private void btnSendReq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubject.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(richTxtIssue.Text)) { string issueDir = txtSubject.Text; string supportFoledrPath = Path.Combine(db.GetRepozPath(), db.GetRepozName(), "Projects", glob.ProjectName, "Support", issueDir); //Create dir in support dir, with name form txtBox if (!Directory.Exists(supportFoledrPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(supportFoledrPath); //Create dir if not exists, but below file writes on every btn click - overwrite exsiting file(if created) } string supportFilePath = Path.Combine(db.GetRepozPath(), db.GetRepozName(), "Projects", glob.ProjectName, "Support", issueDir, "IssueDescription.rtf"); TextWriter twr = new StreamWriter(supportFilePath); twr.Write(richTxtIssue.Text); twr.Close(); //insert support request details in t_support string sqlString = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO t_support (subject,project,usersent) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}');", txtSubject.Text, glob.ProjectName, glob.loggedUser); db.SendQueryToDb(sqlString); MessageBox.Show("Support request for project " + glob.ProjectName + " has been generated"); //reset elements on form richTxtIssue.Text = null; txtSubject.Text = null; richTextMsgToUser.Text = null; } else { MessageBox.Show("No subject enered and/or no description text"); } }
private void btnAddDoc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Add new file in project folder { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string sourceFullPath = ofd.FileName; //full path string sourceFile = ofd.SafeFileName; //file name string path = sourceFullPath.Replace(sourceFile, ""); //folder path string projPath = db.GetRepozPath() + @"\\" + db.GetRepozName() + @"\\Projects\\" + glob.ProjectName + @"\\Doc"; string targetFile = projPath + @"\\" + sourceFile; if (!sy.FindInColumn(sourceFile, "filename", "t_doc")) { if (!File.Exists(targetFile)) { File.Copy(sourceFullPath, Path.Combine(projPath, ofd.SafeFileName)); //Copy selected file to project folder string sqlString = null; // New file entry in db sqlString = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO t_doc (filename,project,owner,commituser,locked,rev) values ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{2}', 0, 0 );", sourceFile, glob.ProjectName, glob.loggedUser); db.SendQueryToDb(sqlString); listBoxDoc.Items.Clear(); //Clear document list, and reload form db sqlString = string.Format(@"SELECT filename FROM t_doc WHERE project like'{0}';", glob.ProjectName); db.LoadTextList(listBoxDoc, "filename", sqlString); } else { MessageBox.Show("File already exists in project folder"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("File with this name is already added in this(or another) project"); } } }
//Project name textBox - END private void btnCreateProject_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtNewProjectName.Text != "Insert project name" && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNewProjectName.Text)) { string repozFolderPathFull = db.GetRepozPath() + @"\" + db.GetRepozName() + @"\Projects\" + txtNewProjectName.Text; if (Directory.Exists(repozFolderPathFull)) { MessageBox.Show("Folder " + repozFolderPathFull + " already exists"); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(repozFolderPathFull); Directory.CreateDirectory(repozFolderPathFull + @"\Doc"); Directory.CreateDirectory(repozFolderPathFull + @"\Temp"); Directory.CreateDirectory(repozFolderPathFull + @"\Support"); db.SendQueryToDb(@"INSERT INTO t_projects(name, folder, owner) values ('" + txtNewProjectName.Text + "','" + txtNewProjectName.Text + "','" + glob.loggedUser + "'); "); //insert new project in db MessageBox.Show("Created project folder " + repozFolderPathFull); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Insert name for project"); } }
public string GetUsersWorkingFolderPath(string username) { string WorkingFolderPath = Path.Combine(db.GetRepozPath(), db.GetRepozName(), "Users", username); return(WorkingFolderPath); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sqlString = string.Format(@"SELECT filename FROM t_workingdoc WHERE workinguser LIKE '{0}';", glob.loggedUser); //check if there is notcommited file string FileNotCommited = (db.GetSingleLastValue(sqlString, "filename")); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileNotCommited)) { string TempFolderPath = db.GetRepozPath() + @"\\" + db.GetRepozName() + @"\\Temp"; //Delete repository temp folder sy.ClearFolder(TempFolderPath); this.Hide(); FormLogin FrmLogin = new FormLogin(); FrmLogin.ShowDialog(); //this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There are documents to be commited before exit"); } }