void OnGUI() { if (!initialized) { return; } #if RIDEMO DemoRestriction.Run(); #endif// RIDEMO internalAPI.DrawToolbar(); // allow the user to draw their own controls and return the remaining rect var wsRect = internalAPI.DrawWorkspaceControls(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint) { workspaceRect = wsRect; } // clip at the rect borders GUI.BeginGroup(workspaceRect, GUIStyle.none); internalAPI.OnWorkspaceGUI(workspaceRect.ResetOrigin()); GUI.EndGroup(); internalAPI.HandleEvent(Event.current, position); }
void OnDestroy() { internalAPI.OnDestroy(); #if RIDEMO DemoRestriction.OnDestroy(); #endif// RIDEMO AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }
void OnEnable() { InitWindow(); WelcomeWindow.SpawnOnFreshInstall(); #if RIDEMO DemoRestriction.OnEnable(); #endif// RIDEMO }