コード例 #48
ファイル: XAmpleWorker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		protected override void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
				M3ToXAmpleTransformer transformer = new M3ToXAmpleTransformer(m_database);
				if (eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.GrammarAndLexicon ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.LexiconOnly ||
					eNeedsUpdate == ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate.HaveChangedData)
				{ // even though POS is part of Grammar, this is only used by the lexicon
					DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
					// PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles adds orderclass elements to MoInflAffixSlot elements
					transformer.PrepareTemplatesForXAmpleFiles(ref model, template, task);
					long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
					Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "GAFAWS prep took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
				transformer.MakeAmpleFiles(model, task, eNeedsUpdate);
			catch (Exception error)
				if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
					error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
					throw error;

				task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
				throw new ApplicationException("Error while generating files for the Parser.", error);

			int maxAnalCount = 20;
			XmlNode maxAnalCountNode = model.SelectSingleNode("/M3Dump/ParserParameters/XAmple/MaxAnalysesToReturn");
			if (maxAnalCountNode != null)
				maxAnalCount = Convert.ToInt16(maxAnalCountNode.FirstChild.Value);
				if (maxAnalCount < 1)
					maxAnalCount = -1;

				m_xample.SetParameter("MaxAnalysesToReturn", maxAnalCount.ToString());
			catch (Exception error)
				if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
					error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
					throw error;
				ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while setting Parser parameters.", error);
				task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
				throw e;

コード例 #49
 public ParserUpdateEventArgs(TaskReport task)
     Task = task;
コード例 #50
ファイル: HCWorker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		protected override void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate)
				M3ToHCTransformer transformer = new M3ToHCTransformer(m_database);
				transformer.MakeHCFiles(ref model, task, eNeedsUpdate);
			catch (Exception error)
				if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
					error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
					throw error;

				task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
				throw new ApplicationException("Error while generating files for the Parser.", error);

				string gramPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "gram.txt");
				string hcPath = Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, m_database + "HCInput.xml");

				XmlNode delReappsNode = model.SelectSingleNode("/M3Dump/ParserParameters/HC/DelReapps");
				if (delReappsNode != null)
					m_loader.CurrentMorpher.DelReapplications = Convert.ToInt32(delReappsNode.InnerText);
			catch (Exception error)
				if (error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException") ||
					error.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.Threading.ThreadAbortException"))
					throw error;
				ApplicationException e = new ApplicationException("Error while loading the Parser.", error);
				task.EncounteredError(null);	// Don't want to show message box in addition to yellow crash box!
				throw e;
コード例 #51
 protected void TransformDomToFile(string transformName, XmlDocument inputDOM, string outputName, TaskReport task)
     using (task.AddSubTask(String.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksCreatingX, outputName)))
         XmlUtils.TransformDomToFile(Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory + "/Language Explorer/Transforms/", transformName),
                                     inputDOM, Path.Combine(m_outputDirectory, outputName));
コード例 #52
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
 protected abstract void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate);
コード例 #53
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
		/// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
		/// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
		/// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
		/// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
		/// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
		/// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="disposing"></param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
		/// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
		/// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
		/// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
		/// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
		/// </remarks>
		private void Dispose(bool disposing)
			//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (m_isDisposed)

			if (disposing)
				m_isInDispose = true;
				// handle the case where the child is disposed of before the parent and not by the parent directly
				if (m_OwningTask != null)
					m_OwningTask.RemoveChildTaskReport(this);	// break assocations before disposing

				// Dispose managed resources here.
				if(m_subTasks != null)
					foreach(TaskReport task in m_subTasks)
				if (m_subTasks != null)
				m_isInDispose = false;

			// Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
			m_OwningTask = null;
			m_currentError = null;
			m_details = null;
			m_description = null;
			m_notificationMessage = null;
			m_subTasks = null;

			m_isDisposed = true;
コード例 #54
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		internal TaskReport AddSubTask (string description)

			Debug.Assert( m_phase != TaskPhase.finished);
			TaskReport t = new TaskReport(description, this);
			if (m_subTasks == null)
				m_subTasks = new List<TaskReport>();
			{	//a new set task should not be added until the previous one is finished.
				TaskPhase  phase = m_subTasks[m_subTasks.Count - 1].Phase;
				Debug.Assert( phase == TaskPhase.finished);// || phase == TaskPhase.errorEncountered);
			//this cannot be in the constructor because if the listener asks
			//for the most recent task, it will not get this one until after
			//this has been added to the subtasks list.
			t.InformListeners (TaskPhase.started);
			return t;
コード例 #55
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		internal void UpdateWordform(int hvoWordform)

			//the WFI DLL, created with FieldWorks COM code, can only be accessed by an STA
			// REVIEW JohnH(RandyR): Is this still relevant, now that ParseFiler isn't in its own DLL?
			//Debug.Assert( Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState == ApartmentState.STA, "Calling thread must set the apartment state to STA");
			uint uiCRCWordform;
			string form = GetWordformStringAndCRC(hvoWordform, out uiCRCWordform);
			// 'form' will now be null, if it could not find the wordform for whatever reason.
			// uiCRCWordform will also now be 0, if 'form' is null.
			// Cf. LT-7203 for how it could be null.
			if (form == null)

			TaskReport task = new TaskReport(String.Format(ParserCoreStrings.ksUpdateX, form),
			using (task)
				Debug.Assert(m_parserFiler != null);
				string result="";
					string sResult = GetOneWordformResult(hvoWordform, form); // GetOneWordformResult can throw an exception
					//Debug.WriteLine("ParserWorker: Ample result = " + sAmpResult);
					uint uiCRC = CrcStream.GetCrc(sResult);
					if (uiCRCWordform != uiCRC)
						StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // use StringBuilder for efficiency
						sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n");
						//  REMOVED THIS FROM THE SAMPLE DOC: xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"C:\ww\code\SampleData\XMLFieldWorksParse.xsd">
						sb.Append("  <AnalyzingAgentResults>\n<AnalyzingAgent name=\""
							+ m_agentInfo.m_name
							+ "\" human=\""
							+ m_agentInfo.m_isHuman.ToString()
							+ "\" version=\""
							+ m_agentInfo.m_version
							+ "\">\n");
						sb.Append("     <StateInformation />\n</AnalyzingAgent>\n<WordSet>\n");
						result = sb.ToString();
						DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
						m_parserFiler.ProcessParse(result); // ProcessParse can throw exceptions.
						long ttlTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks;
						m_ticksFiler += ttlTicks;
						Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "parser filer(" + form + ") took : " + ttlTicks.ToString());
						SetChecksum(hvoWordform, uiCRC);
				catch (Exception error)
					task.NotificationMessage = error.Message;
コード例 #56
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		private void InformListeners(TaskReport task)
			lock (this)
				//the root task executes this
				if (m_taskUpdateEvent != null)

					//all children tasks execute this
				else if (m_OwningTask != null)

					//this is not really an error situation.  It just means that no one subscribed to events.
					//This may happen, for example, when we are just executing unit tests.
					//Debug.Assert( false);
コード例 #57
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
		protected abstract void LoadParser(ref XmlDocument model, XmlDocument template, TaskReport task, ParserScheduler.NeedsUpdate eNeedsUpdate);
コード例 #58
ファイル: TaskReport.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		private void InformListeners(TaskReport task)
			//the root task executes this
			if (m_taskUpdate != null)
			//all children tasks execute this
			else if (m_owningTask != null)