public static ManeuverCommand WithNode(ManeuverNode node, FlightComputer f) { double thrust = FlightCore.GetTotalThrust(f.Vessel); double advance = f.Delay; if (thrust > 0) { advance += (node.DeltaV.magnitude / (thrust / f.Vessel.GetTotalMass())) / 2; } var newNode = new ManeuverCommand() { Node = new ManeuverNode() { DeltaV = node.DeltaV, patch = node.patch, solver = node.solver, scaledSpaceTarget = node.scaledSpaceTarget, nextPatch = node.nextPatch, UT = node.UT, nodeRotation = node.nodeRotation, }, TimeStamp = node.UT - advance, }; return newNode; }
public override bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { if (mAbort) { fcs.mainThrottle = 0.0f; return true; } if (Duration > 0) { fcs.mainThrottle = Throttle; Duration -= TimeWarp.deltaTime; } else if (DeltaV > 0) { fcs.mainThrottle = Throttle; DeltaV -= (Throttle * FlightCore.GetTotalThrust(f.Vessel) / f.Vessel.GetTotalMass()) * TimeWarp.deltaTime; } else { fcs.mainThrottle = 0.0f; return true; } return false; }
public FlightComputerWindow(FlightComputer fc) : base(Guid.NewGuid(), "Flight Computer", new Rect(100, 100, 0, 0), WindowAlign.Floating) { mFlightComputer = fc; mAttitude = new AttitudeFragment(fc, () => mQueueEnabled = !mQueueEnabled); mQueue = new QueueFragment(fc); mQueueEnabled = false; }
public FlightComputerWindow(FlightComputer fc) : base("", new Rect(100, 100, 0, 0), WindowAlign.Floating) { mFlightComputer = fc; mAttitude = new AttitudeFragment(fc, () => mQueueEnabled = !mQueueEnabled); mRover = new RoverFragment(fc, () => mQueueEnabled = !mQueueEnabled); mAerial = new AerialFragment(fc); mBifrost = new BifrostFragment(fc); mQueue = new QueueFragment(fc); mQueueEnabled = false; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { if (Command == null) { f.Reset(); } else { f.Remove(Command); } return false; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state != StartState.Editor) { GameEvents.onVesselWasModified.Add(OnVesselModified); GameEvents.onPartUndock.Add(OnPartUndock); mRegisteredId =; RTCore.Instance.Satellites.Register(vessel, this); FlightComputer = new FlightComputer(this); } Fields["GUI_Status"].guiActive = ShowGUI_Status; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { f.Vessel.ActionGroups.ToggleGroup(ActionGroup); if (ActionGroup == KSPActionGroup.Stage && !(f.Vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && FlightInputHandler.fetch.stageLock)) { Staging.ActivateNextStage(); ResourceDisplay.Instance.Refresh(); } if (ActionGroup == KSPActionGroup.RCS && f.Vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { FlightInputHandler.fetch.rcslock = !FlightInputHandler.RCSLock; } return false; }
public override bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { if (RemainingDelta > 0) { var forward = Node.GetBurnVector(f.Vessel.orbit).normalized; var up = (f.SignalProcessor.Body.position - f.SignalProcessor.Position).normalized; var orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); FlightCore.HoldOrientation(fcs, f, orientation); fcs.mainThrottle = 1.0f; RemainingTime -= TimeWarp.deltaTime; RemainingDelta -= (FlightCore.GetTotalThrust(f.Vessel) / f.Vessel.GetTotalMass()) * TimeWarp.deltaTime; return false; } f.Enqueue(AttitudeCommand.Off(), true, true, true); return true; }
public RemoteCore(Vessel v, float energyDrain) { if (v == null) return; vessel = v; this.EnergyDrain = energyDrain; settings = new SatSettings(this); computer = new FlightComputer(this); flightComputerGUI = new FlightComputerGUI(this); Rnode = new RelayNode(vessel); try { vessel.OnFlyByWire -= new FlightInputCallback(; } catch { } try { vessel.OnFlyByWire += new FlightInputCallback(; } catch { } GetCommandPath(); UpdateOtherModules(); planetariumCamera = (PlanetariumCamera)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(PlanetariumCamera)); obj = new GameObject("Line"); line = null; obj.layer = 9; line = obj.AddComponent<LineRenderer>(); line.useWorldSpace = true; line.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive")); line.SetColors(,; line.SetWidth(0, 0); localControl = vessel.GetCrewCount() > 0 || MechJeb; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { var burn = f.ActiveCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c is BurnCommand); if (burn != null) { f.Remove (burn); } OriginalDelta = Node.DeltaV.magnitude; RemainingDelta = Node.GetBurnVector(f.Vessel.orbit).magnitude; EngineActivated = true; double thrustToMass = FlightCore.GetTotalThrust(f.Vessel) / f.Vessel.GetTotalMass(); if (thrustToMass == 0.0) { EngineActivated = false; RTUtil.ScreenMessage("[Flight Computer]: No engine to carry out the maneuver."); } else { RemainingTime = RemainingDelta / thrustToMass; } return true; }
public BifrostFragment(FlightComputer fc) { mFlightComputer = fc; }
public override bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { return false; }
// true: move to active. public virtual bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { return(false); }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { var burn = f.ActiveCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c is BurnCommand); if (burn != null) f.Remove(burn); OriginalDelta = Node.DeltaV.magnitude; RemainingDelta = Node.GetBurnVector(f.Vessel.orbit).magnitude; RemainingTime = RemainingDelta / (FlightCore.GetTotalThrust(f.Vessel) / f.Vessel.GetTotalMass()); return true; }
public RoverFragment(FlightComputer fc, OnClick queue) { mFlightComputer = fc; mOnClickQueue = queue; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (RTCore.Instance != null) { GameEvents.onVesselWasModified.Add(OnVesselModified); GameEvents.onPartUndock.Add(OnPartUndock); mRegisteredId = RTCore.Instance.Satellites.Register(Vessel, this); if (FlightComputer == null) { FlightComputer = new FlightComputer(this); } } Fields["Status"].guiActive = ShowGUI_Status; }
// true: move to active. public virtual bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { return false; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { f.Remove(Command); return false; }
// true: delete afterwards. public virtual bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { return true; }
public static void HoldOrientation(FlightCtrlState fs, FlightComputer f, Quaternion target) { f.Vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, false); kOS.SteeringHelper.SteerShipToward(target, fs, f.Vessel); }
public static void HoldAttitude(FlightCtrlState fs, FlightComputer f, ReferenceFrame frame, FlightAttitude attitude, Quaternion extra) { var v = f.Vessel; var forward =; var up =; var rotationReference = Quaternion.identity; switch (frame) { case ReferenceFrame.Orbit: forward = v.GetObtVelocity(); up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); break; case ReferenceFrame.Surface: forward = v.GetSrfVelocity(); up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); break; case ReferenceFrame.North: up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); forward = Vector3.Exclude(up, v.mainBody.position + v.mainBody.transform.up * (float)v.mainBody.Radius - v.CoM ); break; case ReferenceFrame.Maneuver: up = v.transform.up; if (f.DelayedManeuver != null) { forward = f.DelayedManeuver.GetBurnVector(v.orbit); up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); } else { forward = v.GetObtVelocity(); up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); } break; case ReferenceFrame.TargetVelocity: if (f.DelayedTarget != null && f.DelayedTarget is Vessel) { forward = v.GetObtVelocity() - f.DelayedTarget.GetObtVelocity(); up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); } else { up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); forward = v.GetObtVelocity(); } break; case ReferenceFrame.TargetParallel: if (f.DelayedTarget != null && f.DelayedTarget is Vessel) { forward = f.DelayedTarget.GetTransform().position - v.CoM; up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); } else { up = (v.mainBody.position - v.CoM); forward = v.GetObtVelocity(); } break; } Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref forward, ref up); rotationReference = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); switch (attitude) { case FlightAttitude.Prograde: break; case FlightAttitude.Retrograde: rotationReference = rotationReference * Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up); break; case FlightAttitude.NormalPlus: rotationReference = rotationReference * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); break; case FlightAttitude.NormalMinus: rotationReference = rotationReference * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.down); break; case FlightAttitude.RadialPlus: rotationReference = rotationReference * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.right); break; case FlightAttitude.RadialMinus: rotationReference = rotationReference * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.left); break; case FlightAttitude.Surface: rotationReference = rotationReference * extra; break; } HoldOrientation(fs, f, rotationReference); }
// true: delete afterwards. public virtual bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { return(true); }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { BaseEvent.Invoke(); return false; }
public AttitudeFragment(FlightComputer fc, Action queue) { mFlightComputer = fc; mOnClickQueue = queue; }
public QueueFragment(FlightComputer fc) { mFlightComputer = fc; Delay = 0; }
public ProgcomFragment(FlightComputer fc) { mFlightComputer = fc; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { f.DelayedTarget = Target; return true; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { BaseEvent.Invoke(); return(false); }
public AerialFragment(FlightComputer fc) { mFlightComputer = fc; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { return true; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { if (Mode == FlightMode.KillRot) { Orientation = f.Vessel.transform.rotation; } return true; }
public override bool Pop(FlightComputer f) { return(true); }
public override bool Execute(FlightComputer f, FlightCtrlState fcs) { if (mAbort) { Mode = FlightMode.Off; mAbort = false; } switch (Mode) { case FlightMode.Off: break; case FlightMode.KillRot: FlightCore.HoldOrientation(fcs, f, Orientation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.left)); break; case FlightMode.AttitudeHold: FlightCore.HoldAttitude(fcs, f, Frame, Attitude, Orientation); break; case FlightMode.AltitudeHold: break; } return false; }
public QueueFragment(FlightComputer fc) { mFlightComputer = fc; mExtraDelay = "0"; }