/// <summary> /// Update the Redbrick. Duh. /// </summary> public void DrbUpdate() { if (dirtTracker != null) { dirtTracker.Besmirched -= dirtTracker_Besmirched; } fillMat(); fillAuthor(); fillCustomer(); fillStatus(); fillRev(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.FilterBOM) { fillDept(); comboBox1.Visible = true; } GetData(); dirtTracker = new DirtTracker(this); if (dirtTracker != null) { IsDirty = false; dirtTracker.Besmirched += dirtTracker_Besmirched; } }
public ModelRedbrick(ref SwProperties p) { props = p; _swApp = p.SwApp; p.frm = this.ParentForm; InitializeComponent(); // MS init Init(); // my additional init dirtTracker = new DirtTracker(this); dirtTracker.Besmirched += dirtTracker_Besmirched; IsDirty = false; s = gp.Size; }
/// <summary> /// Write properties to drawing document. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The current DrawingDoc object.</param> public void Write(DrawingDoc doc) { if (!check_itemnumber()) { string itnu = label4.Text; string cuss = cbCustomer.Text.Split(' ')[0]; PropertySet.SwApp.SendMsgToUser2( string.Format("The item number '{0}' possibly doesn't match the customer '{1}'.", itnu, cuss), (int)swMessageBoxIcon_e.swMbWarning, (int)swMessageBoxResult_e.swMbHitOk); } this.PropertySet.ReadControls(); this.PropertySet.Write(this.SwApp); this.RevSet.Write(this.SwApp); (doc).ForceRebuild(); this.dirtTracker = null; }
/// <summary> /// Write properties to drawing document. /// </summary> /// <param name="md">The current ModelDoc object.</param> public void Write(ModelDoc2 md) { try { dirtTracker.Besmirched -= dirtTracker_Besmirched; } catch (Exception) { // I don't care. } if (!check_rev()) { if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( string.Format(@"Make drawing REV ({0}) match filename ({1})?", cbRevision.Text, fileRev), @"REV mismatch.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { cbRevision.Text = fileRev; PropertySet.GetProperty("REVISION LEVEL").Value = fileRev; } } if (!check_itemnumber()) { string itnu = label4.Text.Trim(); string cuss = cbCustomer.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( string.Format("The item number '{0}' doesn't match the customer '{1}'.", itnu, cuss), "Wrong customer?", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } this.PropertySet.ReadControls(); this.PropertySet.Write(md); this.RevSet.Write(md); FillBoxes(); (md as DrawingDoc).ForceRebuild(); this.dirtTracker = null; dirtTracker = new DirtTracker(this); if (dirtTracker != null) { IsDirty = false; dirtTracker.Besmirched += dirtTracker_Besmirched; } }
/// <summary> /// Populate controls. /// </summary> private void GetData() { try { dirtTracker.Besmirched -= dirtTracker_Besmirched; } catch (Exception) { // I don't care. } PropertySet.Read(); RevSet.Read(); FillBoxes(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.RememberLastCustomer && (PropertySet.GetProperty("CUSTOMER").Value == string.Empty)) { cbCustomer.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default.LastCustomerSelection; } dirtTracker = new DirtTracker(this); if (dirtTracker != null) { IsDirty = false; dirtTracker.Besmirched += dirtTracker_Besmirched; } }
/// <summary> /// Write properties to drawing document. /// </summary> /// <param name="md">The current ModelDoc object.</param> public void Write(ModelDoc2 md) { if (!check_itemnumber()) { string itnu = label4.Text.Trim(); string cuss = cbCustomer.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( string.Format("The item number '{0}' doesn't match the customer '{1}'.", itnu, cuss), "Wrong customer?", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } this.PropertySet.ReadControls(); this.PropertySet.Write(md); this.RevSet.Write(md); FillBoxes(); (md as DrawingDoc).ForceRebuild(); this.dirtTracker = null; }