コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the mouse leave animation to change the foreground and background colour
        /// of a windows forms control (or any object with fields BackColor and ForeColor).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animProperties">The animation properties for this object.</param>
        /// <param name="control">The object itself (this)</param>
        /// <param name="e">From the regular event.</param>
        /// <param name="animMessageBackground">The individual message for the background interpolation action used to cancel ongoing animations if necessary.</param>
        /// <param name="animMessageForeground">The individual message for the foreground interpolation action used to cancel ongoing animations if necessary.</param>
        public static (AnimMessage, AnimMessage) AnimateMouseLeave(EventArgs e, object control, AnimProperties animProperties, AnimMessage animMessageBackground, AnimMessage animMessageForeground)
            // If the override is none.
            if (animProperties.MouseEnterOverride == AnimOverrides.MouseEnterOverride.None)
                if (control is IAnimatedControl animatedControl)
                return(new AnimMessage(), new AnimMessage());

            // Else if the BackColor and/or ForeColor are to be interpolated.
            // Cancel old task & interpolate Animate colours respectively.
            if (animProperties.MouseLeaveOverride.HasFlag(AnimOverrides.MouseLeaveOverride.BackColorInterpolate))
                animMessageBackground.PlayAnimation = false;
                animMessageBackground = new AnimMessage(control);
                Task.Run(() => AnimAnimations.InterpolateBackcolor(animMessageBackground, new AnimInterpolator(animProperties.MouseLeaveDuration, animProperties.MouseLeaveFramerate), animProperties.MouseLeaveBackColor));

            if (animProperties.MouseLeaveOverride.HasFlag(AnimOverrides.MouseLeaveOverride.ForeColorInterpolate))
                animMessageForeground.PlayAnimation = false;
                animMessageForeground = new AnimMessage(control);
                Task.Run(() => AnimAnimations.InterpolateForecolor(animMessageForeground, new AnimInterpolator(animProperties.MouseLeaveDuration, animProperties.MouseLeaveFramerate), animProperties.MouseLeaveForeColor));

            return(animMessageBackground, animMessageForeground);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolates the forecolor of a windows forms control (or any object with a ForeColor property).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animationMessage">The control whose forecolor is meant to be interpolated.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationColor">The target colour to interpolate the backcolor to.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolator">The interpolator object used for calculating interpolations of colours as well as animation durations.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceColor">The colour to which start interpolating from.</param>
        public static void InterpolateForecolor(AnimMessage animationMessage, AnimInterpolator interpolator, Color sourceColor, Color destinationColor)
            // Retrieve the BackColor Property via Reflection.
            var property = animationMessage.Control.GetType().GetProperty("ForeColor");

            // Call internal overload.
            InterpolateColor(property, animationMessage, interpolator, sourceColor, destinationColor);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolates the backcolor of a windows forms control (or any object with a BackColor property).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animationMessage">The control whose backcolor is meant to be interpolated.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationColor">The target colour to interpolate the backcolor to.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolator">The interpolator object used for calculating interpolations of colours as well as animation durations.</param>
        public static void InterpolateBackcolor(AnimMessage animationMessage, AnimInterpolator interpolator, Color destinationColor)
            // Retrieve the BackColor Property via Reflection.
            var property = animationMessage.Control.GetType().GetProperty("BackColor");

            // Calculate the original colour.
            Color originalColor = (Color)property?.GetValue(animationMessage.Control);

            // Call internal overload.
            InterpolateColor(property, animationMessage, interpolator, originalColor, destinationColor);
コード例 #4
        private static async void InterpolateColor(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, AnimMessage animationMessage, AnimInterpolator interpolator, Color sourceColor, Color destinationColor)
            // Safety procedure
                // Calculate all interpolated colours in between.
                Lch        originalColorLch = ColorspaceConverter.ColorToLch(sourceColor);
                Lch        newColorLch      = ColorspaceConverter.ColorToLch(destinationColor);
                List <Lch> lchColours       = interpolator.CalculateIntermediateColours(originalColorLch, newColorLch);

                // Converted interpolated colours to RGB.
                List <Color> interpolatedColours = ColorspaceConverter.LchListToColor(lchColours);

                // Check if object is a winform control.
                Control winFormControl   = animationMessage.Control as Control;
                bool    isWinFormControl = winFormControl != null;

                // Interpolate over the colours.
                foreach (Color newBackgroundColour in interpolatedColours)
                    // Check exit condition.
                    if (animationMessage.PlayAnimation == false)

                    // Set the BackColor
                    if (isWinFormControl)
                        winFormControl.Invoke((ChangeColorDelegate)ChangeColor, propertyInfo, winFormControl, newBackgroundColour);
                        propertyInfo.SetValue(animationMessage.Control, newBackgroundColour, null);

                    // Wait
                    await Task.Delay(interpolator.SleepTime);
            } catch { }