public static Showcase Create(Activity activity, int targetViewId, string content, string dismissText) { var showcase = new Showcase(); showcase.AddStep(activity, targetViewId, content, dismissText); return(showcase); }
public static Showcase Create(View targetView, string content, string dismissText) { var showcase = new Showcase(); showcase.AddStep(targetView, content, dismissText); return(showcase); }
private void DisplayCustomizedShowcase() { // no ID means that we won't know if we have already launched this showcase var showcase = new Showcase(); // highlight an action bar using a resource ID var actionBarStep = showcase.AddStep(Activity, Resource.Id.addMenuItem, "Tapping anywhere will dismiss this step.", null); actionBarStep.DismissOnTouch = true; // a customized mask var dialogStep = showcase.AddStep(customizedButton, "This step uses different colors for the text.", "GOT IT"); dialogStep.ContentTextColor = Resources.GetColor(; dialogStep.DismissTextColor = Resources.GetColor(; // a normal step for a view reference var resetStep = showcase.AddStep(resetButton, "This step has a different mask color.", "GOT IT"); resetStep.MaskColor = Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.purple); var showcaseView = AppShowcaseView.Create(Activity, showcase); // use a bouncy animation showcaseView.Animation = new AnticipateOvershootRenderer(); // show events showcaseView.ShowcaseStarted += delegate { Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Showcase started", ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; showcaseView.StepDisplayed += (sender, e) => { Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Showing step: " + e.StepIndex, ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; showcaseView.StepDismissed += (sender, e) => { Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Hiding step: " + e.StepIndex, ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; showcaseView.ShowcaseCompleted += delegate { Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Showcase completed", ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; // no need for the delay as everything is done showcaseView.Show(); }
public static Showcase Create(Activity activity, int targetViewId, string content, string dismissText) { var showcase = new Showcase(); showcase.AddStep(activity, targetViewId, content, dismissText); return showcase; }
public static Showcase Create(View targetView, string content, string dismissText) { var showcase = new Showcase(); showcase.AddStep(targetView, content, dismissText); return showcase; }
public static AppShowcaseView Create(Activity activity, Showcase showcase) { var showcaseView = Create(activity); showcaseView.CurrentShowcase = showcase; return showcaseView; }
private void DisplayShowcase() { var showcase = new Showcase(ShowcaseId); // highlight an action bar using a resource ID var actionBarStep = showcase.AddStep(Activity, Resource.Id.addMenuItem, "This button was added by the Activity.", "GOT IT"); var fragmentActionBarStep = showcase.AddStep(Activity, Resource.Id.closeMenuItem, "This is button was added by the fragment.", "GOT IT"); // a normal steps for a view reference var dialogStep = showcase.AddStep(customizedButton, "This button will display a showcase that has customizations.", "GOT IT"); var resetStep = showcase.AddStep(resetButton, "This button will reset the showcases so that they will appear again.", "GOT IT"); var showcaseView = AppShowcaseView.Create(Activity, showcase); // show with a delay so the app UI can finish rendering showcaseView.Show(500); }